The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 05, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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-- - W nff tMlguutm
A nke assortment including the
Latest Style in Tan
Corner Store
201 Main
Izzer Bed Comforts
We make them Of clean cot
ton Large and roomy 6 ft x
7 ft or larger if you want 14
yards of goods in them Outing
Cretonne Silkolene Prints or
whatever you wish Well tacked
and hemmed As good as mother
makes 200 to 300 You may
select the materials from our ex
tensive lines we will do the rest
The Thompson D G Co Utmost
Public Sale Oct 18th
We will offer 50 head of large
type Poland China hogs at pub
lic sale at farm 2 miles south of
nolbrook Neb October 18 1911
Eall farrow Sired by six boars
Here is a hog opportunity Cat
alogue ready 5 2ts
Prank Davis Sons
Hausler Bros
Homestead for Sale
For quick sale 040 acre Kin
kaid homestead house barn wellj
located only 12 miles from
shey Lincoln county Neb Good j
roads This is a snap Price only
600 cash Address box 103 j
North Platte Neb 28
Storm Serge Dresses 750
Splendid quality storm serge
panel back wide satin shawl col
lar pointed in back lace yoke
and collar button trimmed down
front all colors price 750 spot
cash The Thompson D G Co
Cash only
Seed Wheat For Sale
No 2 Red Turkey wheat for
sale Updike Grain Co Phone
Get our rates on farm loans
Guard against the children be
coming round shouldered and
misshapen If shoulder braces
are needed we have those that
cause no discomfort The Rexall
Shoulder Brace
We Furnish
Repairs for any stove or fur
nace and do the Avork reasonable
It is time to get a bottle of Me
Connell s Balsam and avoid the
fall and winter cough
Price 25c
You will find them fresh
-clean at Magners grocery
Lily Patent Flour when once
used none other will satisfy you
The Tribune 100 the year
FOR SALE A first class pian
with Ceeilian piano player at a
bargain on terms Inquire of
this office for particulars 9 28tf
FOR RENT Furnished room
modern house Inquire 319 1st
W Phone red 281 W21tf
WANTED Pupils on piano and or
gan beginners preferred Terms 50c
per Jesson Susie McBride phone
black 464
Beaver City defeated McCook
in an exciting and interesting
game of football by the score of
10 to 5 last Saturday
The game was played on a wet
field and made accurate passing
and handling of the ball impos
Beaver kicked off to McCook
and the ball sce saAvcd up and
doAVin the field most of the time
near McCook s goal McCook si
line held like a stone Avail and
Avith first doA n and a yard to
gain the Beaver backs failed to
make a gain With about tAvo
minutes to play Ilobson Avith
splendid interference carried the
ball over for the first touchdoAvn
He failed to kick the goal
Captain Amsden again chose to
receive the kick McCook advanc
ed the ball by end runs and criss
crosses to Beavers 30 yard line
Avhere Wilson dropped back for a
drop kick The kick Avas true but
fell short a feAV feet Time Avas
called bfore Beaver could kick
The second half began 13 Ams
den kicking off to Beaver s full
hack avIio was doAvned almost in
his tracks Beaver carried the
ball to McCook s 40 yard line by
short but consistent gains around
end McCook held for doAvns and
taking the ball worked an end
run for first down Wilson was
given the ball and on a criss
cross and Avith a splendid inter
ference by Amsden ran GO yards
for a touchdoAvn Amsden failed
to kick goal
Amsden kicked to Beaver again
After the first doA n Amsden Avas
oiirried off the field with a brok
en shoulder
The third quarter ended Avith
the ball near the center of the
field in BeaAer s possession BeaAr
er opened the last quarter with
a lush and after about six min
utes of play Goble carried ball
ever for the last touch down of
the game Ilobson kicked out
but Beaver failed to make a fair
catch Wilson kicked off Bear
er and Benjamin recovered the
ball Wilson tried several drop
kicks but all were blocked The
game ended Avith the ball in Mc
Cook s possession on Beavers 25
yard line
The game Avas fast and clean
only tAvo fouls being inflicted A
friendly spirit was shoATn at all
times by the players of both
Ilobson Avas the bright star for
BeaAer He carried the ball for
most of BeaArers gains and was
ahvays in eArery play He Avas
ably saeonded by Onangeberger
Amsden starred for McCook
