The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 31, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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t tay Twncrn
Our Oxfords are go
ing fast at the pric
es they are offered
for Dont
delay any longer
to get yours
You will need them
before the summer
is over
A Word to the Wise
Is Sufficient
Corner Store
201 Plain
Izzer Bed Comforts
Home made they are Large
size they are Fluffy and soft
they are Of pure cotton and nice
materials they are Not skimpy
and soggy and smelly as are fac
tory made comforts We make
them ourselves out of the same
clean good satisfactory cotton
hatting coverings and yarn that
we always sell to mother when
she does the making herself Pric
es 200 to 323 You may come
in and select the materials your
self and we will do the rest The
Thompson D G Co Utmost val
ues for cash only
Confetti Rice Etc -It
will he recalled that at a
street fair of some years since
some parties threw coffee and otli
er undesirable articles and that
some harm came to persons who
had these articles thrown into
their faces eyes etc It is hoped
and requested that at the K of
P Day doings Monday persons
confine themselves to throwing
confetti and other harmless and
non injurious articles
Labor Day P 0 Hours
The usual holiday hours will be
observed by the postoffice La
bor Day Monday September 4th
General delivery and stamp win
dow will be open from 8 to 9 a
m and from 12 tolpm City car
riers will make one complete de
livery in the forenoon No ser
vice on the rural routes
The Ladies Arms
We have the light weight vests
with long sleeves the kind these
frost like mornings make you
think about 25c each The
Thompson D G Co Utmost val
Seed Wheat For Sale
No 2 Red Turkey wheat for
sale Updike Grain Co Phone
Magner sells better groceries
than the just as good kind Try
him for an order
Every tiling thats seasonable in
fruits and vegetables at Ilubers
all the time
For special on sauer kraut by
the gallon see Magner
Classified Advertisements
LOST Between my home
and The Ideal Casli store Tues
day evening a diamond setting
Reward for recovery Mrs Marie
Bronson Phone black 108
WANTED Pupils on piano and or
gan beginners preferred Terms 50c
per lesson Susie McBride phone
black 464
FOR RENT 4 room cottage
on 6th st E Inquire of J S
Miller 301 6th st E Phone black
FOR RENT Two furnished
rooms for light housekeeping In
quire at Drews furniture store
222 west B street
Lets Go
The state fair will be held in
Lincoln all the coming week Sep
tember 4 to 8 The entries so far
received in the live stock and ag
ricultural departments give prom
ise of still another record breaker
This event is the farmers great
outing as then they hold family
reunions see all the prominent
men of the state view the fin
ished product in live stock agri
culture and machinery There is
the only place when all kinds of
implements used on the farm can
be seen in motion working side
by side handled by experts so
that a careful selection can be
made of the particular machine
wanted There will be seen the
wonderful Wright Bros flying
machines handled by experienced
aviators in four flights each day
of the fail- Three harness and
three running races are scheduled
for each afternoon In front of
the new grand stand which will
seat 6400 people will be given
concerts by the world famed Lib
erati Concert Band and Grand
Opera company of 61 people 20
of whom are grand opera singers
who will each give an act from
Lucia II Trovatore Car
man Faust etc The Ferran
ti Royal Italian Guards Band will
also be heard in classical con
certs with state bands from Wil
ber Fairbury and Hebron Seven
free Vaudeville numbers are given
on the stage before the grand
stand both afternoon and even
ing Vaudev two running a
hippodrome an Roman chariot
race with a wonderful display of
fireworks followed by an act of
grand opera constitute the even
ing performange Hon Jas Wil
son secretary of agriculture Hon
treo W Norris M C Gqvernor
Aldrich and other noted speakers
will be heard The railroads of
fer reduced rates and camp out
fits can be had on the grounds
