The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 18, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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The Greatest Theme
I offer no apology for speaking
upon a religious theme for it is
the most universal of all themes
I am interested in the science of
government but I am more inter
ested in religion than in govern
ment I enjoy making a political
speech I have made a good many
and shall make more hut I would
rather speak on religion than on
politics I began speaking on the
stump -when I was only twenty
but I began speaking in the
church six years earlier and I
shall be in the church even after
I am out of politics I feel sure
of my ground when I make a po
litical speech but I feel even
more certain of my ground when
I make a religious speech While
to me the science of government
is intensely absorbing I recogniz
ed that the most important tilings
an life lie outside -of the realm
of government and that more de
pends upon what the individual
does for himself than upon what
the government does or can do
for him Men can be miserable
under the best government and
they can be happy under the verj
worst government
Government affects but a part
of -the life we live here and does
not deal at all with life beyond
while religion teaches the infin
ite circle of existence as well as
the small arc of that circlewhich j
we spend on earth Xo greater
theme therefore can engage our
attention If 1 discuss questions
of government T must secure the
co operation of a majority before
I can put my ideas into practice
but if in speaking on religion I
can toucn one uuman neart lor
good I have not spoken in vain
no matter how large the majority
inav be against me W J Bryan
Mennell Mathes
John A Mennell and Miss Stel
la Mathes were ban nil v wedded
Sunday afternoon at 330 oclocki
at the home of th brides par
ents Mr and Mrs J B Mathes
Rev D L McBride ofo the Bap
tist church performing the cere
mony in the presence of a num
ber of guests These estimable
young people launch out on the
sea of matrimony with the best
wishes of many friends
At the Cozad Sale
The Henry J Cozad sale drew
buyers and politicians from all
over the county Among some
from the east end were C S
Quick J J Iladley C K Dutch
er and Grant Crampton from In
dianola E E Smith Matt Tines
F G Stilgebouer and Peter Fos
sen from Bartley J W McKillip
and W E McKillip from Cam
School Supplies
We have a large assortment of
pencil and drawing tablets com
position and note books slates
pencils pencil boxes erasers
pens penholder ink etc
Special prices in quantity to
school districts
A McMILLEN Druggist
Zinc oxide a favorite constitu
ent o face powders and bloom
of beauty is noted as a frequent
cause of facial paralysis A sil
ver coin drawn across the cheek
of women who use these chemical
face powders will produce a deep
dark line du to the reaction be
tween the silver in the coin and
the zinc oxide contained in the
face powder
It is the proved quality of Mag
ner s groceries that accounts for
their increasing popularity with
the buying public Every patron
is a satisfied patron
If you feel you want to be
shown in matter of quality go
to the McCook Flour and Feed
Its a pleasure to show such
wall paper as ours
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Magners groceries meet fully
the pure food law requirements
For special on dill sour and
sweet pickles see Magner
Wants for rent for sale etc
5e a line in The Tribune
Everything in drugs McCon
who shortly leaves for the state s
capital to take up work of pro
fessor of school administration
and principal of the Temple high
school of the Nebraska
sity There was a
DeGroff Co of ready-to-wear
Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
nuber is exclusive agent in Mc
Cook for the unexcelled Barring
ton Hall coffees Priced at 20c
25c and 35c per pound
The Almighty never made a
bone head They just ossify
Our policy is everything to
your entire satisfaction McCon
nells Rexall Store
The board of education will
meet tonight and possibly settle
tin question of a new superintend
ent for the city schools
For service durability and econ
omy use Lincoln Climatic Paint
Sold only by
A McMILLEN Druggist
It is not fair to yourself to
have a cold Use Rexall Cold
Cure 25c
L W MtCONNELL Druggist
This mornings daily reports
the return of Rev L JE Lewis to
McCook and Rev M B Carman
of Minden to their respective pas
