The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 13, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 2

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- 5
Tfte Mccook Tritms
tMMLs ty
i a
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat
ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays
Judge E B Berrys majority
-will exceed 2500
Hairier seems to have been sav
ed as by fire water
Clarence E Harman may be a
good fellow but he didnt get vo1
es enough to beat Hall
The entire Republican state ticl
et made the race successfully al
though namers was a close one
The Miuden Ncavs i doing a
creditable all at home stunt Miss
Reynolds is giving Minden a
worthy paper
After all our Democratic
friends and -neighbors should
have an opportunity once or
twice in a lifetime to -have some
satisfaction and jubilation out of
the results of an election
A cold wave prevailed over Ne
braska Kansas Dakotas AVyom
ing and Colorado Saturday and
Sunday with strong wind and
some snow and zero temperature
in spots Today Monday is
much milder however
Andrew Carnegie last Friday
announced that he had given 25
000000 to the Carnegie corpora
tion of New York organized to
day under a charter granted by
the New jYork legislature last
June to promote the advance
ment and diffusion of knowledge
and understanding among the
people of the United States
There was some humor in that
resolution passed at the recent
state teachers convention in Om
aha resolving that the selection
of state superintendent etc be
taken out of politics Presum
ably the teachers wanted the se
lection taken out of general poli
tics and put into teacher politics
It is the observation of The Trib
une that the teachers of the state
are already overburdened with
politics Wilmt they need is not
more but less politics
The Lincoln Journal repeats the
oft stated story that the recent
state teachers convention in Om
aha was characterized more by a
desire of the teachers to escape
from the duties and work and
worries of the school room and to
enjoy some of the attractions and
recreations and shopping privi
leges of a large city than to get
down to serious work There
may be some sour grapes in this
story from this source but does
this entirely dispose of Ihe oft-repeated
statement or is there
more fact than fiction in the
Nebraska stands fourth among
the states in the total value of
her hogs
The census dismisses fear of a
black peril in America The white
population is S8 per cent of the
total or 81 millions while the col
ored races number only 10 mil
lions or 10 per cent
America will have progressed
mightily when her voters can dis
cern between office seeker who
honestly desires and labors for
the betterment of the people for
better and more just and equit
able laws and conditions and
that other office seeker who en
deavors in season and out to cre
ate distrust and prejudice in the
public mind for mere personal po
litical purposes and to the detri
ment of the progress and pros
perity of the country The one
is a patriot and a statesman the
other a mere political demagogue
The movement is on to wrest
from the united privileged inter
ests their too large control of leg
islation and law enforcement an
return control to the people It
Avill finally succeed despite dem
agogues and unlawful predatory
wealth and privileged favoritism
Parliament of Religions in Chicago at
Worlds Fair Time Started
the Immigration
The present Hindu population of
Canada numbers about 5000 all men
for no women are allowed to accom
pany them to Canada or to follow
them after they have arrived and set
These are resident entirely in Brit
ish Columbia and chiefly in the cities
of Vancouver and Victoria and on the
farms in the neighborhood where they
are industriously employed in the
many forms of manual labor for
which the appear to have both spe
cial adaptation and desire
I am indebted to Dr Sunder Singh
the accredited agent for these people
in Canada for the statement as to how
the eyes of the Hindus were first
turned toward America and Canada
and the first beginnings of modern
emigration from India were inspired
He says that the visit of Hindu re
ligious reformers to the great parlia
ment of religions which was held in
Chicago in connection with the worlds
fair first aroused these people to an
appreciation of the advantages of occi
dental civilization and democratic in
The educational work carried on
by American missionaries in the high
schools of India also prepared the way
for a sowing of good seed in a ready
soil the fruitage of which turned the
eyes of educated Hindus toward this
new world Economic conditions in
India furthered a movement of emi
grants to Canada in 1905 when and
continuing until 1907 not a few came
to this country Victoria Daily Times
An Innovation in Oil Heaters
The Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater with its
drums enameled in turquoise is an ornament to any
room whether in the country or city home
No home is quite complete without a Perfection Oil
Heater It is a necessity in the faHand spring when it is too
