The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 30, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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The important part of child
rens Shoes are
We have a line of Boys Miss
es and Childrens Shoes made by
S L Pierce Co who make
nothing but Boys Misses and
Childrens Shoes
Therefore they are able to give
better shoes for less money
Come and see them We guar
antee them
Corner Store
201 Main
Morning Fire
Between four and five oclock
om Friday morning two chicken
houses and a Email outbuilding
containing a quantity of kindling j
cut and stored for the winter7
use were destroyed by fire at the
home of Mrs Vina Wood As
there was no fire in the chicken
houses at that time in the morn
ing there seems to be no explaria
tion for the fire and some enter
tain the idea of incendiarism or
carelessness of some chicken
Forty Hours Devotion j
Father Patten 0 M J of St J
Patricks church on last Sunday
announced a forty days devo j
tion to be held in that church
during the 9th 10th and 11th of
November A number of neigh j
boring priests will be present
during the continuance of this
Fractured Collar Bone
Word comes from La Junta
Colorado that A C Ebert was
recently a victim of an accident
in wliich he sustained a fracture
of the collar bone The Trib
une understands the accident
was not otherwise serious or se
vere and that Mr Ebert is re
covering nicely
rn M 1 I
rriijuue s n uiiiuciuik Ja
chine is missing from the office
Will the borrower kindly return
same to the office promptly
Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in Me
Cook for the unexcelled Barring
ton Hall coffees Priced at 20c
25c and 35c per pound
It is the proved quality of Mag
ners groceries that accounts for
their increasing popularity with
the buying public Every patron
is a satisfied patron
If you feel you want to be
shown in matter of quality go
to the McCook Flour and Feed
Apply MeConnells Fragrant
-Lotion for chapped or rough
skin Price 25c
Magners groceries meet fully
the pure food law requirements
Everything in drugs
For special on dill sour and
sweet pickles see Magner
McConnell for drugs
Cant Entertain
Without Flowers
Reputation Ruined
In the mad rush for wealth in
the last few years the lines be
tween profit from legitimate bus
iness and improper gain from
trust control over other peoples
money have sometimes been dim
That and the blasting of an
honorable mans reputation is the
theme of The Lion and the
Mouse the greatest drama of
the century
Alumni Luncheon
On the second day of the Ne
braska State Teachers Associa
tion meeting in Omaha or on
November 9th the alumni will in
dulge in a 12 oclock luncheon
at the Rome hotel Any uni stu
dent or alumnus desiring to at
tend should communicate at once
with Amos Thomas secretary
Omalia Alumni association at
Can Pay at the Store
Parties owing the Updike Co
may Pa3r their bills at Jones
Cos confectionery and news
stand on lower Main avenue
Phone 13 or 169
S S GARVEY Manager
The Big Stpve Sale
is now going on at McCook Hard
ware Cos all this week You
can save many dollars at this cut
price sale Cash or payments
If You Have
houses to rent list them with
Whittaker Gray They have
several applications on file now
for houses Phone black 283 Of
fice in Temple block
The Big Stove Sale
is now going on at McCook Tinrd
ware Cos all this week You
can save many dollars at tliis cut
price sale Cash or payments
Beginning with this week and
during the winter montlis the
Rummage Sale will be open on
Saturday only
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Car
hart Iluber is the exclusive agenl
Also jackets and caps The phone
is 97
MeConnells Balsam if or eouglis
Drink Wedding Breakfast
coffee and be happy At Hub
ers only
Magner sells better groceries
than the just as good kind Try
him for an order
All grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the Mc
Cook Flour and Feed Store
You should try our 30c per lb
package candy
A McMHjLEN Druggist
The seasoned old hen always
finds it idifficidt to square the
coquetry of Ithe plump youthful
Because rheumatic pains are
felt only in one joint or snusele
does not signify that rheumatism
is ia local trouble
Those wJio try to cure it by us
ing liniment may relieve pain but
it does reach the cause at all
The way to cure rheumatism is
to drive the impurities that
cause it out of the blood and
will do it quickly and surely
It stimulates the flow of bile and
aids to relieve the stomach liver
intestinal disorders and diseases
