The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 11, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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gv i
Thoroughbred Shorthorn
iMMCfc tf
ve are not the largest dealer
n the state we sell the best
shoes in the world without
exception such as
A- C Nettleton Co N Y
Queen Quality Boston
Pierce Co Ohio
If B Reed Manchester
Therefore when you
Corner Store
Had You Thot
of musie for a Christmas
our shoes you get as good as
you can get in New York
You can see them now
201 Main
The Thursday Whist club wore
xhe guests of Mr and Mrs La
roy Kleven last week A delic
ious seven oclock dinner was
served before the card playing of
She evening
The Friday Ladies Whist dub
2Mt with Mrs Lottie Brewer last
week Mrs W B Mills and Mrs
Fay Brewer assisted in serving
the refreshments of tlie after
mon The guests were Mrs H
P Sutton Mrs Walter Stokes
ZXPnsiVina Wood Mrs W G Dut
cm and Mrs W E MeDivdtt
Mr and Mrs H C Olapp en
tertained about thirty friends at
cards Friday evening Dinner
was served at 7 oclock Large
konquets chrysanthemums were
the informal decorations Mrs
OLapp Avas ably assisted by Miss
est Barbara Schleoht Clara Bur
ion and Effie McDonald Dur
ing the evening numerous selec
tions were played on the Vdctrola
Itfrs W F Jones won the prize
What to Give Him
Selecting gifts foir men used to
ha a task Now it is different
There are hundreds of suitable
items in our present holiday stock
and youll find just the thing
here for every man on your list
Ours are gifts worth while and
every article is of worthy qual
ity Our prices will save you
money Its time to select Do
it today while the stock is com
L W McConnell Druggist
Very latest selections 6 copies
Opposite Temple Theatre
McConnell for drugs
Fresh fruits at Magners
Read The Tribune 1 a year
For Christmas presents see Mc
JBeaver City enters the postal
savings bank ifamiiy January 5th
5r service 100
4jsftfc9fc aijria
mivj fj
i I w rt
1 --
trt i fcrttwtcy ww VtV 1
Some 350 Nebraska
itions liavei forfeited their legal
bull standing by failure to pay occupa
ticn tax and penalty belore -December
1st Any of them can be
rrrtiiristaitpd hv tiavinff the
Waterman Ideal Fountain pens qUency and securing special cer
Jror the men
McCONNELL Druggist
I MvUw n
It is more blessed to give thai
i A Bh a
tificate from the secretary oi
state The local gas company is
n mnnrr tiro naimber
to receive is the motto of the The ladies of tlier Methodist
-- i 1 i t xl
2Ithodnst church Sunday senuoi 0imreh wail hold a oazaar m iue
for Christmas 1911
basement of church Saturday De
ember 16th Hot lunch wall- be
Thmk Kodaks
BJfiv Kodaks
Give Kodaks f or Cliristmas
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Lmnf onV vimo tnrntr the day
i rii v ijix uu t ujw ri - v
1 - H r 075nf
10me COOKing a speuiaixj i
Goods suitable f or everyjbody
T on your list
The Tribunes publisher askS McCONNELL Druggist
not more welcome Christmas gift
tham the renewal of subscriptions Huber handles the Carhart
by all who can spare the money- gloves and caps also and a full
-unless it be the addition af a few iine 0f 0ther makes
Immdred new paid in advance -
rR Try Tribune want ads
Uf iMtpOCW J A
Klizabeth Bettcher super
intendent November and
balance lue on 3rd quar
ter 125 00
Chiis Skalla jsalaay county
clerk November 137 50
E Benjamin salary deputy
sheriff November 30 00
M Mathes janitor Novem
ber 40 00
County Bridge Fund
Standard Bridge Co 3rd
estimate 1911 bridges 500 00
Commissi oner District No 2
W P Elmer work with ce
ment mixer 18 10
Ed King road work 8 50
Road District -No 8 Red Wil
low precinct
C J Suiter road work
Mike Karp road work
John Crocker Jr road
Avork 3
W M Meyers road work 3
J B Spaulding road work 1
IWt TWm road work
Pnt Pliimh work 1 50
County Inheritance tax fund
Elzie Hyatt road work
per contract No 17 192 00
The following refunds of per
sonal taxes 1911 were allowed
and the county treasurer wvns In
structed to refund these taxes
which were paid under protest
as follows --
Kinne assessed in Leban
George Traphagan road
seer district No -6 Perry pre
John ODea road overseer dis
trict No 8 Red Willow precinct
Henry Ilarsch road overseier
district No 11 Tyrone precinct
Elmer Erwin road overseer
diistriet No 12 Missouri Ridge
Herman Reiners road overseer
district No 13 Bondville pre
Robert Johnston road overseer
W F Miller road overseer dis
tract No 19 Beaver precinct
