The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 19, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 5

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East Depart Central Time
No 6 1130 P M
1C 500 A M
2 550 A M
12 G35 A M
14 -920 P M
10 505 P M
West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1220 P M
3 1142 P M
5 arrive 830 p m
13 930 A M
15 1230 A M
9 625 A M
Imperial Line Mountain Time
No 176 arrives 330 P M
No 175 departs C45 A M
Sleening dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and tickets call on or write D F
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
General Passenger
or L W Wakeley
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Mrs J J Laughlin went to
Hastings Tuesday
Drop pit repairs are being
placed on the 1124 this -week
Yard Clerk Brooks has re
signed to enter high school here
S II McCarl has been trans
ferred from Republican to Mc
Engineer 1 L Rodstrom was
off yesterday on water works
park business
j Hill aiys it is not the
high cost of living but the cost
of high living
Engine 2529 took the vice
pre iLit3 special -from McCook
to I t ast night
II II MLbr and wife
i Wil
Ihir visit in Waterloo la
Road Foreman Dungan was
lvn from Denver and went
w t with the special last night
Mrs A R Mehaffey went up
to D liver la night on 3 to
spend a few days as guest of her
Mrs C M Bailey of Wy
moiv caiuv up to attend the
of Marshall Trammell Sun
day afternoon
The 2335 was tented in the
bak shop this week and is now
ready to go into service after
considerable repairs
Ticket Agent E J
BkTv is away on vacation md
Lin Isay Kilbourne is night tick
et ag jnt meanwhile
Engineer aad Mrs Louie
Yds are talcing great pride in a
nil 12 lb baby boy who recent
ly came to their home
A long stock extra came in
Tom the west Tuesday morning
pulling into McCook yard just
be on- Xo 13 left for the west
Freight business is good now
Grass stock is moving freely
ind with coal sugar beets andso
forth freight service is lively
Paul Smith who has been
acting as agenit here during the
absence of Agcmt Dave Hostet
ter returned Tuesday to Benkel
man Iris regular agency
Mrs Gary Dole and baby
came in from Denver on 10 Tues
day niglrt and is visiting Mrs
AC Wiehe She will also spend
some time with the home folks
nar Red Willow
Mrs Emerson Hanson is in
I olorado at the bedside of War
ren who is a typhoid fever pa
tient Mr Ilanson accompanied
Mrs Ilanson there but finding
Warren progressing favorably
returned to liis work on the Mc
Cook division
Supt Ed Flynn in private
ear Q3 and with a special engine
went down to Red Cloud Mon
day night to meet Vice President
Byrams special coming from
via St Louis over the Bur
linirton lines on a trip of inspec
Conductor and Mrs W II
Browne Clifford and Bud
Browne left Wednesday night for
Yilow Pine Ala via Mobile Mr
and Mrs Browne will be gone
about thirty days The boys in
tend to take up fruit farming
The foundation is being laid
for the new big ice house to be
erected south of the depot Tills
liouse will exceed anything ever
built hore in this line as to size
and equipment and will store
several thousand more tons than
the largest house here
Vice President Byrams spec
ial arrived at Red Cloud on this
division Tuesday evening at six
oclock and was taken over the
Republican City Oberlin branch
that night Engineer Milligan
and Fireman Mitchell pulling the
train Wednesday the special
went over the Orleans St Fran
cis line Bo wen and Hanneis nt
the front The special arrived
in McCook about midnight last
night and went west in the block
with 15 Engineer Milligan and
Pireman Mitchell had them on
thru to Denver
aa i
J R Pence is the new night
round foreman
Brakcman C J Str u or was
up from KcjuU can TiuSvny
Mrs liariy Tramou wad aii
Oxford visitor early in the week
The Erie railroad requires ite
employes to wear black neckties
Engineer Steve Finn has
been off duty a few days resting
Dispatcher R G Knowles is
at the Rosebud land drawing tliis
W D Burnett and wife went
up to Stratton Tuesday morning
