The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 18, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 3

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East Depart Central Time
No 6 H30 P M
16 500 A M
2 - 550 A M
13 945 A M
12 G35 A M
14 920 P M
10 505 P M
West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1220 P M
3 H42 P M
5 arr 830 p m
13 930 A M
15 1230 A M
9 C25 A M
Imperial Line Mountain Time
No 176 arrives 330 P M
No 175 departs 645 A M
Sleeping dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and tickets call on or write D P
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
No 15 Saturday evening had
thirteen coaches
Seven more new oil cars
came in Saturday
Engineer Rostratter is hold
ing down 15 and 16 now
C B Pirie machinist spent
Sunday with relatives in Wyniore
Fireman E D Davis went to
Franklin Friday for a visit of a
few days
Will Lyon went east on 14
Friday night on a vacation of
several weeks
Mrs II M Snider was a pas
senger Saturday on 13 for Ilaig
ler on a visit
Switchman Meyers is now
working nights and Switchman
Savage is on days
Conductor and MrsCB Dal
ton were Denver visitors Friday
going up on No 9
Two new engines of the R 3
type are being used on the Oxford-Red
loud run
Fireman II J Petterson
and wife left Saturday for Otis
for a few lavs visit
Mrs Lem Peterson and child
ren went up to Colorado Satur
day on 13 on a short visit
Conductor Moore of the Red
Cloud Oxford run was laid- up a
few runs with i mashed foot
Chief Dispatcher and Mrs F
C Runnels will occupy the Will
Pate residence Saturday last
Engineer and Mrs L E
IIanford and Mr and Mrs II E
IIanford spent Sunday in Indian
Mrs Harold Morris spent Fri
day visiting Colorado friends go
ing up on No 9 and returning ox
No 14 same night
Engineer Ben Bowen return
ed home Friday evening on 10
from visiting his sister Mrs S P
Dwyer in Denver
Mrs R E French came up
from Orleans Saturday morning
on No 13 to visit with McCook
friends a few days
Fireman F Nelson has been
promoted to engineer and left on
Friday for Denver out of which
place he will work
II L Paden spent Wednes
day and Thursday last with his
friend J L Kilburn of the Bur
lington at Beaver City
Brakeman and Mrs Darve
Burnett and child arrived home
Friday evening on 14 from a vis
it to her folks at Trenton
Fireman E D Carhill left on
No 14 Friday evening for Con
cordia Kansas for a weeks visit
with relatives and friends
The Burlington is experienc
ing some difficulty in securing ar
adequate water supply at Beav
er Uity They still have the
Mrs R E French went to
Orleans Sunday to visit a few
days with her husband and will
go from there to Clay Center to
visit relatives
Miss Ruby Fitzgerald depart
ed Friday night for Livingston
Montana where she has secured a
fine position in the Burlington
store house at that place
J R Pence arrived home on
Thursday from Republican City
where he has been relieving the
round house foreman for a wliile
He is now hostling nights
J E Murphy general fore
man and Mrs Murphy left Fri
day morning on No 9 Friday
morning for Sheridan Wyoming
for a visit with Mrs Murphys
F C Kennedy one of the
new firemen who had just been
put back to work received word
Friday that his wife was very
ill at Hastings and left on No
6 asme evening for that place
Engineers A L Poulson A
C Bowers Geo Campbell Dave
Lewellyn and H W Perkins
have been transferred back to M
Cook from Denver on account of
the increasein business
G E Ilalin was an Indianola
victor Sunday
P II May is a new operator
Mrs May accompanied him
Mrs F W Buck departed
Saturday for Chicago on a visit
Jos Mokko left Sunday on
No 10 for a couple wec ks visit
in Chicago
Mrs Will Lyon has gone to
Cambridge for the winter with
the home folks
Agent B F Darnell and fam
ily have returned to their quar
ters in the Marion depot
Conductor Freeman Utter and
Engineer O G Coppon had the
pay ear over the division Thurs
Fireman and Mis C Law
rence went up to Wray Colorado
end of week on a visit of a few
Connie Rector has an Oxford-Hastings
run for a short
time while noe of the regulars
takes a lay off
Mr and Mrs Frank Downs
I 4t on No 10 Saturday even in aj
for a vkU of several nn nths with
