Tft Mcooft THune ESTABLISHED 1S82 F M KIIVIMELL Editor Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays TTTTTTrTTTrTrYTTYTrTTTTTrYYVTTrYVTTVTTTTYTTTTrTrTTTM it- I A CUNNING INTRUDER 3 It has been a source of large -wonderment to The Tribune for several weeks that no one has arisen to the occasion but the following editorial in the Lincoln Daily Star gets down to brass headed tacks in a -way so frank and specific as to be invigorating Why not advertise Nebraska Nebraska people are miserably negligent not only in methods of advertising and promoting the groAvth of their state but also in the matter of preventing its inva sion by the agents of other more progressive and aggressive states to refr to anything Nebraskan in the title to the exhibition It should be designated The Pacific Coast Colonization Expo sition and instead of asking th people of Nebraska to patronize it and thus pay the expense of maintaining it the promoters who Viag it to the state should b1 made to piy roundly for the privilege t would vastly bene fit Nel raska perhaps if they were taxed o high for a license that they -would be unable to hold such meetings in this state All of the j liios on the Pacific coast devote considerable funds annually to jdvfM tising Recent ly here has been organized a coalition of all the states along at all unreasonable to that this so called Omaha Land Show is a part of the campaign of the Pacific coast colonization scheme cleverly presented for the patronage of Nebraska people in order that the victims may be made- to bear the expense of ad vertising the far west and luring Nebraskans to seek homes furthei west For who can imagine that it is -helpful to build up the state of Nebraska this holding within its borders an exposition at which chief prominence is given to the lifli nvnrhirtc nf flnlifnvrnn Or- Under a deceptive name that Washington and Idaho is in rd d to cLimv an impres l ho s0enlletl Omaha land sion tint it is an agency h A wm 1ki sn in lndian lat d to promote the growth oi roHf m Wprt 1pVOted to n Aehrrska because ir Dears me nam of the metropolis of this tat t r is new in progress in Omln about as clever a scheme to neourage emigration from Ne braska to some other state as it would be possible to devise So far as one may judge from its literature and from the com- scpk n of the products oi r ka Kansas Iowa and then might one expect it ihin e some benefit for th a state of Nebraska and it woul 1 net b unreasonable to ask Ne biiska people to contribute to but when it sets itself down among Nebraska people to giv ment of thos from outside of exhibitions of the wonderful who have visited the so- J ducts of states that are maintain called Omaha land show its en- J ing aggressive colonization cam tire purpose seems to be to ex- paigns and expects Nebraska peo ploit the resources and ndvant j ple through their patronage to Oregon Idaho and Texas So little attention is attracted to Ne braska by it that it is a misnomei expense ot the exhibitions it looks danger ously like obtaining money under false pretenses This may sound something like a knock on an Omaha enterprise Let it sound as it may it is a knock that some one should make If the people of this state cannot hring themselves to in augurate and maintain a system atic and effective campaign of their own for advertising the marvelous resources of Nebraska the impulse for self preservation and their own self respect ought to prompt them to protest against this brazen method of bringing into their midst under a decep tive title an enterprise intended only to lure Nebraskans to oth er states Tt would be far better were thy to put into the adver tisement of their own state the hi in wttwi tm the coast and much of their money they must contribute to gresive colonization work is doni this annual Pacific coast bv i a ti j nirii uigiiuiAibiuii xi is not smon at Umana REPUBLICAN TICKET Supreme Judges FRANCIS G IIAMER CHARLES B LETTON WILLIAM B ROSE Railway Commissioner TEXBIAS L HALL Regents of State University VICTOR G LYFORD FRANK L HALLER Judge 14th District E B PERRY County Clerk CHAS SKALLA County Treasurer ARTHUR B WOOD Clerk of District Court ELMER KAiF County Sheriff E F OSBORN County Judge J C MOORE County Superintendent ELIZABETH BETTCHER County Surveyor CHAS W KELLEY County Coroner DR DAVID F SMITH Commissioner 1st District WM J STILGEBOUER Ilamer and Oldham seem to be sub j ct to the same question I mark I Teddy Roosevelt has the com jmon opinion and experience of i many other thinking and observ ing Americans that the judi Iciary Iiigh and low is composed oi mere human beings If Republican insurgency or progressivism means advocacy of the rights of the common people as against the encroachments of predatory wealth means opposi tion to special privileges to fav oritism The Tribunes files will disclose a consistent course of more than a quarter century Since early boyhood when the sentiment found expression in favoring the under dog such have been our fixed principles of action No