T 3Vtoo THime ESTABLISHED 1S82 F M KIMMELL Editor Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays REPUBLICAN TICKET Supreme Judges FRANCIS G IIAMER CHARLES B LETTON WILLIAM B ROSE Railway Commissioner THOMAS L IIALL Regents of State University VICTOR G LYFORD FRANK L IIALLER Judge 14th District E B PERRY County Clerk CIIAS SKALLA County Treasurer ARTHUR B WOOD Clerk of District Court ELMER KAfiT County Sheriff E F OSBORN County Judge J C MOORE County Superintendent ELIZABETH BETTCHER County Surveyor CHAS W KELLEY Countv Coroner DR DAVID F SMITH Commissioner 1st District WM J STILGEBOUER The Burlington Crop Report The Burlington crop report for the piit wek carries with it a more optimistic view of the pres ent rrop eondilions throughout tlie stat The- soil except in a very few places where the rain fall ha lKn exceedingly light is generally in excellent condition The rainfall during the past week has been fairly good over the en tire division Corn Conditions for the week were all favorable and com is nearing maturity very rapidly Estimates from the various sections of the state indicate the following per centage for the crop based upon a full crop and present condition Omaha division 62 per cent as against 65 per cent for last week Jjineoln division 1 per cent as against 74 per cent for last week Wymore division 76 per cent as against 70 per cent for last week McCook division 50 per cent which was the same as the estimate of last week Already grain men over the state are as serting that the corn crop this year will yield from five to ten million bushels- more than last year As yet no damaging frosts have been reported in this state and the longer it holds off the better it will be for the crop Fall Plowing1 Fall plowing has progressed CLAPP WILL SPEAK AT LA FOLLETTE FEED Sent From Madison Wis to Ad i dress Nebraska Insurg ents Thursday Lincoln members of the Nebras ka Progressive Republican league received word from Madi son Wis Monday morning that Senator Clapp of Minnesota one of the seven original insurgents in the upper branch of congress will be here next Thursday even ing to speak at a state banquet in the interest of Senator La Follettes candidacy for president The banquet will take place at the Lindell hotel commencing at 630 It has not yet been decid ed who will be toastmaster Gov ernor Aldrich will be unable to grab tliis honor as he is out of the state Congressman Norris will probably not be able to at tend owing to his speaking dates C O Whedom may be called on to preside at the table He will at least be one of the speakers Letters are being sent out to La Follette and Norris supporters over the state asking them to be liere for the banquet Without much doubt a permanent state organization will be formed to boost La Follette and Norris and arrangements made for the opening of state headquarters probably in Lincoln Senator Clapp is to come- here through an assignment from La Follettes headquarters at Madi son Wis It agreed to furnish either him or Merriam of Chiea a who is gushing a La Follette movement in Illinois Clapp is mow speaking in the Dakotas Lincoln Star Congressman Latta of the Third Nebraska district has paid the last price of mortality and gone to lus reward Interest noiA centers in his- prospective succes sor Wise ones are stageing Dan V Stephens of Fremont for the place J Lincoln finds nothing in 1kv water system to warrant the sug gestion that her present typhoid cases are traceable to that source An analysis was made of seven different samples of city water taken from the wells and water pipes at different places on the system Seed Wheat For Sale No 2 Red Turkey wheat for sale Updike Grain Co Phone 169 Several Beaver City homes were broken into Saturday last the date of the wild west show in that bm g Attaches of the show were searched but no evideneee was found upon their persons large this vear Potatoes As has been previously report ed the potato crop this year will do well if it amounts to half a crop Pastures and Meadows Pastures and meadows are in excellent shape On the McCook division the third crop of alfalfa was the best of the three and there are places in the eastern di visions where the fourth crop promises to be the best of the season Hay on the whole Avill be short but rains during the lafr ter part of the summer have pro duced a good deal of rough feed Sugar Beets Reports of this crop continue to be very favorable It is thought that harvesting the crop will commence about the tenth of this month Temperatures The general average for the temperature of the state for the past week was 65 degrees or 6 degrees higher than for the cor responding week of last year The maximum temperature recorded at Lincoln for the week was 93 degrees and the maximum wind velocity was 32 miles an hour DANBUEY