due to excess f uric acid in the
systemi Price 50c
Monday Evening Edition
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Neb October 24 1911
The board of county commiss
ioners met pursuant to adjourn
ment Present F S Lofton
Edward Sughroue and WN Rog
ers county commissioners Clias
D Ritchie county attorney and
Clias Skalla county clerk
The minutes of the meeting
held October 3rd were read and
on motion approved
The clerk having advertised for
sealed Tids for the grading inc
luding cutting and filling of the
through county road according
to the instructions of the county
board and the specifications fur
nished by the county surveyor 6
bids were found on file with the
county judge and same were op
ened by the county judge in the
presence of the county board and
county clerk and afterwards filed
with the county clerk as require
by law The following bids were
found on file
W H Meyers contract 7
E S Hyatt contract 16 and 17
Alfred Carter contract 16 and
Frank Cain contract 16 and 11
Harber Yeater contract 17
J A Lafferty contract 16 and
A motion was made by Rogers
seconded by Sughroue that con
tract 7 be let to WHMeyersbe
ing approximately 600 cubic yds
as per advertisement of June 5
1911 at 15 cents per yard con
tract 16 approximately 400 cubic
yards to E S -Hyatt at 12 cts
per cubic yard and contract 17
approximately 1600 cubic yards
to E S Hyatt at 12 eents per
cubic yard Motion carried unar
On motion the county clerk
was instructed to provide separ
ate ballots for Road District 9
in Indianola precinct at the gen
eral election to be held on Nov
ember 7th 1911 for the submis
sion CTth 3 proposition cif a spec-
ial road tax for 1912 on all tax
able projrrty in said road dist
rict only the voters residing in
paid raid district and outside the
corporate limits of the City of
Indiancla are interested in said
matter and voters residing in the
City of Indianola have no right
to vote on th proposition The
election board of Indianola pre
cinct is hereby instructed to
ask each voter offering to vote
whether hs resides in the city or
precinct and hand to all voters
residing outside of the city one of
the special ballots together witJi
the regular ballot The county
clerk instructed to prepare a
separate register of the voters vo
ting on this proposition in addi
tion to the regular register on
the regular poll book The Co
Clerk is further instructed to
mail a copy of this resolution to
each member of the election bea
rd of Indianola precinct as ap
pointed by the clerk of the dis
trict ccurt
Th fol owing claims were aud
ited and allowed and the county
clerk was instructed to draw war
rants on the respective funds
levy -of 1911 in payment thereof
as follows
Count General Fund
Peter Karthauser hauling
sand 82 50
E Benjamin boarding
E Benjamin posting elec
tion notices mileage
E Benjamin summoning
E Benjamin attending
eouirt 100
L M Higgins summoning
jurors mileage 15 60
L M Higgins attending
court 10 00
McCcok City water 3rd
quarter 1911 32 37
W T Clark painting river
bridge 37 50
J C Green painting river
bridge 23 00
W H Meyers blacksmith-
ing 1 75
Jas Pontius printing delin
quent tax notice 2 1C
Edward Sughroue freight
advanced on culverts 11 01
County bridge fund
Joseph Kircber bridge
work 4 50
Frank Hill bridge jvork 10 00
Peter Anderson bridge
work 4 50
Alex McDonald bridge
work 7 50
Fred Eircher bridge
1 00
20 60
2 55
work 1 6 00
Standard Bridge Cobridge
work and material 3000 00
Commissioner district No 1
F L McAninch road work
Driftwood precinct 1 50
Commissioner district No 2
Frank Hill road work
Fritseh precinct 2 50
Henry Vontz road work
Fritseh precinct 1 50
Fred Barruth road work
Fmtsch precinct 3 00
Elmer Wolf road work
Fritseh precinct 3 00
Frank Crocker road work
Fritseh precinct 3 00
Roy Creasman road work
Fritseh precinct 3 00
Frank Braider road woTk
Fritseh precinct 1 50
Ora Hatcher road work
Fritseh precinct 1 50
Turen Jensen road work
Fritseh precinct 3 00
Road District No 20 Lebanon
Ralph Hell road work 75
Harry Larson road work 3 00
John Bernhardt road work 3 00
Frank nelt road work 10 00
Aaron Mays road work 75
Albert Abbott road work 2 25
County inheritance tax fund
George Harber and F M
Yeater road work per
contract 70 00
On motion the board adjourn
ed to meet October 25th 1911
F S LOFTON Chairman
CHAS SKALLA County Clerk
McCook Nebraska October 25
1911 The Board of County Com
missioners met pursuant to ad
journment Present F S Lof
ton Edward Sughroue and W N
Rogers county commissioners C
D Ritchie county attorney and
Ohas Skalla county clerk