of reorrets and prvrifrrntnliifinns
garments of all kinds was one of
the most complimentary to that
establishment ever attempted
their display windows were espec
ially attractive and tasteful
Mrs J P Nies who operates
the millineery section of the Big
Store reports a most encourag
ing attendance and liberal patron
age at her millinery opening
Here the decorations were roses
in profusion
Miss Allie J Peck reports sim
ilar satisfactory conditions on hei
opening days Friday and Satur
day Her display drew many to
inspect and the purchases were
Monday Evening Edition
tion approved
Pursuant to law in such cases
made and provided the board
jon motion selected the following
named persons from whom to
draw a jury for the term of dis
trict court which is to begin on
regrets at Supt Taylors 1ctooer 9th 1911 and the county
tion from our public school V was istructea to certiiy
tern and congratulations imon iri tlns lst 0 the clerk of the
call to a higher and broader
sphere in his educational activi
ties in connection with his alma
The members of the board of
education were guests of the oc
Refreshments in tasteful par
ticulars were daintily served
ing the evening
There was a concrete physical
expression from the teachers
to and Mrs Taylor in the
form of a handsome water color
painting which will be highly
pnized and cherished by the re
tnct court
Commissioner district No 1
Beaver precinct Sam Dolph G
B Morgan II D Andrews
Bondville precinct Henry Ilof
man Jr Michael Esch
Danbury precinct J E Dodge
J C Lafferty
Driftwood precinct R L
Gerver precinct W C Cooper
Grant precinct Roy Albrecht
Lebanon precinct E C Ilum
mell Frank Holt Wm F Cum
Missouri Ridge precinct Fred
Tyrone precinct John Schaf
Valley Grange precinct A D
Largely Attended and Liberally Johnston Gerald Wilcox
Patronized Were They Commissioner district No 2
Alliance precinct Elmer L Pet
The millin mv and dry goods oj ers
of end of week were most East Valley precinct Reuben
satisfactory and successful Large f inch Frank llodgkin Ed
attendance and liberal patronage Frenchard
characterized them one and all Fritsch precinct Joe Powevs
The oneniny rlknliv nf f T Will Barber
Indianola precinct William Gal
loway Ed Lakin S V Frye
Newton Smith Roxie Gentry
John B Colling
North Valley precinct Henry
Red Willow precinct W P
Broomfield John Crocker A J
i Commissioner district No 3
i Box Elder
I son
uty sheriff August 30
L M Iliggins salary sher
iff August 100
Elizabeth Bettcher salary
Co superintendent Aug
ust 100
George S Myers hauling
E Roy Lofton hauling
M Mathes janitor Aug
Otis Coburn road work
Chas Skalla salary Co
clerk August 137 50
Chas Skalla office expens
es July 5th to Sept 12 33 05
White Line Transfer Co
hauling car coal 14 0
David Deveny hauling
Jack Powers road work
Wm Powers road work
Henrv Vontz road work
Road district No 7
Notices are being mailed to all delinquent subscribers and
a prompt payment is requested from all If you are unable to
pay promptly kindly write or call and explain Subscriptions
will be settled for at the rate of 100 per year up to Janu
ary 1st 1912 when the price will be advanced to 150
After that date the price will be 150 All back subscrip
tions up to that time will be at the rate of 100 per year All
subscriptions paid in advance previous to January 1st 1912
will be at the rate of 100 per year
Remember subscriptions to The Tribune are payable in ad
vance and this requirement will be more strictly enforced in
future especially in the case of subscribers living outside of
Red Willow county
15 75
3 00
36 00
40 00
F S Lofton commissioner
services and mileage 27 30
Edward Sughroue commis
sioner service and mile
W N Rogers commissioner
40 1
er services and mileage 32 50
County Bridge fund
Ernst McDonald bridge work
claimed at 5400 allowed
at 51 00
Frank Lytle bridge work
Uox JiJder precinct
Daniel Lytle bridge work
Box Elder precinct
Erny Lytle bridge work
Box Elder precinct
C II Mundy bridge work
4 50
3 00
1 50
Box Elder precinct 4
C M Spaulding bridge work
Box Elder precinct 12
W T Clark bridge work
claimed at 3400 allowed
at 32 50
Commissioner district No 2
Frank Donnelly road work
Alliance precinct 3 00
Roxie Gentry hauling
j irons 1 00
Frank Hill road work
Fritsch and Alliance pre-
cincts 3 00
Henry Vontz road work
J Fritsch and Alliance pre-
i cincts 3 00
Joe Powers road work
Fritsch and Alliance pre-
i cincts 6 00
Jack Powers road work
I Fritsch and Alliance pre
