The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 30, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 3

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Ui I
V l
G A Palivec of the firm of Paldvec Lankas of this city
disappeared from MeCook on the morning of Friday No
vember 24 1911 This cnt is a good picture of Mm He is 23
years old and about 5 ft and 8 in tall If located hold and
notify me
MeCook Neb Nov 29 1911 Chief of Police
East Depart Central Time
No 6 1130 P M
16 500 A M
2 550 A M
12 635 A M
14 920 P M
10 530 P M
West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1220 P M
o 1 1 49 p AT
5 arrive 833 iti
13 930 A M
15 1230 A M
9 G25 A M
Imperial Line Mountain Time
No 176 arrives 330 P M
No 175 departs 645 A M
Sleemng dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and tickets call on or write D F
Hostetter Agent MeCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
TV A Brenton is a new
Brakeman II E Shriner re
signed Wednesday
Mrs J TV Line -went np to
Denver on 13 this morning
- Clifford TVoolard has resign
ed Ids place with the company
Iiss Florence Enright left
for Fall Rock Wednesday night
Switchman L TV Meyers wil
spend Thanksgiving in Arapahoe
Fireman A J Mawrer and
A D Trover are on the sick
lislt i
J O Brown will be married
tomorrow and leave on 14 for
Kansas City on the wedding trap
Conductor Frank Quigley of
the Orleans branch is said to be
critically ill with locomotor atax
Engineer and Mrs G TV Peij
kins went down to Superior
Tuesday night on 14 to visit oveii
Bunrninsr is a favorite pas-
time among the enginemen andi
when 9 and 1U stop at Oxford
there will be some more
Chief Dispatcher F C Run
nels went down to Lincoln Tues
day night on 6 on new time card
business Will return on 3 to
Engineer Thos Cushing has
been transferred from Denver to
MeCook and runs on 1 and 2
He lias been running out -of Den
ver1 for the past 23 years
Robert Highland gave a big
dance in his new sod house Sat
urday night in honor of Mes
dames Porter and Knobbs of
Holdrege and MeCook Nebr res
pectively who are at present vis
iting the Highland and Silver
families here Happyville cor
TVray Gazette
Buy A
For Him
It will be an ever useful
reminder of your fine taste
and good judgment
Come in and see them
well be glad to talk it
over with you
L C Stoll Co
Mrs A II Bagley goes to Os
ford Thursday morning
Mrs E II TVooldridge went
up to Sanborn on 13 Wednesday
Miss Alice McKenna Avail
visit in Hastings Thanksgiving
Brakeman G F Phillips wen
down to Minden on No 10 on
Brakeman O J Scott will
spend Thanksgiving in Republi
can City
Brakeman E D Stark and
wife went in to Omaha on No 2
Mrs C TV Lutes- and her
daughter will spend Thanksgiving
in Indianola
V Lathrop expects to eat his
Tlianlcsgiving dinner with his
folks in Denver
Conductor C B Sentance
and family are spending Thanks
giving in Beaver City
Miss Nina Tomlinson went to
Hastings Wednesday morning to
visit over Tlianksgavang
Brake men E L Sullivan and
T H Allen will spend Thanks
giving in Red Cloud and take
in the Red Cloud dtfcOook foot
ball game
When Things Go Wrong
When things go wrong about the house
The bread forgets to rise
And little Minnie tears her dress
And all the babies cry
Oh dont sit down and mope and sigh
And fret and worry so
But dress the kidlets and yourself
And see The Electric Picture Show
When all the World looks blue to you
And you begin to fag
Your head to ache your heart to break
And appetite to flag
Just lock the door and leave your cares
Behind you as you go
And spend an hour of solid joy
Seeing the Electric Moving Picture Show
116 Main Ave
E E DeLong Prop
Sitting Elk Mighty Warrior Who
Never Killed White Man Is Old
est Redman
Oldest of all Indians in the United
States Sitting Elk former chief of the
Ogallalla Sioux is visiting in Denver
the guest of the white man against
jwhoni he always refused to make
For almost a century he has been a
jleader among his people but wiser
than other chiefs he early realized
that the red man was doomed and at
every opportunity he counseled peace
iwith the palefaces
He could w c7I afford to do so for his
jpeople knew he was no coward