The claim of L M Higgins be
ing claim No 6622 filed on Aug
ust 28 1911 for 39750 for
J11 itco Gallic up XU1
eratiom and a motion was intro
Lusad by Rogers as follows
Whereas en the 28th dav of
August 1911 Lowell M Higgins
filed with the county clerk a
claim for the sum of 39750 for
fvs for services as jailer in said
c cunt j from the 11th day of Jan
uiry 1910 to and including the
31it day of December 1910 and
Whereas we find and adjudge
from the evidence and our rec
ords tint on the 2nd dav of
February 1910 said Lowell M
lliigjinsi caused to be filed with
sad clerk in the of H C
Hiigguns the son of said Lowell
M Higgins a claim for fees as
jailor cf said count in tha sum
of 3150 for 21 days in January
1910 to wit from January llitli
1910 to January 31st 1910 inclu
rive and that siaid claim fileel on
said 2nd day of February 1910
Avas duly considered by this
bcird on the 20th day of June
1910 an J duly disallowed and no
app il has been taken from said
aetWi that said claim filed on
faid 2nd day of February 1910
is for the same service as said
Lo well M Higginri in his said
claim f d on the 28th day of
August 1911 describes as tees
From January 11th 1910 to Jan
uary 31st 1910 inclusive 21 days
at 150 per day 3150
We further find and adjudge
that on the 6th day of April 191C
Siaid Lowell M Higgins caused to
filed with said clerk in the
name of said II C Higgins a
claim for fees as jailor cf said
county in the sum of8850 for 59
days in February 1910 and
March 1910 to wit frem Feb
ruary 1st to March 31st 1910 in
clusive and that siidclaJm filed
on said 6th day of April 1910
was duly considered by this
beard on the 20th day of June
1910 and duly disiallowed and
no appeal has beeni taken from
said ceiicn that said claim filed
on s3d 6th day of April 1910 is
for the same service as said Low
ell M Higgins in his said claim
filed on the 28th day of August
1911 dascribed as fees From
February 1st 1910 to Februaiy
28th 1910 inclusive 28 days at
150 per day 4200 From
March 1st 1910 to March 31st
1910 inclusive 31 dayc at 150
per day 4650
We further find and adjudge
that on the 11th day of August
1910 siaad Lowell M Higgins
caused to be filed with said coun
ty plerk in the name of H C
Continued on page 4
it t
Dr Morris Visit
Dr Morris district superintend
ent delivered two able and force
ful sermons in the Methodist
church Sunday In the morning
The American Home was his
topic He made an eloquent plea
for the simplicity and purity of
the Christian home stoutly pro
testing against the tendency of
the times in making the home but
a lodging place In the evening
he spoke to the subject What
Shall I Do With Jesus Both
services were well attended On
Monday evening the first quar
terly conference of the church
was held
Mrs F M Kimmell entertained
twenty eight ladies at bridge
whist on Friday afternoon from
230 to 530 Light refreshments
were served at the close Mrs
Albert McMillen assisted in serv
ing the refreshments of the after
Dr and Mrs W F Jones op
ened their home to the Thursday
Evening Whist club Thursday
evening last Mrs Robert Le
Gore of Lincoln and Mr F W
Bosworth of Denver were out of
city guests
A slumber party by Miss Addi
Doan was a quiet social event
end of Aveek with an 8 oclock
breakfast Friday morning The
guests were Misses Maud and
Laura McMillen Nellie Smith
Martha AbeL Lona Phelns Edna
Mrs C D Ritchie entertained s
large company of lady friends
Saturday afternoon to meet her
mother Mrs Robert LeGore of
Lincoln The Ritchie home was
decorated in halloween emblems
and colors Bridge whist occu
pied the attention of the guests
during the afternoon Miss Edna
Waite and Miss Esther Bailey
were assistants in serving re
freshments Mrs R R Reed
won a bouquet of chrysanthe
mums as honors of the occasion
The New Bishop of Lincoln Will
Be Here Nov 14
The announcement was made
Sunday by Rev Patton in St
Patricks church of the coming
of the Right Rev John Henrv
hen Bishop of Lincoln diocese
- Mil 4
Bisliop Tihen will preach in St
Patricks church in the morning
at 10 oclock mass In the even
ing at S oclock he will deliver
lecture in the Temple theatre Ad
mission to this lecture will he
free and all will be welcome
Bijsihcp Till en is reputed an elo
quent and able speaker and The
1 ribuc has no doubt but that a
lirge audience will greet him cn
frfjp occasion cif his first visit to
Further notice rail be made of
iis visit the subject of his lec
ture etc at a later date
Through Spookland
Come and let the ghosts guide
you on a trip from the Elves
Cavern tip the Enchanted Stair
