The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 09, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Dislocated Hip
Herman Roberts a young man
is now confined to bed at the Ar
lington hotel with a dislocated
liip and head and face bruises
the result of being struck in the
MeCook yard last Friday night
by the switch engine He and
G 0 Anderson were bumming
their way east from Denver Ar
riving on Xo 6 they got off the
blind baggage in the local yard
and Roberts not being familiar
with the tourist business ran
into or was struck by the switch
engine which approached to do
some switching with the train
Roberts received medical atten
tion and is getting along nice
ly Anderson remains Avith him
Roberts home is in Indianapolis
3nd while Anderson claims
Wheeling West Va as his home
Roberts worked on the Perry su
gar beet dump in the fall and
went into Colorado from there
An Honor Conferred
Tuesday morning Captain Jus
Clothes hampers just what the
women need at
Bishop Tihen at the Temple
theatre Tuesday eveningNovem
ber 14th
A new invoice of the latest
popular copyright books 50c
A McMILLEN Druggist
There is magic in the words
Advo They are the final
word in canned excellence An1
Huber is the prophet
Sanders Kern of East MeCook
liad the misfortune Monday night
of falling from a tree along the
dry creek breaking an arm rath
er badly
Just received a car load of
Victor ana ma
Fresh Corn Meal
J5JJ 3 js Urtgu
The Lion and the Mouse
The Lion and the Mouse
was written by Charles Klein
and produced by Henry B Har
The first performance -was giv
en on October 19 1903 at the
Middlesex Theatre Middletown
Conn The receipts on the open
ing night were 26500 On the
second night it played to 1485
The Lion and the Mouse
had its premier in New York
CLtv at the Lvceum theatre on
Monday November 20th 3905
and ran for two full years For
thirty weeks its receipts in this
city never fell below 12000 a
Bishop Hartzell at Benkelmanj
Bishop J C Hartzell will de
liver a lecture in the M E
church Benkelman Tuesday No
vember 14th at 730 oclock Bisl
op Hartzell is one of the gen
eral superintendents of the Meth
odist work in Africa and will
sneak on Missions in Africa
tin A Wilcox received official He has traveled extensively both
notification of his appointment aa in Europe and America Tliis ad
an aid-d-camp on the staff of tin divs affords the people of this
national commander -of the Grand section of state a large oppontiin
Army of the Republic the an ity Everyone is invited epec
nouncement coming from Ohicagc ially Epworth Leaguers
Captain Wilcox at once wrote his i
acceptance of the honor upon j A reat Stove Line Sale
which his old comrades here and Majestic Quick Meal and
friends congratulate him This Copper Clad Malleable ranges
appointment carries with it the Art Garland and Monitor Ra
honor of riding in the grand pa- diator base burners Estate
rade with the general staff and Oak Garland Oak Coles
other headquarters distinction Hot Blast and Howard Oven
of the general staff and national Draft heaters All at McCook
commander of so grand an organ Hardwa re Co at special low
izaticn as the G A R prices
The Eest Ever I Coal to Be Cheaper in McCook
Th company which will pre i A ear of coal from the Farm
sent The Lion and the Mouse en Mine in Colorado will be in
at the Temple theatre in near McCcok Saturday This coal is
future has a really wonderful said to be unsurpassed by any
ray of well known people enlist j coal in use in the west It will
ed in the ranks of the j ccit but 525 on the tracks- to
tion The management do not be stockholders and within a year
lieve in the too common system si 00 will be taken off that See
of one or two giving the whole or call J Price Palmer House
show but have organized wnai if interested
is undoubtedly one of the strong
est casts ever brought together
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing
All the fresh fruits of the sea
son at Magners
Hats and Bets
if it was stipulated to be a
letson hat let us remind you
while the returns are being certi
fied that we sell Stetson liats for
69 Saves you more than a
dollar The Thompson D G Co
Itmcst value for cash only
O E S Friday Night
Regular meeting of the O E S