their pi rents in Suubury Pa
Misses Julia and Mollie Ry
an left on No 10 Saturday eve
ning to visit in Grafton Miss
Julia returned Sunday night but
her sister will remain for the
Dispatcher AY C Euans ar
rived home Sunday night on 3
from Columbus His aged mothei
passed away during his absence
and was buried on Monday of
last week
Jack Woolard is resting in
definitely on account of a misun
derstanding with a foreign em
ploye of the company Sunday
tcrun The f e required the use
Two Visiting Cards
Visiting cards differ in style accord
ing to latitude and as an example a
Paris contemporary recalls an incident
J G Inglis and Avife left on says the Scientific American that the
No 10 Saturday evening for serpents traditional love for music
Ontario Canada to be present at s Pure fable and that the only
i marriage or the remaining un
feet of music is to arouse the reptile-
inrmitv itliioli ir rv itn1 lit- ImiiiI
married sister or Mr inglis -- -
and sound 1 ho cobra
ute protrude
rni i i ii i i
hey will be absent about thirty J
its ncad hm Itg bunow QU hear
jn tIe snajc charmers flute the rat-
iiiirl Mrs T
iMurinfpr k i i i i
Fireman R AY Ililer has been
iIanford are entertaining his bv beating the ground with a switch
promoted to engineer and is now u0t hcr and wife Mr and Mrs II It appears to perceive only sounds of
running out of Denver jr r ranffmi 0r Fairhnrv -who high pitch for it pays no attention to
riviH in thn votv lict Tlnirwlnv tlie IOW IlOtOS Ot tlie 1111 te or tUC Deal-
- - v UkV iJT AlttLS 11U1UUKT
and ins f the drum Barnard also con-
veiling will leave for home
mmuu m vuyiuii inu results ui
servations made in the London
Custer ot Blue Hill M nni f
Avho was formerly a switchman in fascination exerted by serpents upon
the McCook yard passed through birds and he concludes that this pow-
McCook Saturday on 13 on his er of fascination is also purely
way to California lie has not inary
been railroading for past ten
votik Blow the Steam Aside
Engineer and Mrs- M II
a scalded hand she asserted
I er I read it or was told it I am not
The wise woman sent a sudden vigor-
nnc nnft f lwnitli nf tlin Inf of cfnntll
Hammond returned Thursday eve rising from the copper teakettle she
ning from Santiago California was tilting repeated it hastily as she
where they have been for the filled the blue teapot and set the
past month on account of Mis tie back on the stove with a nod of tri-
Ilammonds health which was umph That trick has saved me many
greatly improved
l r Tt sure but until I tried it I was always
neer of tests ot the Santa Ie is
gettiIls m0st painful little burns Steam
ot opinion that larger Js so oasiIv blown aside if you haVe
tives are probabilities of the near the presence of mind to remember it
future That the Mallet engines that you can easily keep it from reach
in triple or four couple form will ing your hand until you can set down
be utilized within a few years the kettle or pot Dont forget it next
Santa Fe tests warrant the pro- tlme the lid slPs or the steam comes
pheev he claims uexPectedly from the kettle spout
You will bless me for the hint New
Mrs J S Williams left Sunday
evening for a Aisit in Clarence
Miss Jennie Brady is visiting
her brother Frank in Fort Mor
gan Colorado
Miss Edith Waite reeturned on
Saturday night from a visit with
Cambridge relatives
Mrs R J Gunn and children
returned Sunday from their visit
to her parents in Denver
Miss Catherine Brady left for
Denver Sunday niglit on 3 to
complete her course in school
Dr and Mrs H J Pratt and
child arrived home last niglit on
14 from their vacation in Colo
Public Baths Abroad
London probably possesses more pri
vate baths than any other city but
in the matter of public baths it can
not claim first or even second place
says the London Chronicle Tokyo
Japan has over S00 public baths Avhere
300000 persons bathe daily at a cost of
about one halfpenny each Constanti
nople probably ranks second then
comes St Petersburg famous for the
vast vapor baths to which the Rus
sians flock in thousands every Saturday
evening The finest public bath in the
world is at Vienna It has a basin 578
feet long by 15G feet wide and can
accommodate 1500 persons The wa
ter is changed thrice daily
