The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 20, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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    if -
we are not the largest dealer
in the state we sell the best
shoes in the world without
exception such as
A C Nettleton Co N Y
Queen Quality Boston
Pierce Co Ohio
H B Reed Manchester
Therefore when you get
our shoes jou get as good as
you can get in New York
You can see them now
Corner Store
- - --
201 Main
The Servant in the House
The highly moral and intensely
interesting drama The Servant
in the ncuse was presented at
the Auditorium last night and its
story of human interest was ad
mirably intrepreted by very com
petent east of characters The
play has been seen here before
with an able company presenting
it and organization last night de
monstrated that -each part was in
the hands of a man or woman of
much ability good training and
had an enunciation and stage
manner that greatly pleased the
large audience
The audience became intensely-
interested when the curtain went
up for the first time
Hugo B Koch is a man strong
in dramatic ability and training
and he gave an ideal interpret
ation of the character of Hanson-
the butler and as the noted Lisb
on the brother of the vicar and
the drain man His dignified
bearing his reading of the lines
in a strong well modulated voice
with perfect accnt ande ennuei
ation pleased tlie people Donald
Merrifield as the Drain Man
proved to be strong in the char
acter Miss Moore as the
daughter of the drain man and
niece of the servant and vicar
was Avinsome and interesting E
H Horner as the Vicar Thomas
Fitzgerald as the Bisliop of Lan
casterslure Harry as
the nacre all seemed Avell adapt
ed to peculiar characters tltat
help to make the drama one of
much interest- The company
appeared at its best and the suc
cessful rendition was aided by
deep interest and evidences of ap
precaution by the audience that
filled the nouse Stillwater
Minn Daily Gazette Sept 28
Every Lady
desires a nice gold watch Our
prices enable you to realize that
If you feel you want to be
slinwn in matter of quality go
to the McCook Flour and Feed
Wc never hesitate to guarantee
Lilv Patent flour At the Mc
Cook Flour and Feed Store
Thoroughbred Shorthorn bull
for service 100
Drink Wedding Breakfast
coffee and be happy At Hub
erts only
Magner s groceries meet fully
the pure food law requirements
Cant Entertain
Without Flowers
Quite Satisfactory
The annual bazaar by the ladies
of the Congregational church lasl
Thursday was quite satisfactory
in the sales The bazaar was held
in the Morris store room
Several fine booths were pro
vided and were in charge of the
following ladies White booth
Mrs A C Wiehe Mrs T B
Campbell Mrs C D Ritchie
colored booth Mrs J G Scho
bel Mrs Emerson Hanson Mrs
Lous Suess Mrs A M Williams
apron booth Mrs R D Rodgers
Mrs B YDorwart cooking boot
Mrs Walter Stokes Mrs Leroy
Eleven and the Junior Dorcas
girls wore in charge of a candy
and needle work booth of their
own The receipts of the bazaar
were about 15000
Mr Silent Piano Owner
Latest improved MetrostyM
Piano Player Used only
short time Will play any piano
2500 worth of latest music goes
with tliis player This player is
a standard make and sells new
for 250 everywhere
tMy price complete 100 20
down and 15 per month no in
terest and liberal discount for
cash Will demonstrate if desired
Phone red 352
Mr Eugene Knox entertaining
instructive and humorous will be
at the Methodist church Thurs
day November 23 at 8 p m He
has given 2500 entertainments in
13 years llis readings are
among the best Music by the cir
orchestra Admission 25c and 15c
Visit of Grand Matron
Next Friday evening Eureka
chapter No 86 0 E S Avill
greet the grand matron of the
order The dinner will be serv
ed commencing at 630 oclock
prompt Initiation and inspection
will follow the refreshments of
the evening
Tenth Wedding- Anniversary
A large company of friends
were the guests of Mr and Mrs
I C W Dewey Friday evening at
their home in East McCook m
celebrating their tin wedding an
niversary A splendid feast was