tomorrow Friday evening Vis
itors welcome
Bishop Tihen of Lincoln prior
to his appointment to the See of
Lincoln was on the Redpath
Chautauqua Bureau circuit and
lectured extensively throughout
the middle West establisliing for
himself a reputation as a mas
terful platform speaker a repu
tation he has splendidly maintain
ed since coming to Lincoln
Hence it may be expected with
confidence that his lecture in the
Temple theatre on next Tuesday
evening November 14th will be
eminently worth while Hear him
I Try
Tribune want ads
mm jjajn
mpion wour
Milled at Crete Neb Every sack of this flour is guaranteed
to ive perfect satisfaction or your money will be refunded
Give this flour a trial and you will use no other
Fresh Buckwheat Pancake Re Graham and
Wheat Flour Corn Chops Wheat Oats Bran
Corn and Hay
All Kinds of Chicken Foods
and Poultry Remedies We solicit your patronage
Marshs Flour Feed Store
Thursday Evening Edition
son was hostess A itwo course
luncheon was served in the din-
in t rt itMi1II i hnnIOnTYlft
iiJii J UiUJil ill iiuiii i imuuQuuv 1 1 I
- c l A 1 ui
hvulsome Grev China Wolf sets
santhemums was the chiel table i
at s L 0p in
ing refreshments Sister Mun
dy officiated in the cloak room
Those assisting Avere Mesdames
C L Fahnestock J M Matteson
Boy Klevin II II Miller -T B
McCarl II C Clapp
Hay and Dairy Farm
If you are looking for a good
thing as a renter on a profitable
hay or dairy ranch call on or
address the Tribune MeCook Ne
braska 26 3ts
The topic for Epworth League
Yon should see our nice assort
ment of American and French
hand painted china
A McMILLEN Druggist
There is some style to
Charlie Picklums latest automo
bile model 1 Its warranted to
not exceed the speed limit too
Every facility for the prompt
and accurate dulling of prescrip
tions is at McConnells
Huber handles the Carhart
gloves and caps also and a full
line of other makes
kidlJ3ri - -
- -
z vgr
BSaajjaiiaia B --
ped face hands or lips are suffer-
mg needlessly Chapping is cans
ed by the drying and cracking of
til skin or cuiel It is
brought about by extreme cold
nv tiniimnoii v imtiirin
c i ti i r i - j - -
oum av L vumiig u uc x tiu circul tion msnut fis
al Evangelism there will be
asurcs thlt oprn pav tK ilicatc
special program Everybody wcl nmlcrivill nrvis PXCSsd and
come The leaders waU be Mrs f T11i t
Charles Fisher and Miss Lillian iiBe cllffnnr iri a n
Jtaissen e prevented Apply
nells Fragrant Lotion Price 2f
j j I I
- - -
Friday and Saturday house-
hcid geeeb 502 W 2nd St
twa blocks west of court
house to close J B Wade
estate Axminster ffM in-
grain rug 8 yardS4naitting
iron bed springs mattress
dresser commode dining ita
ble 3 straight chairs rock-
er 2 stoves kitchen
X Isils dishes etc
O 4J t J
i -
Bishop J Henry Tihen of Lincoln Who Will Lecture in the
Temple Theatre Tuesday Evening November 14
-IN - SOCIAL CIRCLES j Notice to Water Consumers Wir immer Verkaufen
j It will be economy for yon to We always sell best table oil
The Priseilla club met with Mrs see that your meters are kept an cloth loe yd Best calicos at 5c
II P Waite Wednesday after- gciod condition All those meters Apron checked ginghams 6Vc
noon - iout of commission and not pro- Peerless Carpet warp 26c lb
O E S Kensington was heldi
at the home 01 Mrs Robert Cole
Wednesday afternoon Mis Cole
and Mrs John Hunt were host
The Research Club will meet
Avith Mrs A McMillan next
Monday afternoon Subject will
be Shakespeares Much Ado
About Nothing
A guest list of almost four
score was a feature of an elabo
rate kvnsington Tuesday after
noon at which Mrs Marie
perly repaired will be charged a Good muslin oc Feather pillows
flat rate as follows Per an- 65c and 125 LeatlierwearVcl
num 300 per head of stock wide black taffeta silk 89c Fie
250 per room 100 per bath ischers German Knitting worst-
tub 250 per toilet 500 per ed 25c for lb skein Mens
quarter for 50 foot lawn four gcod blue bib overalls 44c Jack-
hciurs per day By order of city ete same Boys double front
conn a
Water Commissioner
A New Republic
The passing of the Empire of
China kite a Republic with a
president is regarded as the like
ly outcome of th pr seiir revo
lution the is causing so much
bloodshed in the Vies ml king
