The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 02, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 3

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F v
East Depart Central Time
No 6 1130 P M
16 500 A M
2 550 A M
12 635 AM
14 920 P M
10 505 P M
West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1220 P M
3 1142 P M
5 arrive 830 p m
13 930 A M
15 1230 A M
9 625 A M
Imperial Line Mountain Time
No 176 arrives 330 P M
No 175 departs 645 A M
Sleening dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and rickets call on or write D F
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Xo 9 was about an hour late
tills morning
Switchman E A Savage is on
the sick list
Conductor E O Scott took
the Oliicago Gas special to Hast
ings Monday
Pat Gould came down en 10
Tuesday He will fire on No 14
McCook to Red Cloud
Conductor Worth Humph
ries returned on No 9 Tuesday
from lib Kearney visit
A firio phv loft on Xo 10
-- - -
Monday fcr Sioux City la for
a vist of a couple weeks
P E Russell wcnt down to
Elcldrege Wednesday en Xo 10
to take en tlu switch engine
II L Rodecker came down
from Denver Wednesday morning
He will fir 2 for Monks on No 1
MeCook Akron
Engineer J W Hasty is on
the Red Cloud Oxford run now J
Engineer L E Hanford has
the McCook goat I
-Engineer M II Hammond
went up to Denver Wednesday
on No 3 He will take an R 4j
turn cut of that place
C E Emersons men since
lVTir1n mnrnintr are on a new
schedule going to work at 730
and quitting at 5 30
Miss Nell Turner returned o
No 13 Tuesday morning from
Orleans where she visited her
brother Sam Turner
Machine Shcp Foreman Ad
ams received word last night by
telegraph announcing the death
of Ins father in Pennsylvania
Engineer Westland has laid
off for a few trips while he
brings the wife up from Lincoln
He will mn out of McCook here
Conductor E O Scott is m
Lincoln for a few days visiting
the homefolks and soaking in
some sporting events of the cap
ital city of end of week
Engineers Donald Snoke and
Louie Tost returned Tuesday eve
ning on 10 from Denver and
visiting Fireman II J Hoffman
in the St Luke s hospital
The old ice sheds platform
etc just east of the eating house
have been removed and the
ground thus cleared will be pre
pared for lawn purposes
Miss Daisy Gardner of Doug
las who won a fore door Over
land auto in the Lincoln Daily
Stars prize campaign just now
closed is a sister of W M Gard
ner chief clerk in general fore
mans office
Mr and Mrs Leon nileman
arrived home Sunday night fror
La Junta Colorado where both
of them spent weeks in a hospit
al with attacks of typhoid fever
Both are doing nicely toward a
complete recovery
John Seth a former member
of the boiler gang here but late
on the Union Pacific at North
Platte spent part of the week
here visiting old time McCook
friends ne of course is out
with the rest of the narriman
Mrs J A Modrell visited her
brother Ben King near the Wil
low Sunday afternoon
Miss Mabel Sexson went to Mc
Cook last Saturday to stay a
while with her aunt Mrs John
Mr and Mrs S C King and A
W Campbell attended the funer
al of Jacob Long in McCook Mon
day Mr Long was one of the
first settlers in this- vicinity
Miss Lillian Doyle was up from
Lincoln visiting the liome folks
Sunday and Monday
The Epworth League will serve
a- lunch at the store election day
Epworth League next Sunday
evening at 7 oclock preaching
at 8 Subject of League lesson
The Standard of Thought and
Infe Phil 4 8 UCor 71 The
thought of the lessons through
November The Ideal Lifey
McCook defeated Arapahoe in
a poorly played game of football
last Saturday by the score of 33
to 5 Arapahoe scored after
about three minutes of play Ar
apahoes left end broke thru and
blocked a punt and then grabbed
the ball and ran 35 yards for a
touchdown Try at goal failed
McCook received the kick off
and forward passes that carried
the ball to the 4 yard line where
Emerson carried it over the line
Schmidt kicked goal Selunidt
kicked off to Arapahoe The ball
see sawed back and forth with
McCook having a little the best
of it Knowles received the ball
on his 30 yard line and on an
end run carried the ball over for
the second touchdown Schmidt
lacked goal
In the second quarter Schmidt
made two touchdowns on out side
tackle smashes lie kicked goal
both times Also booted a pretty
goal from the field
On the first down in the sec
ond half Schmidt carried the
ball o5 yards for touchdown ne
kicked goal This ended the scor
ing McCook s team work was
verv ragged
lor Turner 1 g Gray Miller 1 t
OBrien 1 e Schwab q Sohmidl
r h 1 h
Emerson f b
Touchdowns Knowles Emersox
Schmidt 3 Currey Goals from
touchdown Schmidt field goal
Schmidt Referee Beltzer um
pire Archer head lineman
In Spookland
Tlie halloween entertainment
given lv the Epworth League in
the M E church Tuesday night
was a great success and speaks
well for the energy and ingenuity
of its promoters The guests pass
ed thru the south basement en
trance into the Elves Cavern
