The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 27, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 3

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i i i ir i i ii i i i i i i j i i - Jt - My
V 111111 V
mPHS A Warm Bathroom r
John Rankin Avas
Every mother should be careful
that the children take their baths
in a warm room The chill of a
cold room is dangerous after com
ing out of the hot water
A Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater brings bathroom or bedroom
to just the degree of warmth you want in five or ten minutes AH vou
have to do is to touch a match
The Perfection Heater burns nine hours on one filling and is
ahvsys ready for use You can move it anywhere it is needed
There is no waste of fuel and heat warming unoccupied rooms
Just the heat you want when and where you want it
The Perfection is fitted with an automatic locking flame spreader
that prevents the wick being turned high enough to smoke and is
easy to remove and drop back when cleaning
Drums finished cither in turquoiie blue enamel cr plain steel light and orna
ment yet strong and durable suitable for any room in any house
Dealers e cry where or vrie to cry ajcrcy of the
Standard Oil Company
a Cam-
bridge Aisitor Sunday
C AY Reed is a new brake
man on the Orleans branch
Mrs J W Hasty and chil
dren spent end of week in Arap
ahoe A isiting the folks
Engineer George Campbell
Avas a Avitness Saturday of the
Michigan Nebraska scrimmage
Dispatcher Leroy Eleven Ava
in Denver last Aveck Thursday
Avitness in a company laAr suit
Mrs Ira E Converse and
daughter EAaline are at Ilendley
visiting home folks for a feAV
Paul Benjamin Avent doAvrn to
Oxford Saturday evening on a
tender mission Oh you Oxford
Charles Boston of Stratton
entered the company employ on
Thursday last in the round house
Agent D P Gray of Tren
ton AA as taken quite sick sudden
ly last Wednesday but is recoA
ering nicely
Fireman Ray Loatc Avent doAvn
to Lincoln Friday night to Avit
ness the great Michigan-Nebraska
foot ball game Saturday
Dispatcher and Mrs A Cal
hoon and Miss Lorene arrived
home Friday on 13 from their
nsit in Missouri to relatiAes and
H SEE how much better it
HH makes the baking
BPB SEE how much more tmi
Hptf form in quality
BHw SEE how pure how good
M SEE how economical and
H SEE that you get Calumet
flH At yassr
B Grocers
II J Hoffman is out of 111-
Bud Purrington Avent to Lin
coin Friday
Mrs 0 E Greninger Avent to
Hastings Sunday morning
F M DisbroAV visited his pa-
r nts in Arapahoe Sunday
Night Caller Con Ivregcr Avas
a Hastings Aisitor Sunday
Mrs II A Roueh Avent to
ITastings on No 2 Saturdaj
Mrs A Bagley Avas a Dcn
Arer passenger Friday night
Conductor Frank Quigley of
the Orleans branch is Arery ill
Master Harold Ryan Avent up
to Yuma Saturday for a short
Brakeman G F Phillips Aris
ited his parents in Hastings Sun
Mrs D C Child ers is down
from Denver Aisiting her hus
Mrs E S HoAvell Avent to
Ilavelock Thursday to attend a
George Campbell took in the
Nebraska Michigan game Satur
day at Lincoln
Brakeman 0 J Scott Avent
doAvn to Republican City Sun
day on No 2
J M Wynns is laying off
during the visit of relatiAes from
Memphis Tenn
Mrs W Ilegenberger and th
tAvins Avere Hastings passengers
Saturday on No 10
Brakeman C B Berry laid of
for the Nebraska Michigan game
at Lincoln Saturday
Bruce Berry took in the
foot ball game Saturday betAveer
Lincoln and Michigan
Effective December 10 train
Nos 9 and 10 AAill be taken off
between Oxford and Denver
It is understood that ia ucav
schedule Sunday a Aveek Avill re
mo ATe trains 9 and 10 from the
Conductor J W Line Avent
up to Denver on 15 Sunday be
ing called as a Avitness in federal
court in the case of Stevens ats
General Master Mechanic
Johnson returned to Lincoln Sat
urday night on 10 He has been
out on the Wset End on business
of liis position
Conductor J F Utter is tak
ing Conductor Coxs run tempor
arily Avhilc Mr Cox is remodel
ing the part of his house damaget
by Saturdays fire
The hostler had a little smasl
up in the Akron yards Sunday
morning cornering three ears of
sattle mussing up the ears a bit
and killing some cattle
Mrs W M Gardner return
ed home Saturday from Omaha
Avith the baby which is doing yer
Avell since the operation having
gained several pounds in Aveight
Officials of the engineering
department of the Burlington
held a meeting in Omaha Friday
Avith General Manager noldrege
the session being devoted to the
discussion of maintenance prob
lems for the Avinter
Fireman Henry Hoffman
who was eo severely injured by
being struck on the head by a
mail crane some Aveeks since re
turned from the hospital in Den
ver Friday morning ion No 2 He
has quite recovered from has ser
ious injury and will be able soon
to resume work a cheering fact
lias many friends Aviill learn Avdth
personal apJNTiON y
Mrs E M Cox returned home
Miss Marie Shoemaker of Al
ma is AisJting friends here
C D Hayden of Kersey Colo
rado is visiting D L McBride
and family
