The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 21, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Ordered To
Ak SarBen
All the Boys are
requested to wear
Tan Shoes at this
Big Doins We
have a good as
sortment of tans
as well as many
other up-to-date
button and bluch
ers with the blunt
Corner Store
201 Main
Holdrege district J Walter
Morris district superintendent
Alma C S llawley Atlanta 0
0 Wood Arapahoe X II T Lin
es Axtell A D Bun ess Braver
City B F Eberhart Benkelman
J P Ilageman Bloomington C
II Chader Box Elder S L
Foutch Cambridge W T Gat
ley Culbertson R N Throekmor
ton Bartley A J May Danburv
Ilarvey Anderson Edison sup
plied by John Gallagher Frank
lin R E Gilpin Haigler to be
supplied Ileartwell and Norman
L G J Kelly Ilendley G M
Burnett Huntley to be supplied
Holbrook Kent Clifton Holdrege
E C NewJand Ilildreth M S
Satchell Indianola C A Xor
lin Lowell and Newark W J
Miller Loomis J W Farr Mc
Cook L E Lewis Minden M
B Carman Orleans B A Cram
Oxford C E Woodson Ragan
and Sacramento II C Barrett
Republican City to be supplied
Riverton to be supplied Strat
ton John Stevens Trenton C
L Anderson LTpland and Camp
bell to be supplied Wilcox II
M Pickney Wilsonville and Le
banon J G Ilurlburt
Special on Hope Muslin
This standard bleached muslin
is perhaps the best value at 10
cents that can be found If you
will cut out this item and bring
it to ns not later than Saturday
Sept 30th we will give you one
10 yard cut for 69 cents Dont
expect to get it without bringing
this The Thompson D
G Cor Jfmost values for cash
In time of sickness you
sre interested as much as
the physician in getting
the bet results from the
medicines prescribed No
prescription is ever filled in
our store without following
out every detail carefully
and using nothing except
just the remedies called for
by the physician You get
just what the doctor want
you to have and compound
ed in the most scientific
and careful manner
Bring your prescriptions
to us day or night and they
will receive our best atten
Everything in drugs
Get our rates on farm loans
Popular prices will prevail to
patrons of The Punkin Husk
er Saturday evening September
23 Seats on sale at McConnells
FOR RENT Furnished room
modem house Inquire 319 1st
W Phone red 281 W21tf
WANTED Pupiig on piano and or
gan beginners preferred Terms 50c
per lesson Susie McBride phone
black 464
McCook Highs Go Higher
The McCook high school will be
core than commonly well repre
sented in attendance upon higher
educational institutions this fall
Among the number are Gertrude
Morrissey and Adaline Koller at
Knox college Galesburg Illinois
Gertrude Suess at Mexico Mo
Margaret Thompson Marie Smarl
Clara Kankin Ed ORourke Roy
Green Baxter Austin Fay Stay
ner and Florence Simmons to the
Nebraska University Joseph
Moore Jr to the Wesleyan uni
versity at University Place
The Punkin Husker
On Saturday evening Septem
ber 23 the vSutherland Stock Co
will present for the first time in
our city a new and popular four
act comedy The Punkin Husk
er This play as the title im
plies deals with life on the farm
and the simple story drawn from
nature touches the heart as no
other subject can Deumon
Thompson immortalized The Old
Homestead which play has never
had an equal since Both plays
follow nearly the same lines ex
cept that the author of The Pun
kin Husker has followed more
closely the comedy side of the
rural life Lige the country
gawk and Willie the street waif
furnish two characters with but
few parallels in the comedy
world If you wish to witness a
good clean wholesome moral play
visit Temple Theatre Saturday
evening Sept 23rd and see The
Punkin nusker
Grave Lot Resold
A lady by the name of Blake
from Iowa was in the city Tues
day trying to locate the grave of
a baby they buried here in what
is now known as the city ceme
tery but was at the time the re
mains were buried therein pro
perty of II C Rider The child
was buried here about 25 years
ago being moved from -a
farm up in Frontier county By
some clerical or other error the
same lot had been resold and at
present the lot for which Mrs
Blake has the deed was occupied
