I i I 7 It s f m - J in 1 - ij PJ Vy k r - - IF 3d THIRTIETH YEAR Work to Start in Spring Work Avill be started m the spring on the projected 25000 000 railroad passenger station at Chicago 111 for the roads now using the antiquated Union sta tion in Canal street According to Darius Miller president of the Burlington road the station will be erected and operated by the Union Depot Company as a hold ing corporation for the roads which will use the terminal The roads entering Pittsburgh wliich will use the station are the Pitts burgh Fort WajTie Chicago and the Pittsburgh Cincinnati Chicago St Louis Each road is to own a fifth in terest instead of being a tenant of the Pennsylvania system as al present A rough estimate pro vides 14000000 for the land 5 Meat Market Closed The Edwards Bros meat mar ket closed first of the week and m case of a wind storm when there is a fire Beware the Cops Complaints have been filed with the city police against those who make a habit of liding bicycles on sidewalks and orders have been issued to deal according to ordinances with such offenders There is a fine for riding on the iidowilks of the eii1 and offend ers will do well to quit this habit Play Trenton Saturday A team from the McCook A O U W will play the TrentonA O U W team in Trenton Satur day Seed Wheat For Sale No 2 Red Turkey wheat for sale Updike Grain Co Phone 169 Get our rates on farm loans DORWART BARGER Kodaks and kodak supplies L W McCONNELL Druggist Classified Advertisements FOR SALE At a bargain a splendid piano Half down and balance in monthly payments See The Tribune for particulars A seven room modern home in South Denver owner wishes to trade for small modern home in McCook For particulars address editor this paper FOR RENT 4 room cottage on 6th st E Inquire of Jl S Miller 301 6th st E Phone black 376 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping In quire at Drews furniture store 222 west B street WANTED Pupils on piano and or gan beginners preferred Terms 50c per lesson Susie McBride phone black 4G4 - - Examinations for Certificates Examinations shall be held oi the third Friday and following Saturday of each of the months of November January March and May and on the third Fri day and the following Saturday of other montlis upon the special request of five or more county superintendents provided such re quest is made at least thirty days in advance There shall be one special examination on the last Thursday and the following Fri day of July each year Other special dates may be fixed by the state superintendent State Dept Complete Rules 1911 The attention of those interest ed is called to this new ruling of the state department as to the holding of examinations for teach ers certificates Following this illrffiook 000000 to 6000000 for the build Probably there will be no ing and 5000000 for track alter ations and subways Electricity will probably be the motive pow er used to haul trains in and out of the station The trainsheds are to be of sufficient length to accommodate 15 car trains nations held in Red Willow coun ty until November 17 18 1911 The schools of Red Willow ounty are supplied with teach ers and have several teachers holding good grade certificate without schools The grade of certification is rising and this year is much better than that of the previous year No emergen cies or permits are needed while the proprietors have left the city many of the beginners holding We understand they leave a num third grade certificates have ber of local creditors j been working in school this sum- Part of their goods have been mer Ten perhaps more of the taken possession of by a local ones on the list of 1910 1911 of bank wliich held a chattel teachers are attending some high gage The small residue of theer schools this vear three have goods in the market have been entered training schools for seized under attachment for the benefit of some unprotected cred itors It is stated too that some checks were issued against a de l pleted bank account hence these persons are still unindemnified The partners are said to have left the city Monday nighfe - COMMUNICATED We hear some people say why do they pay the volunteer fire men so much why don t they cut down expenses Say how many would get out of bed at night run half a mile in a snow storm for less than 2 or even for that and run the risk of getting hurt and fight fires to save thetown And how many times do they run for notliing when there is a false alarm Where does the fun com m They sure- earn all they get Just see what they sare the town es a few have better