Altho hurting his shoulder the
first doAvn he was playing the
game of his life Again he hurt
his shoulder in the second quar
ter but pluckily stuck to his post
He Avas breaking through Beav
ers interference and throwing
Ilobson back five and six yards
He Avas in every play and Avas
making consistent gains for his
team He Avas largely instrument i
al in securing the touchdoAvn
The absence of our captain
from his place at full back Avill
be felt by all
Carl Schmidt Avas severely
bruised up
John OBrien is still asking if
he played the whole game and
Avhat the score Avas
Altho playing against heavy
odds every man played the game
for all he Avas Avorth
The team goes to Cambridge
next Friday and altho in a crip
pled condition intend to give the
Cambridgeites a run for their
McCook line up
Cox r e Hughes r t Walletts
r g Benjamin c Miller 1 g
Emerson Gray 1 t O Brien 1 e
Schmidt KnoAvles r h Wilson 1
h Amsden Emerson f b
quarter Substitutes
Culbertson Huber Jeffries
Dont Miss It McConnells Sa1
urday Candy Sale Saturday Oc
tober 14tlu
Try Dr SAvans Kidney Pills
for all kidney trouble
A McMTLLEN Druggist
Add to the endurance of your
farm Avagons and implements by
giving them a coat of our Avagon
and implement paint
McCONNELL Druggist
Thursday Evening Edition
Its Passage the Event of Week
on McCook Division
The negotiation of the presi
dents special OAer the McCook
diAision Monday night was the
event of the Aveek in fact Ave
might state of years for years
may intervene before another spe
cial carrying a president of the
United States passes OAer the
Absolute precautions Avere tak
en against delays or accident
The diAision betAveen here and
Hastings was cleared of all
freight trains at 8 30 Monday evo
niing Side track sAvitches Avere
spiked and section men AArere at
every sAvitch A pilot train pro
ceeded the presidents special In
deed eAery precaution and care
Avas exercised and every employe
Avas on tip toe to make good and
get the special thru to Demer on
liim Avhieh Avas easily accom
plished AVhen the train amov
ed at McCook about midnight
Real Estate Filings
The folloAving real estate filings
have been made in the county
clerks office since our last re
Barbazette Kelley to Mrs
Minnie Craig Lease of
Commercial Hotel on lots
7 8 and 9 in block lo Mc
Standard Land Co to Cen
tral Land Co Avd to no
Vi m sVi 8-4-30 7200
R G Dutton to Fred Stellar
am se1 -11-44-30 1400
Wm II Ackerman to Laura
Layman qcd Pt
5 in 30
Osccar N Rector et ux to
Austin W Dutcher Avd ne
Vi neVi 31-2-30 200
United States to Oscar N
Rector pat nei ndi 31-
2 30
United States to Edgar R
Bwars pat
Charles W Kelley et ux to
Nora M Kelley Avd 9 in
10 McCook 1
Belle Price et cons to Laura
Layman Avd Pt 5 in 30
McCook 3000
1 00
Siirmssfvn and Amnvifijin nrrnt
iVc Best table oil cloth 15c
Fleischers German stocking seen
yarn 25c for Vi lb skem Am
Saturday Candy
On Saturday Oct 14th Ave Avill
sell a regular 40c candy for 29c
per pound We knoAv tliis candy
is good and can recommend it to
any one Wait for the sale
McCONNELL Druggist
Telling is believing but seeing
is knoAving You should see that
great demonstration at the Meth
odist church next Sunday eAcn
Bunsons Catarrh Cure Avill re
lieve catarrhal deafness hay fev
er and eold in the head
A McMTLLEN Druggist
A McMillen prescription drug
the same rules Avent into effect
on the Avest end
Engineer Charles Milligan
pulled the presidents special
from McCook to Akron Monday
night Engineer L S Viersen
had the pilot AAhieh ran ahead of
the special Trainmaster Mullen
in car 83 Avas on the pilot and
Sopt Flynn road on the special
Conductor II II Miller Avas in
charge of the pilot Conductor
Adams of the Lincoln diAision
had the special
From McCook to Denver Con
ductor P F McKenna Brake
man Dare Kenyon and Flagman
W S Tomlinson were in charge
of the presidents special
Brakeman Foster and Flagman
Klockncr were Avith the special
from Hastings to McCook
Conductor Joe Ilegenberger had
the pilot train from McCook to
Dcirvc r
And the presidents train ar
rived in Denver OX 11ME Rath
er in marked contrast to the de
lavd tfJins on tu Missouri Pa
cific and oek Tlonci
The College Boy
This laughable farce comedy
Avas played to a fair house in the
Temple Tuesday night and re
ceived marks of approval quite
generously The plot Avas as thin
as the raxy college stuff usu
