The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 26, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 8

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Pit di K
When you put your money into a set of furs a fur scarf a
or a coat you should be sure and get what you are paying for
Dry Goods Millinery Ladies Furnishings
I 1 ell H la II B II i LSk ft m
The Tyrolean I
Alpine Singers and Yodlers
This superb musical organization
will open the entertainment
corrsi season next Monday eve-
ln a
Superior and Varied Program
of popular and classic music Selections from
rand and light operas in costume concert and
solo numbers music for the most exacting ear
and the popular taste
You Will Be Delighted
with this high class guaranteed musical organi
zation Dont fail to hear this opening num
On sale at McConneHs drug store where
ved seats can be secured Or better still
Anderson Graham arrived home
3ionday from Hastings where he
visiting his brother
Rev- E B Crippen of Orleans
interesting lecture
ve a very
Sa pictures in the M E church
Faesday night
returned home
to n Shockley
iESfoy from Manhattan Kansasrl
where he has been for the past
two weeks
Leonard Hetheote of Indianola
was a visitor at tliis place Sun
Robert Puelz left Wednesday
for Scottsbluff Neb to work
in the sugar beet factory
A Barnett of IttcCook was ove
Thursday on business
Furs of merit Furs of quality Furs that are new
and just what they are represented to be
are what you want and that is what you get when you buy from us
We have selected our stock from one of the largest manufactur
ers in this business and we absolutely guarantee every piece we sell
to be just as represented and to give perfect satisfaction
jj Natural Opposum NaturalGray and Black
Fox Blue Wolf and Jap Minks
so popular this season you will find in a great variety and at excep
tional low prices in our assortment
Call and see them
Have You Purchased
Your Winter Hat
We especially urge ou to call during the coming week
and inspect our beautiful assortment of trimmed hats and
If you have any retrimming
to be done
bring in your materials right away for our trimmer closes her
season next week and we will appreciate your orders before
she leaves
c V
-Miss Lottie Watkins of McCoofc
who taught the grammar room
here two years ago was a visit
or here last Friday
Mrs J J Yarnall has been on
the sick list the past week
A E Boyer and wife went to
McCook Thursday being called
tlier by the serious illness of Mr
Boyer s sister Mrs Nellie Butler
Ben Murphy wife and little
laughter departed Wednesday
for their home in Blessing Texas
The first Friday in November
is known as the State Fire Day
People are compelled to clean up
the rubbish and repair all stoves
1 and stove pipes
j The Danbury Military Band
wdJi a concert and play in
the opera house Saturday Octob
er 28th
A number of the younger set
gave a surprise party on Roy
Hayes Thursday night as Roy
and his parents soon leave for
The Misses Blanche and Dollie
iuiu i iuj ainy oi tins place vis
ited with Madeline McDonald on
Thursday night
Chas Crommtet of Beaver City
Ls visiting at the W A Stone
home this week
Mrs Hal tie Drath and children
from llerndon Kansas arc- vis
iting their niece Rida Drath this
W R Burbridgo arrived Sat
urday for a short visit with his
daughter Mrs W J Stilgcbouer
T C Crebbin arrived home on
Saturday from British Columbia
where he has been spending the
Word was received here Sun
day morning of the death of Mrs
Whitaker formerly of this place
her death occurred in Cheyenne
State Teachers Association
Tins year s meetings will be
held in Omaha on November 8
9 and 10
Red Willow county will be rep
resented on the program by Sup1
Mass Betteher Under the head
ing of rural schools- she will of
fer a paper on The relation of
Moral and Physical Education
The- general program is an elab
orate one in several sections
listing man of the leading uni
versity and common school men
and women of the state
The Tribune 100 the year BO Z1
Frighten the Mackerel Away From
His Seines Off Massachusetts
Coast Says Fisherman
If you were seining for mackerel
and luck was with you and just as
you were about to draw in your nets
with a fine catch half a dozen of
Uncle Sams battleships came along
and frightened all the mackerel away
wouldnt it give you a headache
Thats just what it did to Capt Sol
Jacobs of the prime little auxiliary
schooner Quartette which reached T
wharf Sol had a grievance against
the United States navy which it will
take many days for him to live down
The other afternoon when the sun
was just about sinking in the sky
and the water was as smooth as glass
Sol spied a school of mackerel It
was the largest school he had seen
for weeks
Orders were given to lower the
seining boats and throw out the nets
The rest was easy for the nets sank
down on the fish and Sc stood on