Mrs S A Haley departed on
Sunday or Norton Kansas to
spend the Avinter
Mrs J S Miller Mrs C II
McBride and Mrs C Goidd spent
Friday visiting m Omaha
W II Ackerman Avent doAvn to
Hastings Saturday night on busi
ness returning home on Sunday
Miss Irene Cathcart returned
end of last Aveek from being a
guest of her sister Mrs Ona Rush
in Stratton
Miss Dorothy Williams Avent
doAvn to Lincoln Friday night
on No 10 raturning on Monday
vvitii her father
District Court Clerk E D
BroAvn of Frontier county Avas
frcm Stoekville end of lait
Awk on business
Mrs W W Wright of Hebron
Nebraska is visiting in the city
guit of her sister Miss Martha
Abel of the teacher corps
Ex State Treasurer McBrian Avau
in the city Friday on business
hiittirs lie is connected Aviith
the hones nd investments
n i in Lincoln
Arthur LZimmer of the Saint
Ann neighborhood departed from
t is city Saturday for Lcs Ang
ela CalM Avhere he expects to
rman for som3 time
Henry Voge Avho has been liv
ing at Manning loAva for sever
al months has returned to Red
WUIoav county on his place
south Avest of Indianola
Mrs Emma Vasey departed on
Wednesday for her home in Oak
Hill Kansas after a visit of ten
days Avitli her parents Mr and
Mr 3 D L McBride here
Mrs F L Barnes Avho has
been staying Avith her father C
II Jacobs for the past two
months departed for her home in
Bladen Webster county last Fri
day evening
Miss Maude Burgess arrived
home Saturday morning on No
2 from spending a month or tAVO
in Long Beach California Aisit
ing her brother F D Burgess ant
family While delighted AA ith her
Aisit and A ith California Miss
Burgess finds Nebraska and Me
Cook haATe a strong hold on her
heart strings She reports her
brother and family happy and
contented in the ncAv home
Better Farming-
The high piice of food stuffs
will demand extra care and rigid
economy in handling the stock
this Avintei It should
too call attention to the Avastes
that have perhaps unconsciously
ben taking place on our farms
and spur us to put in force a
plan that Avill in future lessen
ths avemi2s of escaping profit
If a silo has been built Ave are
making progress in right direc
tion If net this improvement
should receive early consideration
Feeding ensilage is no longer an
expriment as it has been Avell
tried out under scientific man
agement by various agricultural
exp3riment stations as Avell as by
hundreds of progressive farmers
Avho testify to its Avorth and ad
aptability in practical feeding on
the farm The experience of num
hers cf feeders who in the past
feAV vears have failed to find
profit some did not avoid loss
in their feeding operations must
suggest better methods more ec
onomic feeds and more scientific
feeding to recoup e ibhemselves anc
put feeding on a surer basins
The outlook is not good for a
cheaper animal to put in the feed
lot and the consumer is already
staggering under the burden of
liigh price
Every industrial concern in
the country seems to find it need
ful to look more closely to detail
to step the little leaks to cut out
all but the very necessary expen
ditures The farmer aviII not be
exempt from the responsibility of
meeting and solving the problems
appertaining to Ins calling that
threatens lus industrial Me and
in a high degree determine the
prosperity of the nation he
must fput his shoulder to the
AAiieel take advantage of inven
tions investigations and experi
ments that have so abundantly
been placed ait lids disposal and
he aaU not only surprise lwmseli
but surprise the Avorld hy 4he in
creased capacity of American
farms We cannolt wait if or an oj
portune time to bring this about
at one stroke it must bo as a
building is constructed one brick
upon another one little improve
ment then another a little bet
ter cultivation rotation fertili
zation meithod feed and feeding
In a Avord a little better
iing Bv D Olem Deader
I Are
ft M
trf - -V
Hard To
F so then you should see our beautiful display of Avomens coats childrens
coats and mens overcoats
UR store presents an opportunity to select a high grade coat from a
good assortment and at very tempting prices
Vlvu rf 4
YiZ 2 LZ S
S coats plush caracul and novel- fk fr i
ty cloth coats all the new models at J vf Lv w x t
OOL dresses for children just the J A A A C
thing for this cold weather at PUj JPlf dlll 3
ENS overcoats of Meton Kersey and Nov
elty cloths all the late models coats Avith
convertible collar at from
f50 to 30
A Fine Line of Gordon Fur Coats
r or jr u
Announce Engagement Notice to Land OAvners 1 All creditors of the estate of
Mr and Mrs Marion PoavcII To Joseiph B Blair and to all Mary A Whiifraker deceased are
of Marion Neb formerly of AVliGim it may concern notified the County Judge of Red
coin announce the engagement oi The commissioner appointed to j Willow county Nebraska wall on
their daughter Eirae to Arthur locate a road commencing at the June 2Gth 1912 sit to examine
II Edgrc n of Lincoln The AA-ed-1 center of section 19 on the
ding Avill take place the first of