The foLlo vring claims were aud
ited and allowed and the county
1 1 I l 1 i r
- j
i 11 i5jtWMi
i Ki w nojn arnafe a
f -
Monday Evening Edition
vHfe r f a
Timothy Hannan Passed Away
on Sunday Morning-
About three oclock on Sunday
morning Tmiotny nannan was
awakened from sleep by pain in
his left side lie remarked to
Mrs Hannan that he felt he was
going to have a return of an old
stomach trouble and guessed he
would have his bottle filled again
with the medicine used regularly
as usual for his old ailment But
in a brief interval and before the
daughter could be summoned Mr
Hannan passed away Doctors
were called but their ministra
tions were without avail
Mr Hannan and family cams
to this county early in the 80 s
first settling on a claim south of
McCook where they lived for sev
eral years but for many years
past they have made their home
in McCook he being engaged in
the dray business lie was at his
work as usual Saturday For
some years Mr Hannan has had
some sltomach trouble wiiich af
fcpted his heart and it is quite
probable that the end came dur
ing a more than ordinary acute
alltack He is survived by his
wife the daughter Miss Anna
and the son Frank whose where
abouts have not been as yet de
termined he having been absent
fiiicm home for several years and
employed in various cities alt his
tradeof blacksmithing
Arrangements now made pro
vide for services at the residence
tomorrow morning at ten oclock
and interment in Calvary ceme
tery following
Timothy Hannnn was born on
April 20 1852 in Ohio Bureau
county Illinois Died December
10 1911 Lived on farm in Bu
reau county oinitil 1886 when he
came to McCook and moved on a
farm 5 miles south of McCook tall
1890 Worked at dray business
since them AVas married Feb
ruary 24 1878 in Princeton 111
to Elsie Hammell Four children
two girls who died in infancy
James Francis and Anna were
born to them
Rural Free Delivery No 3
Whats doing on route 3 Oh
W -G Dutton has a gang
threshing out 400 bushels ofcane
Wm Little has some ten teams
and men filling in on the irriga
tion ditch and about the new iron
pipe aeross Dry creek and mak
ing the reservior on the Fergu
son land
While Colonel Cor wan has four
gangs of men and six teams of
horses working in the wood on
his ranch Lakewood And with
the musie of the axes ringing in
the ear three autos are in sight
And Mr Oathcart is moving hi
56 head of calves
Junior Normal Superintendents
State Superintendent Delzell
lias appointed the following su
perintendents of city schools to
be principals of the junior nor
mals far the summer of 1912 W
R Pate for normal at Alliance
C W McMichaeL at Alma S H
Martin at Broken Bok R W
Eaton at Geneva W T Davis at
McCook Wilson Trout at North
Platte Charles A Mohrman at
ONeill G W Eaton at Valen
tine Lincoln Journal
I County Commissioners Meeting I
H AAAAAAAAAAAAAJlAAAJLAAAAAAA a a a a a a a a aaaaaaaaajlaaaaaajlam
McCook Nebraska December 5
1911 The board of county com
missioners met pursuant to ad
journment Present F S Lof
tcm Edward ughroue and W N
Rogers county commissioners
Olias D Ritchie1 icounty attorney
and Chas Skalla county clerk
The minutes of the meeting
held November 14th were read
and on motion approved
A motion wias made by Sugh
roue seconded by Rogers that
thdjdisaillowance of the clams of
I J Henderson for livery Oiire
ordered by sheriff for 500
11 i ii -
wuucm ciaum was aiisaiiiowed on
October1 1911 and of Frank
Cain for livery hire ordered by
Sheriff for 200 Avhdch claim
was disallowed on September 26
1911 be reconsidered and that the
claims be allowed on the county
general fund and the county clerk
be instructed to draw warrants
cm the said county general fund
levyitof 1911 in payment thereof
Motion carried unanimously
The following claims were aud
ited and allowed and theieounty
Clerk was instructed to draw wai
rants on respective funds levy
of 1911 in payment thereof as
follows U
County general fund
John- F Hough damages for
right of -way 100 00
E G Cadne Co coal for
Tjarlcs and Bagby 12 85
C A Rogers office ex
penses 3 00
J C Moore loffice expen
ses 5 24
L M Iligginsjicsting 1910
election notices primary
and general 21 70
L M niggms salary sheriff
mortgages winch were held as
collateral only 6799
Samuel R Jolly assessed an
Lebanon Village when he should
have been assessed in Lebanon
precinct 220
Jacob Zimmer erroneously as
sessed on 50000 of money which
came in liis possession on May
24th 1911 Willow Grove Pre
cinct 532