the cliief attraction of the occa
sion which was enjoyed by all
Elects Officers
King Cyrus cliapter No 35
elected officers for the ensuing
year on Thursday night S S
Garvey n P Joseph Molund
king Fred Munden scribe W
B Whittaker secretary George
Willetts treasurer
Personal Taxes Due
Personal taxes are due and
become delinquent December 1st
10 per cent interest added to all
taxes after that date
C NADEN Co Treas
Its Time to Commence
getting ready for Christmas If
you have some special design you
want made up in gold or silver
lat us do it for you
If You Have
houses to rent list them with
Whittaker Gray They have
several applications on file now
for houses Phone black 283 Of
fice in Temple block
Over S20000 Worth
During the past year one fann
er en the south side reports lie
lias had over 200 worth of stock
killed by hunters
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Car
hart Huber is the exclusive agent
Also jackets and caps The phone
is 97
Everything in drugs
For special on dill sour and
sweet pickles see Magner
It will more than pay you for
your time to read our large advai
tiseinent in this paper
For dependable liigli grade
foot wear at reasonably low pric
esu dont fail to come to Dia
monds Shoe Store Our motto
iGood shoes low prices courte
ous ttreatment
v An5iaBcn
Continued from Tuesday
Lon Cone canvassing 1911
general election 4 00
F J Hassler canvassing 1911
general election 4 00
Chas Skalla canvassing 1911
general election 4 00
Olvas Skalla office expen
ses Sept 15 to Nov
10th 24 35
Chas Skalla compiling 1911
tax lasts 536 92
Olias Skalla issuing 110 cer
tificates of election 27 50
Okas Skalla salary county
clerk October 1911 - 137 50
Chas Skalla salary clerk
of county board 3rd
quarter 75 00
E A PhilLippi delivering
ballots 8 precincts 13 50
C II Angell erecting booths
in Willow Grove pre
cinct 3 y5
Elmer Hawkins drayage
hauling booths etc 1 50
C M Goben erecting bootlis
in Indianola and Red Wil
low claimed at 300 al
lowed at 2 00
Barnett Lumber Co lum
ber 23 65
E G Caine Co lumber
and cement
E G Caine Co lumber
Perry Bee Co lumber
Perry Bee Co lumber
6i 25
82 45
17 40
5G 80
A L Greenberg Iron Co re
inforcing Irons and cul
verts 750 75
A Lord hardware 18 81
E G Caine Co coal Mrs
Boyer McKee Davis and
Ruby 35 25
W B Whittaker transpor
tation paupers 6 78
Stat bank Indianola house
rent Mrs Vandervoort
4 months 16 00
Strockey Gamsby coal
Mrs Vandervoort 8 50
E G Caine Co coal Mrs
Vandervoort and Mrs
Quigley 8 50
D Magner mdse Mrs
Weintz Mrs Jeffers Bal-
ius and Taylor 31 39
George Leland mdse Peter
Balius 10 15
A J Crawmer mdse E R
Moon 21 00
McCook Electric Co light
and fixtures October 15 15
Chas W Kelley surveying
for county 5 60
Red Willow County Gazette
legal blanks and senate
pads 8 75
Kloipp Bartlett Co sup
plies to county 7 00
Staet Journal Co statuts
records and tax lists 186 75
State Journal Co tax re
ceipts and cash book 119 10
University Publishing Co
supplies Co superintend
ent 8 00
Hammond Stephens Co sup
plies Co Mipc nntend
5 35
A Classy Affair
The dance in Monte Cristo hall
Thursday nicrht under the direc
tion of McCook lodge Knights of
Pythias was a classy affair in ev
ery particular There was in at
tendance a jolly and numerous
company who list the hop among
the nest of the season The box
office reports a nice bunch of
money for the lodges Christmas
Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in Me
Cook for the unexcelled Barring
ton Hall coffees Priced at 20c
25c and 35c per pound
sv rtz
Monday Evening Edition
Hammond Stephens Co sup -plies
Co superintend
ent 41 65
J W McGuire nd Joseph
Weskamp hauling sand 20 00
Chas llou jhan hauling sand
and irons 13 50
Frank Untiedt hauling
sand and cement 28 50
Edward Sughroue freight
advanced 47 38
County bridge fund
Standard Br dge Co 2nd
payment 1911 bridges 2500 00
Amos Clark bridge work
claimed at 4725 allow
ed at 40 50
W T Olark painting river
-bridge 18 75
II N Rosebush balance on
cement bridges district
No 3 722 70
Commissioner District No 2
Frannk Untiedt road work
Indianola precinct 65 25
Road district No 7 Willow