by the bodies of the two wives of
Lovell Clyde a fact over which
Mrs Blake was decidedly perturb
Sommers Rickards
Mr Edgar E Sommers of Graf
ton Neb and Miss Jemima Riek
ards of Culbertson Neb were
joined in marriage Wednesday a
m at the Baptist parsonage D
L McBride officiating The
young people were accompanied
by Mr and Mrs Asa Schlegel of
northwest of town They will
make their home in Fillmore coun
ty Nebraska
Ladies Suits
Our 1000 suits are all wool
and lined with satin sleeves as
well as body Our 1250 1500
and 1650 are exceptional values
We invite your inspection The
Thompson D G Co Utmost val
O E S Tomorrow Night
The O E S will hold a regu
lar meeting tomorrow evening
Anybody is justified in taking
a cold at any time after this
date owing to the cool evenings
and frequent changes in the
weather Nobody is justified in
allowing a cold to get hold on
them or of suffering from one for
rthe usual period
are guaranteed to cure If they
fail we refund the money It
stops colds in the start if you use
the remedy promptly Price 25c
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Father OBrien of Seward will
go to Dawson to occupy the pul
pit of the Catholic church there
while Father Loughran of Daw
son will go to Seward on the
same day This ivas announced
yesterday and is of interest to
Lincoln people as Father O Brien
was assistant pastor in Lincoln a
few years ago Father Loughran
is a veteran priest of western Ne
braska and is well known in Lin
coln Lincoln Journal
For sunburn or roughness of
skin use McMillen s Cream Lo
For special on sauer kraut by
the gallon see Magner
Thursday Evening Edition
Convention to Be Held In the M E Church McCook Sep
tember 26 29 Inclusive
Monday Evening September 25 145 Reports of Corresponding
General officers meeting
Tuesday Morning Sept 26
900 Devotional led by Mrs
Roll call
1000 Minutes of general offi
cers meetings and executive
Mid year committee
Introduction of new members
1130 Noontide prayer
Tuesday Afternoon
130 Devotional
145 Unfinished business
230 Constitution
3 30 Organization
430 Adjournment
Tuesday Sept 26
All days conference of Loyal
Temperance Legion Young Peo
ples Branch and Scientific Tem
perance Instruction Beginning at
900 a m Workers in Charge
Mrs Harriet Vance Miss Lelia
G Dyar and Miss Josie Sullivan
Reception at the church to gen
eral officers delegates and Mc-
Cr k public school teachers G45
to 745 p m
Tuesday Evening Sept 26
the McCook public schools
Secretary Treasurer- Auditor
Vice President Secretary Young
Peoples Branch Secretary Loy
al Temperance Legion
Report of Headquarters Met
calf book sales Union Worker
Year Book
Physical exercises 5 minutes
conducted by Miss Palmer
300 Question Box by Mrs
330 Presentation of visitors
Reports of organizers
400 Department gleanings
500 Adjournment
Joint meeting of General Offi
cers and County Presidents
Wednesday Evening
7 30 Devotionals Rev D L
McBride pastor Baptist church
Solo Mrs C W Britt Mc
Address Mrs Mary Harris Ar
mour of Georgia
Pledges for state work
Thursday Morning Sept 28
900 Devotional
915 Reading minutes
Report of Resolution committee
Report or ureuentiai uommiuee
1000 Election of officers and
nr t 4 i w -
Mrs Belle In-
Response Rev Alice Ruth Pal- Introduction of local commit
mer Grant tees
Dut Miss Florence Rosebush Address The Five Stars
and Miss Minnie Viersen McCook rrs Margaret Cams- Lincoln
Reading Lelia Fisher
Seng Marjorie Sehobel
Presidents Address Mrs
Frances B neald
Music collection benediction
Wednesday Morning Sept 27
900 Devotional Mrs Anna
Nesbitt Pawnee City
Corresponding Secretary
9 30 Announcement of commit
tees Credential Courtesies Res
olution Telegrams Auditing
9 45 Reading of minutes of Ex
ecutive committee meetings
1000 Report of Constitution
1100 Memorial hour in charg
of Mrs M M Smith Aurora
Noontide prayer
Wednesday Afternoon
1 30 Devotional
i Physical exercises 5 minutes
I Miss Palmer
400 Department Gleanings
j continued
430 Presentation of Union Sig
i Adjournment
Thursday Evening
915 Seating convention by j 730 Devotional
Solo Miss Fern Flitcraft Mc
Illustrated lecture Rev C M
