The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 27, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 2

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    i 1 I
rf VV
Temole THeatfS
The Success of the Century
u A
AguiIaA Royal Slave
The Most Powerful and Gorgeous
Scenic Production Ever In the City
5 Acts8 Big S
American Chantecler Girl
PRICES 25c 35c 50c and 75c
The last legislature provided
that counties might by vote va
cate the office of county assessor
Furnas county did so at the last
They are truly an enterpris
ing bunch at Holdrege One of
them stole a whole dressed pork
er from anotlier native the other
night while the unsuspecting son
of the Laud of the Midnight
Sun slept You have to be
choice of your birthright about
Holdrege now
j jt
The McCook Semi Weekly Trib
une It is 100 a year
Now come the bankers of Amer
ica who depose and say that bank
ing finance should be taken
out of polities Recently tha state
teachers resolved to relieve the
dear common people of the bur
den of voting upon the state su
perintendent etc And we be
lieve the manufacturers wish to
eliminate the people from the tar
iff question while every trust
corporation special privilege- or
graft oil this hemisphere wants
to be let alone Which will sim
plify the matter for just you and
me the common people who
can continue to exercise the right
and privilege of paying the bills
ABSSr Racy
Wrand n
wPtryonesm And its
svSiSsS fis
wyi f
beauty of line perfect balance
appearance often sells it
as keen a rifle for its size as the most
highly developed military arm
Built by expert gunsmiths on the Remington
Idea Solid Breech Hammerless Take doAvn
Shoot JemngtonzUMC Lesmok 22s Their
accuracy enabled Arthur Hubalek to break
WorldsiRecord in 1 00 consecutive shots scoring
2484 in a possible 2500
PeminPtOfUMC the perfect shooting com-
ilf 4 bInatIon Wxilt for a fret set of Target
Sri5 Jml Artnt TTninn Metallic ParfrMera Co
299 Brotdvay New York Clr
November 27 1911
To the Members of the School
Board McCook Nebraska
Gentlemen I am in receipt of
the following communication
from your superintendent
W T Davis Supt
Mr James McAdams 711 Weal
2nd Street
Dear Sir I am enclosing a
copy of the resolution passed by
the school board at last nights
meeting which I think is
Whereas That in the matter oj
the suspension of Francis McAd
ams be it Resolved That Fran
cis McAdams may return to
seiiool upon his satisfactory apol
ogy to the teacher before the pu
pils1 of the room where his misbe
havior was done that he bring
a written note to the teacher
from his parents stating that
they will co operate with her in
maintaining order in the school
and that Francis will be answer
able to the same discipline that
all the other pupils are and no
greater or less
Present at meeting Doan
Suess Barnes Lawritson Moore
dud Culbertson and Supt Davis
Verv truly vours
W T Davis Supt
The school board in passing th
above resolution had evidently
thought that it was the Avish of
the parents of Francis McAdams
that j should again attend unden
till- instruction of his late teach
er We have asked for no such
privilege in bshalf of Francis Mc
Adams and if same Avas offered
to us without the humiliating pro
cess as outlined in above resolu
tion it would be refused After
the first punishment was inflicted
on Francis McAdams by laying
him across a chair and striking
him repeatedly Avith a rubber
hose I went to your superintend
ent Mr Davis and told him that
I was opposed to punishment of
this kind being applied to child
ren at school or anyAAiiero else
and that if my boy could not at
tend school without being subject
ed to such treatment -that I
would take him from school md
make other arrangements for his
education Mr Davis assured me
that he respected my wishes in
this matter and would complv
with my request to phone me
should my boy cause any further
annoyance at school and nkod
me to send the boy to school
This was done with the firm be
lief that my wishes in regard to
corporal punishment would be re
spected Yet two days later this
boy AAas again whipped with a
rubber hoseand noAV you say thai
we may again send him to school
if the will comply with the above
resolution and his parent also
comply with the requirements of
the resolution T am aware that
my boy may have erred in his
conduct at school what boy lias
not and no doubt at times lias
caused his teacher much annoy
ance and I ailso fully realize hOAV
important it is to a school to hav
good discipline but I cannot be
convinced that in order to obtain
this discipline that it should be
necessary for the superintendent
of the school to hold a child
across a desk or chair wliile a
teacher administers blows on the
child AAith a piece of heavy rub
