The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 26, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 4

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Tft Mcooft THfeune
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat
ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays
McCook Nebraska October 24 defeat was a demonstration that
1911 John M Watson Esq Mo progressive wing of the Re-
publican party was in the
t x- i i Dear c 1
Bartlev Nebraska air
- -
1-41- 41
ity and in this way injure the
I am in receipt oi your letter ot piogressivo eause it seems to me
the 22nd instant asking my that this ought to be a very good
ion in regard to Mr Skalla the reason why other things being
comny el rk being a progressive equal we should give him our
R n In reply 1 will state hearty support The proper thing
that Mr Skalla has Ircm the ver
beginning hvn an earnest and
thoi h progrtjsive He has
h ii cut An and jmpht
ie in i3 suppoit of progressive
in 2 3 nd progressive men 1
kncAV c on or two standpat Re
puHlons vho av bitterly fight
ing Mr Skalte for Kile reason
thut liv h laiown to he a support
er c f Sen or LaFollette and that
he b njs to the pngr mve
fices Xo man can successfully
place his finger on the spot
wherein he has failed to give
good and faithful account of him
slf with a degree of efficiency
not excelled in the history of the
offic1 in this county
Arthur B Wood
In this nominee the Republican
party offers the people of Red
Willow county a young man of
high class character with busi
ness qualifications secured in a
school of experience Avhere men
must make good the railroad ser
vice He is strongly endorsed at
home where he has lived all his
life and has made a personal ac
quaintance over the county in the
past few months which will as
sure his el action by a saf major
Elmer Kay
Here is another voung man of
equipment for the office he seeks
that of clerk of the district court
That die can make good he has
shoAvn with work he has done
in that office as deputy He is
a superior clerk and penman whe
lias been at the head of large af
fairs consequently is not Dew to
the business and its requirements
E P Osborn
Having been associated with of
fieial work of this office and sim
ilar ones for the past few years
Ernest F Osborn brings to the of
fice of sheriff he seeks experi
ence and all the requisite nerve
the position requires in any of its
branches A young man of up
right character with careful
training in conduct of his own
business affairs he is well pro
vided with the essentials to make
a competent sheriff
J 0 Moore
The office of county judge is
one of the county offices which
has been increasing in volume
Hae you seen the comet
Mrs J E Wilson avIio has been
visiting at the old home return
ed to White Cloud Kansas Fri
Mrs L J Burtless and Mrs
iWasson from south of McCook
spent Wednesday and Thursday
at John Longneckers
Lewis Elmer is working in Mr
Pinchs beets
Burning Russian thistles and
putting in Avheat is keeping the
farmers busy
Potato digging was a small job
this season
Mr and Mrs Longnecker Mrs
llilson and Mrs Paul Smith
c ecur j in the election oi a
county cleik is the qualification
vf th ivspectivae candidates 1
think it is an acknowledged fact
that Mr Skalla has made a ree
crt rj county ckrk of which ev
ery diizn of Red Willow county
ii justly feel iroud His ad
min tuition of the office it is
cone 1 d by all has been of the
highest character Tlis efficien
cy as county clerk lias never been
wing of the Republican party anc exceeded and T think all concede
has ben active in his support ot
prcgr principles and if
feuch m n should succeed in de
feating lrm they would immed
iately make the claim that such
that it has seldom been equaled
I knew of no reason why he
shoud not receive our hearty and
enthusiastic support Yours truly
It is admitted by fair minded
men that the Republican county
tick t this fall is compsed of
capable men Most of them have
proven their ability by faithful
and efficient service Those who
are shelving election for the first
term are equally strong and effi
cient in their qualifications
Charles Skalla
The nominee for county clerk
has served the county for two
terms in this one of theeountys
most exacting and important of-
and importance Avith the years
and which will continue to grow
in all these particulars in the fu
tur Judge Moore seeks reelec
tion and points with satisfaction
and confidence at the work per
formed It has been character
