The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 26, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 6

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5 T rf
sy f m kimmell
Largest Circulation in Red WillowCo
Entered at postoffice McCook Ne
braska as second class matter Pub
lished semi weekly
Supreme Judges
Railway Commissioner
Regents of State University
Judge I4tli District
County Clerk
County Treasurer
Clerk of District Court
County Sheriff
County Judge
County Superintendent
County Surveyor
Count v Coroner
Commissioner 1st District
Notice is hereby given ot the
qualified electors of the County
of Red Willow in the State 01
Nebraska that upon the order
of the Board of County Commis
sioners of the County of Red AVil
low in the State of Nebraska an
election will be held on the sev
enth day of November A D
1911 between the hours of S
oclock a m and G oclock p m
of said day at the voting places in
the several voting precincts of
said county where the general
election for the year 1911 shall
be holden for the purpose of vot
ing on the following proposition
which is hereby submitted to the
qualified electors of said county
to wit
Shall the County Board of the
County of Red Willow in the
State of Nebraska levy a tax for
the years 1912 1913 and 1914 for
the purpose of creating a fund
with which to purcliase land
erect and furnish buildings there
on suitable for a poor farm and
to put into operation and defray
the actual expenses of such poor
farm aid tax to be levied for
the years 1912 1913 and 1914
and at the rate of one mill on
each dollar of the assessed val
uation of the taxable property of
said county which tax shall be
in addition to the taxes which
SJiid County Board is authorized
to levy for county purposes
Said proposition as submitted
on the ballots to be
For a one mill tax for a
poor farm
Against a one mill tax for a
poor farm
Submitted and authorized by
the Board of County Commission
ers of the County of Red Wil
low in the State of Nebraska
tliis 3rd day of October A D
F S LOFTON Chairman
Chas Skalla County clerk
Send fifty cents to the Lincoln
State Journal and yoxi will re
ceive that big state daily all the
rest of the year It will stop at
the end of that time TheJour
nal is different from other state
papers It is independent pro
grsesive and fearless1 not in pol
itics for its owners or friends
does not print liquor or nasty
medical advertising spends more
money for state news all of the
Associated Press splendid Wash
ington service and does tilings
for the good of Nebraskans It
prints more columns of reading
matter tlian any other state pa
per lias many liigh class special
features and Bixby liimself is
worth the fifty cents Try it at
this cut price Including Sunday
paper 75 cents
Lumber Coal
Movement Is Becoming Widely
Popular in This Country
Starting In England There Are Al
ready Over 200000 Lads Enrolled
in America Appeals Strongly
to the Boys
Cleveland Ohio The Playgrounds
Association of America has joined in
support of the Boy Scout movement
as started in England by Gen Baden
Powell and fostered here by Ernest
Thompson Seton There are already
0 if A
1 vn -
Sounding the Call
about 200000 lads enrolled in the Boy
Scouts of America in 4G states though
the organization is only a few months
old Those who have been watching
the movement here say that nothing
has ever seemed to appeal so strongly
to the boys of America
Ten years ago Mr Seton organized
the Woodcraft Indians About 100
000 boys became members but soon
after Gen Baden Powells organiza
tion begun only two years ago at
tained such quick and wide populari
ty in England Mr Seton and those
working with him adopted its best
features and merged the Woodcraft
Indians into the Boy Scouts
Every American boy a hundred
years ago he points out lived either
on a farm or in such close touch with
farm life that he reaped its benefits
He had all the practical knowledge
that comes from country surround
ings that is he could ride shoot run
swim he was handy with tools he
knew the woods he was physically
strong self reliant resourceful well
developed in body and brain In ad
dition his moral training was got at
home and it was good He was re
spectful and obedient to his elders
and as Mr Seton thinks constituted
altogether the best material of which
a nation could be made
We have lived says Mr Seton
to see an unfortunate change Part
ly through the growth of immensa
cities with the consequent specializa
tion of industry each individual has
been required to do one small special
ty and shut his eyes to everything
else with the resultant perpetual nar
rowing of the mental horizon Part