dom Meanwhile through j 11 the J
it 1
Msurrince we av seiuig liiosi p
eralls 44c Izzer bed comforts
home made 200 to 300 Big
i comfort size batts toe Ladies
all wool jacket suits
i 1000 ito 1650 Childs bear
skin coats 199 hoods 35 cents
Furs from 150 a set up to 15
We solicit your trade The
Thompson D G Co Ktmosit
value for cash only
iv out money tor coai aim wor
ry over House cleaning we- nave
a dusit proof metallic weather
decoration me lining room was - Vn i i wiTO i
artihcial electric ilium
darkened The in McCook for
Wj insrjtioii has been in use
ination supplanting nature Mrs U G C Jlmfst vilJtwo s and has proven itself
W B Mills was at the piano dur - n - f frt llft
III IUI CilSIl UUIJ - UJJ IUIIII u Oltlllll 11 lU if i
everv respect It costs less in-
The Talk of the Town stalled than a storm sash and
Diamonds Mid Season Shoe -will save you more money per
Sale Y ou need the money a tlmn storm saeh will with-
avcII as we Why not take ad tout savinjr anything about its
vantage of this sale your friends dust saving qualities Will glad
are doing it Ilv call and demonstrate
These who sutler from a ehap j
Huber s coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
arci Wedding1 Breakfast heads
the list
McConnell fills prescriptions
You will find them fresh and
ien at Magners grocery
The best brands of eannvd
fruits and vegetables at Magners
Everything in drugs
Everything thats seasonable in
fruits and vegetables at Ilubers
all the time
If you want your recipes com
pounded just right take them to
McConnell druggist Drugs are
right service right prices right
If you wish a hand mirror we
have the new shapes in FiQiinch
plate mirrors all sizes and all
A McMILLEN Druggist
jrcyTTT p
some people fail to make a
financial success is not be
cause they do not have the
ability to make money but
because they lack persisten
cy or
You can save if you WILL
Perhaps you have tried to
develop a bank account and
have failed Does that one
failure justify poverty in old
age This bank offers you
all the inducements and fa
cilities possible for a bank
to offer With the ready as
sistance and advice of which
customers of this bank may
avail themselves there is no
reason why YOU should not
accumulate an independent
Start a bank account NOW
P Walsh President
C P Lehx Y Pres
C J OBkiex Cash
Dim cross
M Loushran P F McKenna
Christian Science The subject
for next Sunday morning will be
Mortals and Immortals
Adventist Services at 11 a m
and S p m Saturday and at S
p m buntlay
Christian Sunday school at
10 a m preaching at 11 a m
and 8 p 111 n M Mitchell min
Episcopal 22nd Sunday after
Trinity Sunday school at 10 a
m Morning prayer and sermon
at 11 Evening service and ser
mon at 8
Congregational November 12
Morning sermon and Sacrament
of the Lords Supper Evening
subject The Quitter A cor
dial invitation to all
German Evan Lutheran East
6th St Services every Sunday
morning at 1030 oclock and
evening at 730 O R Richert
Divine Science Unity health
meeting on Tuesday and Friday
evenings- New Thought Sunday
school three oclock on Sunday
afternoon 123 T D street
Catholic St Patricks Church
8 30 a m low mass and sermon
10 30 a m high mass and ser
mon 230 p m Sunday school
S00 evening services Rev Wm
Patton O M I pastor
Baptist Sermons at 11 a m
and 8 p 111 Bible school at 10
Christian Endeavor at 7 p m A
hearty welcome to all who wish
to worship with us D L Me
Bride minister
Get our rates on farm loans
Freshest fruits at Magners
Lily Patent Flour when once
used none other will satisfy you -
Want ads 5 cents per line
lassified Advertisements
FOR RENT Furnished heat
ed room 519 Main st 12 tf
FOR SALE A first class pian
with Cecilian piano player at a
bargain on terms Inquire of
this office for particulars 9 28tf
FOR RENT Furnished room
modern house Inquire 319 1st
W Phone red 281 W21tf
TO TRADE Have the follow
ing city property to trade in on
land all clear of incumbrance 7
room dwelling in very desirable
location 1 four room dwelling
also in desirable location in Mc
Cook in first class condition Call
phone red 295 or write H E
Culbertson McCook Neb 12 4ts
WANTED Pupils on piano ana or
gan beginners preferred Terms 50c
per lesson Susie McBride phone
black- 464
I i
Ij fc