ized by fidelity honesty impar
tiality and carefulness His rec
ords are in good shape and the
conduct of the office has been a
credit to Mm and to the satisfac
tion of the people
Miss Bettcher
This brings us to another offic
ial spot in county to which Ave
point with pride The office of
county superintendent undr
Miss Bettcher s administration
of its affairs has been highly sat
isfactory to the people of Red
WilloAv county and for very
good and sufficient reasons
Qualified and equipped in aca
demic and business ways and
clinched and strengthened by
practical experience success and
progress and high grade accom
plishment Avere to be expected
They have been fully realizd
C W Kelley
A rising young man in his line
he offers a developing and in
creasing equipment for the office
of county surveyor an office
Avliieh the needs of the county
Avill demand larger and better
work in future as good roads
and kindred requirements pre
sent themselves
David F Smith
The doctor of course had to
be urged to accept the office
which ordinarily is of small mo
ment in this healthy law abiding
land liut it is Avorth while to
have such an officer in case of
need The doctor has the qualifi
cations for any emergency
W J Stilgebouer
The office of county commis
sioner stands practically first in
point of real business import
ance in ithe county and as such
should demand men of careful
business habits men avIlo are
economical in handling their oavu
money and affairs and aaIio Avill
consequently be judicious and
honest and careful in the spend
ing of the money of the people
In Win J Stilgebouer of Dan
bury The Tribune believes the
Republicans haAre nominated such
a -man
spent Monday AArith Mr and Mrs
WMle playing at school one
of the boys kicked a tin can
Avhich struck little Alice Long
necker in the head cutting quite
a gash
Thoroughbred Shorthorn bull
r service One dollar
Quality and price courtesy and
promptness in delivery are mak
ing for success at the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
CURES and Purifies the Blood
After all its much the question 1
of the outs and ins
The Omaha Bee states that but
w per cent of ica farmioj
test their seed corn and claims
that if the other 90 per cent dia
it Avould mean 10000000 moiv
bushels of corn and add 27000
000 to Nebraskas annual in
The citizens of Idaho Springs
Colorado all had a holiday Ou
tober 19th which they devoted 1
Ddilding good roads liie
children business and profevasio
al men entered into the spirit 0
the day and the result was i
large amount of good road mak
ng That toAAn recently pledj
d 2600 for building good roao
iom that toAAn toward Denvc
nd of this sum the school elii
iren guaranteed 300 in caw
nd Avork
R F D No 1
There was a surprise party c
londay night for C A Phillip
nd fimiy who left Tuesday U
Richardson county Avhere th
li taru njxt year
Vilem Dubarka is at NVS
DoAvnsi home For several Aveek
in the hospital at v
5 re wth tphcia rWer
J W Robinson avs thrcshh
ilfalfa sied yesterday He qu
m finding that the hoppers ha
got the seed
D W Cohxm and L A Fitch
of Mclcnk Democratic candi
dates Ave re in toAvn Saturday jc
ning on political business
Inst Aveek for a short A isit Avitli
their brother Frank and family
Mrs Ellen Plumb stayed Aith
her daughter Mrs Galusha Avhile
Ernest Avas at Lincoln
last Saturday
coon hunt
Born to Mr and Mrs
Lytle Oct 18 a nine and a half
pound son
Miss Lela Burbridgc Aisited in
McCook over Sunday Avith her
Mrs J K Gordon and Ossie
spent Saturday out on the farm
Harry Elms spent Saturday and
Sunday AATith Orla Bolles
Grace Lucy and Mary Sexson
Daisy Younger and- Fern Doyle
visited Pearl Alpharetta and Lila
Campbell after Sunday school on
Will Sexson had the misfortune
of leaving a heaAy bed comfort
three gallons of coal oil and othei
groceries taken out of his bu ggy
Saturday night AAhile he AA as at
the depot to meet No5 He has
Ins suspicion of Avho got it He
says he kneAv the teamsAvhich
Avere near by as they Avere from
the country
Mr and Mrs George Harrison
Aisited at Grover Doyles last
EpAAorth League subject les
son next Sunday eA ening is Ab
stinence and Prosperity Jer 35
J A Modrell leader
There aauII lie preaching at the
church next Sunday morning
Advertised List
The following letters and cards
remain uncalled for at the post
Brunygarde Mr John Cave Mrs
N Connell Mr J W Jennings
Mr S L 2 Lebsn Mrs LaAvine
SeAvard Mr R S Svestika Mr
Frank Van Meter Mr Will
Wage Mr J H
Cehvick Miss Myrtle Huntz
Miss Clara Henderson Mr C D