I have never killed a white man
he proudly boasts but I have fought
many battles and I have done many
jbrave deeds in my long life of ninety
icix years I was but seventeen when
I waylaid and killed my first eiTemy
That was a very brave deed Since
then I have killed many many ene
Sitting Elk is a total abstainer He
smokes cigarettes but insists he has
none of the other bad habits of the
white man He is childless the last ot
his line but he expects to live for
many years more to be hale andj
hearty long after he has passed the
century mark
Sitting Elk moves tall and stately
among his kinsmen and puffs his pipe
with a complacency unruffled by
thoughts of any immediate journey tol
the happy hunting grounds
Bright of eye keen of mind the oldj
warrior dons paint and feathers fori
his appearance with the younger
members of his tribe in the headlong
dashPs tcrcss the amphitheater at thq
stock yards and rides with an aban
don which defies the spectator to sim
gle him from the reckless redskins
who have but one fourth his years to
their credit
Pittsburg Man Plans New Residence
Embodying Some Very Unique
The new residence which is being
built on the Clearview plan at Mount
Lebanon Pittsburg for A G Smith
of Pittsburgh has some features which
are unique and probably not embodied
in any other residence in this section
The house is without stairways or
steps the slope idea having been subi
stituted The grade of this slope is
about ten per cent Entering from the
veranda to the large reception halL
ones attention is directly drawn to
the unique method employed of reach
ing the upper floor In the living
room which is probably 20x35 feet a
large concrete fireplace and mantel
is the principal feature with a wide
bay window There are no corners to
the house as each of the four ends of
the residence are of the bay type
The only wood used in the construc
tion of the building is to be found in
the door sills windows and floors the
latter of which will be hardwood The
walls of the building are of cement
finished with white cement trimmings
Even the two bathrooms are fitted
with cement tubs In all there are
ten rooms The roof is of concrete
surrounded with a parapet the porch
roofs are of the same type thus af
fording second story porches in the
front and rear both of which are fit
ted up with concrete flower troughs in
which blooming flowers are now to be
seen even in the unfinished condition
of the house On the front second
story porch a fountain is arranged
Engineering Record
Durability of Steel
It has been shown that nearly all
the failures of steel occur very early
in its history If a plate or bar of
mild steel lasts for a year in service
it may be trusted to last for many
years The most injurious thing is
continued bending backward and for
ward as in what is called the pant
ing of a boiler end As one authority
puts it steel has a somewhat tumul
tuous Touth but in middle age it
is trustworthy and in old age beyond
reproach In regard to corrosion
there is a difference of opinion some
holding that steel corrodes more read
ily than iron Harpers Weekly
Gathering Fruit
When gathering fruit peaches or
pears a clever woman Invented a
simple device that insured the pluck
ing of fruit without danger of bruising
The top was taken off a tin tomato
can and the can attached to the end
of a broomhandle so that it formed
a cuplike arrangement
The can is put up underneath the
fruit and a slight shake given to de
tach it from the tree letting it fall
into the can which is lowered and
emptied quickly Put a can on the
end of a clothes prop if the fruit hangs
George Sand
It was from Leonard Jules Sandeau
the celebrated French novelist and
jdramatist born at Aubusson a century
ago that another and far greater
Iwriter derived her nom de guerre
When a young student in Paris San
Jdeau made the acquaintance of Mme
Dudevant and during a short lived
jfriendship they collaborated in a
novel Rose et Blanche which was
jpublished in 1831 Then they parted
but Mme Dudevant while relinquish
ling Sandeaus friendship took to hei
self a portion of his name and elected
S5 i
I - wj - I
I a