recent conversion ours No opportunism here How ever in the preference campaign of coining spring Nebraska Repub Means will not go amiss if they keep in view a sane and proper perspective No one doubts the It is said that E B Perry Re- right of admirers of the snlendid publican nominee for judge of LaFollette to seek to place braska in line the Fourteenth judicial district is expected to lead the ticket at the election November 8 This wall not be surprising as Mr Perry as recognized as a jurist of great ability as well as popular citizen If other counties in the district will do as well for him as will Dundy he will be elected by a handsome majority Benkel man News Chronicle And wliat about Ilamer v Even sucli splendid fellows -as Bryan and Aldrich experience th common partisan politics difficul ty supporting unfit candidates simply because they happen to be tagged with their party name for that patriotic and consistent champion of the people but in view of the prac tical certainty of the renomina tion of President Taft and the not improbable nomination of 41 reactionary Democrat the cam paign should be waged of a sort which is mindful of the fact that an election will ensue in the fall of that year in -which tliis stated probability will be a cold reality Whether progressiva or reaction ary or standpait Republicans should be in consistent attitude to support their national nomi nee especially if the party platr form shall be in harmony with the upward march of our best and most progressive Republican ism Making no claim to being an organization mouthpieceand hav ing no personal knowledge of the truth or falsity of statements cm rent of political tieups of va rious kinds involving nominees of both parties The Tribune is supporting the nominees or the Republican primary election on the good and sufficient grounds of the fitness and preparedness of these nominees for the offices they seek In each instance the Republican nominees are persons whom we have known personally for years hence our conclusions are from personal knowledge of character and reallocations of those seeking election or reelec tion Added to these we have the official records of almost all of them The record made speaks -with more power and conviction than mere language Chas Skalla J C loore and liss Elizabeth Bettcher have given proof of their ability to fill most efficiently the several offices they seek A B Wood E F Osborn El mer Kay and W J Stilgebouer are of the sort of stuff out of which faithful and qualified of ficials are made D F Smithand C W Kelley will have no trouble whatever in giving a good account of them selves in their respective offices So withal the Republicans of fer candidates entirely worthy th 1 votes of the electors of Red Willow county 74 J Crediting political speakers with honesty and frankness in their public addresses it is diffi cult for the laity the average man to maintain his poise The average man attends a Republi can meeting The speaker lauds the party and its principles and performances to the seventh heav en Takes party credit for every thing leaves nought for God or man to have accomplished The same average man finds himself on occasion hearing the eloquence ot a Democratic orator ana is possibly startled if not amused to learn that the Democratic is the party of the great common people that its policies on finance on the tariff on every thing in fact are and have been right and inferentially those of its friends the enemy all Avrong The Prohibitionists and Social ists agree that both the old par- tics are all wrong This incon gruity in politics finds parallels in religion in ethics in quite ev ery human interest until indeed th average man becomes bewild ers befogged and sceptical Af tor giving full allowance for im aginations play and enthusiasms eftTvesence much of thp remain dor of this sort of thing mav wel bo cut out COMMENCED WORK Improvements Under Way at the Water Works Park Saturday the contract was signed up and this morning work was begun on the city park at the water works At this time it is proposed to trim the trees cut down the dead trees and cut out the underbrush Some grading will be done also but only in a limited degree that heavy and expensive work being left to a time when more mon ey is available The park board is composed of Councilman Middleton Dr C L Fahnestock and Engineer I L Rodstrom Some attention is now beinsr given to securing an enlargement of the entrance to the park the present drive being insufficient in width and hence- not adequate for passing teams vehicles and automobiles BilJie March has the con tract for the work The ticket committee of the Citizens Entertainment Course has placed in the field a canvass er in the person of Mrs W A Cassell who will see you in the imeresi oi Liie course especially for the sale of season tickets This worthy entertainment course should be liberally supported You can do your part by buying a season ticket now A lad by the name of Hoffman broke two plate glass in the Tem ple building