ly through the decay of small farming
which would have offset this condi
tion each mixed farm was a college
of handicraft And partly through
the stereotyped forms of religion los
ing their hold we see a very different
type of youth in the country today
The new boy scout is a tenderfoot
He is usually about 12 years old In
time he will become a second class
scout the next higher grade and final
ly a first class scout To become a
graduate in this out door school a boy
must do these things
1 Swim fifty yards or run a mile in S
2 Must have 50 cents at least In the
savings bank
3 Signaling Send and receive a mes
sage either in semaphore or Horse six
teen letters a minute
4 Go on foot or row a boat alone to
a point se en miles away and return
again or if conveyed by any vehicle or
animal go to a distance of fifteen miles
and back and write a short report on it
It is preferable that he should take two
3 Describe or show the proper means
for saving life in case of two of the fol
lowing accidents allotted by the exam
iners Fire drowning runaway carriage
sewer gas Ice breaking or bandage an
injured patient or revive apparently
drowned person
C Cook satisfactorily two out of the
following dishes as may bo directed
Porrride bacon hunters stew or skin
and cook a rabbit or pluck and cook a
bird Also make a damper of a half
pound of flour or a twist baked on a
thick stick
7 Read a map correctly and draw an
intelligent rough sketch map Point out
a compass direction without the help of
a compass
5 Use an ax for felling or trimming
light timber or as an alternative
duce an article of carpentry or Joinery
or metal work made by himself satis
9 Judge distance size numbers and
height within 23 per cent error
This first class scout must also
know a lot of other things He must
know how to fling a life line the po
sition of the main arteries how to
stop bleeding from veins and arteries
how to improvise splints and many
other things which constitute first
aid to the injured
All the leading branches of the gen
eral scout movement In this country
have now been consolidated
Artificial Teeth Now Are Matte to- Suit
the Wearer in Color and
We do not see as many sets of ar
tificial teeth today as we did twenty
years ago since it has been learned
that there is no substitute that will
jequal the natural organs In the time
lOf our grandfathers if a tooth ached
it was immediately extracted and it
was a common sight to see many peo
ple going about with a large number
of teeth out So much was this the
case that it became a matter of alarm
among some of the scientists lest the
human race was to become toothless
Nowadays with improved methods
there is little excuse for anyone to
lose a single tooth
In those mouths where only a few
teeth are lost and brldgework can
not be used It is desirable to use the
partial plate This can be used with
out the extraction of any more teeth
It simply fills in the gaps caused by
the loss of the teeth which have al
ready been removed If these plates
are carefully fitted and the adjoining
j teeth well matched they will do very
Swell in the matter of appearance
When there are very few natural
jteeth in the mouth and these in bad
condition it is often better to remove
iall the remaining teeth and have full
plates inserted Especially is this
true where the gums are badly dis
eased and the teeth are loosened by
pyorrhea On the extraction of the
teeth this disease usually disappears
Within the last few years there
have been many improvements in the
process of making plates especially in
he rpothod of taking the impression
of the mouth and of arranging the
ireth The scientific principles under
lying the movement of the jaw have
been worked out with the result that
new apparatus and new moulds of
teeth were required This anatomical
articulation as it is called produces
far better results than the old process
There is greater ability to thoroughly
chew the food the teeth fit better and
are much better in appearance
In the making of artificial teeth
care should be observed in selecting
the proper form and color of the teeth
to be used Patients often demand
small white even teeth hoping thus
to improve their appearance The re
sult is likely to happen in such cases
that the teeth present a ghastly ap
pearance The color of the teeth and
the form depend largely upon the col
or of the hair and eyes and other
characteristics The size should cor
respond to the size of the jaw Many
people imitate quite successfully their
natural teeth by having the artificial
teeth slightly irregular as were their
own teeth before they were lost
Copyright Western Newspaper Union
Little Implement Employed Regularly