the deck wearing a smile and thinking
of the dollars realized by that catch
But behold just before the men in
the seining dories had pulled in the
Bets at the bottom imprisoning the
toothsome catch along came half a
dozen of the battleships that were in
the maneuvers at Provincetown and
kicked up the ocean so that the mack
erel were frightened away
I was angry enough said Sol to
fight the whole blamed squadron
Boston Daily Advertiser
Wonder Is That the Dramatic and
Culinary Arts Havent Reached
the Bottom
From time to time some ancient
gentleman bursts into print on the
subject of tho Good Gld Bays of the
stage wails over the lamentable depre
ciation in public tastes raves about
what he is pleased to call the class
ics aad wonders in a spasm of hys
teria what we all are coming to any
Why is it that the stage and home
cooking are the only things that have
consistently been on the decline for
the last three hundred years And
is true
University Aviation
Aviation as a science has been recog
nized by one of the most dignified edu
cational bodies of Europe the uni
versity of Paris and an aerotechnical
institute has been established and is
rou just beginning work under its di
rection Th -was made possible by
an endowment of 100000 by Henry
Bcutsch and an annual income of
The new institute is on the plateau
of St Cyr near Versailles and on the
edge of the maneuver field of the mili
tary school It consists of a large
group of buildings and laboratories
k ith a track for launching gliders and
all the apparatus that has so far been
invented for the study or meteorology
air currents air resistance and the
many problems connected with flight
which are now so imperfectly under
Sheep in City Parks
Rochester set the example which
other cities have followed or utilize
ing her leading park as a sheep ranch
New York uses her Central Park for
this purpose and has just added 350-
to the park fund of the city from the
sale of 10 faouthdown ewes and 39
lambs But it is not for money chiefly
that urban sheep herding is
A flock of sheep in a city park
is one of its greatest attractions es 1
pecially to children To hundreds
and perhaps to thousands of city bred
people a flock of sheep is about as
mythical and unfamiliar as the pyra
mids of Egypt It is a novelty both
profitable and interesting Louisville
Courier Journal
Too Many 3ooks
Barnaby Rich in his preface to A
New Description of Ireland pub-
lished in 1600 writes One of the disJ
eases of this age is the multitude of
books that doth so overcharge the
world that it is not able to digest the
abundance of idle matter that is every
day hatched and brought into the
world that are as divers in their
forms as their authors be in thein
faces It is hut a thriftless and
thankless occupation this writing of
books A man were better to sit sing
ing in a cobblers shop for his pay is
certainly a penny a patch But a book
writer if he gets sometimes a few
commendations of the judicious he
shall be sure to reap a thousand re
proaches of the malicious
A Hard One
I hear that Goobys new automo
bile made a big hit with you Quite
knocked me unconscious
Hardships Were Many and
Rewards Wera Not Great
The htrontest impression gained in
reading of the experiences of old time
physicians isj of their boldness and dar
ing Most of them were by necessity
surgeons as well as doctors of medi
cine Isolated often from other mem
bers of their profession and obliged to
bear the entire responsibility of the
welfare of their patients they learned
to rely upon themselves and to take
chances that would make the general
practitioner shudder in these days of
many specialists and wide division of
labor Perhaps none ever undertook
surgical operations who had no train
ing in that line but with no hospitals
within reach with few instruments
and with the modern antiseptics and
nursing systems undreamed of they
ventured to use the knife in critical
cases and as it appears with a large
measure of success
They were faithful hardworking
servants of the public in the early day
They traveled by horseback over trails
that took them through forests and
swamps and across streams Their
field of practice often included a large
territory and they were necessarily out
in all sorts of weather Ad encoun
tered hardships of various kinds Nor
were the rewards great Few of those
old time doctors accumulated wealth
some of them not even a competence
for old age But it is easy to see that
they were a force in the community
and had much to do with the general
development of the state Indianapolis
How Dr Bennett Came to Write The
Sweet By and By
The popular hymn The Sweet By
and By was written by Dr S Fill
more Bennett at Elkhorn Wis ih
1Cr ni nn nllif V rni UUnnf TJlni
disposition One day Bennett remark
ed to Webster Well whats the mat
ter now Its no matter dolefully
replied Webster It will be all right
by and by