Sunday supposedly with a pea shooter causing a damage of about 50 When you have a bad cold you want the best medicine obtainable so as to cure it with as litle delay as possible Here is a druggists opinion I have sold Qhamberlaiins Cough Remedy for fifteen yeaTS ys Enos Dollar of Saratoga Ind and consider it the best on the market- For sale by all druggists 100 The Tribune one year VALUE OF SYSTEM Whether In Working or Thinking It Helps on to Success Working or thinking without system enfeebles the mind and leaves the mental faculties in clogged condi tion so that they do not work sharply The mind must be kept clear and clean for the present problem so that it may seize and grasji with all its might the thing it is attempting to accom plish There is only one best way to learn how to act That way is the way of system Systematize your thoughts your energies your abilities Learn early in life to do this and it will prove the master habit that wins suc cess Systemless men are always surprised that the heads of great enterprises can find so much time for social life for hobbies for travel They cannot understand it at all do not realize that a man of great organizing ability with a splendid system can do more effective business in a single hour at his office than a systemless man can accomplish in twelve It is not the number of hours but the ef fectiveness of the system that tells One of the advantages of a college course is that it trains the mind to work by system Whether he likes to or not the student is forced to con centrate his mind when the time comes no matter what his mood or how he feels Tour years of training in this should put the mind into work ing order It should tune the intellect so that all the strings will be in harmony A good college education cisely deeply effectively at will Orison Swett Mardea in Success Maga zine ANIMALS IN A FRENZY Thores Danger Afoot When Captivo Wild Boasts Go Bad What those who have charge of wild Practical My good woman said the social reformer your children seem to be slightly obstreperous DTave you any clearly defined theories about bring ing up your little ones by scientific methods No I havent madam answered the much tried mother as she firmly grasped a squirming child in one hand and her slipper in the other Im bringing them up by hand Balti more American A Terrible Storm The most violent storm that ever ravaged England occurred Nov 2G and 27 1703 The loss in London alone was 10000000 Eight thousand peo ple -were drowned in the floods Twelve warships with more than lSi men on board were lost Trees were up rooted 1700 of them In Kent Eddy stone lighthouse was destroyed and Winstanley its contriver was killed with several others Information Johnny The right way to spell high Is isnt it Auntie Yes dear Why do you wish to know Johnny Cause Im writing an English com position about the hyena One Exception Wildman Senior to son home from college Well Richard how have things been going -with you this term Wildman Junior Pretty slow dad es rept the cash Exchange -v II - liflre bo fearful of 1 Durability the Test for Paint paint that holds to the surface like a nail protects the THE and lasts for years is the old fashioned kind made of pure linseed oil turpentine and pure white lead They should be mixed on the premises by the painter each in the proper proportion for the particular surface to be covered Use RED SEAL It has stood the test of years and is used by the best painters Send for Our Free Painting Helps containing color schemes mis ccllantous paintm directions and names of UiueList Painters in rour communit who use our vlnte had bend or Helps No J3 lo Pijrn R If jou uce our uhitn hail send us voiir name for our Painters Blue List Write for Circular No B It sues particulars NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY 722 Chestnut Street Loin Mo J For Sale oy All Dealers wsS namrttr ff L Hilil I iliM T- - mm WHY HESITATE should train the mind to think con- An Offer That Involves no Mon- ey Risk if You Accept It We are so positive our remedy will completely relieve constipa tion no matter how chronic it may h that we offer to furnish it free of all cost if it fails Constipation is commonly cans animals in captivity and especially ed by weakness of the nerves and trainers dread most among the large muscles of the large intestine To beasts is that inexplicable change of expect a cure vou must therefore temperament on the part of the tone up and strengthen those or mal known in the parlance of the mo- - r i gans and restore them to xiuuiiu us uiu iiu Lions are likely to go bad alout the ier activity nr i i r ii tenth year of life tigers two or three want you to try Jiexan ur years earlier The male tiger is thelderlies on our guarantee They dread of the profession when he reaches this condition because he is more likely to go into a frenzy without warning and once gone bad nothing will satisfy him but murder He will leap for any man within reach and when once his teeth are on the bone nothing but fire