You Hard To Please 8
sZilM fefeg3TaC7
thing for this cold weather
R store presents a i opportunity to select a high
good assortment and at very tempting prices
iLDREN Scoats plush caracul and novel
ty cloth coats all the new models at
OOL dresses for children just the
TT J jw
then you should - e our beautiful display of womens coats childrens
ats and mens overcoats
rade coat from a
250 to
ah250 450 and 5
iNS overcoats of Melton Kersey and Nov
elty cloths all the late models coats with J ty A f v A
convertible collar at from f 3 3 A 3j
A Fine Line of Gordon Fur Coats
3flaaaaazg Utf1
4 Q
Merely an Error of Judgment
Robinson Crusoe with infinite pa
tience and industry had hollowed out
the big log and made a huge canoe
Then he discovered to his chagrin
that he couldnt launch it It was too
heavy for him to move All his labor
had been wasted
Still he reflected it was only an
oversight It isnt half as bad as Uncle
Sam neglecting for twelve years to
raise the battleship Maine
Scorning to ask for congressional aid
In this difficulty he went to work im
mediately to make a smaller canoe
Sufficiently Permanent
Mrs Cameron was seventy two
years old but she was so well-preserved
that there seemed no reason to
think that her days might not be
lengthened to reach the family stand
ard over eighty five
When her trusty maid of all work
fell ill Mrs Cameron saying that she
should pension the faithful Nancy set
about to obtain another She adver
tised for a girl who wished a perma
nent place and offered high wages
The first applicant was a grim Scotch
woman who looked Mrs Cameron
over and then spoke her mind
Youre well favored maam she
said but youre fair old for a that
an Im lookin for a pairmanency
You stay here till after my fu
neral said Mrs Cameron with an
appreciative twinkle in her eye and
see if it hasnt been pretty perma
Aweel Ill try it said the woman
after another survey of her future
mistress and she held her pairma
nency for fifteen years at the end of
which time she attended the funeral
of her mistress and after it learned
that a goodly sum had been left to
my cautious Tina on the receipt of
which she retired from active service
Youths Companion
Ivy at a Funeral
Standing beside a coffin containing
the body of her husband Mrs Charles
Buhland of Indianapolis carried out
his last requests Dressed in white
she sang two hymns read his re
quests and delivered a brief eulogy
Buhland did not want any crepe at
the door and he insisted that no black
should be worn in mourning for him
He wanted his wife to dress in white
He desired that in the place of som
ber decorations there should be flow
ers and other symbols of joy at tho
Buhland was 52 years old and waai
ill -a year before he died
Do you think Mrs Garishs fine
plumage looks natural and proper to
her style said the envious woman
Entirely so replied the woman
who is sarcastic When she puts ons
one of those elegant ostrich feath j
ers she looks like the original
Worked Two Ways
He had sung several times during
the evening and his friends had mur
mured words of praise then escaped
as quickly as possible
But as he was going homeward he
managed to catch one of these selfj
same friends and he insisted on k
truthful opinion
You see he explained I dont
quite know how to take Miss CuteonS
comment on my performances to
No really Why what did she
say asked the friend hopefully
Well she said shed heard Caruso
several times and thought liis voice
was excellent but she was quite
ito be known henceforth as George I J tain that mine was better still New
ivir xi oii
lWlW MlUilt I
Charles E McMahon wd
covering from her recent illness
J E Dodge is doing carpenter
work for A II Redfern of Fair
Some farmers from Traer -were
handing corn from here last week
C W Reed left last mid week
for Orleans to relieve a hrakeman
for a short time
James Matson and Mrs Mills
Gregory left for their home in
Lincoln county ast week
Frank Fields was a Danhury
husimess visitor Saturday going
there to Bee the tootih doctor
Born to Mr and Mrs Jake
AVishon Saturday NTov IS a son
Mother and son are- doing nicelv
and Jake wears- the smile
wont ruh off
If you have young children you