bhe year Miss PoavcII is a sister
of Mrs Harold W Wood of ibhds
city Her parents lived until re
cently at 1514 C street but have
been residing on their ranch near
Marion since selling their home
Mr Edgren is a son of the late
Dean Edgren of the state uni
versity and Mrs Edgren Sun
davs Lincoln Journal
A Time ly Gift
One that brings the giver to
mind every day a gift that com
bines beauty and use beyond any
Avearable thing
A Lasting Gift
Watches for men women
girls and boys and every watch
we sell is worth its price Give
a Avatch and youll surely give
L C Stoll Co
McCook Readers Are Learning
the Way
Its the little kidney ills
The lame Aveak or aching back
The unnoticed urinary disord
lead to
dropsy and
Bright 5s disease
When the kidneys are sick
Help them Avith Doans Kidney
A rem6dy especially for sick
Doans have been curing kid
ney troubles for 75 years
Endorsed by 50000 people en
dorsed at home
Proof in a McCook citizens
Mrs M Carmoney 310 E
Fifth St McCook Neb says
Our experience Avith Doans
Kidney pills convinced us that
they are the best kidney medi
cine to be had A member of our
family suffered a great deal from
inactive kidneys His back -pained
him all the time and often the
misery Avas almost unbearable
Doans Kidney Pills brought re
lief as soon as they Avere taken
and continued use drove away th
For sale by all dealers Price
50 cents Foster Milburn Co
Buffalo New York sole agents
for the United States
Remember the name Doans
and take no other
through sections 19 and 30 to
Avdtliin 20 rods of the southline
of section 30 thence in a south
easterly direction to intersect
road running east between sec
tions 30 and 31 at a point about
35 rods east of the soutlnvest cor
ner of the southeast quarter of
section 30 toAvnship 3 range 26
Red WilloAV county Nebraska
has reported in favor of the lo
cation thereof and all objections
thereto or claims for damages
I must be filed in the County
Uierk s oxiice on or hetorc noon
of the 29th day of January A
D 1912 or said road Avail be es
tablished AAithout reference there
Dated at McCook this 25th day
of November 1911
County Clerk
Order of Hearing- and Notice on
Petition for Settlement of
In the County Court of Red
WilloAV County Nebraska State
of Nebraska Red WHIoav County
ss To all persons interested in
the estate of Henry Yingling de
On reading the petition of W
II Staples Administrator pray
ing a final settlement and allow
ance of his account filed in this
court on the 17th of
her 1911 and for the settlement
of said estate and the discharge
of him and liis bondsmen from
further liability therein
It is hereby ordered that you
and all persons interested in said
matter may and do appear at
the County Court to be held in
and for said county on the 9th
day of December A D 1911 at
nine oclock a m to sIioav
cause if any there be Avhy the
prayer of the petitioner should
not be granted and that notice of
the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof be given to
all persons interested in said mat
ter by publishing a copy of this
order in the McCook Tribune a
neAspaper printed in said coun
ty foir three successive Aveeks
prior to said day of hearing
County Judge
C E ELDRED Attorney
First publication Noa 20 6ts
J1 irlsiiivio nrpnrrvf citI fito AvTfli
I 1141 llwVllOV liUM Bjl 4 V II ilH
tor section line in East Valley a A ieAv to their adjustment and
precinct Red WilloAV county allowance The time limited for
braska running thence south presentation of claims against
P21 estate is June 25th 1912
County Judge
Fiist publication Nov 27 Sts
11 persons interested in the es
tate of Osctr M MattheAvs de
ceased are hereby notified that
on NoArember fth 1911 Maude
Baker filed her petition in the
county court of Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska for her administra
tion of said estate and same Avill
be heard in said court at nine a
m on December 2nd 1911
County Judge
First publication Nov 13 6ts
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
mwsasxfsmfwmssmimTTsiiiiwmamti XsLwwWMM
V v v i v m i i i
Liier iiiKl m
November Special Rates
Winter Tourist Tickets at Ioav rates to Florida Texas Gulf and
Southern Resorits and Cuba To many destinations tickets are
good via diverse routes through Kansas City St Louis or Chi
Homeseekers Excursion Tickets to the Northwest Big Horn Ba
sin XelloiAvstone Vallye Soutlnvest and Smith on the first -and
third Tuesdays
All Year Tourist Tickets to California and Pacific Coast desti
nations via diverse routes that include Southern routes al
AAays one Avay via Denver Scenic Colorado Salt Lake City
Through Railroad and Sleeping Car Tickets to all California des
tinations via many combinations of going amd returning route
including Denver Scenic Colorado Salt Lake
Consult your nearest ticket agent telling him about the Avinter
journey you have in mindlet him secure through bertlis and mate
the journey interesting and comfortable
General Passenger Agent
Omaha Nebraska
Ticket Agent
McCook Nebraska