Keling Mrs J II Lebsn Mrs La-
Avina 2 Nelson Mrs K M
Strong Mrs Delia W
LON CONE Postmaster
Now Ready for Distribution by
Experiment Station
By J H Gain Experiment Station
Lincoln Neb Telephones Bell 1322
Automatic B2490
An appropriation of 15000 was
made by the last legislature for the
production of hog cholera serum un
der the direction of the department of
animal pathology of the Nebraska ex
periment station As this bill did not
carry the emergency clause the funds
svere not aAailable until July 7 In
order that the serum produced shall
be as uniform as possible it is neces
sary to mix the four bleedings from
each hog then mix those from a
1 her of hogs together and thoroughly
test it before sending out For these
i reasons the serum was not ready for
distribution until Oct 1
The bill provides that the serum be
sold at cost of production The price
will be put at 2 cents per cubic
meter which would make the cost
about 40 cents per hundred pounds of
hog The ordinarily advised for
- -1 r r not js twenty c c
tee-if- ceiitTtrs and this doc
sho id Iip incrase i rather tlan di
minishol especially to valuable pun
bred 1 os or to brood sows in a be d
Pigs weighing under a hundred pounds
slcuhl not receive moie than twentv
c c as thpir resistn power is less
than that of larger hogs
When cholera is sispected the near
ect nualified veterinarian if one is
J available should be called a
sick nig killed ind a post mortem
examination made to determine if en
nine cholera exists This is import
ant for if cholera is not present
when serum is given the hogs will be
hev Gnppen of Orleans tilled
protectod for only three
the pulpit here Sunday for Rev weeks when thev wffl again
Glen Smallberger Avas an over
Sunday visitor at WilsonAillo i
A man from Missouri Avav in
town Avith car of apples th first
of the Aveek j
J II Wicks contenmlnrej
or four
susceptible to the disease
If i holera is present and srar i
wanted use the telephone or tle
graph Do not write a letter requesting
serum The mails are somewhat un
certain and the larger part of the
herd may become infected before the
1 t 4 1 serum could no received 11 ordered in
ing his family to Des Moines Ta
lhis way when telephoning if the
in the near future writer Dr J F Gain is not in the of-
1 la nest Galusha returned Sat- fice call for Dr L B Sturdevant or
urday from Lincoln haAing been the office clerk There will always be
there as a delegate to the I O pome onc in tnp office in charge of this
0 F conAention I work Always gie the number and
J W Pepper returned weignt of the wel1 hogs in the herd
day from his South Dakota trip Jcr V a 1certa mmler of f r
having registered at the Jl lmum dose is meant
drawing This jppartment will endeavor to
Miss Claire Plumb of Greeley deliver at the express office
Colo arrived here last mid week promptly upon receipt of orders which
and is staying Avith her sister Nn it can fill but the delays en route
M E Graham northeast of tOAvn from sending material by express are
The Misses Dollie and Blanche freluent and sometimes
Fields of Ym lr Teh nvnvwl l After determining whether ser-
j - wj tAiVi 11V1I
um is available or not Avhere the dis
tance is not too great it Avill prevent
delay if the farmer will come to Lin
col in person to secure the serum
rather than depend on the express
The serum is put up in bottles con
taining 125 250 300 and 1000 c c
Raymond Sexsoin returned last At 2 cents ner c these les W0Id
Saturday night from Ilolbrook range In Pr5ce from 2 50 to 2- lt
Thurston Earl and Basil Doyle u V -
J TTnrn rnnnnef o ti 10
c c capacity
ni t gii - t u
au JUU1T Ku syringe suitable for this
eriy nijrnt lor a iis0 for vaccinating
work and
cattle against
1 blackleg will be shipped with the ser
Ernest um and the cost added to the bill
Where the services of a qualified
veterinarian can be obtained he should
be called in to give the serum Where
such a man cannot be had the follow
ing suggestions are offered
Have the hogs in a dry place for at
least twenty four hours before giving
the serum A wet muddy hog is not
easily handled besides there is in
creased risk of carrying in some in
fection on the needle and causing a
local abscess HaAe at hand a bucket
of some distinfectant such as a 5 per
cent solution of one of the coal tar
dips Avash off the inner surface of
each thigh and inject the serum
deeply into the muscles dividing the
dose equally between the two sides
and putting not over tAventy c c in
one place The serum can also be in
