ft J w TX v J i NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX ELECTION Notice is hereby givem ot the qualified electors of the County of Bed Willow dn the State oi Nebraska that upon the order of the Board of County Commis sioners of the County of Eed Wil low in the State of Nebraska an election will be held on the sev enth day of November A D 1911 between the hours of 8 oclock a m and 6 oclock p in of said day at the voting places in the several voting precincts ot said county where the general election for the year 1911 shall be holden for the purpose of Act ing on -the following proposition which is hereby submitted to the qualified electors of said county to wit Shall the County Board of the County of Red Willow in the State of Nebraska levy a tax for the years 1912 1913 and 1914 for the purpose of creating a fund with which to purchase land erect and furnish buildings there on suitable for a poor farm and to put into operation and defray the actual expenses of such poor farm said tax to be levied for the years 1912 1913 and 1914 and at the rate of one mill on each dollar of the assessed val uation of the taxable property of said county which tax shall be in addition to the taxes which sdid County Board is authorized to levy for county purposes Said proposition as submitted on the ballots to be For a one mill tax for a poor farm Against a one mill tax for a poor farm Submitted and authorized by the Board of County Commission ers of the County of Red Wil low in the State of Nebraska this 3rd day of October A D 1911 THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE fOFNTY OF RED WILLOW STATE OF NEBRASKA by F S LOFTON Chairman Attest Chas Skalla County clerk ADVERTISEMENT FOE EIDS Notice is hereby given that the county commissioners of Red Wil low county Nebraska will re ceive sealed bids for grading on the through county road accord ing to the following specifica tions drawn by the county sur veyor Contract No 6 Near SE corner of SW of 11 5 28 Red Willow precinct 300 cubic yards cut from ridge just west of Mat Colling place and used in road both east and west of cut Cut to be 27 feet wide 100 feet long and average 3 feet deep Cut and road to be smooth when completed Contract No 7 GOO cubic yards to be filled in canyon near southwest corner of 11 3 28 Red Willow precinct width of fill 20 feet on top av erage depth of 3 feet dirt to be taken from road both cast and west of fill Road and fill to be smooth when completed Contract No 16 First concrete culvert east of Stillmans canyon Cut 180 feet long 24 feet wide average cut of 2i feet Take this earth both east and west of cut to make -smooth road Approximately 400 cubic yards Contract No 17 Make a fill across pocket of canyon just west of ridge re ferred to in No 16 130 feet long 17 feet high in center 20 feet wide on top slope Vo to 1 Ap proximately 1600 cubic yards All grading filling and cutting where road will run to be left smooth and crowned leaving cen ter of road six inches higher thai the sides Each bidder is to bid on one or all or as many of the different contracts as he desires but to bid separately on each These bids will be opened by the County Board on October 24 1911 at 2 oclock p m and must be filed on or before 12 oclock at noon central time of the same day The Board reserves the right to demand sufficient bond from any or all of the successful bid ders The work is to begin as soon a -possible after the contracts are let and is to be completed by Jan uary 1st 1912 to the satisfaction of the County Board The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids Dated at McCook this 26lh dwj of September 1913 CHAS SKALLA County 01 eH First publication Sept 28 4ts BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER URES and Purifies the Blood 911 igjjejTBjauaMKJflMTJa ROB N E Statue of Ingersoll to Stand in a Peoria Park Monument to the Brilliant Orator and Noted Agnostic Erected by Asso ciation Composed of Admirers Pose Declared Life Like Peoria 111 There recently arrived in Peoria a splendid bronze figure rep resenting the great orator Robert G Ingersoll as men knew him in his prime It is the work of Frederick E Triebel a Peoria sculptor of The Ingersoll Statue tioral reputation who has made his home in Italy lor the last 20 years The statue represents Colonel Inger soll in one of his favorite attitudes while deliverirg an address His hands are placed iirmly on his hips his broad chest is exranded his pene trating glance is riveted on his audi ence The pose is pronounced by men who knew Ingersoll to be especially life like and vigorous The project of a monument to Robert Green Ingersoll has been fostered by a number of Peorians who have united their efforts under the name of the Ingersoll Me morial association Many leading citi zens are members The figure which is seven feet in height will stand on a handsome granite pedestal and will be placed in a commanding position in Glen Oak park this city RURAL SUSPENSION BRIDGE Unique Affair for Pedestrians at Fen tonville N Y Built by Popu lar Subscription Fentonville N Y The suspension foot bridge pictured here runs east and west across the Conenango river at Fentonville It was built about two years ago by popular subscription among the cottagers and residents of Fentonville Since the Warren and Wjpmk plijT Bridge at Fentonville Jamestown trolley passed through