Clarence and Claude Young were McCook visitors Friday There- was a pound social held for Rev II W W Allen Tuesdaj night at this place Ed Young is working for C W Rogers for a couple of weeks The little daughter of J J Yarnall has been very sick A number of pupils outside of the district are attending school here There was a social held at the Wm Musgrove home Friday eve ning A nice time was reported Ralph Dolph and Al Boyer at tended the rural carriers conven tion held at McCook Monday last If you can feed a goat red flannel shirts can you give a pig iron Will Kelly Webster Dowler S G Bastian and G B Morgan and wife were among these who at tended the state fair at Lincoln Several from here attended the Kit Carson show at McCook Fri day The Jolly Thimble club met with Mrs Ethel DeMay Wednes day afternoon Mr and Mrs M M Young vis ited at the C W Rogers home Sunday Mrs Albert Dolph is expected home soon from Denver where she has been the last few months Pierre Mae Fee purchased the Sims residence in town and has moved there Lumb Wise mov ed to his own place Foss Mac Fee has rented the ir L Goodenberger place north of town and will move as soon as it is vacated George Bastian arrived home from Omaha Friday where he lias been -working fi7M iiii I THE COUNCILMANIO BODY Are In Regular Session Monday Night Their Doings The city council was in regular session Monday night with the mayor Councilmen Middleton Stansberry and Brown and City Clerk Stoll and City Attorney Wolff present Absent Council man Woods Minutes of previous meeting read and approved Bills as follows were allowed and warrants ordered issued J W Rhodes 14 00 Neptune Meter Co 19 80 R M Osborn 1 0d McCook Electric Co 4 43 Frank Cain 12 40 Frank Cain 25 00 D H Donnelly 54 00 Robt H Dawson 48 00 Roy Stone 13 60 McCook Electric Co 93 10 J M Henderson 17 50 E C Underbill 55 00 Nick Snyder 5 00 I A Underbill 50 00 McCook Water Works Co 32 35 II P Waite Co 36 40 John Eckstedt 85 40 Standard Oil Co 17 92 F W Rank 83 33 John Underbill 45 00 L A Fitch 32 50 Fred Schlagel 60 00 Ed Fitzgerald 55 00 E II Briggs 1 00 W M Robison 1 00 E Benjamin 7 50 T C liegeman 40 00 I N McDoukal 66 20 Polk Bros SO D II Donnelly 1 00 E F Osborn on behalf of the city fire department presented a protest against the proposed well in all parts of the district redction of firemens salaries where winter grain is raised and d offered the resignations of the seeded acreage will be very the members of the department in case the old rates are not re sumed The city clerk was instructed to secure prices of fire hydrants Moved bjr Councilman Stansber ry that the water committee be intsructed to report to council the necessary number of fire hy drants to put city in adequate condition as to fire protection Moved by Councilman Stans berry that water committee be instructed to examine condition of fire hose The mayor appointed Council man Middleton to cooperate with park committee on proposed wat er works park project Engi neer I L Rodstrom is the mem ber of the committee represent ing the railroad employes The member of the committee for the McCook Commercial club is Moved by Stansberry that city treasurer be instructed pay Mc Cook Water Works Co the war rant now held up by the council The city physician was instruct ed to have the city water arld yzed R F D No 3 Still dry Farmers are still cutting foddei G C Clamp and C L Haw kins were in town yesterday George Hawkins delivered hogs in McCook yesterday September 13th a 3 lb son was born to Mr and Mrs Fred Grovers All doing well but Fred who expects to return to work in 30 days Some wheat is still being sown Mrs Larson was here to attend the funeral of W N Cratty R F D No 4 Mrs G n Rowland was in town Tuesday with a load of musk melons H Schmidt is putting up hay Milt Clark is cutting his entire crop of hay for seed Both J W Burtless and W G Dutton have nice fields of ir rigated corn Clint Hamilton has a fine field of wheat up Yong Bros have had their sale H J Cozad will have his sale Friday and Swartz and len will have their sale om the 20th Subscribe for the Semi Weekly Tribune 100 per year The Tribune 100 the year tured wrist he could not work The state fair visitors arrived home Friday They say it was a great treat to see the bird men make their flights Mr and Mrs Andy GTreer are the proud parents of a baby girl born Thursday Sept 7th Mrs Millie Billings left for McCook on Saturday for a visit with her brother Dan Clouse and family iimowies uong a wagon show trourje cave a nerformflriefi Owing to a here Monday night WKSSMEXBBBmiMaSm Facts quality No picture however attractive no price however low can justify the purchase of a stove or range that lacks the vital element of Quality Experience skill science and plain old fashioned honesty in materials and workmanship must