Grove precinct
Elzie Hyatt road work 3 00
August Nothnagel road work
claimed at 800 allowed
at 6 00
On motion the board adjourn
ed to meet November 15 1911
F S LOFTON Chairman
CHAS SKALLA County Clerk
Neb Nov 15th 1911
The board of county commiss
ioners met pursuant to adjourn
ment Present F S Lofton
Edward Sughroue and WN Rog
ers county commissioners Chas
D Ritcliie county attorney and
Chas Skalla county clerk
A motion was made by Rogers
that the allowance of the follow
ing claims which were allowed
at the meeting held November
14th 1911 on county general
fund to wit
Barnett Lumber Co lum
ber 23 65
EG Caine Go lumber 64- 25
E G Caine Co lumber 82 45
Perry Bee Co lumber 17 40
Perry Bee Co lumber 56 80
A L Greenberg Iron Co re
inforcing irons and cul
verts 750 75
Chas Houlihan hauling
sand and irons 13 50
Frank Untiedt hauling
sand and cement 28 50
be reconsidered and that all of
these above named claims at
the same amounts be and here
by are allowed on the county
bridge fund The roll call wais
ordered and resulted as follows
Yea Lofton Sughroue Rogers
3 Nay None Motion declared
carried unanimously
The following claims were aud
ited and allowed and tfe county
clerk was instructed to draw Avar
rants on the respective funds
levy of 1911 in payment thereof
as follows
County General Fund
Elizabeth Botteher salary
Continued on page four
McCook Defeats Holdrege
Friday afternoon at the East
Ward foot ball grounds the Mc
Cook high school foot ball team
defeated the Holdrege foot ball
eleven in a clean fast
fn3ine bv a score cif 5 to 0i
The Holdrege team cut weighed
the McCook team at least ten
pounds to the man and played a
heady aggressive game but the
snap and fighting spirit of the
McCook team held them back
three different times Avlien they
were on the verge of pushing
the ball over the McCook goal
Th v twim work of Mcook
i coupled with the generalship of
C1inrcil lln
r 1 1 I - IJ IiiV
long spiraL punts or
To the many memos wjh so - r tnni1iT1 Hnft
kindly assisted us by their n bucldng of Schmidt were the
pathy and kindness durang the little ill featurtJ of thdgame
ness and death of our dear
Zoe we wish to express our heart
felt thanks and for the neautiful
flowers do we especially thank
you Signed Mr and Mrs E
Benjamin and family Mr and
AlYs O TO Walker
The McCook girls basket
ball team also defeated Edison
n irls hhskafc ball team hy a score
7n t f
Of 7 to 16
aicConnell for drugs
-- - - i trs
Magner sens -better groceries
We want you to call at our than the just as good kind lry
store during our Majestic j him- for an order -
onstration Week November 20th
to 25 and get a Souvenir Set of j Saturday Candy tor the
Majestic Ware McUoolc uay nzgnt snow xikc -v
ware Co Only 29c
All grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the Mc I
Cook Flour and Feed Store
MeConnell fills prescriptions
McCOJNJMiiiLUJ uruggisi
Its worth 800 to you to read
our advertisement in this paper
so dotat overlook it
Conductor and Mrs P F McKen
na Celebrate
A notable affair indeed was
the celebration last Saturday eve
ning of the silver wedding anni
versary of Conductor and Mrs
P F McKenna About fifty
guests attended and event was
a social success of much pleasure
At seven thirty a five course
dinner was served Miss Mary
Barbazette Miss Anna Mein Miss
Haittie Schmidt Miss Marcella Ry
an Miss Lillian Schmidt Mass
Minnie Fitzgerald assisting in the
serving A large wedding cake
was the center piece of the din
ing table and red roses red car
nations and smilax completed the
other decorative effects of the
dining room Yellow and whiiite
chrysanthemums were the
house decorations and these
were in profusion
During the dinner Mr A F i
Buck with violin and Miss Claire
McKenna at the piano entertain-
ed musically j
There was a wealth of beauti i
f ul gifts
Out of town ffuests were Mr j
Claire McKenna and Mr A F
Buck in vocal and instrumental
theatre Perhaps two Jiuncireo
people from adjoining towns wit
nassed the play which is recog
nized as one of the leading pro
ductions of the day
An able east coupled with a
strong story made a result most
