The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 14, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 5

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Switchman C W Lutes is on
he siek list
Brakeinan T J Clark return
ed from Denver Tuesday on No
Mrs H A Beale was a Den
ver passenger on No 3 Tuesday
Fourteen cars of bullion went
tlirough McCook Tuesday east
A large stock train was a
special east Tuesday morning
BelwiM n thirty and ioity cars
W T Lyon returned io duty
Tuesday morning after several
days leave of absence of busi
Engineer and Mrs I L
Kodstrom went up to Denver on
No 9 Wednesday for a days
Engineer T D Morrissey
dead headed to Hastings yester
day and will bring the pay car
in today
Conductor C M Kent went
doAvn to Hastings Wednesday anc
will be in charge of the pay car
from Hastings to McCook today
F W Patterson formerly dv
ision signal man at McCook and
now chief clerk for M J Fox
was n visitor between trains Xos
1 and G
Ir and Mrs John Murray
and bibe accompanied by Mrs
Mullen cam in on No 10 Wed
nesdav evening frcm Sheridan
Frank Rider round house
foreman at Republican City
spent Tuesday in the city re
turning to Republican cm No 14
same night
AY E DeAYitt of Denver was
here Saturday He will take C
B AYcolards place in the chief
dispatchers office when that va
cancy goes into effect
Claude Yiersen a machinist
helper had a leg and ankle sev
erely bruised and strained Tues
day whn a ear whrl lie w
handling slipped and fell on his
A bum was held Monday at
Cambridge on suspicion having
robbed a merchandise ear in tran
sit On further investigation
however he was subsequently re
Dorothy M Frazier widow
of Express Messenger Frazier a
victim of the Tndianola wreck on
May 2S has been awarded judg
ment for 11000 against the Bur
lington by agreement
Hows This
rje offer One Euiidied Dollars Re
ward for any case or ciittah that can
not be cured hy Halls Catarrh Cure
V 3 Cheney A Co Toledo O
We the undersigned have known
P J Cheney for the last 15 years
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any obli
gations made by his firm
Walding Kinnan Marvin
Wholesale Druggists Toledo O
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system
Testimonials sent free Price 75c
per bottle Sold by all Druggists
Take Halls Family Pills for con
Without opiates or harmful drugs
of any kind Foleys Honey and Tax
Compound stops coughs and cures
colds Do not accept any substitute
A McMillen
Have a Care
To Fathers and Mothers Clergr
men Sunday School Superin
tendents Teachers Merchants
and Citizens
Tliis is the Christmas time
The month in which we celebrate
the birth of the Savior of the
world by appropriate exercises
and the giving of gifts old and
young all enter into the spirit of
the season and in order that
nothing may occur to mar the
pleasure of this occasion I wish
to call your attention to the
dangers that lurk around the
Christmas tree and the flimsy
materials that are sometimes us
ed in decorating it Cotton-bat
ting and celluloid and other in
flammable material ought not to
be used either on or around the
Christinas trees chimneys or in
show windows in stores
Asbestos wool will represent
snow just as well as cotton and
can be used by Santa Claus for
has hair and beard There are
all sorts of decorations that can
be used upon the Christmas tree
and for decorating purposes that
will not endanger lives
A Christmas tree covered with
candles is dangerous in itself as
the tree if the least mite dried
will burn if brought in contact
with one of J 1ttle nrndls on
t In ease the treo cannot
hi- lit with lfcH bulbs
wifci reflect oi s can be sv
S3 the light can be thrown upon
th tree and it will look just as
attractive to the children and
will ncit cndinger their lives
Churches school hvuH and
public halls are usually packed to
overflowing at these Christmas
exercises and the smallest con
flagration may cause a panic and
the livis of little children may be
stamped out under the feet of