all be wrought into the stove or range before it has the quality that will stand the test o years A 30 day test of stoves or ranges which many Mail Order Stove Concerns oiicrmerely limits the responsibility of the seller to that brief period We are responsible for the qual ity as long as the stove or range is in your possession Note the tremendous advan tages of buying from a local dealer who slakes his reputation on Garland Quality 2 Guarantee Your guarantee of quality when you buy Garland Stoves or Ranges is based on forty years Seed Wheat For Sale No 2 Red Turkey wheat for sale Updike Grain Co Phone 169 Everything thats seasonable in fruits and vegetables at Ilubers all the time When it is anything in drugs or druggist sundries go to ilcCon nell druggist We carry a full line of cathar tic mineral waters desirable for hot weather A McMILLEN Druggist 100 The Tribune one year Foleys Honey and Tar Compound Still retains its high place as the best household remedy for all coughs and colds either for children or for grown persons Prevents serious re sults from a cold Take only the genuine Foleys Honey and Tar Com pound and refuse substitutes A McMillen BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES and Purifies the Blood Lumber and Coal Thats AH But we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and complete stocks in all grades Barnett Lumber o Phone 5 TlMVMMt1VHlHM1HMT Heating PlumbiDg Middleton Ruby Are prepared to fur nish estimates on short notice They keep a complete line of Bath Tubs La vatories Sinks and other plumbing mater ial including a good line of lawn hose and sprinklers Phone No 182 wnat a wihr y ii of stove building and the satisfaction-giving of Garlands in over 4000000 homes No mail order stove concern in the world offers such insurance on your Investment Why risk the unknown Mail Order brands i 9 Wvol McCook Nebr H 4 Delays In bayins n Rtoro or rnnco by mail you run the risk of exasperating le lnyg Instances nro on record where tho anxious Layer waited six months fordelntry hlnglo shipments are subject to tJILlaAaliiSZ astray requiring nra uimplttnM irwt t n t rnticif Every Stove or range sold by why not buy from us your local mail is on paper the greatest Garland dealer who can make imme hnrtrnin nvor rtfftrttT diate deliverrtt fW KMMKL2ar jiaJtZiLlZsZZyZM Hardware 61 Huber Liiti X Order to Show Cause In the district court of Red Willow county State of Nebras ka In the matter of the appli cation of Nina Ilarris Wade ad ministratrix of the estate of James B Wade deceased for license to sell real estate Now on this 23rd day of Aug ust 1911 this cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Nin Harris Wade administratrix of the estate of James B Wade de ceased praying for license to sell the following described real es tate of the said James B Wade to wit lot numbered six in block numbered six in the original town now city of McCook Redwillow county Nebiaska for the pay ment of debts against said es tate and allowance and costs of administration for the reason there is not sufficient personal property belonging to said estate to pay said debts allowance and costs It is ordered on consideration by me that all persons interest ed in said estate appear before me at chambers in the court house in the city of McCook in said county on the 7th day of October 1911 at one oclock P M to show cause if any there be why license should not be granted to said Nina Harris Wade administratrix to sell so much of the above described real estate of said decedent as shall be necessary to pay said debts allowance and costs It is further ordered that a copy of this order be served np on all persons interested in said estate by causing the same to be published once a week for four successive weeks in the McCook Tribune a weekly newspaper printed and published in said Eedwillow county Nebraska R C ORR Judge of the District Court First publication Aug 24- 4 ts MKjfr dT 2 s n SK for the hook on Thn Onlv Safe Wnv to Bnv Stows nnr Rpnapc - -- -- -- vuwuwii - Be sure to see the above tradc maik always on famous Garland Stoves and Ranges Never sold by Mail Order or Catalog Al ways by the molt reliable dealers Made for over 40 years Highest In over 4000000 homes 1 Quality j As a matter or simple justice to the public we as agents of the largest makers of stoves and ranges in the world give here and in this special book the facts about mail order stove buying We wish it understood that we are not fighting any Mail Order Stove Concern We aim our blow at the system where the buyer takes great chances of getting his moneys worth Consider carefully the questions involved in the purchase of a stove or range which must either give years of day-to-day service and satisfaction or prove an absolutely worthless investment J offer money back