satisfactory and with nothing ob
jectionable to the most exacting
almost with
and a moral lesson
out flaw thb total Avas eminently
worth- while Productions such
as this are educational and uplift
ing and lia ve a moral tone not to
be lightly regarded
It is the proved quality of Mag
ners groceries that accounts for
their increasing popularity with
the buying public Every patron
is a satisfied patron
Real Estate Filings
H nry L Goodenberger et ux
to Joseph Murphy wd pt V
sw qr 17-1-27 5000 00
Marion Powell et al to Elvi
E Blake deed 1 2 in 9
1st Marion 225 00
John Amen et ux to Con
rad Gmnwald wd pt se
qr 80 i 29 1000 00
evvi sa
You have the satisfaction of possessing in tangible useful
form a certain amount of genuine wealth
It is always as good as new never goes out of stjde at any
time can be turned for cash at approximately same figure paid
for it
We have them in all sizes of stones from 1 8 carat on up
If you are thinking of purchasing a stone you will not re
gret having looked our stock over and get prices that are
We are making a special price on a diamond ringstone
weighing 1 8 carat in a Tiffany 14 carat ring at 1250
Come in before the rush and let us figure with you wheth
er you expect to buy at this time or later
Jewelers and Opticians
Delivered Free to Any Place in
Corn chop per 100 140
Bran per 100 1 20
Shorts per 100 135
Barley chop per 100 130
Wheat per bushel 100
Corn per bushel 75
Oats per bushel 60
BarW per bushel v 60
Alfalfa per bile 50
91 Flour per sack 155 at any
store in McCook Every sack is
guaranteed Phone 29
A number of 3rd grade school
mates of Master Bruce Magee
were liis guests Thursday after
noon at a party in celebration
oMiis8fh birthday at the home
i of liis aunt Mrs F M Kimmell
Refreshments and play were en-
joyed by the little folks
Mrs II P Sutton was hostess
j to the Au Fait club Friday after
noon last when the following la-
and Mrs Gavereau and daughter n gtoke
af Hastings Mr Michael--- tt - -- a-
McKenna of Hastings and Mrs
Lanagan of Greeley Nebraska in
addition to their son Read of
Moccasin Mont who will re
main here until after Thanksgiv
After dinner a brief musical
program added to the pleasure
of the event with Mrs P F Mc
Kenna Mr Francis M Colfer
r n uwiii iurs Aruaur
Wood Mrs Albert Barnett Mrs
Lottie Brewer Mrs W E McDiv
itt Mrs Vina Wood Miss Beek
A cold is sometliing that should
be driven out of the system just
as quickly as possible Wliile it
exists it is a menace to life It
lowers vitality breaks down the
defenses of heallbh It is then that
sometliing far more serious may
attack and without power to re-
ist its advances one falls a vac-
A RECORD ATTENDANCE tam If all colds were stopped in
the beginning when the first sign
Th Lion aned the Mouse Drew Clf them appear the chills the
A Thousand People sneezing etc there would oe
Barring the Jeffries Gotch notliing to fear What is the
fair the attendance upon the remedy REXALL COLD TAB
production of The Liom and the LETS Price 25c
Mouse Saturday evening was McCONNELL Druggist
the greatest in the luistory of Mc- -
Cooks great show house the Tern The Main Store On Main Street
pi theatre A little over a thou- If it is the freshest and best m
sand people witnessed the groceries fruits vegetables etc
mance and the concensus of opin you seek look no further than
ion expressed is that it is the Hubers
nlair mmf mvln 171
JVLlUUcWO y v- fe tlTTn n 71
Frencli was with
the local lodge Saturday night
The grand custodian gave the
third degree to Mr Koehler who
came down from Denver on 10
that evening for the purpose
Classified Advertisements
Widcw woman wants work
Good nurse or cook and house
keeper Phone black 271
FOR SALE Harness and sin
gle buggy Inquire of O N
Rector Phone red 349
WANTED Pupils on piano and or
gan beginners preferred Terms 50c
per lesson Susie McBride phone
black 464
200 aere place known as the Era
ser farm 5 miles southwest of
McCook 100 acres fenced u
acres in cuiuvauiun o xwxu
lib use wind mill tank outbuild
ings orchard etc Address giv
ingand making proposition HJS
Mors room 15 Carbry building
St Joseph Mo 20