Shepherd D D Lincoln
Music collection benediction
Friday Morning Sept 29
900 Devotional
Reading minutes
Unfinished business
Reports of committees
Post Executive committee meet-
Post General Officers meeting
I W T Davis New Superintendent
hoard of education has
Supt W T Davis of
City to succeed Chas W
in the superintendency of
Nebraska At the present time
theiv is an enrollment of 133 the
largest in the history of McCook
high at this time of the vear
This will undoubtedly increase
There was a large list of strong to lb beiore the end ol the y ar
applicants for the place nearly But what is more important than
all of whom made a personal can numbers is the fact that the high
vass of the board for the position school is Avorking together in a
Supt Davis comes to McCook quiet harmonious and
with splendid record as school tic manner in all activities and
man lie is a graduate of the
state normal school at Peru
from the advanced course
started in the profession
six years of experience in rural
schools before going to the Nor
mal Since graduation from the
departments Students and teach
ers seem to be united in tlu
Ile tfort to make this the most suc
with cessful year in the history of the
McCook high school Supt Tay
lor is to be congratulated in be
ing able to turn over the school
normal Supt Davis has held the to his successor in such an
superintendencies at Elmwood cient and well organized
onrl Tnnvny Ciii r unfli inovinciTHf
success in each case j
wnen Mr uavis went to iseav
er City five years ago ho found
there a high school of 65 pupils
with eleven grades of instruction
Supt Davis has been in town
going over the work with Supt
Taylor for the past two days Mr
Davis family consists of a wife
and one child Mrs Davis will
He has built it up till now the spend the next month in packing
membersliip is 130 wifcliin a few
of Hie McCook high school with
twelve grades State University
accreditment and full normal
training work Under his admin
istration the Beaver City high
school lias come to higlirank in
debating declamatory work and
athletics in all of wliich student
activities Supt Davis is a great
pusher and enthusiast
In these matters the McCook
high school leads in Southwest
and visiting relatives and friends
in Lincoln- and Peru before mov
ing to McCook whihv will be
about November 1st
Rooms for Rent
Suitable for office or living
rooms Inquire at
Observe the date after your
name on The Tribune Notch It
Board of Health Re
Fifth Birthday
Master llvUi111 Miller
iHHPranci9Ui 3g
The Board of Health last Mon
day sent samples of ice water
well water milk and city water
and a sample of water from the
Driftwood to Dr JjL H Waite
of Lincoln for anaylsis to de
termine if possible the cause of
typhoid fever
Dr Waite is the bacteriologist
of the State University and re
ports as follows
That he finds the Driftwood
sample two samples of the wells
and the city water all classed as
suspicious one of the wells and
the Driftwood water as unfit for
The milk and ice water contain
ed no evidence of typhoid germs
The conditions about the Drift
wood stream are unusually bad
this year owing to the extreme
little friends Monday afternoon
at four oclock in celebration of
his fifth birthday Refreshments
worn cml nt Piin inrl
Miss Ruby Lineburg and Miss j Healit V
Pauline Burns assisted in enter 1
tli lift fnlk Jill nf
Leatherwear black
taffeta at
S9c and embrace very attractive
warp printed novelties satin mes
salines peau de soies etc We
invite your inspection The
Thompson D G Co Utmost val
Superb Fruit Specimens
Wallace McMillen who recent
ly returned from Provo Utah
where he has been visiting his
brother Russell on a fruit rancli
brought with him some superb
specimens of grapes plums and
peaches grown on his brothers
farm th s season The peaches
are of such size that 36 of them
or 18 in a layer will fill a crate
All the fruit is of fine flavor
Return the Freezer Top
The of the party who
gained entrance to the basement
rt th Bon Ton last Saturday
night after 12 oclock taking
away the top of a two gallon
fiveer and two gallons of cream
h known They may avoid ex