positions elsewhere while others are work ing in better positions in our own county A good certificate is only one requisite of a good teacher but with that beginning other things being equal we should have man rxtfellent teachers this rear The Lhiiajiywa QpsivtioiJ -of andteachers is needed to make a good school The school needs you Will you help In the hope that you will T am very truly yours ELIZABETH BETTCIIER McCook Neb Sept 6 1911 v Advertised List The following letters and cards remain uncalled for at the post office Letters Adams Mr J L Baker W Loyal D esvoign Mr Ralph Ediy Mrs Goodwin Mr Walt Husband J R Kimmel Mrs O A Martin R W Pitkin Ed ward F Cards Barbec Master Roland G Brad ley Miss Mary Dotty Miss E Lugar Miss Flossi e Minnick Miss Sallies Median Mr John Perkins Mrs and Mr -Tim Peck ham Mr Geore Scott Mrs John Whitted Mr Arthur When callin for these pleas say they were advertised LON CONE Postmaster Walter Plays Checkers Walter M Ellis was here Sat urday talking up a Woodman play The date has however been postponed indefinitely While here Walter showed Dick Osborn how to play checkers Money to Loan on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store For special on sauer kraut by the gallon see Magner You will find them fresh clean at Magner s grocery and Picture framing WOODWORTH Druggist There will be a regular meeting of the Order of the Eastern Star Friday evening of this week Everything in drugs and medi cines WOODWORTH Druggist Hubers coffee cannot be beat Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents and Wedding Breakfast heads the list Nyals Hirsutone for the scalp cures dandruff makes the hair soft and glossy and stimu lates1 its growth Buy Hirsu tone and be pleased with the result 50c per battle WOODWORTH Druggist Thursday Evening Edition LOCAL AND PERSONAL V Franklin went up to Benkel man yesterday on business Mrs J G Stokes entertained the embroidery club Tuesday af ternoon Norman Silvers and family are down from the claim near Wray on a visit G E Thompson arrived home this morning from his business trip east J R MeCarl who has been east on a business visit arrived home last night F L Wolff returned yesterday morning from attending district court at Holdrege Rodburn Simmons returned on Wednesday noon from liis trip to Omaha and Lincoln Mr and Mrs Joseph Lowley left Sunday for Lincoln in their car to see the state fair II L Kennedy spent yester day in the city on his way to Om aha from a business trip out west Mr and Mrs A P Ely arid hei mother Mrs Smith returned to their Red Cloud home Tuesday night Perry Catheart went down to Lincoln Tuedsay night to enjoy the closing days of the great state fair Mr and Mrs F E Smith are spending a few days in Stratton while F E is off dutv with a sprained ankle Miss Elizabeth Bettcher coun ty superintendent goes down to Lincoln th is evening on educa tional department business O J Ryan followed the crowd to the state fair Wednesday eve ninr He will vivt in Omaha with the son before returning Miss Grace Weybright went down on No 12 Thursday morn ing to Red Willow where she will Aisit the Helms briefly Mr- anJ Xrs Williain JSuiitlL drove down from Stratton Sun day in their car to spend Labor Day here and to visit his broth er F E Smith Miss Winnie A Deigh of Ok lahoma City arrived in the city last evening on 10 and Is a guest of Mrs J W Ridenour Miss Deigh lias been visiting in Den ver and is en route home to Ok lahoma Mrs Fred and Miss Lela of Enid Oklahoma who have been visiting Mrs I L Rod strom were obliged to cut short their visit and leave Wednesday night for the bedside of Mrs Pitt mans mother who is seriously ill ilrs D F Ilostetter and daugl ter Miss Flo Ilostetter departed yesterday on a western visit of several weeks which will include a visit to Seattle Wash Port land Oregon and other Pacific coast points Returning to Idaho Miss Flo will assume her position in the music department of the state university a most desirable place Otir IPiani Ir Abloom With lhe Freest Flowers of the Printing Art It Is a Complete Up to Date Print ing Plant Ready to Do Your Commercial Printing Attractively Your Law Printing Accurately Your Social Printing Artis tically and AH Printing Expeditiously Dont let an early cough hang on It will make more serious coughs come later Cure every cough promptly with McConnells Balsam Price 25 cents McConnell for drugs ON AUTOMOBILE ROUTE Commercial Club Decides to Take Space in Official Guide At the meeting of the McCook Commercial club Tuesday even ing Mr Reed representing the Iowa Publishing Co presented the matter