ally is but Avith complications
of a man masquerading in femi
jnine attire Avas ridiculously fun
ny at times The members of
the cast are of pleasing person
ality and the production Avas
Avitlial A ery good We haAe had
much Avorse and
token Ave are
thing better
00 Coats aoid Suits
i Ladies Long coats from 500
to 2500 Suits of all Avool with
satin linings from 10U0 to
Dont pay more dont
pay as much until you nave
our oitenngs Alterations
free The Thompson D G Co
A 2 bu 16 oz seamless bags 22c utmost vaiue
Peerless carpet Avarp 26c lb Good
outings Gic Ladies all wool i Ladies Exchange
jacket suits with satin lining forj ahe Dorcs society
1000 Mens suits 500 to open 1l exchange in Y W
49n nn Tnnvnii Qrmnvtov wwio Milleii s store window at
sliontincr 2fin frnorl nnhloaftlipd imc
- r w - w - -
muslin 5c
Men s stout blue OAr 1 on
e rails and jackets 44e each j
Leatherwear 36 in Blk Taf
feta silk 89c Childs bear skin
coats 199 Hood to match 35c
Dress Skirts 165 to 1000 2500 j
jjq ft of space jammed full of
goods for the Avhole family at
genuine spot cash prices See us
before the deed is done The
Thompson D G Co Cash only
Window Furnishings
Holland shades on spring
lers at 20c 25c and 35c
curta ms at 50c 65c 85c
and up to 600 a pair
I Now Is the Time
1 of the year Avhen eeryone is be-
00 ginning to think about pancakes
for breakfast Dont fail to get
- one of our packages of specially
prepared pancake flour It needy
no preparation or bother about
e lftixing it up as it is ready for
use A trial package avcII
you that there is nothing like it
Our pancake flour is ahvays
00 clean and frehs
5c Amoskeag apron ck ginghair 1000
Avork candy cooking etc
cepted The exchange aviII
open each Wednesday
Thursday from to j and all
iSAvisscs Bobinets and Draperies aru yi
T2ic yd to 45e Brass rods 10c
to 25c on eh Soft ns beforp tlifi
At the Methodist parsonage on leed is done The Thompson D
Wednesday evening at 8 oclock G CV utmost A alue
Mr Sanford R Stevens and Miss
Ilattos E Horton both of Akron
Colorado Avere united dn mar
riage L E LeAvis pastor of the
M E church officiating They
left on No 14 for Bartley Avhere
they Avill Aisit Avith the parents oi
Mrs Stevens Mr and Mrs U E
Horton after which they Avail re
turn to their home in Akron
For Rent
Furnished and unfurnished
rooms in Electric Theatre build
ing and over hardAvare store
Highest Market
price Avill be paid for butter and
eggs at the City Restaurant 5tf
MeConnell for drugs
Observe the date after your
name on The Tribune Notch it
Do net fail to see tint Great
Demonstration at the Methodist
church Sunday evening
There is magic in the
Advo They are the
Avord in canned excellence
Huber is the prophet ft
A conA incing and telling Finan
cial Demonstration Avill be pre
sneted at the Methodist church
on Sunday evening Dont fail
to hear it
Miss Georgia Short of Indian
ola Avas a McCook Aisitor Wednes
Dr D F Smith Avas up from
Bartley yesterday afternoon with
an auto load
G W Nomas left Wednesday
on No 10 for PaAvnee City AAhere
he will speak today
Rev R T Bayne returned on
Wednesday from a short visit in
Kansas and Hastings Neb
C R Livingston Avent doAvn to
Kansas City Tuesday to be ab
sent seAeral days on business
Mrs G H Thomas left for her
home in Harvard after a visit of
osme length with relatives here
Mrs B L Webber left Wed
nesday night for Colorado on a
Aisit to relatives of three Areeks
Miss Maude Burgess departed
Monday night on No 3 for Long
Beach California on a Aisit K
Deluce Burgess and family
Miss Anna McDonnell Demo
cratic nominee for superintendent
oi public instruction was in toAvn
Tuesday in the furtherance of
her campaign
Mrs II T Groves and Elsie ar
rived home Monday night from
their Asit in IoAAa of several
Aveeks Mr GroAes remains in
IoAva for a Avhile longer
Mrs E L Cram and Miss Ber
nice Mount of Liberty Neb avIio
have been Aisitinsr the ReA Mc
Bride family departed for their
homes the first of the Aveek
I Mrs C Ti Fllm e1mk
gu sts
Norman d
the latter
mpb ll Aver
Avinning tlK
evening s honors
Sooms for Sent
Suitable for office or
rooms Inquire at
li vini
This Aveek the shelving in the
clothing and gents furnishings
department at C L DeGroff
Oos Avas extended to ithe ceiling
to give necessary storage room
in that croAvded department Mor
able ceiling ladders Ave re also in
The Research club Avill meet oni