on No 13
Fireman Donald Snoke has
gone to the land drawing at Bap
id City S D
Conductor F A Fagan has
changed his headquarters from
Hastings to McCook
Conductor J F Utter has
charge of Nos 1 and 6 while P
McKenna is on the special
Engine 322 is receiving ma
chinery repairs and work on
The Atchison Toneka
HnfTrtM iiflc unfnf n m A mnil r v rl TVinil
during the past week lias neces
sitated two additional way cars
Brakcman L E Jager left
Tuesday night on No 3 for the
land drawing at the Rosebud
The lloldrege switch engine
was takn off today doing away
with the position of yard mast ciT
and helper
C Tumbull W Baker Geo
P 1 lay ward 0 K DeLong 11
P Dkbrow and P M Plato are
new bakemanr
A wat d portage stamp
am llo mVs lo snikvv on ton of
j irght two miles
interstate commerce com
J minion places the amount of
itiek and debts of American rail
hvays at 18 billions
YT1 Enlow - i in the
33urinortcn depot at Orl am was
married Sunday evening to Miss
j G orgia A Hull of Orleans
I onductor McKenna ana
nio i tTiwi I flinit
of Vic- President Byrams spe
cial from McCook to Denver
Powder River Pte the soda
a -ill exp rt was in to s 1 Gener
al For imn Murphy yesterday
llolbrook and Polly speak the
mm language
Grading is jirogressing for
another track in the local yard
The new ie house will necessi
tate fiomo slight change in one of
th yard tracks
Conductor Brooks and Brake
inn Dry den weie in charge of
th vice presidents special on th
Red Cloud and St Francis brand
and on to McCook
Engine 2858 went into Have
lock y st orday She has been
out of shoi for about two wus
and has mileage of 203000 miles
to her credit since last in shop
John Walsh of Norfolk Xeb
and Edward Young of Dubuque
la have been appointed inspect
ors of locomotive bailors in con
nection with the Interstate Com
merce commission
Mothsr With Two Cubs Stopped a
Rural Pclivery Man and Gave
Him a Lively Hght
A mother Dear vrim a Bat Nelton
battle gleam in her eye and an Ad
Wolgast fighting crouch and her two
little cubs held up Uncle Sams mail
in the road between Sandy and Mar
mot and gave C M Bailes rural mail
carrier on the route the time of his
Jife when he accepted her challenge
Saturday afternoon
Builey was driing leisurely along
toward Sandy in his mail wagon be
hind his two stui horses when the
bear popped into right as he rounded
a curve She was standing on her
haunches in the middle of the road in
a distinctly belligerent attitude hei
cubs frisking about her Bailey was
so surprised that he pulled up his
horses and waited for developments
Ke didnt have to wait very long
With a growl and a flourish of her
forepaws the bear made for the mail
carrier the cubs waddling along after
her on all fours Baileys horses
snorted in terror at this unexpected
move by Mother Bruin and whirled
about in the road so sharply that the
-The heavy freight business r7
As Bailey picked himself up he
pulled his automatic revolver out of
his pocket and fired at the bear
which was almost on him The bullet
went true and she rolled over in the
road snarling and clawing She seem
ed to have enough of battle for the
next minute she nicvPtl herself up and
ncanjrr red off into the woccs with tc
cubs leaving a trail of blood behind
As scon as the shaken TCailey couid
collect himself he caught his horses
which had stopped after running a
short distance down the road and
with the aid of a party of autoists
ilit cvme along cor after he righted
Up Jiominr
Jf o lio
to VVanciar
i CQ It t3 XZZ
T rcujh Private
At thii season iv is pleasant to
I avc tIo disty k jr way and take to
ike fields It many timid pedestrians
rre fricneI av y by the notice
Trprrsscrs Will 3o Prosecuted
They need have n iar
As the law stc s any trespasser
-who desr the lect damage in
jures a fence bre2s u small branch
cic cai be sxr icd liefcre a mag
istrate a d fr ed Cut if he does no
dartgc the -d must bring an
action at law tine -et an injunction
This ccsts a let c coney and unless
the trespasser is a nan of means the
landlord wont brir j his action at law