of the guide shortly tc be issued by that company and sought from McCook some public ity in the guide s After quite mature considera tion the club decided to take a page space in the guide and with it 150 guides for distribution by the club These people are the official map and guide makers for the Omaha Denver Trans-Continental Route which runs thru the South Platte country and con sequently thru McCook Their work is careful and detailed and will be much in demand by auto drivers Thirty thousand of these guides will be issued and distrib ted bj the company and by the Automobile Association of Ameri ca and individuals and towns Messrs E S Howell and I L LRodstrom were present in club rooms and presented the idea and purpose somewhat of the rail rod men in their movement fn B yencoui 3gc the city in the devel opment of a city park at the wat er works Th railroad boys have raised several hundred dollars to assist the eitv in the work and B - j are very anxious to see some ac tion taken by the commercial clul and by the city in this matter be fore the season is too far advanc ed The commercial club has a com mittee to cooperate with the rail road men and they two with 4a committee of the city council in Heeidins upon a plan and course to be persued in developing this important enterprise Was decid ed by the -two committees to meet with the city council tliis after noon go down to the grounds look over the situation and be gin if possible plans for the pro posed park The city has made a levy of 1400 for this work and this witl the assistance offered by the rail road men and others will make a splendid beginning in developing play and recreation ground for th people of McCook Real Estate Filings The following real estate filing have been mad ein the county clerks office since our last re port Samuel G Small et al to Wil liam J Parli wd seVi 35- 3 2S 4800 00 D C Marsh et ux to Julia G Yager wd Pt Blk 14 in West McCook 675 00 Frank Coleman et ux to Tolin M Went wd H in 6 Willow Grove 500 CO Frank II Coleman et ux to John M Wentz wd 10 in 6 Willow Grove 500 0 Geo B Wilson et ux to Mary E Moers wd ne nw V se4 U-2-20 3500 00 Near Million Mark It is thought the pumping rec ord September 6th of the city Avater plant is the beet made foi some timo Wednesday in 20 hours pumping S054C0 gallons of Avator Avas delivered from il pumping station Just received a large shipment of popular copyright books to sell at 50c each Come look them over WOODWORTH Druggist Air Sacs of Pigeons The air sacs of the pigeon constitute a system of interstices the value of which lies in their absence of weight and resistance Flying is possible only to a body of high mechanical efficiency divested of all superflnous material The original reptiles which by evolution became birds were divested of superfluous ma terial and the body spaces thus ob tained were Ailed with air sacs The body wall adapting itself to the me chanial requirements became a hollow cylinder serving as a support for tbe organs of movement the mobility of whose parts was assured by the sur rounding air sacs The air cavities in the bones of other birds are similarly explained Harpers VVekly A feAV hammocks left You can get one cheap if you Avant it WOODWORTH Druggist McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY JEVENING SEPTEMBER 7 18 SCHOOLS OPEN TUESDAY The McCook public schools op ened Tuesday with a full teach er corps present and under most favorable circumstances with an outlook for successful year bright and encouraging The total enrollment upon the opening is 900 45 more than up on the opening last year The enrollment in the high school is 125 or 32 more than last year This is especially gratifying It is confidently expected now that the high school enrollment this year will be the highest yet at tained in the history of the city schools The assignment of teachers is as follows Central School Sarah Ryan principal Eng lish Fred V Archer science and athletics Clara Thursbv Latin Esther Bailey mathematics and civics Lena May Williams English Mary Powers 8th A Mabel Howard 8th B 7th A Martha Abel 7th B 6th A Georgetta Doelzell 6th A 6th Louis Donisthorpe 1st B 2nd East Ward Laura McMillen principal 5th Sallie Hawkins 5th B 5th A Anna Hannan 4th Christine Ilollister 3rd Ella Caffrey 2nd - PliOebe Wait 1st Rector preparatory West Ward Jeannette Thorndyke pal music supervisor Amy Kautz 4th Mattie Daugherty 3rd Mabel Winters 2nd Lillian Moorjrlsl Margaret Dunlap preparatory South School May Douglass Janitors Central IIoavc Smith East William Rankin West C C Calvert Notes The