Germanys Telephone Girls
Telephone girls in Germany can-
Mrs LJara llaynes and son though they can retire on pension prior
who have been visiting E Saw- to tliat advanced day Positions are
yer Avill return to their home in i obtained by civil service examination
Creston la Tuesday morning
Miss Kate West and Miss May
The average on entering the business
must bo near thirty and as many re-
both of Hayes Center came down main for life it would bo ungallant to
to McCook Wednesday night in
an auto and remaining over
night with the J M Brady
speak intimately of ages Discharges
cannot be effected without consider
able red tape When an operator has
ily left on the following
morning extra for houso rent she stays at that
for Kearney to enter the state
normal school
A Familiar Figure Gone
Chris Larson one of thee gen
erally known cliaraeters of the
town died on Sunday morning
presumably from drinking wood
alcohol Christ has bean a resi
dent of McCook for many years
serving the Burlington as jan
itor and carrying the mail from
and to- the depot At one time
he was possessed of some proper
ty but this went in the misfor
tune of drink His wife died in
February of 1908 and the chil
dren have been scattered about
Arrangements have not been com
pleted for his burial which will
likely be in charge of the county
pay until retired on pension
On Her Birthday
Congratulate me said Younghus
band My daughter is just one year
old today
This is her birthday eh What did
you give her
I dont know whether it was sooth
ing strap or paregoric but It was one
of the two
They Were Picked
Do you call this a band of picked
musicians said the hotel manager to
the leader of a band
Ach Dot vos so I bick em mine-
sellef replied the bandmaster
Well then you -picked them before
they were ripe
What should younot wish done to
yourself do not unto others Chinese
Order to Show Cause
In the district court of Red
Willow county State of Nebras
ka In the matter of the
in 1844 when M de Lagrene was sent
tj f Nina H j Wad ad
iinclor lmiR Philinnf ns minisrflr I
traordinary to China The courtesy of
the ambassador greatly impressed the
Chinese statesmen particularly their
doyen When the negotiations had
been completed and M de Lagrene was
ready to embark a delegation brought
him a great roll of paper The ambas
sador seeing this parcel at once thought
this was a present knowing Chinese
methods but to his surprise they start
ed to unroll the cylinder which extend
ed to about fifty meters of paper over
102 feet Then he learned that it was
the visiting card of the doyen In
returning his modest little bristol
board the humiliated ambassador add
ed a few words which read The am
bassador of France regrets inat he is
able to offer only these simple words
to your excellency
The Building of Homes
Dwelling houses may be constructed
of anything from paper to concrete
When built of paper they consist of
ground plans front elevations and
mortgages When they progress to
something more substantial they do
not resemble in any way the front ele
vation or the ground plan of the paper
stage and are therefore disappointing
in these particulars The mortgage
however always comes up to expecta
tions The houses of the elect may
be distinguished by the butlers pan
try the middle classes by the recep
tion hall and those of the hoi polloi by
the parlor Houses are useful to eat
In sleep in bathe in dress in hide In
be seen in die in store junk in in
sure and burn down Dignity in
houses is typified by a parking in
closed English country place romance
by a southern planters mansion poetry
by a rose embowered cottage and bu
mor by a modern Oat Life
Serpents ana Music
of the surgeon s needle generous- j Barnnrrt concludes from his
al observation of cobras In Ceylon
mimstratrix of the estate of
James B Wade deceased for
license to sell real estate
Now on this 23rd day of Aug
ust 1911 this cause came on for
hearing upon the petition of Nin
Harris Wade administratrix of
the estate of James B Wade de-
ceased piaymg for license to sell
the following described real es
tate of the said James B Wade
to wit lot numbered six in block
numbered six in the original town
now city of McCook Redwillow