the village it is quite well known as an excellent place on the banks of the river for picnic and outing parties In the distance from the bridge may be seen part of the buildings on what was the 1000 acre farm owned by the late W H H Fenton a brother of Gov Reuben C Feoton The river at this point is about 150 feet in width and 50 years ago all traffic between Dunkirk N Y and points south crossed the river about where the foot bridge now is it being a state road with a road bridge But through some misunderstanding be tween the two townships the town of Carroll being on the east side of the river and the town of Kiantone on the other the road bridge was abandoned and traffic was forced to take what Is known as the Jamestown and Warren highway on the east side of the river The state road is still open on either side of the river and residents have repeatedly petitioned for a road bridge to be built But as eight feet of the west approach would be in the state of Pennsylvania the question arose whether only one state ought to build it About six feet souht of this point near the wire fence in the pic ture is a mile stone on the state line between the states of New York and Pennsylvania Appeasing Souls of Oxen i Tokio Japan The ceremony of the beef soul celebration took place re j cently here To appease the souls of thousands of ews and oxen killed during Jhe recent war to supply thet army in Manchuria It is estimed that 130 a day were killed A monu ment was erected to prevent the souls of these slaughtered animals rising in retribution against the butch- era AN HISTORIC INN OF LONDON House Which Witnessed Many Tragio Scenes In the Stormy History of Britains Metropolis London The oldest Inn in London is to be torn down to make room for public improvements It is known as Ye Olde Whyte Harte and has been so called since the days of Richard II who often stopped at the inn while hunting in the neighborhood and whose badge was a white heart The tavern was established in 1272 at the northern end of Drury Lane and only another building a blacksmiths forge was in the near vicinity The inn was far beyond the limits of London as then constituted and bordering on it was a wilderness which was noted for its game Hunting parties from the city made it their headquarters and both forge and barroom were lib erally patronized The White Hart inn profited by the fact that it was on the route over which criminals were taken from Newgate to Tyburn to be executed Immense throngs sometimes followed the condemned person and fancy prices were paid to mine host of the White Hart Inn for the privilege of viewing from Its windows the dead march Executions were more nu merous in England then than now infinitely more so During the 38 years of the reign of Henry VIII the aver age number of executions in the coun try was 2000 a year When Jack Shep pard the notorious highwayman was conveyed from Newgate to Tyburn to be executed 200000 persons followed the desperado to see him dispatched Almost as great crowds attended other executions and wooden galleries were greeted at Tyburn for the accommoda tion of the spectators There Jona than Wild the thief trainer was exe cuted in 1725 after having been drawn to Tyburn on a curdle followed by a yelling hooting crowd of many thou sands But his name endures in Lon don having been given to a little alley off Drury Lane where long ago he conducted his school for training highwaymen housebreakers and pick pockets In 1783 Tyburn ceased to be a place of execution The White Hart inn was occupied for a brief time by Jack Cade who White Hart Inn headed the KenLrebellion in 1450 and whose head a little later minus the body iwas affixed to London tower How many buildings have occupied the site of the present Inn it is im possible to say In 1669 the Inn in which Jack Cade made his quarters was partially destroyed In 1676 it was burned to the ground The build ing that succeeded it was constructed after the fashion of the earlier ones with wide open courts WORLDS HIGHEST CHIMNEY it Is 506 Feet in Height and Con tains 16000 Tons of Brick Great Falls Mont The highest chimney in the world Is that of the Boston and Montana smelter here It Is 506 feet high and 16000 tens of brick were used in its construction It weighs 34000000 pounds and is built to withstand a wind of 120 miles an hour One of those who love to jug gle with figures has estimated that 267000000 eggs could be placed with in the chimney at one time but as a hen producing an egg with regularity every morning for 730000 years would The Highest Chimney be required to supply the eggs the chimney Is not likely to be utilized in this manner The Washington mon ument which is 50 fee square at the bottom and 20 feet square at the top could be set inside this chimney with out touching any wall and there would still be room between the walls of the chimney and the monument to drive a span of horses from top to bottom If railroadtracks of standard gauge were laid vertically on the in side of the stack about 14 feet cen ters there would be room for 14 trains each 600 feet loos FARMERS PLANNING FOR LAND EXHIBIT Interested Agriculturists Coming to the Land Show When the last word has been said concerning the magnitude and mag nificence of the Omaha Land Show to be held Oct 16 to 28 and after all arrangements have been made to swing wide the portals on the great