state superintendent in per son is expected out in a short time to grant certificates to Mc Cook teachers under the neAV city certification laAA Miss Lela French is clerk in Supt Taylors office Water Fund Satisfactory Although considerable money has been expended for repairs and betterments on the AA ater plant since its purchase by the city it is gratifying to note that f ter paying for these and for all coal on hand salaries of employ es etc more than one thousand dollars remain in the AAater fund nest including any of the 20000 n av on hand from sale of AAater bonds This information may calm any fears industriously pro duced by som one Avho either iiOAV not the facts or are dispos ed to do a little knocking on gen eral principles The present out look is that the city AAater Avorks VI11 bslf sustaininsr Rooms for Rent Suitable for office or livinj rooms Inquire at MeMTLLENS DRUG STORE Our line of cold creams face und hand lotions perfumes etc comprises the specialties of the best manufacturers in the Unit ed States and Europe We inAite your patronage WOODWORTH Druggist You AAill Avant to stop up those holes in the AindoAAs before long See us for glass and putfrv WOODWORTH Druggist Observe the date after your name on The Tribune Notch it up Everything in drugs nell Dont Scold Your Wife if she stands half tha forenoon talking with her neighbors over the back fence She is merelyigetting the news Have the Home Paper sent to her regularly and her hunger for news will be satisfied Then shell have dinner ready on time and your hunger will be satisfied NUMBER 30 CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Christian Science The subject for next Sunday morning is Substance German Evan Lutheran East 6th St Services every Sunday morning at 1030 oclock and evening at 730 O R Richert pastor Congregational Morning ser vice Sept 10 The Religious Adventurer Evening From the Prison to the Throne Third sermon on the Life of Joseph W aim to mate the evening service bright and helpful nvith a short sermon and special music as a feature Episcopal Choir rehearsals on Wednesdays at 8 Guild meeting on Thursdays as announced This Thursday evening at 8 short service and address by Rev Geo L Freebern of the Bishops Fi nancial Department to be follow ed by a mens meeting at the rec tory Friday 730 a m Holy Communion Usual services next Sunday at 11 and 8 oclock Methodist Sunday Sept 10th will be the last Sunday of this conference year The pastor is pleased to announce that in many Avays there has been groAAtl during the year and that he AAill go to conference next AA eek not Avith all reports as he Avould like to have them but AAitli a glad heart for the Avork that has been done and that God has manifest ed nimself as surely as He did to our fathers The God of the church of yesterday is the God of the church today and he aaIio Arill come to God today Avill knov the truth of his abiding presence The pastor AAill leaAe for confer ence Tuesday morning Confer ence Avill be held at Lexington Xeb Bishop Warren presiding There Avill be no services in our church here Sept 17 as that is conference Sunday The reular services Avill be held the Sundav folloAvin DIVINE SCIENCE Health class Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 a m Sunday school class Sim day mornings at 11 oclock NeAv Thought books and magazines for sale Come and talk it over it may be that Avhich you have been seeking for You are cordially invited to these meetings 123 D st Adv MRS J M ROWE KILLED Struck By a Freight Train Cambridge Tuesday At Tuesday morning at about nine oclock Mrs J M RaAAe an aged lady of Cambridge Avas struck by a fast through freight just east of Cambridge depot and hurled to her death Mrs Roaav AAas one of the earliest pioneers of that section and her terrible death is a she to the entire community You dont need to Avoriy about your hot AAater bottle or fountain syringe if you bought it of us We garantee them all WOODWORTH Druggist Little drug needs often become very important ones If you cant come to the store telephone your AAants and AAe Avill deliver L W MtCONNELL Druggist Buy camera and photo supplies of us and you always get fresh goods WOODWORTH Druggist There is magic in the Avords Advo They are the final Avord in canned excellence And Huber is the prophet Smoke Wellerette cigars They are always moist and justf right WOODWORTH Druggist Lily Patent Flour when once used none other will satisfy you School supplies WOODWORTH Druggist All the fresh fruits of the sea son at Magner s Tennis balls at Wo od worth s McConnell fills prescriptions