larger persons even though tli
fire may not destroy the building
I beg of you to take every pre
autin aganst any tiling occur
ring tilit will make th anniver
irv of Christmas a sad one in
the homes cl people in this state
and f hepe that after the
tis cl the coming Christmas are
over that there will net he an ac
count of a pathetic scene printed
in any paper in this state and
that neither life nor property will
be sacrificed through earelesi
Chief Deputy Fire Commissioner
December 12 1111
Stabbed the Foreman
Roundhouse Foreman Leper of
Orleans was in the city Tuesday
reporting to Dr C L Fahncsiloek
of the Burlington relief depart
ment He recently assisted in re
moving from the Orleans depot
waiting room some young rough
necks who Ave re drunk and inde
cent in their language and in
so doing Avas tAvice stabbed in the
abdomen Fortunately his stabs
Avere not deep enough to be ser
ious The young toughs are be
ing held by the authorities at Or
leans aAvaiiting the result of Air
Lopers injuries Orleans has
been a source of considerable an
noyance to the railroad company
on account of such conduct by
some toughs in that town and Aii
oinity It is to be hoped that thi
AYiill affoi d the authorities an op
portunity to giAre them Avhat has
been coming for some time
T1 Ttic
ev J fl Cleary
will deliver one of his famous lectures
under auspices of the Citizens Enter
tainment Course Committee Father
Cleary is one of the ablest lecturers on
the American platform You cant
well afford to miss hearing him
Single Admission Tickets SOc
Reserved Seats at McConnells Friday
I -
artm is iiug
1 -Wk Aatn I in
pan will
if properly
for it J
also true
thatlt is
not xlvrijrt
for the
moit care
ful to
treat it at
they ought
while the
ftJVF arc in
I IIS continual
lUHLiEmoras sss
la Moores Kon Leakabie Foua
tsla Psn Tlis pen is true to its
name its alr ilght and cannot
Leak It is also clean to handle and
clean to 11 and tor these reasons is a
farorite among the ladies travellers and
cnizoxij as wrsllas smear brajnew men
-Airs Addie Allen went down
to Lincoln last evening on a visit
AY E Hart arrived home this
ririrng on 9 from business trip
- r
t U lUll
vJxt ves
i i
ll and cluId
i week ilcm
Mrs Mary Walder a former
clerk nee Miss Mary Klein is as-
sistmg in Clapps during the hol
iday trade
Masses Hope Henderson and
Bernic Toosrccd of the Indianola
Miello force aw re city visitors
M A Reynolds oil Craig Mo
was a guect of David Diamond
ever Sunday coming up from llo
publicui Citv
Mrs Myrtle Stone who has
hen living in Brush Colorado
for soni1 months has returned to
East McCcok
L E tfuuthw iek the banker and
horseman of Friend Avas in the
city Tuesday ha ing business be- j
fore the district court in session j
this week
Miss Maude Ballard who has
been doing altering in Clapps j
reiady to wear department depart J
ed for home on 14 last evening j
on account of illness
Miss Lulu daughter of Mr and
Mrs J II Moore of Victoria
British Columbia is in the oity
visiting relatives and friends of
her - irly girlhood here
Mr and Mrs John Wicks and
child lft on Xo 10 Wednesday
evening for their home in Des
Moines la after attending to
som 3 matters in district court
Mrs Steinmanii and daughter
Miss Claudys avIio have been for
the past month Aisiting their sis
ter and aunt in the south expect
to return to McCook about the
Mr and Mrs Henry McKelv
ery of Hastings stopped off of
No 10 Tuesday night to Aiisit
Avith their daughter Mrs L A
Paris enroute home from a Denver-trip
D G Divine Avent doAvn to Om
aha Sunday to drive home a neA
E M F 5 passenger touring car
He Avas delayed in Eastern JNTe
braska by rainy Aveather but ar
rived Jiome on Thursday
P Walsh of the McCook Na
tional bank arrived at home yes
terday morning from his visit in
the southland After attending
convention in Ncav Orleans he
the national bankers association
became one of a party to Aiisit
Cuba and the Panama canal H4e
reports the grandest trip of a
life time
Father Cleary of Minneapolis