if their stovo or range after 30 days Irto trial faila to eire satisfaction Bat remombor that when yon cet n stove- or range on freo trial tho mail order concern has jour money nnii you men the stove It generally tiLcs so much effort for gaTnhheinofVe0bCbeasrt 5 Knock Down 7 The Best Way assets of the mail order system ci B of stove selling OtOVeSi delays or damage ond frequently eq the buyer to sell the start- back to tho weeks of tracing mail order house und if successful to re crate and re ship it that not one dissatisfied mail order buyer In a thousand actually does it A cood dealer right in your home town not some unknown concern Dont Ipt f liihnmnin fVi mn - ti - s vr 1 r JUU miles nwnv is tHe one awa7Tritb7onriu7KyteM up r adr for -ST The taJEmSt jfillSlk SlM ima mnHnrtn paa AnnnAM An ntirmin inpm cor rnom nn nun nrnpir - z them himself In case of breakage ho ell tovp for le than their makeaIue without bank- nmt muko complaint by letter wait going a 0nK time for new parti and suffer rupt The huge profits of mail- the uiconienience of delay order selling come out of the Wo deliver yonr stove or ranee set buyers pocket Your own good P complete blacked and ready for judgment will teil you that a immediate use local merchant who buys stoves hlch ay 13 bcst and ranges in carloads will give AiT7 RrIrl you a better ileal and dinger value U lVlUUcy OatKi than you can ever secure from Wo do not question tli good faith any mail order stove concern t anil order stoo concerns who satisfaction His judgment on sto T nnro nlues comes from lo y cce Come and eo u before you r ako your next rurthiso Get Uu benefit of our experience Have us explain how Garland Stoves nnd Ranges nro made all the details thit go to make up quality and value and satisfactory service for which thev uro famous throughout the entire world That a the U st vnv to Ik sure of cettinc year ccaey j worth Ask fcr the GarJand Books on rThs Only Safe Way to Buy Stoves and Ranges McCook Co 5Hftfas BULLARD LUMBER CO SELLS THE BEST LUMBER AND COAL PHONE NO 1 afcAJjakadje - 1IWW1 - i 1 1 Notice is hereby given that by handles the Carhart - - WfXi virtue of chattel mortgage gloves and caps also and a full line of other makes The best brands of canned fruits and vegetables at Magners Common Colds Must be Taken Ser iously for unless cured they sap the vitality and lower the vital re sistance to more serious infection Protect your cnildren and yourself by the prompt use of Foleys Hon ey and Tar Compound and note its quick and- decisive results For coughs colds crown whooping cough bronchitis and affections of the throat chest and lungs it is an ever ready and valuable remedy A Mc Millen a ex- eeuted to the McCook National Bank of McCook Nebraska by Charles F Edwards and Martin L Yager dated May 10 1911 and filed in the office of the county clerk of Red Willow county Ne braska on May 26 1911 on which default has been made and npon which there is now due the sum of three hundred and twenty-five dollars with ten per cent interest per annum thereoni from August 10 1911 said McCook Na tional Bank will expose for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder on the thirtieth day of September 1911 at the hour of one oclock P M on lot 9 in block 28 in the original town now city of McCook in said Red Willow county Nebras ka the property mentioned in said chattel mortgage to wit One platform scale one hanging scale one new National cash reg ister one 8x10 compartment ice box purchased from C B Civer Co one marble top wood conn ter with four paper cutters and all parts complete three meat blocks one chipped beef cutter one nickel plate piece rack aH knives saws and tools six new curtains for windows all trays and meat pans metal hooks for box one new GO gallon iron ket tl one old 45 gnllon iron kettle one eomplet iron lard press one electric motor complete one com plete Entcrpre meat grnd3r and bolts and tools for one bono grind r vomplele inok room tools and fixtures block and tackle and rope one delivery buggy one set of new single har ness used in delivery one white spring wagon and one set of sin gle harness one gray horse name Tom five years old weight about 1200 pounds one bay horse about ten years old weight about 950 pounds all slaughter house fix tures and tools one sausage stuf fer complete all interest in slaughter house one large clock one 24 foot counter one pole der rick 25 feet of heavy steel chain one Webber gasoline engine with belts gears and all other tools and fixtures used on May 10 11911 or since added in conduct ing the meat market in the build ing on said lot on Main Street in said city known as the Kapke building Dated at McCook Nebraska September 6 1911 The McCook National Bank By Ritchie Wolff It attorneys First publication Sept 7 4ts m J r J f M 1 i t U n H i