The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 11, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 3

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    Rxtra Conductor Frank
bauer who has been on the Re
publican City Oberlm line tor
some time is now uraiang on
the Imperial line making Ids first
trip Friday morning
Dispatcher ana -Mrs r
rtmrmhnll are eniovane the sen
sation of being grand parents A
daughter was born to Mr and
Mrs Frank Humphries of Mon
rovia Kansas on tiie btn
T F Enright who nas oeeu
conductor on the Orleans bt
tfrnnms nnssenerer run for sever
al years lias been worthily pro
moted and will now nave cnurgu
of some of the passenger trains
nn the Denver Hastings run
Beaver City Tribune
Passenger trains last weeiv
worn mnTiv of them delayed
doubtless on account of the great
state fair traffic ino o
lv faiifld to malec Her scneouie
Pay flay is bulletined for
next Thursday the 14th at 130
p m
-Sparks from the Oberlm
branch frieght locomotive set the
Republican City depot on fire on
Tuesday The blaze started in
the roof and for a short time it
threatened the destruction of the
building The fire however was
extinguished before a great
amount of damage had been done
Harlan County Ranger
McCooe Nebraska
PtiBTro RK3 I
In tbo State of Nebraska at the close of busi
ness September 1 1911
Loans and Discounts 14i974 10
Overdrafts secured and unsecured G2 18
TJ S Bonds t secure circulation 5UUUU W
Premiums on U S Bonds n Sc J
Bonds securities etc
Banking bouse furniture and fixtures Jlt Jo
Due from National Banks not reserve
agents1 1921 03
Due from state and private banks and
bankers trust companies and
banks -
ings -----
Due from approved reserve agents 404WJ
Checks and other cash items M
Mnfpcnf nthpr National Banks 9u IX
Fractional paper currencynickels and
Demand certificates of deposit
Time certificates of deposit
Certified Checks -
Cashiers checks outstanding
Ill 02
Lawful Monet Reseeve in Bank viz
Specie S12959 00
Legal tender notes 9a 00 13i4 w
Redemption fund with US Treasurer
5 per cent of circulation w
Total 209926 20
Capital stock paid in iMJS
Surplusfund 10000 00
Undivided profits less expenses and
taxespaid illH
National Bank notes outstanding uOOUO OU
Due to other National banks 1044 21
Due to State and Private Banks and
Bankers o00u 00
TnrtiirtnnidpnoRits snbiect to check 70 222 84
2340 12
3657 75
500 00
44 95
Total 269290 20
State of Nebraska
County of Red Willow J -
I C J OBrien cashier of the above named
bank do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true to the best of my knowledge and
belief C J O Beien Cashier
Correct Attest
P VAisn
P F McKenna
CFLehn Directors
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this Stn
day of September 1911 S Coedea
seal Notary Public
My commission expires January 25 1917
Williani Fall round house
foreman at Holdrege was at
headquarters Saturday on busi
John Crawford the coal ex
pert came to town on 10 Sat
urday evening from work in his
line out west
George Baker wire chief at
Sterling Colorado came in from
the west on 10 Saturday evening
on a short visit at headquarters
Mr and Mrs C 0 Moore
and bahy daughter of Denver
visited -with friends in our city
between No 14 Saturday night
and No 9 Monday morning
Engineer Traubert with an
S l No 2809 rolled a fruit spe
cial from MeCook to Hastings
Friday night in- fine style av
eraging nearly 50 miles an hour
beating No 6s time between
these two points by a margin of
eight minutes
Claude Viersen of May wood
is a new worker in the shops
J F Wells is a new operator
going to work first of last week
Sup t Flynn went up to- Den
ver Friday in special 83 attach
ed to No VS
Henry Moers is on the relief
with a -badly mashed foot his
right one
Paul Benjamin was arawm to
Oxford Saturday evening by an
attraction all his own
Mrs J W Hasty went to St
Francis Kansas Saturday to vis
it JW a few days Will return
Engineer Jake Matz is on
the Brush Wray local now run
ning out of Brush
D II Phebus duel clerk in
the companys store house at
Hannibal Mo was in the city
jlose of week on a visit
Mr and Mrs S D Hughes
go down to Lincoln tonight to be
present at the wedding of her sis
ter Miss Nellie Wilcoxon
i v - 0-
Mrs Jolm Madron is a ty
phoid fever sufferer
Miss Grace Whitcomb and
mother were Denver visitors Sun
Business is looking up right
along and new firemen and other
employes are being put to work
Engineer and Mrs J A Eck
man went clown to Orleans end
of week on a visit to relatives
and friends
Engineer 0 G Coppon re
turned Saturday morning from
attending the state fair and wenl
to work
Engineer W F Niewig laid
off Saturday from his regular
run on the McCook Holdrege lo
cal No 148
Engineer W L Egbert is in
the R 4 service now coming back
to MeCook from tue iiasnngs iteu
Cloud local
The 1904 recently rebuilt in
tiio shons went tnru to
Denver Thursday night double
heading on n
Mrs W H Dungan and Don
aid left Saturday night to join
the rest of the family in Denver
where they will reside this win-
Mr and Mrs Leo Hileman
who went to Colorado a week
or two since on a visit arc both
in a hospital in La JuntaColora
do sick with typhoid fever
Fireman A D Troyer got n
cinder in his eye a week or two
since and the injury became so
serious he had to go to Omaha
to have the injured member at
tended to
Bert Stevens and Lawrence
Campbell who have held positions
in the round house here I for the
past seveeral months were called
into MeCook last Saturday to -go
firing out of that place Akron
Weekly Pioneer Press
Last week the company set
tled with Mrs Robert Shepherd
for 12500 and with Mrs C A
Hilsabeck for 8500 Both wo
men live at Holdrege and their
husbands were killed in the rail
road wreck at Indianola in May
The Missouri Pacifics new
shop at Falls City very receently