land products exhibit there still re mains the question What about the attendance There is this to be said about it there will be more interested guests more persons who are actually interested in the great scheme of de velopment of the resources of the west more persons who actually ap preciate the mammoth displays from every quarter of the great inland em pire beyond the Missouri river attend ing this show than at any similar ex position ever held in the United States At the first land show held last January there was a large attendance but it will be doubled in October not only because the show is now an es tablished institution but for the addi tional reason that many new and at tractive features have been provided by the management The amusement features will all be fine ones From Many States Speaking of the attendance General Manager W O Paisley of the land show management says Omaha is located right In Iowa Missouri Kansas Min nesota Nebraska and other states the ambitious farmer has learned that Omaha is the center of information They look upon this city as the key city to the vast west They feel that those who go through this gateway are going into the west and that those who move there are closer to them than if in Canada or in the Gulr coast country and that they do not lose their home attachments The success of the Janunry show indicates that the attendance in Oc tober wiU b large from all of these Mates Additional visitors will be at tracted by the fact that this year we have added the Machinery hall in which all tho agricultural implements needed in the cultivation of the tol in the wost will be on exhibition anl further there will be a practical dem nnstration of every mechanical device hown The attendance will be materially increased this year by the thousand of homespekers who pass through Omaha to and from the South Dakota land openings At least sixty thou sand of these persons will pass through this city and a large percent age of them will take advantage of the land show SHOW WILL have big program Entertainments Will Be Given in Con ncction With Exhibit at Omaha The program at the Second Omaha Land Show will be a big one and one which has been planned to suit every visitor A show of this character is often one where the educational feat ures and the exhibits occupy the buildings in such a way that amuse ment features cannot be given to ad vantage but this is not true at the Omaha Coliseum where the big dis play of the products of the west will be shown from Oct 16th to 28th In addition to the main exposition build ing which has over fifty thousand square feet of floor space there wiil he a machinery hall annex and four annexes for program and en tertainment leatures The machinery exhibits will all be live ones Ei engines pulling mammoth gang plorj will stand side by side with silos and Ilectric light plants and pumping plants All will be in motion an J there will Ij things in this pavilion to attract all visiters A field has been inovided loi demonstrations of plow Ti S by the hitractors In tre nian exposition hall he tvliolH west will he shewn gatli jiid urrer ai2 ioof there wiil he bo i v dcin v nrnute F I o o ts by t c i n I 3lovv Iljd h ctis w i a ioc t as and vuil iiur j v be Srcin tc Mi I j m piTt ins rain jo1 t e sioHaK0 rou w pe t ei ou h a- ic i ever the ho3c Er rl s this tlui the moving p pr -- Is - pror ni o ct- Vre and rsnvim - t r 3 wll - i 1ijg r J j h nd special prorm Fins Lotor cr Lzr4 Z o These who have novi tlit - in the past will haiiL Ujv it whc i they see It in its new ivim the time of the Gnnha Land So The structure has been covered wit concrete and has been remodeled throughout This is the building in which President Taft former Presi dent Roosevelt scores of senators congressmen and men high in rank in this and other nations have received the added title of Knights of and it is now arranged as the finest exposition building in the coun try Five annexes will be erected to house machinery exhibits and care for the lectures and special programs and the land show will be the most inter esting thing in its line that has been presented to the people of the country Public Notice of the Intention of the Mayor and City Council of the City of McCook Red Willow County Nebraska to take up and pay off the Out standing and Unpaid valid I terest Bearing- Bonds of th city in the Aggregate Amount of sixty five Thousand Dollars Dated June 15 1908 desig nated Water Bonds By the Issue and Sale or issue anlcjf Exchange Therefor of the Re funding Bonds of the City inj Accordance with Chapter Eigh of the Session Laws of Ne braska 1899 In conformity with law and a resolution of the mayor and city council of the city of McCook Red Willow comity Nebraska duly adopted by the mayor and city council on the tenth day of October A D 1911 public notice is hereby given that the mayor and city council of said city seek to take up and pay off the valid outstanding and unpaid interest bearing bonds of the city in the aggregate amount of Sixty five thousand dollars 6500000 said bonds being numbers one to thirteen inclusive bearing dat yhe fifteenth day of June A D 1908 payable at the option of the city after five years and ab solutely due and payable on the fifteenth day of June A D 1928 md bearing interest at the rate jf six per centum 6 per- an- aum payable semi annually on Aiq fifteenth