The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 02, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 2

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Tfts Mcooft Triune
Largest CircuIated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat
ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays
October 27th 1911 chapter is as follows
Mr Chas Skalla County Clerk
McCook Nebr Dear sir
Answcrhicr vour inauiry
For entering each instrument
presented for record in the num
erical index after the completion
tive to the preparation or the oi said index the cleric shall
tax list and delivering the same receive the sum of fifteen cents
lo the county treasurer for the to be paid in advance by the
Holkction of the taxes person offering the instrument
Section 141 of Article 1 chap- for record
ter 7 pare or uomimeu j iujii mucins uieeuiij inq
Statutes of Nebraska for 1911 tiile of real estate whether
reads as follows deeds mortgages or releases
The tax list shall be com- M mortgages must be entered
pleted and delivered to tlie upon the numerical index Con
county treasurer on or before nJly the least fee you are
rim iiil div of November an- allowed to charge is fifteen cents
mmllv and before its delivery in- itcrng it on the numerical
the county clerk shall attach a index and seventy five cents for
warrant under the seal of the recording a total of ninety cents
count v which warrant Khali be and ii the instrument to be rec
koned bv said clerk and shall in ordered ccontains more than two
general terms command the said hundr d words the excess should
treasurer to collect the taxes be charged for at the rate of
therein mentioned according to in cents per hundred vordsYou
laiv iH notice that 1 Bay The least
Tlics has been the law in this fee you are ALLOWED to
state since lOOJ and under it charge 1 do this because the
ou have until the 1st day oi tees belong to the county ana at
November to prepare tliis list anc i your duly to collect the am
turn it ov3r to the treasurer Un- tuni fixed by law no more arid
der the circumstances it seems no less 1 say no more because
to me no one lias a right to com- if you require a fee for any ser
plain that the list is not yet com- vi n au amount larger than
pleted provided it is completed that fixed bw daw you are liable
and delivered to the treasurer by to a penalty Section 3-1- of the
that time since the legislature above chapter provides
has seen fit to give this tim If any officer whatever avIiosc
to do this work fees are hereinbefore expressed
You also state that you have and limited shall take greater
been accused of charging more fees than are hereinbefore limitec
for recording than the law allows and expressed for any service to
ind have asked for my opinion be done by him in lias office
concerning the proper amount to siich officer shall forfeit and pay
barge for the same Not only to the party injured fifty dollars
doessection 13 of chapter 28 to be recovered as debts of the
of the above statute provide as same amount are recoverable by
follows- law
That in all counties the count Thus you see that any one
clerk shall receive for recording feeling liimself injured by your
deed mortgage or other instru charges can recover fifty dollars
ment for the first 200 words from you for each time lie can
seventy five cents and for each prove an overcharge
ten words thereafter one centv CIIAS D RITCHIE
but also section 140 of the same Counly Attorney
McCook Nebraska October 24 defeat was a demonstration that
1911 John M Watson Esq the progressive wing of the Re-
publican party was in the minor
Bartley Nebraska Dear Sir- i ju
I am in receipt of your letter oi progressive cause It seems to me
the 22nd instant asking my tuait ti ought to be a very good
ion in regard to Mr Skalla the reason why other things being
coimtv clerk bcine a progressive equal we should give him our
Republican In reply I will state hearty support The proper thing
that Mr Skalla has from the verj of course in the election of a
beginning been an earnest and county clerk is the qualification
thorough progressive He has al- of the respectivae candidates I
ways been outspoken and emphat think it is an acknowledged fact
ic in his support of progressive that Mr Skalla has made a ree
measures and progressive men I ord as county clerk of which ev
know of one or two standpat Re- ery citizen of Red Willow county
publicans who are bitterly fight- can justly feel proud His ad
ing Mr Skalla for the sole reason ministration of the office it is
that he is known to be a support- conceded by all has been of the
er of Senator LaFollette and that highest character His effieien
he belongs to the progressive cy as county clerk has never been
wing of the Republican party anc exceeded and I think all concede
lias been active in his support of that it has seldom been equaled
progressive principles and if I know of no reason why he
such men should succeed in de- should not receive our hearty and
f eating liim they would enthusiastic support Yours truly
ra Teiy inane uut cwim uii ouvn
While the records show some umg
in the office -of county
derelictions in office among court
-0 Judge J C Moore rs seeking
i f
officials past it is
house an years
a pedon at thc hands of the
a pleasure and satisfaction to be poople 0f Red Willow county to
able to say that witlr Judge this office and it seems proper to
Moore continued in this office remind the voters that his
absolute safety and honesty are tion and experience constitute a
guaranteed valuable asset to them in this of-
Tbik office handles the inter- f ice His records are open to in-
ests of minors and orphans and spection and disclose a very sat
luas to do with adoption of dial- isfactory condition Three sep
