7 K ft THIRTIETH YEAR School Supplies Wp have a large assortment of pencil and drawing tablets com position and note books slates pencils pencil boxes erasers pens penholder ink etc Special prices in quantity to school districts A McMILLEN Druggist Gan Pay at the Store Parties owing the Updike Co mav pay their bills at Jones Cos confectionery and news stand on lower Main avenue Phone 13 or 169 S S GARVEY Manager If You Have houses to rent list them with Whittaker Gray They have several applications on file now for houses Phone black 2S3 Of fice in Temple block McConneli for drugs Fresh fruits at Magners If vou would catch the calf salt the cow Try a Tribune want ad and watch results Manners groceries meet fully the pure food law requirements Let McConneli supply your school needs and you need never doubt about the quality All grades of Oxford flour and oaoii sack guaranteed at the Mc Cook Flour and Feed Store For furnace or stove coke mak es splendid fuel Its 8 per ton BARNETT LUMBER CO Hfv Toinpinber today to get a bottle of McConneli s Light ning Corn Remedy and get rid ot your corns Quality and price courtesy and promptness in delivery are mak ing for success at the McCook Flour and Feed Store Barnett Lumber Co is selling furnace or stove coke fine qual ity for 8 a ton nave a ton de livered to your bin The annual thank offering meet in of the missionary society ol the Congregational church will be held at the home of Mrs 1 after B Campbell on Thursday noon A game of base ball is in pros i nonr future between the married and single men of tin city a free-for-all rroceeus wu J - nil- Messrs go to tne cibj -Green and Darnell are pushing the matter More- particulars later FOR RENT The Ebert place 10 room house steam heat bath Good barn granary and chicken house on premises Inquire ot D C Marsh J XazSJfclJar Jr v - St Louis Missouri A large com pany enjoyed the affair The re frpsbmpnts were elaborate and daintily served Mrs James Hat field and Miss Julia Ryan assist ing the hostess and the guests of honor Miss Ries and Miss Reisch presiding at the large tables pouring the- coffee and thfi ice cream The din JfltCook ing room was darkened and ar tificial illumination effectively utilized Withal it was one of the notable social functions ot the summer Special Examination The state department sends this word In order to accommo date those county superintend ents and teachers who have plan ned on an examination we have decided to give one on Septem ber 15 16 Questions will he sent all county superintendents with out special request This examination will be held in the court house Friday and Saturday ELIZABETH BETTCIIER County Superintendent Gave a Breakfast Mis J R Stansberry gave a 730 oclock breakfast Saturday morning to a company of land friends in honor of her guest and niece Miss Donna Withey of Om aha Miss Gene MeKenna and Miss Marie Houlihan assisted in serving The house was attract ively decorated with cannas nas turtiums etc adding an effec tive detail to a clever affair The Only Union Made r fvllc in the citv are the Car- hart Huber is the exclusive agent Also jackets and caps The phone is 97 Dainty hands are one of the feminine charms and it behooves every lady to keep heer hands in perfect condition as possible It is easy to keep them looking nice if your toilet table is equipped with necessary manicure goods We have nail files scissors buf fers enamels brushes etc Also lotions and all manicure prepara tions L W MiCONNELL Druggist Our school began Monday with Miss Laura Glandon of McCook as teacher and 35 pupils enrolled Fairview cor of Marion Enter prise Among the recent new fire II Walsh W L men are George VanMeter W II Kinder E L Carhill Guy Robinson and A J Mowreer Weve no use for ordinary spic should Try oiu es nor you kind L W McCONNELL Druggist Fine coke for furnace or for o ot R00 rer ton BARNETT LUMBER CO Star Kent DeLoys horse won the 220 pace in Wray Colorado last Friday Coke far furnace or stove o per ton Barnett uumuei w fine Try a ton Magner sells better groceries than the just as good kind Iry him for an order Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee and be happy At Hub er s only rvn W wise is apparently more desired than goodness Everything in drugs McCon nell Trust in the Lord but hustle You are cordially invited to attend our Fall Opening t Friday and Saturday Sept 15 and 16 as announced m the last issiie J C L Veuavux ov - Monday Evening Edition For Mrs Howe Mrs II II Miller and Mrs P A Pennell entertained in hon or of Mrs Howe of Ainsworth Thursday afternoon at the home of -Mrs Miller on 2nd street cast at a bridge whist party of happy particulars Mrs 11 button carried off the honors of the af ternoon After the conclusion of the games dainty refreshments -were served Mrs Marie Bronson assisting the hostess in this de tail Inspecting Wiring A M Wilson the city electric ian is busy these days inspecting electric wiring over the city He is finding considerable wiring -which will have to be replaced Some of the work has already been done This is an import ant matter It is just as vital to those having defective wiring as it is to the city at large and in general Farms for Rent I have several well improved farms for rent Will furnish the seed wheat for the right party Also have a lot of property for sale cheap for cash