ber hose
Verv respectfully yours
Lincoln Man Made Superintend
ent of Sterling Division
Frank Mullen noAV train
master of the McCook division
of the Burlington railroad has
been promoted to the superinten
dency of the Sterling division lie
succeeds Superintendent Peck
enpaugJi who has been made su
perintendent of the Sheridan di
vision vice superintendent Jtoo
bins absent It is understood
ill and has been taken east for
Frank R Mullen AAliile tempor
arily residing at McOooik ds a Lin
coin man For years he AAas la
telegraph operator dispatcher
chief dispatcher and trainmaster
of this city He left the Lincoln
division several montlis ago to
take the place of trainmaster on
the McCook division Lincoln
If You Have
houses to rent list them with
Whittakcr Gray They have
several applications on file now
for houses Phone black 283 Of
fice in Temple block
Observe the date after your
name on The Tribune Notch it
The McCook Tribune 100 a year
x j SI
I 1 hatiksgiving Week f
ijff mar
A 4
We take the time to thank the public
for their patronage in the past and
our aim is to do our best to satisfy in
the future OUR MOTTO
S I 8 3 8 V
IWIIllJLMiWIll awjtyWLcri
The Florskim shoe
for men has proven
to be the best for the
Your Money Back for the Asking-
You Promise Nothing-
AVe are so eonfjident that we
can furnish relief for indigestion
and dyspepsia that we promise
to supply the medicine free of
all cost to every one who uses it
according to directions who is no
perfectly satisfied with ithe re
sults We exact no promises and
put no one under any obligations
whatever Surely nothing could
be fairer We are located right
here where you live and our rep
utation should be sufficient assur
ance of the genuineness of our
We want everyone who ds
troubled with indigestion or dys
pepsia in any form to come to ou
store and buy a box of Rexall
Dyspepsia Tablets Take them
home and give them a reasonable
trial according to directions If
they dont please you tell us and
Ave will quickly refund your mon
ey They have a very mild but
positive action upon the organs
wath which they come in contact
apparently acting as a regulative
tonic upon the relaxed muscular
coat of the bowel thus overcom
ing weakness and aiding to re
store the bowels to more vigor
ous and healthy activity Three
sizes 25c 50c and 100 Re
member you can obtain Rexall
Remedies only at our store The
Rexall Store L W McConnell
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely de
range the whole system when enter
ing it through the mucous surfaces
Such articles should never be used
except on prescriptions from repu
table physicians as the damage they
will do is ten fold to the good you
can possibly derive from themHalls
Catarrh Cure manufactured by F J
Cheney Co Toledo O contains
no mercury and is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system In
buying Halls Catarrh Cure be sure
you get the genuin It is taken in
ternally and made in Toledo Ohio
by F J Cheney Co Testimonials
Sold by all druggists 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for con
Want ads 5 cents per line
J W Copeland of Dayton Ohio
purchased a bottle of Chamberlains
Cough Remedy for his boy who had
a cold and before the bottle was all
used the boys cold was gone Is
that not better than to pay a five
dollar doctors bill For sale by all
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location r t acre- lnCrrr
street in P Wlsh bn ldlog l ilAUUK
U Prices
Ladies new hi cut
black velvet button
toots Ladies nil buck
white button boots
0or stock is complete now and we invite the public to
call and see our selections when in need of footwear
We have all our shoes made up to order and feel that jj
we are in the best position to fill all the demands in foot
wear for men women and children
9 I 1 t
f Phone 18
New Morris Bldg
Sick headache is caused by a dis
ordered stomach Take Chamberlains
Tablets and correct that and iead
aches will disappear For sale by
all dealers
The implicit confidence that many
people havte in Chamberlains Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is
founded on their experience in the
use of that remedy and their know
ledge of the many remarkable cures
of colic diarrhoea and dysentery
that it has effected For sale by all
Backache Headache Nervousness
and rheumatism both in mea and
women mean kidney trouble Do
not allow it to progress beyond the
reach of medicine but stop it promjpt
ly with Foley Kidney Pills They res
ulate the action of the urinary or
gans Tonic in action quick in re
sults A McMillem
H H MffFm PL M Mm IK
M ade fssm g0ap GeBsn of Tat0
For sixty years American house
wives have found Dr Prices Cream
Baking Powder a guarantee of light
pure and wholesome food