warm to start the regular heating apparatus and too cool to be
without heat In the midst of winter it is often convenient as
an auxiliary heater as there are always some cold corners
in a house
The enameled heater always presents a nice appearance as the
enamel will not tarnish or burn off It is not an enamel paint but it
is the same as the enamel of your cooking utensils
The Perfection is the most reliable and convenient portable heating J
1 A ll I1 fl - I- 1
device you can and n automancauy iowung name spreauei pieveuis
turning the wick high enough to smoke
JtwT Smokes ess
Deafen everywhere Ait yours to thayr
you the Perfection Heater enameled or write
tor dacripthre circular to any agency of
Standard Oil Company
Dry Goods
222 Main Ave
Our stock is most complete
Blankets from 5oc to 750 per pair
Comforts from 150 to 500 each
Call and make your selection from
our large assortment
Munsing Union Suits
For women misses and children when
purchasing your winter underwear buy the
everlasting everwear perfect fitting kind
Accept no substitute Munsing Suits are
the best
Coats and Furs
Our line was never so complete as this
season The highest quality at the lowest
prices and everything new and up-to-the-minute
in style and color
Great Reductions
in Mimncry
Ever trimmed hat in our stock
is now on sale at exceptional low
prices Buy your winter hat during
this sale while there is a good assort
ment to choose from
Phone 56
JL i
Ladies Furnishings
AlcCook Nebraska
Explosion Follows Volley of Dialects j Your Money Back if You Are
Hurled at Caran Which Results Not Satisfied With the Med
in His Discharge
We Recommend
Joseph Caran laborer tanned to the
color of the faded red undershirt hej We are so positive tliatt our
was wearing was arrested on a tech J remedy will permanently relieve
nical charge the other day writes tuej j constipation no matter how
New York correspondent of the chronie it mily be that we off er
cinnati Times Star and taken before
furnish thJ medicine at our
Magistrate Vooheis The magistrate f
expense should it foal to produce
scanned the papers placed before hira
1 1 sfltishicripv results
noted me mans name ana ouservtuj
his make up Tell the court interJ It is worse than useless to ait
preter to come in said he tempt to cure constipation with
The court interpreter burst into aj cathartic drugs Laxatives or ca
gargle cf Sicilian when he beheld Car- thariics do much harm They
an Caran looked stupefied The in- caLSl relction irritate and
terpretar tried the Neapolitan dialect wakpn tJu bowds and tpnd to
cnLfea Caran shook hs head Ihe
fe constipation more chronic
inU prater tried Basque half a dozen
Besides their use becomes a habit
country dialects of Spanish and some
lov French on him Caran began to that is dangerous
look indignant The interpreter saidj Constipation is caused by a
that it was no good can- weakness of the nerves and raus
not understan ncting vat Heye can ces 0f the large intestine or de
cpik He mus be man fom one demj SJondhijr colon To expect per
little islands in da Mediterranean mailent reijef you must therefore
Were dey no speak good Italiano at lom md strengtlen the or
GrPrise lor activity
Its too bad said Magistrate j We want you to try Kexall Or
heis Take him back to the cells derlies on our recommendation
Well have to hold him until we find They are exceedingly pleasant to
some one who can make him under- take being eaten like candy and
stand ideal for children delivate per-
Fwhat the divvle burst out Mr I
and old folks as well as for
Caran explosively Did yees 1L W k Im
monkev to understhand fwnat this
the nerves and nniscles of the
chattering baboon here says to me
If yees cant talk U nited States in obwels They apparently have a
this court take me to wan where they neutral action on other associate
do Thats ahll organs or glands They do not
Magistrate Voorheis looked silently purge cause excessive looseness
at Caran took in his violently Latin J nor create any inconveninc what
scenery and compared it with the 1 Qyc T may be takm at any
obviously Hibernian accents that m -
tumbled over each other on Carans
lips Then Mr Voorheis slipped him
self a giggle Discharged said he
ner shop nell
Consider only the great brown
household loaf as Rabelais called It
Its crust has the rich hue of a
try maidens cheek Its crumb is as
All that our race is it owes to the
old kitchen Unless the pure food
positively relieve chronic or hab
itual constipation if not of sur
gical variety and the myriads of
oa nninto m InrxmflnTffc fTlTWrlf Jill
Home Baked Bread ir m ji i
1 unguis ix l uivuii niiiui i tsuujivj
12 tablets 10 cents 36 tablets 2o
here as to rots and spots and sec
ond grade flour and alum bleach or the cents 80 tablets oO cents bold
enforced companionship of journey- in jMcCooJc only at our store
i - 11 m ITT irn
men bauers ana cenar rais at me jtexaii diore u vv
Engraved Cards
Orders for engraved cards will re-
creamy as her neck Its aroma as it ceive prompt and satisfactory atten