Must get this matter off my hands before October 1 as I expect to leave foi Washington Phone or write J II WESCH Cedar Bluffs Kas Thimble Party Mrs Frank Real was the gra cious hostess at a thimble party Saturday afternoon from 2 30 to 6 oclock in honor of her guests Snsif Rniscli of Springfield Illinois and Miss Amy Hies of University Professorship Supt Taylor of the McCook High School Is Thus Highly Honored INCIDENTALLY McCOOK FEELS THE DISTINCTION Supt Taylors Well Known Special Qualifications for the New Position Congratulations Mingled With Much Regret Enters Upon New Duties September 20 The news of the appointment of Supt Taylor of the McCook public schools to a Nebraska uni versity professorship will be a surprise to most readers of The Tribune and a source of regret to many A telegram Saturday announced the fact and Supt Taylors acceptance Professor Charles W Taylor for several years superintendent of the McCook public sciioois was recently appointed professor of school administration in the Teachers College nigh School Mr Taylor has been regarded tor years as one of the most efficient high school teachers and admin- n 1 -ix L Tlor fairs having been chosen on the Interstate Debating team serving as corresponding secretary ot the Y M C A and in other posi tions of honor Since leaving the University Mr Taylor has had an Ci TTtiri pjjjjJjjjPI t IJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJE eniviable career as an educator he served as superintendent of schools at Ohiowo two years at Geneva seven years and was just entering upon his fourth year as superintendent of the McCook schools His summers were de voted to work in institutes teacli ers North Central Association of Colleeres and Secondary schools This high school is organically connected with the Teachers Col lege for which it serves as a field for the study ot educational problems connected with high school teaching and administra tion Professor Taylors skill in high school administration fits him in a peculiar way for this new task upon which he is now entering the attendance at this school was last year one hundred and fifty During the summer ex tensive improvemeents have been made in the laboratories and reci tation rooms and a new class room has been added to provide istrators cr uu suit uj ftllmttTrf n from the tor me en mgcu r ka IP was graduated 20th 21st and 22nd sitv of Nebraska from which lie took his A B degrae in 189S The faculty ot this high school While he was in the university he for the coming year embraces the wns nrominent in smuum iwi Srtbtme McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA MONDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 11 1911 Professor Taylor principal Cora B Hill supervisor of math ematics Dorothy Mayland su pervisor of German Daisy Need ham supervisor of European his inrv William French supervisor of agriculture Harriet Folger superintendent of home econom ics Mabel Metcalf supervisor of botany Donee Griffith supervis or olii ogriphy John F Power supervisor of the assembly hall vcklandr supervisor ot i music Ii addition to this corps of high school teachers the follow ing professors from the faculty ol the Teachers college will direct work in their respective fields Doctor Stuff English Language and Literature Professor Per singer American History Profes sor Browneil Physical Science Professor Barber Latin Profes sor Conklin French Tl nonointmenl involves fcn standing and salary of a regular professorhip in the Nebraska university and the scope of his duties is thus set forth by Chan cellor Samuel Avery is his notice of appointment Mr Charles W Taylor is here by appointed professor of school administration and principal or Tfiachers College high school conventions associ nim - 0Q0 lt tiia law in T- i - lie occuni d the position oi th Stati Junior Normal beginning October 1st c pao The high school is to Temple school for six years the position of iivsdent or the Central Ne 1 be organized as a department ot hraika Teachers association al j the Tochers college ot which so of th Southwest Nebraska i ror rayior is io tv i Teachers association and as pres j ijjis reiauou u tn Nebraska Teachers college will b similar ident of the Central v- f i i nninn to th relations exsitmar between tion as director of the Smrthvst the principal of tire Sc1kkI of Ag Nebraska High School Debating i iimikui um m - uw t nY tho State college Hi School Declamnatory Union The distinction cam io Sup and as vice president of the Taylor without tli Ei nr du Nebraska Teachers association v hil xhe separation from tli3 He is a member oi the National printndsney of tlu McCock fnoic nfMitinn and of the hio h rhco Avill cans scm lUllii ia o -- Nebraska School Masters Club barrassmnt and is rjgretreu uj Prof Taylors resignation at th sehool board teachers and McCook takes place September 20 many pupils and patrons of th of the board school the attitude when will enter upon the of the principalship of The of edncii on m reluctantly agree es to th retirement of Sup t High School ing Tachers College will be appreciated when wliic is a four year accredited Taylor Sf school recognized by the the largeness of the opportunity TO TRIBUNE SUBSCRIBERS Notices are being mailed to aU delinquent i from all If you annable to a nromnt navment is requested SavSpttSidly write or