On motion the board adjourn
ed to meet December 6 1911
-Attest Chairman
Chas Skalla County clerk
McCook Neb December 6th
jyj rue noard o county com
missioners met pursuant to ad
journment Present FiS Lof
ton Edward Sughroue and W
N Eogers bounty commissioners
Chas D Ritchie county attorney
ana Unas Skaila county clerkj
The following official bonds
were examined and on motion ap
proved and ordered recorded and
plaeed on file
Elmer Kay clerk of district
Ed Ilethcote justice of jpeace
Beaver precinct
Fred Swartz justice of peace
Driftwood precinct
Frank W Deffer justice o
peacia Indianola precinct
Tom Ball justice of -peace
Missouri Ridge precinet
S E Swartz constable Drift
wood precinct
S R Grissell constable East Val
ley precinct
Henry Kuhhnan road overseer
i noiintBaBMMnMM
i 4k jur
cierx was iuyirueitu luu w
iifui1Swte jajt
December 11 1911
To the Honorable Board of Edu
cation McCook Nebraska
Gentlemen A sense of justice
aiot only to myself but to other
parents whose ehildretn have been
punished with unnecessary sev
erity prompts me to reply to the
published statement submitted to
you by Mr Davis which you gra
ciously accepted There are al
ways two sides to a case and be
fore you passed your resolution
published in each city paper it
wonld seem justice required that
you hear both sides before pass
ing and publishing a resolution
which reads as though it had
been prepared previous to your
meeting by your superintendent
He says he did not promise
me that Francis should not
be whipped etc and that he
promised no immunity for
Francis I did not claim that he
used those exact words he does
not deny he told me lie would
respect my wishes in regard
to corporal punishment nor demy
his promise to telephone me
which if he had kept would have
given me an opportunity to re
move the boy from school before
anyone was caused any trouble
He did not tell me it was im
possible for us to change our
methods of instruction to please
an individual etc oiat was not
even mentioned
Although the first time Fran
cis was punished he was forced
to lay across a eliaar while being
struck with a heavy rubber hose
and the second tame two teachers
participated in his punishment
which produced large bruises and
district No 1 North Valley IT
cinct J pre welfe I did noifc meau to convey
- - w
Michael Schilz
road overseer
November r 100 00 district No 5 Coleman precinct
12 50
4 50
and I submit my lietter does not
convey the mierence that Mr
Davis held Francis I referred
to tine cases where the superin
tendent did hold children across
a desk or chair while the teach
er applied the heavy rubber hose
I submit with the approval of
their parents copies of state
ments in my possession made by
two of the children who -were
held by Mr Davis while their
teacher whipped them
I Lawrence Shirley was pun
ished severely in school in the
following -manner I was held
50 rants on tlie respeemve runas
intDndent Mr DariS my
75 levy of 1911 m payment thereof me r0aAeSiy AvM
Ralph Smith nca wotk 10 uu us u -
Harvey Creasman road dervoort di uu
work 1Z UU uavua niagner muse jii
aoirrTTnrlipV Viwlfi work 18 75 Weiutz Mrs Eaton S 85
Roy Lafferty road work 19 50 J A Wilcox Son mdse
Mirs Weintz
E D Perkins Co shoes
on Village when lie lived wot Dr C L Fahncatoelc pro
side of said Village also fissional services Mrs
assessed on 3500UU pt jl vcc
Fine Stock of
Post Card Albums
Magner sells
3 93
Mrs J I Lee house rent
Mis Weiintz 10 00
Rcvi E aMerdny ocol
-Mrs Taylor Mrs Eaton 12 75
W B Whattaker advanced
to Supt of School for
Deaf 10 10
13 50
better groceries
across a desic uv mills scnooi
1 district No 14- Valley rr range pr Qtendent Mrf Davis while my
Chas G Wilhelm road over
seer district No 16 Gerver pre-
teacher struck me repeatedly witl
a piece of rubber hose
Dated this 9th day of Decem
ber 1911
I Charles Grant was punish
ed severely in school in the fol
1 Gwing manner I was held
Road distract No 18 Dan bury as 10110 vs f rubber hose This
precinct l0unty general tuna whi inff was FJ sever tnalt I
road work b uu a 0 orawmer mue su ix
T F Gockley could net straighten my leg for
J A Lafferty road work 16 50 Mocn i au a7me tlime after and was scarcely
Willie Whistler road work 5 25 feurcekey Gamsby coal - w Jk al from the rffetfts
-1 i io nn iTtc Vonloi rnnrt S rill
Frank xeawriroaa worn - T- - of this punishment
Dated this 9th day of Decem
ber 1911
Respectfully submitted
AT- P Anni Swnirt llil lincr