All ke can do ctkenviso is to ask you
to get out If yoa go peaceably you
can return an hour later and repeat
the visit as often as you wish Noth
ing can be dene beyond asking you tq
leave again But if you resist then
suillcciiL force can be used and if
you skov fight you may be legally
knocked dov n your legs tied and
yourself bundled on to the road
The landlord may however play
some tricks on you He can saw a
bridge crossing a stream so that you
will get a ducking he can dig a pit
for you to fall into and he can so fix
ithe stile you are likely to cross that
you will break it and then he can
have you up before the magistrate
Santa Fe railroad will spend 30 content answers
000000 a year in improvements
in the next two or three years ac j Kow Carnegie Get Library Idea
cording to the testimony of Pros- Dr Andrew Carnegie told an au
II C Shriner has purchased
the pool hall and smoke house of
Fred Meek Mr Shriner was an
engineer on the VVymore divis
ion of Burlington for ten years
preceding 1905 when he left here
to work on the McCook division
of the Burlington Wymore spe
Ho Was Willing to Stand For a Dollar
end Ho Did
It was S0 and the theater was
What have you left a prospective
purchaser inquired of the treasurer
How many sir the treasurer
I have two lofL in the twelfth row
the treasurer said taking the tickets
from the rack Theyre the last two
seats 1 have in the house
How much the other asked cau
Two dollars was the reply
Two dollars the patron repeated
I cant stand for that
Weil will you stand for a dollar
the ticket dispenser inquired
Gladly the other cried scenting a
bargain and laying a dollar on the
The treasurer replaced the two
tickets in his rack and handed out
two others after placing the bill in his
cash drawer
There they are sir he said
First door to your right
The man and his friend hurried in
side and stood for a dollar The
wily treasurer taking him at his word
had sold him two admission tickets
Did you plant your wheat
McConnell fills prescriptions
sLSaSx j
compared with the work of his distin
guished son In 1S0S Mr Carnegies
father was a journeyman weaver in
Dunfermline He and two other driv
ers of the shuttle met and agreed to
convey the books they had in their re
spective homes to one house The
combined libraries only figured out
20 volumes The pioneers were joined
by other weavers and they agreed to
tax themselves to the extent of a few
pence per month and from this fund
purchase new books The little insti
tution ultimately blossomed into the
Dunfermline Tradesmens Library
Tennysoro Eird Sounds
Perhaps the best word for the cry
of the cricket is that of Tennyson
Not a cricket chirrd he writes in
In Memoriam But Tennyson was
always curiously exact in his vocal
Tendering of the scngs of birds What
could be truer to sound than the
moan of doves in immemorial elms
Then tco the linnet the robin and
the thrush pipe the woodpecker
laughs and modes the lark and
the plover whistle the jay
tscritches the parrot screams the
peacock squalls the blackbird war
bles while the ocean fowl shriek
and ttie eagle yelps
Chicago is certainly dead slow in
just discovering the dwarf mosquito
jwhich is so small that it can fly
jthrough the ordinary window screen
without even scraping its wings They
have been around these corners at
least two years We speak from an
authoritative standpoint because we
have personally fattened no less than
3000000 of them Philadelphia Tele
Certain Conditions May Render Them
Advisable but Usually Perma
nent Work is Preferable
There are oiten times when it is
not advisable to fill the teeth with
the durable permanent fillings and in
these cases the plastics cement and
gutta percha are generally used as
temporary fillings Sometimes the
operator will use a durable filling in
a tooth knowing that for some reason
the filling cannot last and this also is
called a temporary filling
One of the great fields for tempor
ary filling is in the teeth of children
for it is a common thing for the par
ent to bring the child to the dentist
with its teeth in bad shape The