call and explain Subscriptions wS be Sd for at the rate of 100 per year up to Janu UT 1 iqio when the price will be advanced to 150 Artaf Sftf p will be AH back subsec tions up to that time will be at the rate of 100 per 1st year 1912 ai subscriptions paid in advance previous to January will be at the rate of 100 per year y subscriptions to The Tribune are payable in vancT and tL requirement will be more strictly enforced in SeTSPecTSly I the case of subscribers living outside of Red Willow county THE pUBLISHER is considered While there has been no for mal resignation by Supt Taylor or formal acceptance by the JBSBg With the departure of August come the days when it is just a wee bit too cool for lingerie cos tumes yet too warm to wear a coat with comfort For this in-between-time a warm woolen dress becomes almost a necessity especially for those who linger at uv -v ss mm L i M m i m my WW The Ladies Hose Journal Pattern iNo 6141 the country home or who are for tunate enough to take their va cation during the prettiest month rf the vear September The charming dress shown here sweet in its simplicity is of blue serge trimmed with self colored satin serge buttons and having cuffs and collars piped with silk cord to match From the broad collared blouse so deservedly pop ular to the skirt Avhich obeys fashions dictates and is siiglitiy liilW than the silhoutte of the season past the design is ultra svlith Being devoid of ornamentation a garment of this sort recom mends itself to the business wo man the traveller and all who ict their dress allow ance and want the maximum of utility at modest cost While the dress pictured in the illustration is of serge it nssd not be confined to this weave Homespuns herringbones chev iots and kindred fabrics can be usde with striking effect It is the proved quality of Mag ners groceries that accounts for their Tncreasing popularity with the buying public Every patron is a satisfied patron The members of the Ladies Aid society of the uetnotirsi church will meot in the parsonag Thursdav afternoon of this week Wn have a shipment of fine coke which we are selling at 8 a BARNETT LUMBER CO If you feel you want to be shown in matter of quality go to the McCook Flour and Feed Store Wc never hesitate to guarantee Lily Patent flour At the Mc Cook Flour and a eea store For special on dill sour and sweet pickles see Magner Wants for rent for vsale etc 5c a line in The Tribune McConnell fills prescriptions NUMBER 31 Not a Thriller The DerformaTr of the - Kit feCr Wild West ffTV Incf UlmWnif WJUIX UU iUOU X- J UUUJ AM rf 1l 1 1 l AHnnOmn - i trir nnnTn it ofiniii ii - - i vvvm ivcaxu uj vvimiuw j matter has been gone over in a tentative informal way and a re luctant conclusion arriveed at the board had expressed a willing ness to materially advance the present salary Prof Taylor will regularly en ter upon his new duties Septem ber 20 the family will not leave for Lincoln until a later date The McCook board of educatior is of course naturally anxious to fill the approaching vacancy at earliest possible date A number of annlicants will doubtless be on the field and considered during this present week A SNAPPY SERGE DRESS FOR EARLY AUTUMN this city was not a tnmier in any adequate sense Indeed it was ouite mediocre They drew a well filled canvas however The parade too lacked severai ieet of the promised two miles of gor geous glittering greatness Notes McCook was evidently show hungry she gave the show the largest attendance of the season A few drunks were given lodg ing and due attention the follow ing morninsr but no disturbance - of note occurred during show day Lo the poor aborigines indulg ed in some little peculation over the city but the merchants were put wise and the Indians got away with but little pelf on that account Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since our last re port M A Watson to Village of Bartley bill of sale the entire electric light plant at Bartley Neb 1500 00 Viola Ivelley to Joseph R Stansberry wd w1 1 30 1 00 Security Land Trust Co to Louis A Bates wd swii 13-3-29 2500 00 Paul S Seeley et al to Emma Sorg wd sw1 12-2-28 1 01 McCook Workmen Won The McCook A O U W team won from Trenton A O U W club in the base ball game at Trenton Saturday The score was 18 to 9 Th local boys say they never nlaved with a finer bunch of boys -than the Trenton- team in their lives getting a square deal and best of treatment Th Trenton team is expected to come down to McCook and play a game in n week or two The Main Store On Main Street If it is the freshest and best in groceries fruits vegetables etc you seek Iook no further than Huibers Seed Wheat For Sale No 2 Red Turkey wheat for sale Updike Grain Co Phone 169U After tonight the city council will meet in the basement of the 1eity library building a more com fortable place than the old quar tftps iinrl nossiblv a more econom ical on We understand these quarters will be used until the city -can afford a city hall of its owa The First National bank is ar ranging to put a new boiler in to Jts basement and a hot wat er system will be installed 100 The Tribune one year To the town for Tuesday and Wednesday A Car Loa3 of Fancy Alberta Peaches Will be offered on the B M Track at 85c per Box The extra Fancy 90c Come and see ihem because they are fine Buy now while they are cheap