way to the Witches Caldron
where you will endure the agon
ies of being changed into goblins
then under the Mystic Shrine in
to Revelation Hall down the Dev
r SV 1 intc Demon s Den then
t irrvuh Hades up the Witches
Frxht down the Vale of Dark-
-- ontoc Itumbil llaiid th n
tak a Peep into 1912 and into
the Damond Kcom from whence
ycii wll b released as human be
mj ind Avill b guided to the
cVnng room where numerous op
pilunitivL will be given to have
31 mr icr tunes told and where
supper will be served All to
happen in the M E church base
meat Tuesday October 31 1911
Adnvsoion 10c Everybody come
h vital to all business Wereal
ize this especially in filling pre
scriptions and dispensing drugs
Oul customers must have confi
dence in cur ability as well as
know that Ave use the greatest
care and only pure drugs in fill
ing out prescriptions In bring
ing your prescriptions to us you
will not be disappointed Night
clerk over- drug 9tore
A McMHjLEN Druggist
We have a complete assort
ment of the Latest in box paper-
A McMTLLEN Druggist
35 good steam heated rooms
for rent by day week or month
at Commercial hotel which has
just been reopened The din
ing room is also open now in con
nection and we are serving the
best meals in the city We invite
you to give us a trial
dxy r
Miss Mamie Meisen left Sun
day evening on 10 for Crete
where she will visit relatives
Seth S Silver spent Saturday
looking after his interests in Far
num He reports fall nvtv
pects fine
Miss Emma Perry spent Sat
urday and Sunday with Miss Ed
na Waite before returning to her
school work in Bertrand
Mrs Katheryn Heun returned
Thursday night from her trip ov
er the sea to Germany She says
that Germany is fine to visit in
but that the United States is a
good place to live in
Dr W F Jones left on No 10
Saturday evening for Chicago
where lie was subpoenaed as a
witness to appear before the
grand jury in TJ S district court
session of northern Illinois
D L Bower of Wray Colo
visited brothers in the city Sat
urday enroute home fmm tiit
LittleRock Ark where he and
111s wite iiave been visiting- her
father Mr Bower reports the
greatest scarcity of stacked fod
der along the line he has ever
Ernest McConnell spent Satur
day in the city eruest of his sis
ter Mrs Albert McMillen He
had been visiting Ids sister in
Seattle Washington and -was on
111s way home to Canada
lie is an engineer on one of the
Canadian roads Ernf o
Burlington engineer out of Mc-
uooiv in the early daya He spent
a day at Trenton visiting his
mother also He left for Canada
the same night
Political Advertising
J J Hadley
J J Hadley Democratic
didate for the office of countv
treasurer is a man of clean mor
al character He nas been a res
ident of Indianola for the oast
eighteen years with the excep
tion of three years spent away
at school
1 For the past six yea re he lias
been actively engaged as he is
ait present in the stock business
and farming
As a man who has been suc
cessful in the conduct of liis own
affairs Mr Hadley asks for the
support of the voters of the conn
ty and promises that if elected
he Anil give to them the best ser
Aice of which he is capable
Grand High Priest
King Cyrus Chapter No 35 of
our city received a visitation
from Grand High Priest PoAvell
cf Omalia last Thursday evening
Avhen the eliapter conferred the
final degree xf the chapter on
thre candidates After the Avork
of the session Avas finished a ban
quet amv spread in banquet
room ah rut 75 brethren of the lo
cil chapter together Avith inA ited
brethren from Indianola Benk el
man and elscAvhere meeting Aith
the grand high priest about the
f stil beard It Avas a splendid
and memorable gathering of the
chapter avIio greeted the grand
Mgih priest mest Avarmly and
made -his sojourn altogether pleas
ant and mutually profitable
A Former Resident
William Long a former resi
dent of cur city died in Indiana
Friday last The remains arriv
ed Ih ere on 3 last night and Avail
be buried in RiAervieAV cemetery
this afternoon services being helel
in the Methodist church
Marriage Licenses
Roy L BroAA n 30 Arapahoe
Bessie Inez Ressequie 18 Cam
bridge Married by county judgj
s Adam Fritz 23 Indianola
Bertha Griess 22 Sutton Neb
Classified Advertisements
LOST BetAveen city and Cal
vary cemetery a fur collar Re
AAard Avill be paid for its return
to 806 E 3rd street Mrs J M
TO RENT Unfurnished rooms
808 E 2d street J M Henderson
FOR RENT A six room cot
tage at 906 W 2nd st Inquire
at Tribune office 9tf
FOR SALE Harness and sin
gle buggy Inquire of O N
Rector Phone red 349