whence in bevies of ten sheeted
and masked were guided thru
the wonders They passed up the
Enchanted Stairway Avhere wails
of the departed smote their ears
they endured the agonies of be
ing changed into goblins midst
the fornraldehydic vapors of the
Witches Cauldron they felt the
soothing effect of encantation
and incense as they regained hu
man form in the Mystic Shrine
they were guided to the Devils
Slide by which precarious route
they entered the Demons Den
with its yards of serpents coiled
round they gazed iipon Hades
where Satan forked over the
flames ithey toiled up the Witch
es Flight into the light of the
stars they groped their way
down the Vale of Darkness with
its silent horror they were enter
tajned on Cannibal island touch
ing eyes ears etc of the man
eaters victims they Peeped into
For Supreme Judges
For Regents State University
For Railway Commissioner
For District Judge
and began a series of end runs For County Treasurer
For County Clerk
For County Sheriff
For Clerk of Court
For County Judge
For County Superintendent
anna McDonnell
For County Surveyor
For County Coroner
For County Commissioner
Jacob Wesch is on the sick list
and is very low at this writing
Geo Sehreiber and Misses Etta
Arapahoe played and Louisa Wesch were visitors
the better game in the last half at the Witte home Sunday
but the defensive work of the Me J Wallace Bryan and son Ben
Cook team was good enough to -were at McCook on business Mon
throw the Arapahoes back for
R 3 Adams is working for the
McCcok would get the ball on- railroad company at McCook
ly to k it by repeated fumbles I E Peters finished sowing
uchirfdt Miller nd Emerson whoi on the Barnes place last
played the best game for McCook Saturday
The vnvk of the rst of tho tenm vy nike h putting in wlint on
ves jrcod but it lacked unity Cm the Miller place I
rey nhyed the bst game for George Sehreiber has sowed the
apahoe I F W Wesch place to wheat
The attiidance was very small1 Gtrge s a bachelor and has
The Athletic A socntion is ni unproved farms rented He
debt now about 5000 The boys ojavs ilt njffnt 0n his farms in
pky Oxford next rriday tne Kansas and at day time in Ne
mnniirmTi hns cone to a good
deal of expense in bringing the
Oxford team here but they be
lieve it will be a close fast game
Chas A Wesch called ou Her
man Pade Sunday
John Garfield is working for
Everybody come out and give thej3 uncie in Lincoln county
team and the management your
McCook line up
TTnihov v Hughes r t
All persons interested in the
estate of Mary A Whitaker de
ceased late of Red Wallow coun
Willetts r Benjamin e Mil- ty Nebraska are hreby notified
the 27th of October
1912 where the bursting of paper
bags revealed written phophecies
they were led into Diamond Hall
to look upon its scintillant beau
ties finally they were ushered in
to the dining room where they
sat at tables decorated with black
paper cats under the light of jack
o lanterns In the dining room
also were two fortune telling
booths presided over by Mesdam
es Eckman and Howell a Wheel
of Fate and other amusements
Nearly a hundred people attend
ed the affair
A specialty of typewriter supplies at
The Tribune Shop Papers of all
weights sizes and qualities Ribbons
for every machine carbon papers
manuscript covers etc All kept in
Plumbing Heating
and Gas Fitting
Phone 33
Estimates furnished freeBasemeEt
Postoffice building
on day
1911 Jennie Ilendershot Mabel
E Colling and George A Whit
aker filed their petition in the
county court of said county for
appointment of George A Whit
aker as administrator of said es
tate and same will be heard at
county court room in said county
on the 18th day of November
1911 at 9 a m
County Judge
First publication Oct 30 6ts
Big Politician Has Scheme to Reduce
Congestion In Now York Tene
ment Districts
Big Tim Sullivan has been looking
about a bit in his Bowery kingdom
and as a consequence the brainiest
man in Tammany has hammered out
a land tax system which he be
lieves will reduce the congestion in
the tenement districts a New York
correspondent of the Cincinnati
Times Star writes Poople in my
district sleep three and four to the
room said he and many of the
rooms have never had a ray of sun
light in them They have to live
that way because the rent is so high
The tenement owner who is willing to
tear down his old building and put
up a new one with sunlight in every
window and a bath in every flat is
afraid to do so because he knows
that his taxes would go skallyhooting
up The poor devils who rent his
flats would in the end pay for that
higher rate of taxation Every eighth
child born in New York cfty dies be
cause its mother has to go to work
or starve At the same time there
are 40000 acres of good land lying
idle within the city limits
Therefore Sullivan has a plan to cut
the taxes on improved real estate and
increase the taxes on vacant prop
erty He figures that owners would
have either to build on their land
which would relieve the downtown