dentist is supposed to take the child
in this condition insert temporary
fillings and thus relieve the pain and
restore the teeth to usefulness Al
though this is a common occurrence
it is a hardship to both the child and
to the dentist and it is a wonder that
there is as much success as there is
in this direction
If the parents only knew that the
proper time to take the child to the
dentist was at the age of two that at
this age little metallic fillings could
be inserted without pain and the fill
ings would last usually until the
teeth were lost that the expense and
trouble that this early visit to the
dentist would be as nothing to the
expense and trouble coming from its
neglect then certainly there would
come a time when very few tempor
ary fillings would be inserted in chil
drens teeth
People in ill health cften have tem
porary wcrl done until such time as
they are able to have permanent fill
ings inserted At such times indeed
it oten barrens Jat the plastic tem
porary fillings preserve the teeth bet
ter than the durable metallic perma
nent ones This is due to the abnor
mal condition of health
Ykcn porsible permanent work is
o do prccrrca s uo dentist will
trim the margins of the cavity a little
larger each time fco replaces the fill
ing until he has so enlarged the
cavity that it cannot longer be filled
In sensitive teeth it is often advis
able to insert a temporary filling for
a short period in order to discover
whether the tooih will stand filling
without disturbance as in case of
trouble tiie temporary filling is easily
that it is onlv iniu1pfl fnr i shnrr
time and neglects to return as soon
as ho should By such neglect the
Nearly every one at some time in
his life has had a cement filling
placed in a tooth and yet to most
people the subject of cement fillings
is a hazy one Many confuse this fill-
ing with amalgam porcelain and gut
tapercha and while it may have char
acteristics akin to these three yet it
is r an entirely diTercnt order
If you dont commit any damage how-
and ever 5011 can trespass to your hearts
Those who with their teeth attend 1
ed to intriligentiy can do no better
than to investigate the merits of the
different kinds of filling for although
it is the usual thing to leave this mat
ter to the dontist there is a great
ident IJinlcv before the interstate dience at Liverpool the other day that deal of truth in the proverb about two
commission llG iiatl talcen to library forming be 1 heads being better than one
cause his father did it before him- Cements usually consist of a powder
William Carnegie s efiorts at library amra liquid which when well mixedi
rounding were an uinuurgn lcsether with a spatula will produce1
lioraiT points out extremely modest as j a plastic mass thai in time will be I
liaru inose wno nave ever
watched workmen laying a concrete
curbing will see this process on a
large scale
If cements were only durable they
would make the ideal filling for they
present many desirable characteris
tics Among these may be mentioned
the ease of matching the color of the
tooth the sticky quality which adds
strength to the tooth the low cost
the case and quickness of insertion-
and the fact that the tooth filled with
cement needs less cutting than when
other materials arc used
Even if cement cannot be classed
as permanent it still ranks as a very
valuable filling material In childrens
teeth in frail teeth in discolored teeth
and in teeth where temporary work
is required it has a useful field As a
medium for attaching crowns bridges
posts inlays and bands it is
celled It is largely used for sealing
medicines in the treatment of teeth
and some cements have certain anti
septics incorporated in them to servej
as treatments
The poor have often blessed tho ce
ment filling for preserving their teeth
until they were able to bear the ex
pense of more prmanent work
Cement like any other temporary
211ing is good in its place but toot
much must not be expected of it and
it will bear close watching
Copyright Western Newspaper Union