dren in addition to the appoint- arate and dostinct sets of records
ment of administrators in cases in this office are well and care
where often large amounts are in fully kept and checked with care
Vjolvcd This suggests that the by the county commissioners
value of the mature and item by item twice a yearj
entious judgment of Judge In his reelection two years ago
Moore in handling these falter- after a strenuous campaign his
ests should return him to ounce morax worm ana inness tor tins
for another term of fice wo given crucial trial he-
rA vote for Judge Moore will iore the people He offers a con
Be a vote for a safe and tinuation of such service to the
tious and capable officer people
Political Advertising
will not bear inspection hence
are sent out so Lite that their
falsehoods cannot be refuted
By every fair rule of politics
and of reward for service well
and faithfully performed Miss
Elizabeth Betteher as entitled to
a second term The Tribune lias
every confidence that a safe and
complimentary majority of the
voters of Red Willow county will
so declare at the election of No
vember 7th It will be no more
than a just reward
No question has been raised
as to the ability of Elmer Kay to
fill the office of clerk oj the dis
trict court His character as v
good citizen is admitted Ability
and character are prame essen
tials in seeking and filling offic
es Without them no applicant
for office Iras claims upon the
voters no matter what Ins par
ty affiliation is Possessing them
as does Elmer Kay the candidate
comes before the people with con
fidence and courage
The office of sheriff demands
a distinct type of manhood vig
or courage initiative aresome
times required If a candidate
can bring into the account ex
perience and character he comes
before the people well equipped
to ask for their support and
votes Ernest F Osborn during
his residence in McCook of years
has established himself as a
young man of sterling character
He has served the county as dep
uty sheriff and lias exhibited
qualifications which all men rec
ognize as desirable and useful in
such an office A vote for E
F Osborn for sheriff will be wrell
Political Advertising
D W Colson for Clerk of the Court
The nominee of the Democrat- es and enterprises hav reeeiv
ic party for the office of clerk of ed his support and boost dur i
the distract court in Ited wallow ang these years he always being
count D AV Colson is an early ready to assist the worthy while
settler of this part of the favoring and seeking to secure
ty in fact he came here in 1880 economy in city and county af
when McCook was not and set- fairs and opposing everything
tied on a farm a few miles north- smacking of graft in public life
east of this place lie early As to Mr Colson s reputation
covered that his narents Aver a not for smiare dealing nnd fnr
in position to afford Jiim an ed- rity that may well be left to his
ueaihon and at the age of 14 customers and those who have
years he went away to work for known -him all these years where
liimself thus in summer time se- in he has been engaged in oner
curing the means to attend cantile and insurance business
school in winter At the age of His general fire insurance busi
17 years he was a tax payer ness has taken him all over the
ing secured much of his county so all may have an op-
nun in aowvc Miuuiirao line iii jyuiLuimy lo judge Ox mm in tins
Colson is what may be called respect
strictly self made having from Mr Colson s experience has
early boyhood relied upon himself been varied and in harmony with
in securing his education and the great common people with
making his way in business life whom he has always been in clos
In 1S95 Mr Colson opened a sympahy atnd touch hence lie
little business in McCook which fully coincides with the present1
grew in volume from the start sentiment and effort for economy i
be jcamng one of the well known en the part of the tax payers off
Ftoiv of McCook as the Bee the county With this knowledge
Hive quar dealing and strict of him the people of the county
attention to business making pos
sihle t In s result
Supreme Judgo
Railway Commissioner
Regents of State University
Judge 14th District
County Clerk
County Treasurer
Clerk of District Court
County Sheriff
County Judge
County Superintendent
County Surveyor
County Coroner
Commissioner 1st District
Water witches continue at a
premium at Red Cloud
If V
Beware the roorbacks
promise to be numerous
Politically there is small ad van
tage in the pot calling the kettle
i -
The cry of stop thief is not the
uncommon ruse and resort of the
J i
Political roorbacks on the eve
of election day should receive
scant attention They dont even
have the value of death bed re
pentances and generally are com
posed of matters and issues which
c v1 a for him with confidence
and assurance
County sectionalism is not an
issue in this county It is a mat-
ter of honesty and efficinecy of
character and ability
E B Perry will make a judge
that the fourteenth district will
be proud of Dont miss the op
portunity to make his election
sure Stoekville Republican Fa
Chas W Kelley nominee for 8
county surveyor and D b Smith
nominee for conorer complete the
Republican county ticket These
gentlemen will render capable seij
vice in the respective offices for
which they have been named
Thomas L Hall of Lincoln Re
publican nominee for railroad
commissioner spent Tuesday in
the city visiting the voters and
making a gentlemanly canvass foi
votes Mr Hall is recognized as
a highly efficient man for the
office he seeks and as such is
entitled to the votes of his party
ncl ct uch who desire honesty
md abiVty in office
Chas Skalla the Republican
nominee for county clerk seems
to be the storm center of the