if half what these old -folks say I uena ac once selzea ms Den anu
havent the wroto the Immortal rds ot tbe son-
dramatic and
- reiched the bottom by this
i v Anybody with cno good eye
j t e to a pibic library can as-
wih ease that over since the
j iivc u of George Frederick Cooke in
ts country Lewhikered pessimists
I o iten comparing the contem
roriry stage with the one of a dead
- if riMon to the great disparagement
C the former There must be a limit
bottom a finirh somewhere to the pit
v rTi American theatricals have
been tumbling for the last 110 years
If v p are on the way to the demnition
lo vovs and have been heading
there since the days of Hallam when
aie we due to arrive Glenmore Da
vis in Sucecss Magazine
w easier ms gioom xamsnea wrote
out a few notes and played them on
hls violin and these two with N H
Carswell and S E Bright were sing
ing the hymn within half an hour
from the time Bennett began writing
R R Crosby who entered at the mo
ment exclaimed That hymn is iin
Bennett was born at Eden X Y in
1S30 lie resigned his position as edi
tor of the Independent at Elkhorn to
enter the war between the states and
at the end of his service studied medi
cine and enptiged in the drug business
fit Elkhorn till he became associated
died at Riflimond III in
i York Tribune
Associated Doctors Specialist
Will Be at the Commer
cial Hotel
Remarkable Success of These Tal
ented Physicians in the Treat
ment of Chronic Dis -
The Associated Doctors licens
ed by the state of Nebraska for
the treatment of deformities and
all nervous and chronic diseas
es of men women and children
offer to all who call on this trip
consultation examination advice
free making no charge whatever
the actual of medi
a book of hymns of which he is said except cost
to have written more than a hundred All that is asked in re
At that time Bennett was associated turn for these valuable services
with J P Webster the composer lis that every person treated wall
who had an exceedingly melancholy I state the result obtained to their
friends and thus prove to the
sick and afflicted in every city
and locality that at last treat
ments have been discovered that
are reasonably sure and certain
in their effect
These doctors are considered
by many former patients among
Americas leading stomach and
nerve specialists and are experts
in the treatment of chronic dis
eases and so great
il S Si TT PS liPfl IVPttlTI fir
iiu ircuniT ill ii wiiLiuy uu - -0
and wonder
ful have been their results that
in many cases it is hard indeed
to find the dividing line between
skill and miracle
Diseases of the stomach intes
tines liver blood skin nerves
heart spleen kidneys or blad
der rheumatism sciatica
7 w
1S9S New lungs and those afflicted with
Startled the Natives
Herrara the Spanish historian say
that Iizarro when he landed in SuiiiIi I
Anierii n mvwl Ins life and hose it ln
ompamons to the fact that one vt the
party fell off his horse bj arndent
The natives had succeeded In rutting
off the retreat of the Spaniards to
their ships when one of the riders
was thrown The Indians were si as
touished at the dissolution of partner
ship that they took tlight at once
They had supposed horse and man to
he one animal
Coining In
THIS PAPER it will
LOOK GOOD to you
Try it out NOW J
CURES and Purifies the Blood
leg ulcers weak
long standing deep seated chron
ic diseases that have baffled the
skill of the family physician
should not fail to call
According to their system no
more operations for appendicitis
gall stones tumors goiter or cer
tain forms of cancer They wrere
among the first in America to
earn the name of the Bloodless
Surgeons by doing away with
the knife with blood and with
all pain in the successful treat
mnet of these dangerous diseases
If you have kidney or bladder
troubles bring a two ounce bottle
of your urine for chemical analy
sis and microscopic examination
Deafness often has been cur
ed in sixty days
No matter what your ailment
may be no matter what others
may have told you no matter
what experience you may have
had with other physicians it will
be to your advantage to see them
at once Ilave it forever settled
in your mind If your ease is in
curable they will give you such
advice as may relieve and stay
the disease Do not put off this
duty you owe yourself or friends
or relatives who are suffering be
cause of your sickness as a visit
this time may help you
Remember this free offer is
for one day only
Married ladies must come with
their husbands and minors with
their parents
Office at Commercial lTotel Me
Cook Neb
lloiu s 10 a m to S p m
Located in
Commercial Hotel Building
Newly equipped and remodeled
We extend a cordial invitation to everyone asking you to
call and see our work get our prices and acquainted All
work promptly finished and guaranteed or money refunded
Telephone Black 428 for a Sitting now
The Ellingson Studio Co