Minn Avas the guesto f Father
Patton O M I Tuesday night
On account of error in dates he
got here a Aveek too early He
left on Wednesday morning for
Chicago He stated hoAvever
that he Avould be here on Tues
day evening December 19th to
fill his engagement
Well in the light of recent de
velopments in Crete Nebraskans
can do a little job of introspec
tion If the allegations can be
subsitantiaited that Kansas affair
ds a Sunday school picnic in com
parison Avith the Crete infamy
Avhieh involves booze poker and
CURES and Purifies the Blood
District Court Proceedings
Jennie Miller et alvs Alice Say
lors et al civil Order of ser
vice on unknown heirs and
vdses made
Grace Comfort vs Samuel Com
fort divorce Decree granted
AYm Ebbeka vs James B Ilain
dnget al foreclosure Decree of
Sullivan vs Sullivan civil Mo
tion to make more specific and
certain sustained
Frank E McKinnis vs Margar
et Davis et al civil Title quiet
ed in plaintiff
Lizzie Gregory vs Frank J
Pauler et al civil Title quiet
ed in plaintiff
Jones vs Jones divorce Set
tled and dismissed
Clara McKay vs John AL Smith
et al foreclosure Decree of for
In the matter of the applica
tion of Xina Harris AYade Ad
ministratrix of the estate of Jam
es B AYade deceased for licensie
to sell vznl estate Sale confirm
Eunice I Dewey et al vs Joel
B Dolph et al equity Settled
and dismissed after one days
trial in court
Court will adjourn Saturday
Another half day term of court
will be held in AlcCook Tuesday
January 2 1912 to clear up the
fl rs completely as possible
- I
Latsr in the Week i
The iireliminarv examination of
Lt E O Valine was in Charlie Edwaids held under sus jj
ern pat cf the state a few days pieion as being connected with j
Mlis Wick 011 business tlm vnlilinrv nf tho ninViio n flinT
T Al Phillips has been over house is expected to be held dur
irom Beaver City part of the ing the latter part cf this week
week on business matters
George Klbcrt is down in Ok- The viaduct cases six in num
lahcma looking over the lay of her will be heard in count court
the land in that new state and today
country j
Try Tribune Avant ads
The Original
- Is
Tarsic Model
History designed in 1894 one
of the pioneers in this class of shoe
building became popular at once
Eveiy year since its creation The
Nettleton Tarsic Model has outdis
tanced many imitations and gained
thousands of wearers
The broad toe broad
sole and broad low heel
together with Nettleton
Shoemaking and Nettle
ton leather values make
The Shoe That Makes a
Friend of every man who
wears a pair
We have several styles in
different leathers made
over this model Come in
and try on the right size
1t really vtant the best
c i c -e toe shoe-
Notice is hereby given nthat the
county commissioners of Red Wil
low coumty Nebraska will receive
sealed bids for the furnishing of the
following supplies to said county dur
ing the year 1912to wit
Class No 1 Books
One Personal Tax list 1913
One Ileal Estate Tax list town lots
One real estate tax list farm- lands
One loose leaf mortgage record
One C qr medium treasurers cash
7000 tax receipts original and dup
licates per thousand
2 dozen chattel mortgage files gum
med stubs numbered each
23 sets primary election poll bookt
Tally sheets for all partiesi and
register of voters all combined in
one book per books
23 sets general election poll books
per book
92 poll book envelopes per dozen
40 ballot sacks per dozen
225 primary election Instructions
to Voters per 100
225 general election Instructions
to Voters per 100
5000 assessors schedules punch
ed and folded per 1000
27 assessment schedule binders
25 assessors personal assessment
Patent backs for records per
24 primary election laws
24 general election laws
Do Your Christmas Shopping
We have the finest lot
of holiday goods for men
young men and boys we
have ever shown
We want you to come
in and see these beautiful
and practical gifts for
men You can buy if you
like any way we will be
pleased to show you
Smoking Jackets
House Coats
Bath Robes