cincts G 00
Fred Barruth road work
I Fritsch and Alliance pre
cincts 10 50
Merle Hill road work
Fritsch and Alliance pre
cincts 4 50
Road distinct No 3 Fritsch
Turen Jensen road work
Alex Jensen road work
Frank Hill road work
t - i t i n or
precinct Reese Ilar i Jennie uoourn roaa wont j
I5enme uoourn roaa woric x ou
preeinci Clas W Nel wm Barber road work 16 50
Joe Powers road work 30 00
Perry precinct Jus Boos Merle Hill road work
Henry Cashcn John Kelley road work
Willow Grove precinct C 11 j Forest Barber road work
Anjrell J C Ball Alfred Car- Fern Earl read work
unexpectedly numerous An elec r Chas G Coglizer G O DackJJany Derrick road work 18 1
trie Edison provided music dur
ing the afternoons and evenings
Walter Ilicklinsr Ernest Marl
wad Otto Pate A R Ruggles
Roses served the double purpose M C Shurtlef f Jr Wm F Tut
of decoration and souvenirs Mr tie Arthur B Wood Joseph Low
Hugh Kelly assisted I ley Walter Lathrop William Jef
At the li C Clapp store larger fries S D Hughes Alvyn Ilip
aftendannce and sales than last pie M B llogan Elmer Haw
year are given Their special kins O Grismore James A Har
decorations were two handsome man Howard Finity Edward
window displays one in purple Droll
the other in black and white The following claims were aud
with pin- They disponed of 500 itt d and allowed and the county
roses as favors A ictrola add- clerk was instructed to draw
-d rlu musical elen j ijt to one of warrants on the respective funds
the most gratifying openings in levy of 1911 in payment thereof
their ready to wear and milliner j as follows
departments they have ever held j County General Fund
E Benjamin salary
Fred Kirchor road work
5 25
4 50
Grove precinct
Art Ruggles road work 7 50
W T Clark road work
claimed at 4050 allowed
ft 40 00
i Road district No S IW
C J Suiter road work
chimed at 1600 allowed
Cl Is vv A T
M C Mrray road work 3
Fred Crocker road work 7
John Reiners road work 7
J G ODea road work 7
Lon Miller road work 6
Road district No 13 Bondville
Ohas Weintz road work 11 75
Herman Schneider road
John Seaman road work
Ed Seaman road work
Herman Reiners road
10 50
12 00
8 00
37 50
Continued on page 2
rib tine
TEACHERS HOLD RECEPTION vtttttttttyytttyttvttyyttb
Supt and Mrs C W Taylor Ob
jects of Pleasant Reception
Co Commissioners Proceedings
xne esteem ana aamiranon oi McCook Nebr September 12
the teachers oi the McCook pub- 1911 The Board of County Com-
lic schools for their chief found missioners met pursuant to ad
adequate expression in felicitous Journment Present F S Lof
ml ton Edward Sughroue and W
social terms Thursday
N 0ers COuntv commissioners
when Supt and Mrs C W V tyJ
lor were entertained by -the teach 9TrL iKi 1i 7
AnCha SMa COunty elerk
er corps at the home of Miss Cleo
Rector on 5th stret east The af 1 The minutes of the meetings
fair had somewhat the character held 22nd 23rd 24th 29th
of n fnrmvll to Supt Taylor i ana dUUl AVere Cl and On mO
among them such men as William
Shaw General Secretary of the
United Society of Christian En
deavor Carl Lahmann Interstate
Field Secretary for the United
Society of Christian Endeavor
workers will appear on the plat
form during the twelve sessions
of the convention From 2500 to
3000 dleegates are expected
Many features combine to make
this a gathering of unusual im
portance Every session will be
up-to-date The use of motion
pictures and extensive educationa
exhibits will be a unique feature
Literature and information sent
free on application to Ray G
Fletcher 361 Fraternity Bldg
Clerk Stoll and Attorney Wolff
met Thursday night to pass Ordi
nance No 209 and consider side
walk resolution but no other
councilman appearing there was
no quorum and after waiting for
some time the meeting adjourned
Can Pay at the Store
Parties owing the Updike Co
may pay their bills at Jones
Cos confectionery and news
stand on lower Main avenue
Phone 13 or 169
S S GARVEY Manager
If You Have
houses to rent list them with
Whittaker Gray They have
several applications on file now
for houses Phone black 283 Of
fice in Temple block
Woman Beaten by Tramp
Last week Tuesday evening
Mrs E B Taylor of near Wilson
ville Furnas county was beaten
insensible by a tramp whom she
refused food previously
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Car
hart Huber is the exclusive agent
Also jackets and caps The phone
is 97
Kindly Return Same
Will the party who borrowed
The Tribunes county atlas kind