Mrs Jeffers 2 00 T -ii t
JC11JI iUJ UU Lw - -
be responsible for any debts of
her contracting
o inn
- Haw w
j - V5
Delivered free any place in McCooK
Corn chop per 100 130
Bran per J00 120
Shorts per 100 135 I
X Wheat per bushel 100
Corn per bushel 70
Oats per bushel 60
X Alfalfa per bale 50
Ground alfalfa meal for chick-
en and cow feed per 100 105
X jfhone 29
A Good Brush
A Practical Gift
iGood brushes are always in de
mand at holiday time They com
bine usefulness and enduring qua
ities and are always acceptable
Our line of brushes for this
years holiday trade is an unus
ually fine one The goods are
new and the quality at vexy
price is far better than is gener
ally ottered
Bear brushes in mind and come
to us for them
Hair brushes 50e to 450
Clothes brushes 35c to 200
Hat brushes 25e to 250
Hand brushes nail brushes
Complexion brushes tooth brush 1
es etc
L W McConnell Druggist
Death of WmBryan
Wm Bryan died last Thursday j
night at 7 oclock His remains
were taken to his home at Fair
fax Mo Saturday morning for
Mr Bryan accompanied by his
young wife came to McCook in
search of health in June of this
year but steadily weakened un
der the merciless inroad of the
cruel disease which at last ended
liis days at the early age of 26
years His ease appealed to many
in McCook and they responded
cheerfully in sympathy and aid
during the last weeks of his life
His mother in law and youngest
brother were presnt together
with his devoted wife vto minister
to him so far as human devotion
and love can minister A brief
funeral service was held at the
home on Friday morning
Card of Thanks
We desire to express our thanks
to the members of the Baptist
ehureh Ladies of Circles Nos I
and H the Knights of Pytliias
Pythian Sisters neighbors and
friends and Rev McBride for th
many acts of kindness their
sympathy in our sorrow and the
beiaiitiful flowers every leaf and
petal breathing sympathy tender
ness love and loyalty received
draining the illness and death of
our loved one We pray that
Gods richest blessings may rest
with you all forever
Mrs W H Bryan
Mrs Lottie Miller
Reddiek Bryan
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Car
hart Huber is the exclusive agent
Also jackets and caps The phone
is 97
For special on dill sour and
sweet pickles see Magner
It is the proved quality of Mag
ners groceries that accounts for
their increasing popularity with
the buying public Every patron
7 JACOB SCHWARTZ is a satisfied patron
and A 11 for irrigation purposes
Advertise in The Tribune
is beang sunk on the Dr Stewart
t resUits
J place near Stratton Lyman Hall
9f near Stratton is putting dawn
Observe the date after your
ittlle A large eentrafugal
nnme on The Tribune Notch
L t pump will be actuated by a gas-
1 1 T U l Prir 1
Aeroplanes and Diamonds
cnanuie jusl as gouu muu x going lipCOme eariy
nun mi ii uiuci
i i
of card When it is a remeanorance xox
Our holiday stock post
oliine engine
Classified Advertisements
FOR RENT Two furnished
albums is a notable one tor - b nnXTMOTiT Christmas cifits befece iDUirahasini rooms for lisrht house keemncr
esral reasoms Its an unusual - ftnnrla will lvi rm rlinIaJV about TnmnVfl 91 fi Wet Tl Rt PIiata
stock it includes the finest goods - A teileram received this morn tlie 15th - black 271 tf
produced it is in wade vairaety
and besjfc of all perhaps the pric
es are extremely law
Tihe albums come in aU sies
capajcitiesranging from 25 to over
500 cards Paper bindings and a
splendid assortment of leather
hindings Some have beautiful
decorated covers Here are gifts
suitable for several of your
L W McConnell Druggist
inn- nlsitfis that Esther Boyle is
The Ladies Aid society of the
ATnhlinfliMt ftlmrch will hold a ba Baby
doing nicely after the operation t Opposite Temple theatre
of yesterday A wreelc ago iur
and Mrs- Chas Boylef tooK ner
to Denver for treatment
are pleased to anmunce the com 1
FOR BENT Abouf 200 acres
j irrigated land in- Frenchman xv-
Manage MeCoall Penneal
ing of tlie big musieal success I tTT and other uiXs
nh JMvlvws nmd rnhoir I Uidress R BSheradan McCook
With two seasons of un-
zaar in hasement of church Sat- doubted success as a voucher to WANTED Pupils on the piant
is little doubt and
Tirdav December 16th Hot luncJ
will be served any time dnring
the day 27 3w
the public there organ Beginners preferred
as to its reception here The daft Terms 50c per lesson Susip To-
jwill be announced in due season Bride Phone black 464