congestion or go to farming it
which would indirectly have the same
effect A watch dog on a farm lives
better than many of my constitu
ents he declares and yet after
an experience of a lifetime downf
there I have yet to find the equal
of the families on the streets near
the Bowery for industry and economy
and courage Maybe my land tax plan
is Bowery political economy as has
been charged I like it all the better
for that fact The Bowery has had to
put up with Fifth avenue political
economy for a good while
Rather Exaggerated
It was his first experience in the
dental chair
Great Jbsephus gasped the victim
j as he leaped upward What was that
you put in my mourn r
A rubber dam sir responded the
dentist politely
Rubber dam Hm I thought It
was the Gatun dam from the way It
felt I
Jack LonoonV Description of the Now-
New Which Pvcs the New
er j ffo
The following story from Jack Lon
dons recently published The Cruise
of the Snark indicates that the Jer
sey mosquito has a rival in the now
I made the strategic mistake of
undressing on the edge or a steep 2
bank where I couM dive in but could la
not climb out When I was ready to
dress I had a hundred yards walk on
the bank before I could reach my
clothes At the first step fully 10000
now nows landed upon me At the
second step I was walking in a cloud
By the third step the sun was dimmed
in the sky After that I dont know
what happened
When I arrived at my clothes I
was a maniac And here enters my
grand tactical error There is only
one rule of conduct in dealing with
now nows Never swat them What
ever you do dont swat them
They are so vicious that in the in
stant of annihilation they eject their
last atom of poison into your carcass
You must pluck them delicately be
tween thumb and forefinger and per
suade them gently to remove their
proboscises from your quivering flesh
It is like pulling teeth But the diffi
culty was that the teeth sprouted
faster than I could pull them so I
swatted and so doing filled myself
full of their poison
This was a week ago At the pres
ent moment I resemble a sadly neg
lected smallpox convalescent
On Its Summit De Soto Was Received
by the Chickasaw Chief
in 1541
Under the lead ot the residents of
the southwest portion of the city
there is a renewal of activity for the
purchase of Jackson Mound Park and
a email amount of adjacent property
as an addition to the public park sys
tem People favoring the purchase
have drawn up a petition which sets
out why they think that the property
tdiould be purchased by the city
These mounds have a historical
valuo that is beyond calculation Upon
the summit of one of them in May
1541 De Soto was received by the
Chickasaw chief This was twenty
three years before the birth of Shake
speare it was sixty six years before
Jamestown was settled it was seventy-nine
years before the Pilgrims
landed at Plymouth Rock It is there
fore the oldest landmark in the United
States Beneath the bluff here during
the Civil war the gunboat Arkansas
was built
Being such a historical landmark
it is highly important that the city
should own and keep sacred forever
this memorable spot Memphis Com
mercial Appeal
Wanted Dog Massage
Because Alexandria hotel Los An
geles refused to massage her bulldog
with electric appliances Mrs Henry T
Phillips and maid of New York re
fused to register Mrs Phillips had
three maids a man servant and a
brindle bulldog
Before I register said Mrs Phil
lips to the chief clerk Mr Sibbald
I must be assured that my dog will
have sanitary quarters with plenty of
light and sunshine I do not expect to
tabe him to my rooms but he must
be massaged by the barber with elec
tric appliances
Mr Sibbard gasped his astonish
ment then politely and gently de
clared that it was against the rles
Very well then the woman snap
ped indignantly Come give me the
chain boy Come Brutus and she
swept from the lobby to a taxicab
Smokers Faces Tell It
A cigar dealer in one of the stands
at the Union depot in Kansas City can
tell what kind of a cigar a man smokes
just by looking at him He becomes
quite proficient in reading mens faces
so far as their purchases of tobacco
wares is concerned
I have been in the cigar business 26
years he said It has been my ex
perience that a dark haired man with
a dark complexion wants a heavy
smoke a Havana cigar A light hair
ed man with a fair skin prefers a
light smoke The dark man enjoys a
pipe while the blonde likes the cigar
ette The most trying demand the
cigar man has to hazard is Give me a
good cigar There are some excep
tions of course but if a dealer fol
lowed my rule of light and dark he
will generally please the customer
Lamp for Matching Colors
U S Consul Augustus E Ingram of
Bradford England reports the inven
tion of a new lamp for matching colors
by artificial light The source of light
may be a metallic filament incandes
cent electric lamp or a gas or petrole
um incandescent lamp The advantages
of the new lamp are cheapness uni