Gossip in Olden Time
I hear says Methuselahs niece
that Tilzah the daughter of
seth is to wed Bilfile the son of
Yes replies Asapa the daughter
of Megog The ideSj SVhy he isj
young enough to tfener great-grand-
father Judge
The Bcst And Why I
T J Taylor D M
1 1 1
Advertised List i
The following letters and cards
When through lack of time as in remain uncalled for at the po j
case of a sudden journey it is nee- oiricc
oixii iui uuu iu iiiivu luiiipurary re- t pfPT j
nei a piascic iunng is also advisable j
The great difficulty in temporary
Arnold IIr Bert Gr
i Ivorb Mrs fSarah
it is a safe rule to go by to If V Beattie Geo Croft Mr
resort to temporary viork unless con 1 Arnm annc Tro m ttUc rr
us to -
ditions oblige
Copyright Western Xeivspaper Union
LON CONE Postmaster
A Great Advantage to Working Men
J A Maple 125 S 7th st Steub
en ville O says For years I suf
fered from weak kidneys and a se-
derful cures so I began taking them
and sure enough I had as good re
sults as any I heard about IIy back
ache left me and to one of my busi
ness expressman that alone is a
great advantage My kidneys acted
free and normal and that saved mo
a let of misery- It is now a pleasure
to work where it used to be a misery
Foley Kidney Pills have cured me
and have my highest praise A Mc
An article that has real merit
should in time become popular That
such is the case with Chamberlains
oCugh Remedy has been attested by
many dealers Here Is one of them
H W Hendriekson Ohio Falls Ind
writes Chamberlains Cough remedy
is the best for coughs colds and
croup and is my best seller For
sale by all dealers
A specialty of typewriter supplies at
The Tribune Shop Papers of all
weights sizes and qualities Ribbons
for every machine carbon paper
Mentor Unions for Men
Women and Children best
because they are made of
the best selected yarns are
full sizes good fitting dur
able economical and com
fortable to wear
Mens Unions
1 to 5
Ladies Unions
1 to 3
Childrens Unions
50c to
aT7 JLeO V
A full line of other makes and
two piece suits Good underwear is
the best for prevention of cods
Protect yourself and children jgpl
Buy now while the lines are complete
L Deuroff
Increase Nearly 4000000
Chicago Oct 17 An increas
of nearly 1000000 over 1910 is
I shown in the net total revenue of
j the Chicago Burlington
KMoiiatt J Railroad company for the
rnnl mil
won- is urn the lrtient soon forgets T r T r rrvrK
u193 uair miner iv win anam - --
7 1 J A
the annual report of its directors
made public here todav The
teeth are often ruined and therefore I Arnold Mrs W A Beard Mr tal nct rv ne for 1911 was
W llenkins Mrs Minnie John
son Jack Montgomery Mr Bud
Proll Miss Maggie Tavlor Mi
When calling for these Dlcasc
tic Mass carnet 3e ciasced As say they were advertised
Permanent but It Has Many
YZbovijjKj KS iiiramst Z4GU42fU
21 for the previous year
The total operating revenue foi
1911 was while- ir
1910 it was tS7SG951724
The operating expenses for
1911 amounted to 5954192o6G
viiile in 1910 their total was 63
The report of the Colorado S
Southern lines showed a de
crease in trros income from 6
04l9r862 for 1910 Ci623n6oS7
for 1911 The operating incom
vero bladder trouble I learned of of this road for 1911 was 497S
Foley Kidney Pills and their won- 3 44 09 onf fm mm 1T QQ9 so
t - j j jj
The report of the Qnincv Om
aha Kansas City railroad show
ed in its operating income a de
ficit of 10480533 for 1911
against a deficit of 35401S9 in
Forbidden to Cancel Contracts
Washington Oct 17 All rail
roads are forbidden iby the Inter
state Commerce commission today
to cancel rate contracts with
other roads when such action will
result in a raise of freight rates
The decision followed investiga
tion of the Northern Pacifics in
crease of east bound lumber rates
points on the Tacoma Eastern
points on the Tacoma Easter
Quality and price courtesy and
promptness in delivery arc
manuscript covers etc All kept in 1 ing for success at the McCook
stock Flour and Feed Store
0 JL
Entertainment Course
Monday October 30th
Five Numbers
At McConnelPs