and Carefully Does Much to
Preserve the Teeth
One of the products of civilization
is the toothpick So far as we know
the savage does not indulge this hab
it except as he learns it from the edu
cated races There are very few parts
of the world where the teeth are im
mune from decay so the lack of its
use is not because of the lack of need
The reason is probably that the sav
age has no thought of the care of the
teeth and doubtless he is not an
noyed by the particles of food which
crowd between his teeth There are
some who for politeness sake deplore
the use of the toothpick While it is
not an article to use at all times and
at all places to discard it altogether
would prove disastrous
The best toothpick is one of quill
its flexibility and the ease with which
it is used making it ideal The ob
jection to the wooden toothpick is
that it is bulky and liable to injure
the gum tissue and the delicate mem
brane surrounding the tooth it some
times slivers producing wounds and
inflammation in the gums The metal
toothpick is also inadvisable and the
habit of using pins and other metallic
instruments as toothpicks should be
condemned In using a toothpick care
should be taken it Is not enough that
the food be removed but also that it
be removed gently The gum which
grows between the teeth has a very
valuable use and should not be crowd
ed out Occasionally we And one
whose toeth are so perfect in shape
and the gum tissue so healthy that the
toothpick is unnecessary but for the
ordinary individual too much stress
cannot be laid on the need of its use
and the care which is necessary
Where the teeth are filled care should
be taken not to use force and there
by break off particles of enamel next
to the filling or otherwise injure the
filling and the habit of chewing a
toothpick is a bad one
In using the pick often one may find
a tooth which gives evidence of pain
In such a case it is well to learn at
once whether or not there is a cavity
forming in the tooth Often too the
pick will give you first knowledge of
tartar accumulating about the necks
of the teeth and when this is discov
ered haste should be made to have it
removed This you cannot do with
the brush the only way is can be re
moved is with the aid of special in
struments By allowing the tartar to
accumulate you run the risk of con
tracting that dread disease known as
Thus we find that the toothpick is
indeed a valuable instrument when
rightly used and if it is employed
after each meal we will derive much
satisfaction from the comfort it gives
us as well as protection from decay
CoDyrlffht Western Newspaper Union
Humanity of the Speaker Illustrated
by Little Story Told by Con-
gressman Pepper
One of the most striking phases of
Champ Clarks many sided character
is his humanity remarked Repre
sentative L S Pepper of Iowa at the
Willard He never forgets a friend
political or otherwise and I know it
Some of the speakers friends told me
a story not long ago that illustrates
this side of his nature
It seems that when a young law
yer Clark was ambitious to be elect
ed prosecuting attorney of his county
There was an old fellow his name
was Burwell who ran a small groc
ery in Clarks town He was a little
testy perhaps for he did not like to
be disturbed when telling a story not
even to wait on customers The store
in fact was conducted for the purpose
of giving him an opportunity to hold
forth in pleasant discourses with his
friends He was in comfortable cir
cumstances and didnt have to work
Politically he was a man of large in
fluence in his community and was
Clarks friend He helped elect him
prosecuting attorney It was a num
ber of years ago of course
Not long ago I was told Clark
heard that the old man was sick and
a trifle short of funds He learned of
it through an old neighborhood friend
ou know Champ Clark is not particu
larly frugal and never accumulated a
large bank account but he sat down
and wrote a check that turned his bal
ance into an overdraft gave it to
Wallace Bassford and told him to
send this check to old man Bur
Idaho Qzzz Seine Them in Irriga
tion Ditches and Put Them
Back in Piver
A rescue work of considerable mag
nitude is under way in the Big Lost
River valley Idaho where L C Jones
I assistant chief deputy in the state fish
and game department is directing the
seining of the Big Lost River Land
and Irrigation companys canal for
i trout which arc taken to the river
I proper and there deposited
The canal was built about two years
ago and fish screens should have
been provided at the head at that
time it is said but it seems that this
has never been done with the result
that it was feared that great quanti