opened but involved in a iouumi
strike at the very outetart has
been closed for a year by ie
company Several MeCook boys
are unfortunately out of jobs on
that account
Friday and Saturday Septemper lsanaib
Such charm and beauty will grace
in the strongest way possible how demons we are
our friends and customers
This season that we wish to impress upon
these two days THE LATEST CREATIONS OF MILLINERY remarkable for the
that you should visit our store during
of merit from leading Pans Modistes
- nA fnbicn FRENCH MODEL HATS which include patterns
T7vrTTTTVF NEW YORK PATTERNS selected with the greatest of care
and FXQUISITE ORIGINAL MODELS designed in our own work room will be shown amid
7 music both afternoon and evenings to add to the beauty and attractiveness
surroundings in our Millinery Department with --
these two OPENING DAYS and
displayed during
Will be prominently
All Departments of Our Store will be stocked
with the Seasons Best Ideas
It has been a great pleasure to prepare
will increase this pleasure by your presence
Dry Goods Millinery
Ladies Furnishings
222 Main Av Phone 56
we trust that you
Thp Pennsylvania railway has
notifiiifl connections that hence
forth it will refuse box cars de-
signed to carry twenty tons or
less except ventilated cars from1
the south carrying perishable
freight Light cars are now an
element of danger in many trains
because of the great preponder
ance of heavy cars When its
own ears are taken out or seiv j
ice because of low capacity the
Pennsylvania destroys the bodies
by burning them for it has found
that when sold to other roads
they frequently reappear on the
vn rjonro ft Moo redee You are
hereby notified that complaint
has been made to me that there
is an uncovered well into which
stock may fall and receive injury
existing on the land owned by
you to wit the southeast quar
ter of section four in township
three north ot range tnirty west
of the sixth P M in Red Willow
county Nebraska and that unless
you cover the same by the 23rd
day of September 1911 I will
proceed to do so and have the
same taxed against your said
Road Overseer of Road District
Number 6 Red Willow County
First publication Sep 5 3ts
To Ida Lewis and to Whom it
May Concern
You will take notice that on
the 17th day of December 1909
I purchased at private tax
sale from the treasurer of Red
Willow county Nebraska lots
II and 12 in block 4 North Me
Cook Red Willow county Neb
for the delinquent taxes assessed
thereon for the years 1891 to
1908 inclusive and have since
paid the taxes thereon for the
years 1909 and 1910 said lots
were assessed for taxes for the
years 1891 to 1911 inclusive in
the name of Ida Lewis
That after the expiration of
three months from the date of
the completed service of this no
tice by publication and after the
17th day of December 1911 I
shall aDnlv to the County Treas
urer of said county for a deed to
said premises
First publication Aug 29 3t
jsnsunjuj 1 AU
For service durability and econ
Climatic Paint
omy use Lincoln
Sold only by
A McMILLEN Druggist
Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in Me
Cook for the unexcelled Barring
ton Hall coffees Priced at 20c
25c and 35c per pound
Order to Show Cause
In the district court of Red
Willow county State of Nebras
ka In the matter of the appli
cation of Nina Harris Wade ad
ministratrix of the estate of
James B Wade deceased for
license to sell real estate
Now on this 23rd day ot Aug
ust 1911 this cause came on for
If Ittfl
crij fill Mm
hearing upon the petition of Nin
Harris Wade administratrix of
the estate of James B Wade de
ceased praying for license to sell
the following described real es
tate of the said James B Wade
to wit lot numbered six in block
numbered six in the original town
now city of MeCook Redwillow
noiintv Nebiaska for the pay
ment of debts against said
tate and allowance and costs oi
administration for the reasoE
there is not sufficient personal
property belonging to saiu eu
to pay said debts allowance ami
It is ordered on consideration
by me that all persons interest
ed in said estate appear before
me at chambers in the cours
house in the city of MeCook -in
said county on the 7th day -of
October 1911 at one oclock P
M to show cause if any there
be why license should not bs
granted to said Nina Hares
Wade administratrix to sell sc
much of the above described real
estate of said decedent as shaE
be necessary to pay said debts
allowance and costs
T is further ordered that -
copy of this order be served up
on all persons interested in sai
estate by causing rfhe same to be
published once a week for fosr
successive weeks in the MeCodfc
Tribune a weekly newspaper
printed and published in saM
Redwillow county Nebraska
Judge of the District CourL
First publication Aug 24- 4 ts
Irrigated Lands
Assert Their Value
The irrigated areas dn the Bfe Horn Basin and the MnjJJ
ley present at this time a wholesome sample ol J01
the vicinity ot i
homesteads in
nn thp Government irrigated
ooanTnd Wyof and along the TejJJ
wheat oat
of alfalfa
magnificent crops
Huntley Montana there are
POtarnSamUpSrsuppry ofater is furnished throng a the season gj
GovernmSt Along the Big Horn river upon lands taken under h
SreyTc there are likewise extensive areas of profitable crops
SlIrrSalse ey are LS
Tot mTverT waySlect TotAand andey take a- dep interest
ttft TtfwmtthTlocality the week of August 6th to 12th and
everywhere sSh Excellent yields such highly developed farms canals
fnrSr land going under cultivation as
fist srowing towns
f11 J hiVrtKent that there are -not today in the United Stat
es SS dtonceJ succesXl farming and future homes than upon
the irrigated lands of th above named regions
Join- our persuimy tunuuv -- --
for yourself what I am trying to make plain to you
Immigration Agent
inni Pnrnam Street OMAHA NE