county Nebiaska for the pay
ment of debts against said es
tate and allowance and costs of
administration for the reason
there is not sufficient personal
property belonging to said estate
to pay said debts allowance and
It is ordered on eonsideiation
by me that all persons interest
ed in said estate appear before
me at chambers in the court
house in the city of McCook in
said county on the 7th day of
October 1911 at one oclock P
M to show cause if any there
be why license should not be
granted to said Nina Harris
Wade administratrix to sell so
much of the above described real
estate of said decedent as shall
be necessary to pay said debts
allowance and costs
It is further ordered that a
copy of this order be served up
on all persons interested in said
estate by causing the same to be
published once a week for four
successive weeks in the McCook
Tribune a Aveekly newspaper
printed and published m said
Redwillow county Nebraska
Judge of the District Court
First publication Aug 24- 4 ts
To Id Lewis and to Whom it
May Concern
You will take notice that on
the 17th day of December 1909
L purchased at private tax
sale from the treasurer of Red
Willow countv Nebraska lots
11 and 12 in block 4 North Mc
Cook Red Willow county Neb
for the delinquent taxes assessed
thereon for the years 1891 to
1908 inclusive and have since
paid the taxes thereon for the
years 1909 and 1910 said lots
were assessed for taxes for the
years 1891 to 1911 inclusive in
the name of Ida Lewis
That after the expiration of
three months from the date of
the completed service of this no
tice by publication and after the
17th day of December 1911 i
shall apply to the County Treas
urer of said county for a deed to
said premises
First publication Aug 29 3t
Makes everything
I about the house barn H
I or dairy clean as a ila
I whistle The fine 1
S ous particles get right 3
ffl down into every crack and 1
B crevice lake up all the dirl 1 x
B and leave the surface clean 1W
0 and spotless 1 1
S Mam other uses and J
1 Full Directions onlfA Ii
I laite Stftercanlv il
Chases A I J
flirt S - 3
o the Ir I
I Scrubbing- lh I
B id d I FT
h Floors linoleum mar- fhj J
a ble and woodwork II
ft can be cleaned twice i P
a as well in half the iLf
I time with half the IJT
labor if you use f Ly
Old I
Dutch m
m1 wMwuwiww j iu
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
VFranklin A McMillen R A Green
G H Watkins Vernice Franklin
iv i in m ii jm v f aA
ib nig iirii iKXiiK sts
BPppBl Home j
H Flaky Biscuits I
a II
ff lTnr t
MealtMiii rood
made wiih
S vN
Tke product of
n r i limn i bit
wr vnssraHKanHH
o iwi t - rim0 4i i ihw
s emusELiLU vtj tyumss
Mosssr r
TTTwjJV1Tnf lTMWi V M V ifff1 VPP V WT YVViT
V Franklin Pres G H Watkijjs Vice Pres
R A Gkeen Cshr
11 i iiimii t tpxii 1i1ftyW i ff i f f ij ht fifL JLTf
September Travel Bulletin
Tlie excursion rates to Eastern localities will continue It is
your last low rate chance of the summer to visit your old home or
make a tour of the East
The Dry Farming Congress will be held at Colorado Springs oc
October 16 20 Special rates will he made
The colonist one way rates to Pacific Coast are in effect Sep
tember 15th to October 15th only this year
The Burlington has through standard and tourist sleepers ev
ery day to California on No j via Rio Grande Scenic Colorada
and tlie Southern Pacific and Salt Lake Route on No 0 via
the Rio Grande Scenic Colorado and the Western Pacific
On Time operation Western people living in the territory
served by the Burlington will be interested in knowing something
about the punctuality with which the management tries to operate
its trains Fast mail No 7 from Chicago to Omaha during the
months from April to July inclusive a period of 122 days arriv
ed at the Missouri River On Time every day The other ex
clusive fast mail and express train No 15 from Chicago to Oma
ha during June and July 1911 arrived On Time at the Mis
souri River every day These are the exclusive mail and express
trains that daily bring into the West the great volume of traffic
so necessary to the social and commercial life of that region
General Passenger Agent
Omaha Nebraska
Ticket Agent
McCook Nebraska
1 he 1 nbune
It is Just One Dollar the Year