will make him relinquish it and not always that This going bad may come in the nature of a sudden attack or it may develop slowly and be counteracted if taken in time An old trainer can usually detect the symptoms of this curious ailment It seems to be in the nature of a disease and other ani mals recognize it and shun the affect ed one When its progress is apparent the danger is not great All that is re quired then is a level head and the wisdom to refrain from further inter ference with the animal Sometimes this bad temper will last but a short time and again it will be come the permanent condition of the animal In that case he is sent to the lonely cage to spend the rest of his life in comparative obscurity dis turbed merely by the passing crowd and his daily meals Pearsons Week ly Respect of Dead Royalty Dead royalty was treated with scant respect at Ilolyrood a century ago C K Sharpe the friend of Scott writing to Robert Chambers in 1S23 recounted some of his experiences during his wanderings among the tombs in Iloly rood I remember many fragments of the royal bodies shown in the chapel of Ilolyrood Ilouse one entire saving the hand In later times I paid a visit to the chapel after the royal vault had been closed Oh man said the female in charge if ye had cam here a while syne I cud hae show ed yp mnckle raair in this place King James the Fifths shuther shoulder and Lord Darnleys thigh banes and a gude bit o the Earl o Buchans back London Chronicle are eaten like candy and are particularly good for children They seem to act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels They apparently have a neutral action on the other organs They do not purge or cause other in convenience We will refund your money if they do notover come chronic or habitual consti pation and thus aid to relieve the myriads of associate or de pendent chronic ailments Try Rexall Orderlies at our risk Three sizes 10c 25c and 50e I Soli only at our store The Hex- all Store L W feConnell Vc never hesitate to guarantee Lily Patent flour At the Mc Cook Flour and Feed Store James C Dahlman Cowboy Mayor of Omaha Throws the Lariat Mayor Jas C Dahlman started his career as a cowboy and is at present Mayor of Omaha and has the follow ing record Sheriff of Dawes Co Neb three terms Mayor of Chadron two terms Democratic Natl Commit teeman eight years Mayor of Oma Oia six years and in 1910 candidate for governor of Nebraska Writing to iFoley Co Chicago he says I have taken Foley Kidney Pills and they have given me a great deal of relief so I cheerfully recommend them Yours truly Signed James C Dahlman A MoMillen gigrafsjwaawSiEnsgggT rvs 1 White Lead SJl r 1 Wh U II J lnA li7VJV Ss mm jv mm 11 -- ltf McCook DONT BE MISLED Citizens S nld Read Heed This Advice and Use a tested and proven kidney remedy Begin with Doans Kidney Pills Used in kidney troubles 75 years Doans have cured thousands Are recommended here and every where The following statement forms con vincing proof J H Millen of Oherlin Kans says Doans Kidney Pills did so much for me that I strongly recom mend them I had severe attacks of kidney complaint and had to get up often at night to pass the kid ney secretions My back was very painful and it was all I could do to get around When someone ad vised me to try Doans Kidney Pills I immediately procured a box and it was not long before they cured me I am today enjoying good health For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the Unit ed States Remember the name Doans and take no other Hero is a woman who speaks from personal knowledge and long experi ence viz Mrs P H Brogan of Wil son Pa who says I know from ex perience that Chamberlains Cough Remedy is far superior to any oth er For croup there is nothing that excels it For sale by all dealers Before you reach the Limit of physical endurance and while your condition is still curable take Foley Kidney Pills Their quick ac tion and positive results will delight you For bacakche nervousness rheumatism and all kidney bladder and urinary troubles A McMillen J W Copeland of Dayton Ohio purchased a bottle of Chamberlains Cough Remedy for his boy who had a cold and before the bottle was all used the boys cold was gone Is that not better than to pay a five dollar doctors bill For sale by all dealers Subscribe for the Semi Weekly Tribune 100 per year We Owe You Good Phone Service You deserve telephone service that is quick accurate and country wide in its extensions By giving you such service at reasonable rates we feel that we should expect your -business and your hearty co operation To give the best service this company is constantly improving its equipment and stand ardizing its operating methods Your assistance and co operation and that of the associated telephone and telegraph compa nies enable us toTgive you intercommunication of national scope and of the highest obtainable efficiency Kidney trouble is dangerous and often fatal Dont experiment with something new and untried Nebraska Telephone Co BELL SYSTEM 4 I f A- L r