jected just under the skin of the abdo
men instead of into the muscles but
is not so readily absorbed and there
is greater liability of an abscess Some
srum will also leak out when the
needle is withdrawn
Leave the hogs in a dry place for
two days after receiving the serum
Do not give a sick hog serum Give
only to those apparently well and
lpave these for a time in the infected
yards A hog must be exposed to
cholera at the time of receiving ser
um or within a few days in order to
acquire a lasting immunity Some of
the hogs that are apparently well may
have had the germs of cholera in the
system for four or five days These
will probably die
The new serum plant Avill not be
ready for use before Jan 1 1912 With
the old plant it will not be possible
to supply all of the requests for serum
for the next feAv months
One of the most important factors
in the handling of live stock farming
is to use a pure bred sire Those
farmers Avho have been successful in
tho Aarious classes of stoclr whether
horses cattle sheep or hogs all say
that the first start toward improve
ment should he by using the best sire
obtainable Records kept in the dairy
herd at the University of Missouri
show that one Jersey bull that was in
the herd for a season was the sire of
several of the cows which afterwan1
became famous nrodnrorc
To be prepared for sudden
changes this fall you want a con
vertible collar on your overcoat
When down you have a dress
overcoat and when up a real storm
coat Rain proof too which makes
it twice as valuable and all for
the price of one
One price and no monkey business
Funeral Services Hero
The body of Mrs Mary A
Whitaker arrived from Cheyenne
Wyoming Tuesday morning on
No 2 and services Avere conduct
ed in the Methodist church here
at ten oclock same morning af
ter Avhieh the remains were con
veyed overland to Danbury for
burial in the cemetery at that
place where rests the body of
her husbnnd aaIio proceeded her
many years ago
The funeral service Aas condue
ted by Rev L E LeAA is of the
church and the music Avas provid
ed by a quairtette
There Avas a wealth of floral
offerings of many designs from
orders and friends
Mary Augusta Belden was born
in Savoy Massachusetts June 2
1S19 Was married to Cleaber H
Whitaker on February 14th 1S70
Came to Danbury Nebraska in
1879 where her husband passed
aAA ay on October 21st 1890 just
tAventy one years exactly before
her death Moved to McCook
in 1901 where she has made her
home CA er since Her death oc
curred in Cheyenne Wyoming 01
October 21 1911 at the home of
her daughter Mrs F L Hender
shot There AAras born to this un
ion three children Mrs F L
nendershot of Cheyenne Wyom
ing George A Whitaker of this
city and Mrs O H Colling of
Otis Colorado all of them living
and being present at the funeral
services in this city Tuesday and
aceompanyang the body to Dan
bury that morning for interment
an tne cemetery m tnat toAn
Arhere the body of the husband
Aras laid to rest
i Sam McClain Avas here Monday
AAiith his auto He Avas taking
some parties to White Neb
The road overseers are putting
the roads in shape for the Avinter
Martin Kennedy Avas up from
the flat Sunday visiting AAdth his
brother Joe
E Beebe delivered 225 head of
slioats to Culbertson Monday and
Tuesday having sold them soma
time ago to a party from Induan
Oscar Kolbet was up from
Hitchcock county Sunday
Not very much fall Avheat is be
ncr put out here only a few are
Real Estate Filings
The folloAAing real estate filings
have been made in the county
clerks office since our last re
Ado Gerdes single to Samuel
II Mcsier Avd sav qr 4r
3 27 6000
Charles F Lehn et ux to
ard A Reed wd 2 in 7
7th McCook 500
James W MeClung et ux to
Albert C Norman AAd e
1 hf ne qr 1200
Lincoln Land Co to Henry
Roth Avd 1 in 2 7th Mc
Cook 275
Indianola Cemetery Assn to
Chester W Avd 127
in Ind Cemetery 4
Fred Woehl et ux to L Hen-
v ry Harseh qcd sav qr 31-3-26
F J nassler to A H Bag
ley wd to 1 in 7 2nd Mc
Cook 550
Joseph R Stansberry et ux
tolsaiah Stansberrv Avd w
hf 28-1-30 1 1
Albert G Bump et ux to Har
rison H nohl AA d to 10
in 9 1st McCook 550
C H Russell vs William M
Cruse ml av hf 4-2-27 148
For Supreme Judges
For Regents State University
For Railway Commissioner
For District Judge
For County Treasurer
For County Clerk
For County Sheriff
For Clerk of Court
For County Judge
For County Superintendent
anna McDonnell
For County Surveyor
For County Coroner
For County Commissioner
Freshest fruits at Magners