ties of trout would be lost when the
waters of the canal began to diminish
The action of Mr Jones and his as
sistants in securing the fish alive and
returning them to the fresh and last
ling waters of the main stream may
rave many trout
It vl re recalled that the waters in
ho carr are carried through a moun
iaincus country in some sections and
that in coming down to the lowlands
abrupt drops of from 15 to 20 feet are
encountered occasionally These the
fish go over and of course are unable
jto return To prevent the members of
the finny trabe from being carried to
the fields and waste places where
death would be inevitable the work of
seining the canal has been inaugurat
ed Reports are to the effect that the
efforts of the rescuers are proving
bighly productive of results
Freak Shoes
A shoe manufacturer in referring to
the increase in job lot shoe merchants
said It is a peculiar situation when
a wholesaler of jobs exclusively is en
abled to purchase whole carloads of
good staple shoes at a tremendous dis
count from actual cost to the shoe
manufacturer and that is just exact
ly what is being done
It is not to be understood that
these job lot purchases are composed
of rejected shoes or that they are of
odd sizes or anything of the sort They
are regular factory lines of good sta
ple shoes in full sizes and are sold at
a great sacrifice because so many fads
and innovations have crept in that
good staple shoes remain in whole
salers hands Surely there is some
thing radically wrong and out of joint
in the shoe business when such condi
tions exist Shoe and Leather Re
Cat and Dog Chums
When my dog was a puppy I got a
little kitten to keep him company says
a writer in Fur News They got to
be good friends but as they got older
the cat seemed to think she could take
Icare of herself
When the cat climbed a tree it
seemed to puzzle the dog and he
would stand below the tree and look
up at the cat and then at me as if
trying to understand how the cat
could get up into the tree while he
had to stay on the ground
When evening came the dog would
hunt up the cat and carry her to the
kennel where they slept at night The
dog kept one of his forelegs over the
cat and there she had to stay until
morning At last the cat was killed
but I have the dog yet
Americans in Canada
Americans are rapidly colonizing the
three Canadian provinces of Alberta
Saskatchewan and Manitoba These
three provinces had a population of
1176000 in 1909 and nearly 500000 Of
these settlers were Americans Last
year Americas contribution to the
population of the provinces was 91
175 and these took with them an av
erage of 1000 each A few years ago
the land in any one of these provinces
could be bought for 3 an acre Now
it ranges from 20 to 30 an acre
French Scientist Says He Has Got
pressions of Them on Sensitive
Much interest has been aroused In
Paris by the announcement of the
scientific investigator
Commander Darget of the success of
experiments in photographing human
Commander Darget who has devoted
a long time to the study of hypnotism
and kindred subjects stated to the
Academy of Science that after many
trials he had succeeded in obtaining
photographic impressions of thoughts
of concrete objects He produced as
evidence two photographs one show
ing a walking stick and the other a
bottle in each case the image being
perfectly distinct
In explanation of his achievement
Commander Darget gave the following
account of the process
After staring a long time on the ob
ject to be photographed in a strong
red light concentrating all his atten
tion on it he fixed his gaze with all
the will power at his command on a
photographic plate that had previously
been immersed in a weak developer in
a dark room At the end of a quarter
of an hour the image of the object ap
peared on the negative
According to the commanders
theory these astonishing results are
due to certain obscure light rays
1 which he calls V rays
In Forty Seven Years George Carey
of Columbia Did Not Leave
the Territory
years continuous resi
dence in Arizona without once setting
foot outside her borders is believed o
be- the record It was established t
George Carey of Columbia Yacapai
county who has ju returned from a
two months trip to Los Angeles and
ether coast points after living in this
territory since 1S6 1
When Carey first came to Arizona
he was a freighter Prom mining camp
to mining camp he drifted until the
want of lucrative business forced him
into mining That was mere than 25
years ago but it was not until last
spring that prosperity came He re
ceived the first payiuent on some min
ing claims that he had developed with