comes crackling from the oven if not tion at The Tribune office Cards
the veritable soul of the wheat is at and invitations also printed tasteful
least its aura There is savor in iy Call and see samples and we
home made hread and the meat on yyju qUOte you prices Satisfaction
which our modern Caesars may grow guarantofd
Huber handles the Carhart
w u rii the red flat flies gloves and caps also and a 1111
from oiher roofs New York World line of other makes
fnwi t y uirwnHWmnmjmM
AEsffssiefy Par
Used and praised by the most
competent and careful pas
try cooks the world over
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of
Tartar made from grapes
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that- Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely de
range the -whole system when enter
ing it through the mucous surfaces
Such articles should never be used
except on prescriptions from repu
table physicians as the damage they
will do is ten fold to the good you
can possibly derive from themHalLs
Catarrh Cure manufactured by F J
Cheney Co Toledo O contains
no mercury and is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system In
buying Halls Catarrh Cure be sure
you get the genuin It is taken in
ternally and made in Toledo Ohio
by F J Cheney Co Testimonials
Sold by all druggists 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for con
For coughing dryness and tickling
in the throat flioarseness and all
coughs and colds take Foleys Hon
ey and Tar Compound Contains no
opiates A McMillen
An article that has real merit
should in time become popular That
fsuch is the case with Chamberlains
oCugh Remedy has been attested by
many dealers Here as one of them
H W Hendrickson Ohio Falls Ind
writes Chamberlains Cough remedy
is the best for coughs colds and
croup and is my best seller For
sale by all dealers
A Mail Carriers Load
seems heavier when he has a weak
back and kidney trouble Fred Due
hren mail carrier at Atchison Kan
says I have been bothered with
kidney and bladder trouble and had
a severe pain across my back When
ever I carried a heavy load of mail
my kidney trouble increased Some
time ago I started taking Foley Kid
ney Pills and since taking them I
have gotten entirely rid of nil my
kidney trouble and am as sound now
as ever A McMillen
5 G
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location 11 1 acr -
street iu P Wleh ItCUOK
This is the Case With Many Mc
Cook People
Too many McCook citizens are
handicapped with bad backs The
unceasing pain causes constant mis
ery making work a burden and stoop
ing or lifting an impossibility The
back aches at night preventing re
freshing rest and in the morning is
stiff and lame Plasters and liniments
may give relief but cannot reach the
cause To eliminate the pains and
aches you must cure the kidneys
Doans Kidney Pills are for sick
The following statement should con
vince every McCook reader of their
R F Head- of Champion Neb
says I suffered from kidney trou
ble and lameness across my back
and was in such had shape that I
could not stoop or lift If I at
tempted to do so sharp twinges dart
ed through me The kidney secre
tions were unnatural and their fre
quency in passage was a source of
annoyance When I learned of Doans
Kidney Pills I got a box and their
use gave me great relief
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole ageents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Coughing at Night
means loss of sleep which is bad
for everyone Foleys Honey and Tai
Compound stops the cough at once
relieves the tickling and dryness dn
the throat and heals the inflamed
membranes Prevents a cold devel
oping into bronchitis or pneumonia
Keep always in the house Refuse
substitutes A McMillen
A Household Medicine
that stops coughs quickly and cures
colds is Foleys Honey and Tar Com
pound Mrs Anna Pelzer 2526 Jef
ferson St So Omaha Neb says I
can recommend Foleys Honey and
Tar Compound as a sure cure for
coughs and colds It cured my
daughter of a bad cold and my neigh
bor Mrs Benson cured herself and
her whole family with Foleys Honey
and Tar Compound Everyone in our
neighborhood speaks highly of it
A McMillen
Backache Headache Nervousness
and rheumatism both in mea and
women mean kidney trouble Do
not allow it to progress beyond the
reach of medicine but stop it prompt
ly with Foley Kidney Pills They reg
ulate the action of the urinary or
gans Tonic in action quick in re
sults A
gmF Built
M38r heaviest
fHr with
to handle the
greatest accuracy
Its parts are few and strong and simple
The breech is locked by a turning bolt
as in the latest design of military rifles
Five smashing cne ton blows delivered with
lightning speed or deliberate fire as need may be
The only recoil operated ride locking the cart
ridge in the chamber until after the bullet has
left the muzzle
PemlngtomUMC the perfect shooting
Send for Descriptive FolJei
Remington Arms Union Metallic Cartridge Co
299 Broadway llcxr York City
Birf Enough for ihe
Bigtfest Game
Quick Enough for ihe
Most DantferousGara
Swe fhr Accurate
Hard hilling