next Monday October 9th at the
home of Mrs Jessie Waite The
study Avill be a continuation of
Dantes Divine Comedy
Majestic Ranges last and saA e
fuel They are not the cheapest
in the Arorld but are the least ex
pensive Sold by
Wall papers for all Get Avhat
you Avant of MeConnell druggist
Subscribe for the Semi Weekly
Tribune 100 per year
MeConnell fills prescriptions
w v -
some people fail to make a
financial success is not be
cause they do not haAe the
ability to make money but
because they lack persisten
cy or
You can saAre if you WILL
Perhaps you have tried to
deAelop a bank account and
haAe failed Does that one
failure justify poverty in old
age This bank offers you
all the inducements and fa
cilities possible for a bank
to offer With the ready as
sistance and adAice of which
customers of this bank may
aAail themselves there is no
reason why YOU should not
accumulate an independent
Start a bank account NOW
P Walsh President
C F Lehv V Pres
C J OBrien Cash
Loughraii P F
ing and
r i
tamed the ladies ot the Kappa German EA an Lutheran East
Gamma Wednesday evening A 6th St Services every Sunday
seven oclock dinner Avas served nt 1030 nnWV nnrl
i The ladies took their fancy work evening at 7 30 O R Richert2
i W E Weybriffht AA ent ur to nastor
Colorado on Tuesday The sugar
best harvest up there is noAV in j Episcopal October S
full blast His company is hand- at 11 and R nnWk
Congregational Regular ser
vices as usual next Sundav morn
ling 16 factories and Avill pay out school at 10 Choir rehearsal on
6000000 for beets this season j Wednesdays at S Altar guild
Mr and Mrs J A Modrell are meets with Miss Esther Bailey
entertaining Mr and Mrs Breed- j Saturday afternoon
love and Mr and Mrs Breedeni
of Areola Illinois Mrs Breed- Baptist Next Sunday is BibL
love is a sister and Mrs Breeden school rally day at the Baptist
a sister-in-law of Mrs Modrell church All pupils of the school
Mr and Mrs Iloyt Glaspie of and their parents are urged to
Oxford Michigan stopped off of be present at the Bible school
No 10 Wednesday for a Aisit of at 10 a m Subject of the morn-
several days Avitli K 13 bnnmons mg sermon The Church and the
and family
their home
coast country
NM n - rt v i T rk 4 f
from a trip to the
to the Entre ious club Tuesday hster
afternoon Mrs A B Wood and
Mrs Vina Wood assisted her
Mrs MeConnell of Trenton Avas
an out of toAvn guest coming
doAvn on Tuesday and returning
home on day folloAving
L T Branscom Avas in Cam
bridge Monday to assume posses
sion of the land and business re
cently bought in that city and
vicinity He returned here Tues-
ac- uay aim win iihc it wutrn ui mu
Ip in closing up affairs here and at
and his old home near Box Elder be- to
day fore returning to Cambridge
Mr and Mrs Adair jalusha
entertained the young peoples
Avlrst club Tuesday evening Avitli
p insng and de
tais Mrs G II Thomas of
IIarv rd avjs an out-of-town
Scrims rust Mr and Mrs A Galusha
Child of the evening sermon
The Three Rs an address to
young people Christian EndeaA
Mrs Walter Stokes was hostess or at 7 15 D L McBride min-
Methodist Rev O T Moore
brother of Judge Moore aa Iio is
here attending a reunion of his
family Avill occupy the pulpit on
Sunday evening with Avhat he lias
named a Marvelous Demonstra
tion With the use of charts
scales measures blackboard and
tAvo hundred silver dollars he Avill
demonstrate the cost of the great
American folly The presentation
aviiII be hill ot interest from first
last and there Avill not be a
tedious momerA Business men
are especially im ited The pastor
Avill preach at 11 a m
j class Tuesdays and Fridays at 10
a m Sunday school class Sun
day mornings at 11 oclock New
Thought books and magazines for
sale Come and talk it over- it
may be that Avhieh you haAe been
seeking for You are cordially
invited to these meetings 12J
D st Adv
in drugs
For pure spices try McMillen s
Drug Store
All the fresh fruits of the sea
son at Magners
The McCook Semi Weekly Trib
une It is 100 a year
McMillen s Cold Remedy Avill
relieve the cough and cure your
Everything thats seasonable in
fruits and vegetables at Huber s
all the time
F E Bortfeld the reliable
piano tuner is in McCook for a
short time Leave orders at Sut
tons store 5 lt
Be sure to see our AvindoAv dis
play of Special Values in mens
ties at 25c this Aveek
J 4S3