posure by returning the freezer
Fleischers Yarns
carry them in the German
IKnitting Worsteds at 25c the
Germantown Zephyrs the Eiderdown-
cap yarns the Saxonys No
others as good The Thompson D
G Co Utmost values
A New Restaurant
The Kelley building at foot of
Main avenue is being remodeled
and generally repaired and The
Chicago Restaurant and Chop
House expects to open up for bus
iness therein about October 1st
To be held Saturday afternoon
at 230 oclock at the corner of
Iain and B streets Furniture
and household goods almost new
Some very desirable things
COL MATSON Auctioneer
All Real Estate Taxes
Delinquent for 1910
should be paid on or before Oc
tober 1st next to save advertis
ing fees
C NADEN Co Treas
Mra Dora Stewart was sur
prised by the ladies of the O E
S Monday evening at her home
on West 1st street
ft- I D
long dry spell and when the large
treshet came about August first
it washed out all the accumulated
impurities of almost a year This
water passed near the city wells
and could easily have polluted
our city wells as they are within
40 or 60 feet of the river As
the wells are kept well pumped
out the danger for the present
may be passed but as a precau
tionary measure it would be ad
visable to boil all water used for
drinking purposes for a time at
What are you going to do
when 3ou are too old to
work Better provide for
the future while you have
time Its not how large or
how small are your earnings
but what portion of your
earnings that you save that
is of consequence When
you START to save your
money and put it in this
bank your fortune is half
made The other half is per
We want the small deposi
tor and welcome his or her
account because its the
small depositor that grows
to be the large one
Start a bank account NOW
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cash
M Loughran P F McKenna
German Evan Lutheran East
6th St Services every Sunday
morning at 1030 oclock and
wu xvuij uiiai bw uws m v delegates to lNationai convention - f 730 n T RiVlinvt
L E Lewis pastor M E church at Milwaukee and to the Worlds tamed a party ot about twenty
j I I I I I I
For the City
For the
For the
For the
I - I f V-
-Hon Jas Mc-
Churches Rev L E
Local presidnts march
1200 Noontide prayer
Thursday Afternoon
130 Devotionals
1 45 Unfinished business
Points of Progress by County
Christian Science The subject
for next Sundav morning is
whom had a fine time Master vice next Sunday as usual
Kenneth i cordial mvitationto all
was generously
lwiiiI l r Inc lfnimrr innptc
civjll ur iiiojwimj3 o 010
Congregational Regular
Episcopal Sunday September
Silk Values 24 Sunday school at 10 Morn-
Any estimate of silk values to j ing prayer and sermon at 11 Eve
be satisfactory must include an j ning service and sermon at 8 All
examination ot our offerings welcome
which begin with our celebrated
Baptist Sermons at 11 a m
and 8 p m Bible school at 10
a m Christian Endeavor at 715
Services at East McCook at 4 p
m D L McBride pastor
class Tuesdays and Fridays at 10
a m Sunday school class Sun
dav mornings at 11 oclock New
Thought books and magazines for
sale Come and talk it over it
may be that which you have been
seeking for You are cordially
invited to these meetings 123
D st Adv
Phur Cetz
Our handsome display of Lad
ies fur sets from 750 to 2500
ineludesBlack Lynx sets Iceland
fox white sets Isabella Coney
sets Raccoon sets in the latest
styles of shawls scarfs and muffs
We invite your inspection The
Thompson D G Co Utmost val
ues for cash only
A fim
promise of rain
For pure spices try McMillen a
Drug Store
All the fresh fruits of the sea
son at Magners
Base ball goods
Picture framing made to order
School Fountain Pens 75c
A McMILLEN Druggist
McMillen druggist has a full
line of Razors Safety Razors and
Rubber gloves for house work
75c per pair
McConnnell has the kind and
quality of drugs your physician
wishes used
Use Nyals hand lotion and pre
vent sore hands 25c per bottle
The entertainment course com
mittee expect shortly to be able
announce the program of the win
ter Their tentative program con
sists offive strong mimhprs tlrre fi
1 musical and two lectures