his own hands and bought a round
trip ticket to California For two
months this trail blazer gazed upon
towering buildings and other modern
wonders of which he had read but
which he had never seen When he
passed through Prescott on his way
to Columbia he said that he had en
joyed every minute of it but that he
had stayed just long enough
Carey is now developing some prom
ising claims near those that he sold
and probably it will be several years
more before he leaves Arizona again
Saw Lincoln Assassinated
Major Henry Reed Rathborn who
died recently in the Asylum for the
Criminal Insane at Hildesheim Ger
many was the last survivor of the
party occupying the box with Presi
dent and Mrs Lincoln at Fords thea
ter on the night of the assassination
Rathborn had been ii confinement for
years for having killed his wife who
as his betrothed was also a member
of the Lincoln party on the fatal
night Several months after the as
sassination a German illustrated pe
riodical containing pictures incident
to the happening was received in this
country in which Major Rathborn
was shown wearing a long flowing
gray beard and was described as a
venerable member of an old Albany
family The picture evidently drawn
from a description which was incor
rect caused much amusement at the
time as Rathborn was then a dashing
officer of 28 and looked even younger
High Mass on Mount Shasta
Climbing the steep sides of Mount
Shasta by moonlight and saying high
mass on the perpetual snow at its sum
mit at sunrise was the feat performed
by Father Cahir of Yreka Wednesday
night and Thursday morning
In the party were Father Cahir of
Yreka Father OSullivan of Red Bluff
and John Roberts of Berkeley all of
whom reached the top except Father
OSullivan who got only to Thumb
Rock C M Allison Avas guide
The priests were anxious to cele
brate mass at the top of the mountain
Thursday morning and the climb was
made at night which is a rare feat
the claim being made that this is the
third time that such an attempt has
been made Timber Line camp was
reached in the afternoon and at eight
oclock the climb began Sisson Dis
patch to Los Angeles Times
Take a Peg
In the City of London in the time of
King John a special officer was ap
pointed by the corporation to see that
every vintner had hanging outside his
shop an iron vessel with pegs mark
ing the different quantities sold And
pegs were used for convivial purposes
ifor the peg marked the amount of
liquor which each of the party was to
drink and the unlucky or greedy
wight who did not drink to pegs
was fined a penny or sometimes pegs
all round In some parts of the
country principally the Midlands and
the north a rough and ready reckon
ing of the number of drinks indulged
in during a drinking bout is made by
unbuttoning the waistcoat each but
ton undone representing a drink the
most glorious topers being those who
can unbutton and button up and go
home sober
Mrs Edith Burns Buck Pianist
Pupil of Win H Sherwood of
Chicago Availahle for con
certs and receptions A limit
ed number of pupils accepted
Address 1012 Main avenue
Physician and Surgeon
Local Surgeon B M
Phones Office 163 residence
217 Office Rooms 5 6 Temple
building McCook Neb
Registered Graduate
Office 212 Main av over Mo
Connells drug store Phones Of
fice 160 residence black 131
Phone 112
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walrf
building McCook
Phone 378
Room 4 Postoffice building Mc
Cook Neb
Phone 163
Office Room 4 Masonic temple
McCook Neb
i Dentist
Phone 190
Office over McAdams store Mo-
Cook Neb
Bonded Abtracter and
Examiner of Titles
Stenographer and notary in office
McCook Nebraska
Attorney at Law and
Bonded Abstracter
Agent of Lincoln Land Co and of
McCook Water Works Co Office in
Fostoffice building McCook Neb
Phone 34
Office Commercial barn McCook
Jewelers Opticians
Eyes tested and fitted Fine re
pairing McCook Neb
and Opticians
Watch Repairing Goods o quality
Main avenue McCook Nebraska
Real Estate
and Insurance
Office 305 2nd st East Phone
black 252
Heating Plumbing
Are prepared to fur
nish estimates on
short notice They
keep a complete line
of Bath Tubs La
vatories Sinks and
other plumbing mater
ial including a good
line of lawnhoseand
Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr
Common Colds Must be Taken Ser
iously for unless cured they sap
the vitality and lower the vital re
sistance to more serious infection
Brotect your children and yourself
by the prompt use of Foleys Hon
ey and Tar Compound and note its
iquick and decisive results For
coughs colds croiip whooping cough
bronchitis and affections of the
throat chest and lungs it is an ever
ready and valuable remedy A Mc
l i