day of December ind the fifteenth day of June in each year at the fiscal agency jf the state of Nebraska in the 2ity of New York The said onds so sought to be taken up md paid off were issued for the purpose of erecting construet ng and maintaining a system of vaterworks for the city of Mc fook and were authorized by two thirds of the leral votes of the city of McCook east for and gainst the proposition at an election hed for that purpose in citv oi McCook on the sev enth clay of April A D 1908 And public notice is hereby given that said bonds issued and outstanding as aforesaid are sought to be taken up and paid off by means of bonds to be is sued by the city of McCook and designated refunding bonds in the aggregate amount not to ex ceed Sixty five thousand dollars 6500000 to consist of Sixty five 65 bonds in the denomina tion of one thousand dollars each payable in lawful money of the TJnited States of America and bearing interest at the rate of si per centum 6 per annum from and after the first day of September A D 1911 payable semi annually on the first day of March and the first day of Sep tember in each year and evidenc ed by coupons attached to said bonds said bonds to be number ed in regular and consecutive or der commencing with number one of which ten thousand dol lars 1000000 numbered one to ten inclusive shall be absolute ly due and payable on the first day of September A D 1916 twenty thousand dollars 20 00000 numbered eleven to thir ty inclusive shall be absolutely due and payable on the first day of September A D 1921 and th balance or thirty five thousand dollars 3500000 numbered thirty one to sixty five inclusive payable in the order of their number at the pleasure of the Citv at anv time after the first day of September A D 1921 and absolutely due and payable on tho first day of September A D 1931 said bonds and the coupons thereto attached to payable at the banking house of Kounte Brothers in the city of New York U S A being the designated state agency for the payment of bonds issued by Ne braska municipalities said bonds to bear date the first day of Sep tember A D 1191 executed as the law directs and as shall hero after be prescribed by ordinance which ordinance shall provide fo the sale or exchange of said re funding bonds for the bonds to be taken up and paid off to wit snid water bonds bearing date the fifteenth day of June A D 1908 in the aggregate amount of sixty five thousand dollars 65 00000 or such portion thereof as by lawful means may be- taken up and paid off by the issue and sale or the issue and exchange therefor of the refunding bonds hereby contemplated And public notice is hereby iven that on or before Saturday the twenty eighth day of Octob ir A D 1911 at the hour of six oclock p m of said day at the office of the City Clerk in the ity of McCook any tax payer of mch city may file objections to mch proposed action If no objection or objections are filed as to the amount of said bonds as stated in thisnotice and if no objection or objections are filed against the validity of suck bonds then and thereafter the authorities of the city of McCook will issue and sell or issue and exchange as the case may be the bonds contemplated by this not ice not to exceed the aggregate amount of sixty five thousand dollars 6500000 and not to bear a greater rate of interest than six per centum 6 per an num and thereby take up and pay off the outstanding water bonds described in this notice L C STOLL City Clerk Dated McCook Nebraska Oc tober 10 1911 First publication Oct 12 5ts Public Sale Oct 18th We will offer 50 head of large type Poland China hogs at pub lic sale at farm 2 miles south of Holbrook Neb October 18 1911 Fall farrow Sired by six boars Here is a hog opportunity Cat alogue ready 5 2ts Frank Davis Sons Hausler Bros Seed Wheat For Sale No 2 Red Turkey wheat for sale Updike Grain Co Phone 169 McConnell for drugs A Great Advantage to Working Men J A Maple 125 S 7th st Steub enville O says For years I suf fered from weak kidneys and a se vere bladder trouble I learned of Foley Kidney Pills and their won derful cures so I began taking them and sure enough I had as good re sults as any I heard about My back ache left me and to one of my busi ness exspressman that alone is a great advantage My kidneys acted fitee and normal and that saved me a let of misery It is now a pleasure to work where it used to be a misery Foley Kidney Pills have cured me and have my highest praise A Mc- Millen Common Colds Must be Taken Ser iously for unless cured they sap the vitality and lower the vital re sistance to more serious infection Protect your children and yourself by the prompt use of Foleys Hon ey and Tar Compound and note its quick and decisive results For coughs colds croup whooping cough bronchitis and affections of the throat chest and lungs it is an ever ready and valuable remedy A Mc Millen T Lumber and Coal Thats All But we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and complete stocks in all grades Barnett Lumber n Phone 5 A tmlmmmwm Healing PlumbiDg MiddletonRuby Are prepared to fur nish estimates on short notice They keep a complete line of Bath Tubs La vatories Sinks and other plumbing mater ial including a good line of lawn hose and sprinklers Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr BULLARD LUMBER Co SELLS THE BEST 111 11111 PH0NEjN0 1 aagj Coa l L d