county campaign but his abso
lutely efficient administration of
the affairs of that office during
the past few years has placed him
an such position with the substan
tial farmers and business men of
Red Willow county as to make
his reelection one of the reason
ably certain results of the com
ing election November 7
Bert Perry the Republican
nominee for judge of the 14th
district will doubtless receive a
substantial majority in Red Wil
low county There is no point of
comparison with his Democratic
appenent at which he suffers As
a man as a lawyer he stands
well to the front among his fel
lows in the district It is eon
ceded he is well qualified in the
essentials of that office The
election will simply close formal
ly a foregone conclusion Perry
will be the districts next judge
and he will make a good one
An office of large responsibil
ity and of great importance is
the county treasurcrship Large
sums of money are handled thru
the office annually and careful
business methods and conduct are
required all combined with strict
pst honesty Years of office train
ing have prepared Arthur B
Wood for the prompt and suc
cessful conduct of the business
of the treasurership And as to
his integrity that may be left
to any one of his hundreds of
Mends and neighbors McCook
hais been his home since childhood
and testimonials to this young
mans honesty can be secured on
all hands
Judge Moores friends OArer the
county and it Avill be recalled
that in the recent primary elec
tion the judge received a plural
ity over two opponents in a ma
jority of the precincts of the
county are urging his reelec
tion on the substantial grounds
of Ids fitness for the office of
county judge they point Avith
satisfaction to the creditable rec
ord he has already made they
urge too that in guardianship
and adoption matters m the set
tlement of estates etc his judg
ment his integrity his capabil
ities have been proved In view
of these facts they feel tliat
Judge Moore should be retained
in office for another term
o be prepared for sudden
changes this fall you want a con
vertible collar on your overcoat
When down you have a dress
overcoat and when up a real storm
coat Ram proof too which makes
it twice as valuable and all for
the price of one
One price and no monkey business
i Endorsement of Elmer Kay I
The office of clerk of district court has most to do with
judges and lawyers hence this unqualified endorsement of the
candidacy of Elmer Kay for that position by those best able to
judge and most at interest has special value
We the undersigned members of the bar and court officers
do hereby recommend for consideration of the voters of Red Wil
low County the candidacy of Elmer Kay for Clerk of the Dist
rict Court
It is of interest to the people and particularly to us as attorn
eys and court officers to elect a thoroughly competent clerk for
the reason tlrat a certain knowledge of legal procedure etc is
essential to the proper conduct of the office Mr Kay has served
two years as deputy clerk and isqualified in this respect
We have transacted imueh business in the office of the Clerk
of the District Court during the time Mr Kay has been connected
with it and Ave can conscientiously say that he is well acquainted
with the Avork is honest capable accommodating and courteous at
all times and Ave feel sure that if elected he Avill give the busi
ness of the office his personal attention and Avill see that the im
portant records of the court are properly kept Signed
R C ORR Judge 14th Judicial District of Nebraska
W S MORLAN Attorney at law McCook Nebraska
C E ELDRED Attorney at Laiw McCook Nebraska
C D KITCIHE County Attorney of Red WilloAV County
F L WOLFF City Attorney of McCook Nebraska
SETH S SILVER Attorney at LaAV McCook Nebraska
JOHN CORDEAL Attorney at Lav McCook Nebraska
JOHN E KELLEY Attorney at Law McCook Nebraska
J S LeHEW Attorney at LaAV McCook Nebraska
E B PERRY Attorney atLaw Cambridge Nebraska
C A READY Attorney at LaAV Hayes Center Nebraska
W R STARR Attorney at Lav McCook Nebraska
HARLOW W KEYES Attorney at Law Indianola Neb
S R SMITH Attorney at Law Indianola Nebraska
L W STAYNER Court Reporter 14th Judicial District
J R MeCARL Attorney at Law McCook Nebraska
G W NORRIS Attorney at Law McCook Nebraska
Naturally much interest attach
es to the office of county com
missionersliip The commissioners
are the countys business manag
ers The office demands a care
ful a prudent man Requires a
raar and open minded man one
avIio Avill discharge Ids duties lion
estly and AAdthout bias or favor
Avathout sectional favoritism In
fine a man avIio Avill simply do
airs duty on the square Avith eco
nomy and diligence like he
Avould handle his oavu affairs
William J Stilgebouer of Dan
bury utands for substantial citi
zenship Avhere he is best knoAvn
He comes from a family of econ-
lomical conservative careful bus
iness men He bears a tried rep
utation for such methods liimself
and would make Eed Willow
county such a commissioner Vot
his claims your care-
ful consideration and thought
and your Aote on election day
Send fifty cents to the Lincoln
State Journal and you Avail re
ceive that big state daily all the
rest of the year It Avill stop at
the end of that time
nal is different from other state
papers It is independent pro
grsesive and fearless not in pol
itics for its owners or friends
does not print liquor or nast v
medical advertising spends more
money for state neAvs all of the
Associated Press splendid Wash
ington service and does things
for the good of Nebraskans It
prints more columns of reading
matter than any other state pa
per has many high class special
ieatures ana Uixby himself is
worth the fifty cents Try it at
this cut price Including Sunday
paper 75 cents
i li