Hosiery and Neckwear
Suits and Overcoats
kc z f icr ir Lies arc rrrpf
anle l ill for rit i ad boys
Only seven mre shopping days until Christmas
Better do your shopping now
Loose leaf record blanks printed Envelopes printed Xo 10 No J
form per 100 rag paper per 1000
1911 statutes per book Bar dockets per page
All records to be full bound extra j Notices of election per 100
ends bands and fronts and to be j Sample and official ballots for pri
made cf Byron Weston 3G lb med- mary and general election for 1912
ium lnen ledger paper j including precinct changes and
Class 2 Legal Blanks tating per 100
Size 6x28 printed two sides per Claim blanks per 100
first 100 and each additional 100
Size 81x2S printed one side per
first 100 and each additional 100
Size 81xl4 printed two sides per
first 100 and each additional 100
Size 8x14 printed one side per
first 100 and each additional 100
Size 8x7 printed two sides per
first 100 and each additional 100
Size SVzxl printed one side per
first 100 and each additional 100
Size SMjxo1 printed two sides per
first 100 and each additional 100
Size Skxoy printed one side per
first 100 and each additional 100
Postal cards printed per 100 in
cluding cards
Class 3 Stationery I
Senate pads Sxl4 per package
of 10
Senate pads 4x7 per package of
Writing fluid Carters Sanfords
Staffords Arnolds Bankers per
Lead pencils E Faber No 2 per
Lead pencils Memphisto No 77
copying per dozen
Election pencils per gross
Velvet pencils rubber tips 557
per gross
Venus copying pencils No 163 per
Typewriter carbon paper best
grade Sxl4 per dozen
Typewriter ribbon best grade
Typewriter paper best grade heavj
medium light per ream
Mucilage best grade per quart
Pen holders cork tip bank eac
TTT T - T rn
Pens Easterbrook Glucinum Si
ver Series per gross
Rubber bands No 18 No 1C No
30 per gross
Blotting paper best grade per
Class 4 Stationery II
Memo heads 0x9 7 pounds flat
paper per 1000
Letter heads size Sxll 10 pound
bond paper per 1000
Letter heads size 8xll 12 pound
flat paper per 1000
Envelopes printed No G1 No
1 rag paper per 1000
Class 5 Legal Notices Commission
er Proceedings and Delinquent Tax
Publishing legal notices per square
Publishing commissioner proceed
ings per square
Publishing delinquent tax lists
Separate bids must be furnished on
eacii cne of the 5 sections or any
one of them
All supplies must be furnished as
Bids are to include all freight ex
press postage or drayage charges
and must be for articles delivered
free of charge at court house
Bids must be addressed to Coun
ty Clerk and marked proposal for
books blanks stationery and legal
printing or any one cr more of
these items
All successful bidders must file
good and sufficient bond for the faith
ful performance of their contract
Bids will be opened according to
law at the regular meeting of the
county board January 9th 1912
Sealed bids will be received at the
county clerks office up to nccn Jan
uary 9th 1912
The county commissioners reserve
the right to reject any and all bids
and to enter into separate contract
for each one of the five sections ad
Dated at McCcok Nebraska De
cember 7th 1911
County Cleric
Lite it m
j WaterGood Crops
The Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley Have an Abundance of
Water for Irrigation Purposes
The Government has made ample provision to supply each and every
farmer under its canals with sufficient water during the crop growing
season to cover every acre of his farm itwo feet deep This is
equal to twelve heavy rains of two inches each Just think what
it would have meant to your community during the crop growing sea
son of 1911 if your farmers could have tunned on twelve two inch rains
at well You can do this next year and every year thereafter as long
as you are farming if you will go with me to Powell Wyoming and
file on one of the government irrigated homesteads now ready for
Homeseekero Tickets on first and third Tuesdays each month
Immigration Agent
1004 Farnam Street OMAHA NEB