ly return the same to the office
We have need of it right now
The Main Store On Main Street
If it is the freshest and best in
groceries fruits vegetables etc
you seek look no further than
Huber s
Seed Wheat For Sale
No 2 Red Turkey wheat for
sih Updike Grain Co Phone
Otto Karthauser met with a se
rious accident last Sunday He
and Mrs Karthauser had driven
over to Henry Vontzs to spend
the day and as he was unhitch
fny ti teiim one of the horses
kickad him breaking a wrist and
hurting him internally He was
unconscious for some time Mar
ion Enterprise
House breaking and thievery
seem to be th most successful
and profitable- items on the daily
program of the Kit Carson Wild
West show Iloldrege and Beav
er City were both stung
The United States geological
survey gives the origin of the
name Chicago as derived from an
Ojibwa Indian word meaning
th place of wild onions
We compound prescriptions by
scientific methods
McCONNELL Druggist
The average canine has the
same facility to carry a bone that
he has to bring one
Magner sells better
than the just as good kind
him for an order
coffee and
ers only
Wedding Breakfast1
be happy At Hub-
Try a Tribune
watch results
want ad and
Fresh fruits at Magners
i MCffW
Silver Jubilee
The Nebraska
Christian En
More than fifty speal
deavor Union will hold its 25th g Sam Hockett was up from
- - auu oougnt gener
ously at the Cozad
j vv wv v v
W O Russell and S R James
of our city were both Lincoln
business visitors Saturday
Dr J D Hare went down to
Lincoln on 6 Sunday night on a
business trip of a few days
Mrs Kate Stevenin and Tmn
MeConnell leave today on a visit
on the Moffat line in Colorado
Miss Strunk returned to In
dianola Friday evening after vis
iting a week or two with McCook
Miss Lenore Fitzgerald was up
from Cambridge over Sunday re
turning to her school work on 14
Sunday night
Miss Irene Cathcart left on No
9 Friday morning for Eaton Col
orado expecting a position as
stenographer there
Dr and Mrs W D
No Quorum nie and Mr and Mrs W A Tin
Mayor McAdams Councilmen Ian of Indianola were citv visit
Stansberry and Middleton City i ors Friday evening
R B Sheridan who has been
spending some weeks on his
naves county ranch returned on
Friday evening on 14
Mrs H A Beale arrived home
Friday morning on No 9 from
an absence of a few weeks in Chi
i cago and other points east
Max Hare left Sunday for Lin
coin to enter the university for
the ensuing year Max will en
ter til engineering department
Miss Vera Fitzgerald left Sat-
mormnjr for Kearney
where she will complete her work
in the state normal school tins
Miss Grace Smith returned Fri
day evening on 10 from her visit
to her father at Wray Colorado
and other points in that neigh
Miss Edith Staley of Denison
Iowa who has been a guest of
Miss Estella Fans for a week or
so departed on 2 Saturday for
her home
Miss Ethel Glandon of McCook
was consecrated as a deaconess
Sunday and has been received as
n deaconess for work in the West
Nebraska conference
Solomon Stilgebouer Williai
Stilgebouer the latter the Repub
lican candidate for county com
missioner and W V Miller were
ill Danbury friends in the coun
ty capital Friday
Thurston Doyle of Box Elder
has just returned from a visit up
in the Big Horn Basin of Wy
oming and has some good stories
of fishing and hunting to relate
Mrs Elza B Odell and Mrs
True departed on No 14 Sunday
night for Sulphur Springs Arkan
sas to visit their children Mis
True expects to remain there dur
ing the winter
Miss Mabel Gowing who has
been visiting her aunt Mrs L J
ISurtless departed on No 6 Fri
day night for Lincoln to com
plete her course in the state uni
versity this year
Miss Margaret Brady of Chats
worth Illinois arrived in McCool
last Thursday on No 1 She ac
companied Miss Catherine to Den
ver Sunday night but will re
turn here shortly for a visit
your prescription to the
front drug stor
The ideal remedy for constipa
tion Rexall Orderlies 10 and 25e
McCONNELL Druggist
Nothing more serviceable and
stylish for general wear than a
good blue scrge ask for No- 4130
Cloihcraft Blue Serge Special
Classified Advertisements
FOR SALE Medium size Hot
Blast stove good as new Inquire
at 602 5th street eeast
FOR RENT The Ebert place
10 room house steam heat bath
Good barn granary and chicken
house on premises Inquire of
D C Marsh
LOST An umbrella with a de
tachable pearl handle and gold
knob Initials M G on end of
gold know Finder return to Mr
Matella Gordon