have perhaps noticed that disorders
of the stomach are their most com
mon ailment To correct this you
will find Chamberlains Stomach and
Liver Tablets excellent They are
easy and pleasant to take and mild
and gentle in effect For sale by all
Council Session Monday
The Quality of Mercy
See the woman Why is the wom
ans hat trimmed with a nestful of lit
tle birdlings with the mother bird
brooding them
It is because the woman is merci
ful The woman wished to trim her
hat with the mother bird alone but
ratner than leave the birdlings to
starve she trimmed it with the whole
Must it not feel lovely to be merci
ful like that Puck
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings Regular session Mayor
been made m the county
clerks office since our last re
AVULiam M Cruse et ux to
Eugene W Smith wd w
lif -2-27 10000 00
Lincoln Land Company to J
E Keiley wd 1 in 8th Me
Cook 500 00
Stephen D Taylor et ux to
ams Ccnincilmen Middleton Stan
sherry and Brown present
Minutes of previous meeting
read and approved
Bills as follows wer approved
by finance eommittep and allow
Henry Trut 2 00
Wm Dear 10 00
J S MeBrayer 2 00
V Gundennan 10 00
6 in 2 6th MeCook 1S50 00 U- A DeLoy 3 60
I JImoriji L Young et cons to -Nebraska Telephone Co 9 25
Joseph Murphy wd pt ne Moore 27 00
qr 3000 00 E- E- DoLong 10 90
Joseph Murphy et ux to El- v- G underman 52 15
iii da L Young pt sw qr j Da ved Diamond 38 S8
17-1-27 S00 00 U G Ccglizr 40 00
i Walter II ITelm to Lirv C Engineer Jones on behalf of
Oiese Avd 1 2 int av hf 8- jtMO ccak Electric Co
34 28 S000 09 J1 report of his investigations
i lacking to making an offer to
MARION Piunp the water for the
Mrs E E Blake is slowly re- al hy electrically operate
pumps lie outlined a plan whicl
he thought would make a saving
to the city Manager A R
Scott and Auditor Reed of th
company all from Denver were
present No formal offer was
made bnt it was indicated that
about 6 cents per 1000 gallons
would he the price Full and for
mal offer later
Petition was offered and read
remonstrating against the opera
tion of moving picture shows o
Sunday Referred to mayor and
city attorney
Report of city water commis
sioner read and filed
Applications for deposits of
that rtv funds were made hy Citizens
i vsironal and MeCook National
Mrs S E Hover of Danburv anks Applications were grant
Mrs Nellie Butler of Denver and ed hr resolution which appear
Mra John Bover and two arms nf ssu ere in tius issue
Sidney Colorado visited at the
Gockly home northwest of town
the first of the week
A cold wave accompanied by a
light flurry of snow and a strong
northwest wind struck these
parts Sunday night
Stella Weyeneth who is attend
ing school at Indianola visited
her parents Saturday and Sun
Coughing at Night
means loss of sleep which is bad
for everyone Foleys Honey and Tai
Compound stops the cough at once
relieves the tickling and dryness in
the throat and heals the inflamed
membranes Prevents a cold devel
oping into bronchitis or pneumonia
Keep always im the house Refuse
substitutes A McMillen
Clerk was instructed to make a
list of those who have paid their
coGupaition tax and of the delin
A resolution was adopted ap
propriating money to pay court
expenses in cases the city is de
fending against suits brought by
James A Shepherd Nels J John
son Lulu Easton Mary E Sim
lacms and Jacob Frank
A Mail Carriers Load
seems heavier when he has a weak
back and kidney trouble Fred Due
hren mail carrier at Atchison Kan
says I have been bothered with
kidney and bladder trouble and hadi
a severe pain across my back Whes
ever I carried a heavy load of mail
my kidney trouble increased Som
time ago I started taking Foley Kid
ney Pills and since talcing them I
lhave gotten entirely rid of all my
kidney trouble and am as sound novr
as ever A McMillen
Advertise in The Tribune and
get results
CURES and Purifies the Blood
Our pictures of men look like men They
show the force energy character of the sitter
They are portraits that really tell something of
the men portrayed
Telephone Black 428 for a Sitting now
The iEllmgson Studio Co
Commercial Hotel BIdg - -
307 Main Street