formity in the quality and quantity of
the light given and great illumination
The light filters are formed of a spe
cial blue glass with a special green
glass and the results have been ex
Before and After
As the anthem was ended the preach
er arose relates the Rams Horn and
began to read from Acts 20 And aft
er the uproar was ceased
But at the close of the sermon the
choir rose and sang
It Is time to awake from sleen
For Thrifty
CTirHrnnrnriin iiiiiarT mrwmninTirtf
Engraved Cards
Orders for engraved cards will re
ceive prompt and satisfactory atten
tion at The Tribune office Cards
and invitations also printed tasteful
ly Call and see samples and we
will quote ou prices Satisfaction
The Tribune 100 the year
Notice is hereby given ot the
qualified electors of the County
of Ked Willow in the State oi
Nebraska that upon the order
of the Board of County Commis
sioners of the County of lied Wil
low in the State of Nebraska an
election will be held on the sev
enth day of November A D
1911 between the hours of 8
oclock a in and G oclock p m
of said day at the votiMg places in
the several voting precincts of
said county where the general
election for the year 1911 shall
be holden for the purpose of vot
ing on the following proposition
which is hereby submitted to the
qualified electors of said county
to wit
Shall the County Board of the
County of Ked Willow in the
State of Nebraska levy a tax for
the years 1912 1913 and 1914 for
the purpose of creating a fund
with which to purchase land
erect and furnish buildings there
on suitable for a poor farm and
to put into operation and defray
the actual expenses of such poor
farm said tax to be levied for
the years 1912 1913 and 1914
and at the rate of one mill on
each dollar of the assessed val
uation of the taxable property of
said county -which tax shall be
in addition to the taxes which
said County Board is authorized
to levy for county purposes
Said proposition as submitted
on the ballots to be
For a one mill tax for a
poor farm
Against a one mill tax for a-
poor farm
Submitted and authorized by
the Board of County Commission
ers of the County of Red wil
low in the State of Nebraska
this 3rd day of October A D
F S LOFTON Chairman
Chas Skalla County clerk
Try Tribune want ads
en and
AH Wool
10 to 25
You will find here the
Clothcraft Blue Serge
Special No 4i3oatiS5o
advertised in the Satur
day Evening Post of Nov
4th It is the best serge
ever offered at the price
Be sure to come in and see this special and try on other
Clothcraft suits and overcoats and see how they fit Notice
the close fitting collar the shapely shoulders and the full
smooth coat front
C L DeGroff Co
Notice of Administratrixs Sale
In the District Court of Red
Willow County State of Nebras
ka In the matter of the applica
tion of Nina Harris Wade Ad
ministratrix of the estate of Jam
es B Wade deceased to sell real
Notice is hereby given that in
pursuance of an order of the
Honorable R C Orr Judge of
the District Court of Red Wil
low county Nebraska made on
the 7th day of October 1911 for
the sale of the real estate here-
inafter described situated in
Red Willow county state of Ne
braska to wit lot numbered six
in block numbered six in the or
iginal town now city of McCook
said real estate will be sold at
public vendue to the highest bid
der for cash at the front door of
the court house in the city of Ie
Cook Red Willow county Ne
braska on Wednesday the 8th
day of November 1911 at the
hour of one oclock in the after
Dated this 7th dav of October
Administratrix of the Estate of
James B Wade deceased
First publication Oct 16 6ts
Margaret Davis William S
Davis Mildred Davis and Sarah
G Lamb formerly Sarah G- Ed
monds also known as S E Ed-
imonds defendants will take no
tice that Frank E MeKinnis
plaintiff has filed his petition
against you in the district court
of Red Willow county Nebraska
the object and prayer of whicli
is to obtain a decree of said court
quieting his title to the north y
of the northwest Vt section 21
township 1 range 30 in Red Wil
low county Nebraska against
any claim title to or interest in
or lien upon said land that either
of you may have or claim to
have to have his title thereto de
clared to be absolute to exclude
you and each of you from any
title to or interest in or lien up
on said premises and to have a
certain mortgage thereon held by
said Sarah G- Lamb by assign
ment to her as and in the name
of S Gr Edmonds declared null
and void and no lienupon said
premises and for equitable relief
You are required to answer
plaintiffs petition on gt before
Mondav December 11th 1911
Attorney for Plaintiff
First publication Nov 2 4ts
Tribune advertisers get results
Located in
Commercial Hotel Building
Newly equipped and remodeled
We extend a cordial invitation to everyone asking you to
call and see our work get our prices and acquainted All
work promptly finished and guaranteed or money refunded
Telephone Black 428 for- a Sftting now
The Ellingson Studio Co