Lets go
Guarantees Deposits
The State Bank of Indianola
Nebraska has received its certi
ficate from the State Banking
Board and is now working under
the Depositors Guarantee Fund
of Nebraska
If you are interested in the
guarantee of your deposits and
would like to do business in a
bank possessing this feature the
State Bank of Indianola invites
any inquiries you may wish to
make and will appreciate your
businses 31 2
Stoddard Abrahamson
Miss Evalyn Stoddard of Lin
coln Nebraska and Mr Ray Ab
rahamson of Minneapolis Minne
sota were married in Lincoln on
August 16th 1911 the Rev Chap
man officiating After October
1st they will be at home to their
friends in McCook Nebraska Mr
Abrahamson is boiler inspector o
the McCook division and Mrs Ab
rahamson up until a year ago has
been a resident of this city
Gentlemen Ahoy
You will be pleased to know
that the right things in middle
weight underwear are here for
you the ribbed balbriggan at
65c a garment the soft light
weight wool in two qualities at
100 and 125 They are the
right article from now until win
ter The Thompson D G Co Ut
most value
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing
A McMillen prescription drug
McConnell fills prescriptions
day or night
Pure Gold flour from winter
wheat at Magner s
Kodaks and kodak supplies
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Huber handles the Carhart
gloves and caps also and a full
line of other makes
When in need of pepper allspice
cloves cinnamon nut meg cara
way mustard ginger capsicum
tumeric curry or other spices it
will pay you to call on
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Continued from Tuesday
County Bridge Fund
W T Clark bridge work
claimed at 5940 allowed
at 57 50
Commissioner district No 1
II Springer road work Mis
souri Ridge precinct claim
ed at 1500 allowed at 12 50
Fred Springer road work
Missouri Ridge precinct 9 00
F C Thompson road work
Missouri Ridge precinct 10 50
A E Allen road work
Missouri Ridge precinct 9 00
E E Ervin road work
Missouri Ridge precinct 10 50
Harrison Ervin road work
Missouri Ridge precinct 12 00
Weise Kummer road work
Valley Grange precinct 2 0d
E P Zieafoose road work
Driftwood precinct 7 50
N E McMurrin road work
Driftwood precinct 3 00
N E McMurrin road work
Drftood precnet 3 00
1 G Willie lm road work
rv v precinct 27 50
Tarron L Cooper road work
Thursday Evening Edition
I Co Commissioners Proceedings
Commissioner district No 3
S V Frazier road work
Wi lov Grove precmcJ 4 0
Road district No c Red Wil
low precinct
C J Suiter road work claim
ed at 1700 allowed at 14 50
L B Elmer road work 3 00
Fred Crocker road work 3 75
John Reiners road work
Lon Miller road work
J G O Dea road work
Albert Harrison road work
R II Thomas road work
M J Murray road work
Jim Murray road work
M C Murray rdow lav
I b Spaulding road work
John Fritz road work
Gerver precinct 5 00 John Dolan road work
L Olmsted road work J A Harsch road work
Gerver precinct 7 50 A S Harsch road work
J F Messinger road work I George Buhler road work
Gerver precinct 2 50 Harry Burton road work
Jacob Unger road work
Gerver precinct 7 50
Gottlieb Unger road work
Gerver precinctO 7 150
Henry Martin road work
Gerver precinct 7 50
Don Thompson road work
Gerver precinct 2 50
Commissioner district No 2
Chas Sedden road work
Indianola precinct
Calvin Sedden road work
Indianola precinct
Edgar Frye road work
Indianola precinct
Walter Smith road work
Indianola precinct
S M Ilarte r road work
Indianola precinct
S V Frye road work
Indianola precinct
W K Hayden road work
Indianola precinct
Frank Untiedt road work
indianola precinct
Lee Vaivlervoort road work
liidifDola precinct
10 65
9 00
12 00
10 50
10 50
7 50
7 50
Floyd Hodges road work
L u Gallatin road work
J C Fritz road work
John Ilougnon road wb rlf
Earl Mallory road work
Talbert MeCord road work
II L Harsch road work
E E Shoemaker Sr road
Ralph Snyder road work
Reuben Finch road work
Emil Schmidt road work
Frank Ernst road work
Frank King road work
Road district No 14
Grange precinct
Bert Sliields road work
3 75
1 00
2 50
6 0G
6 00
6 00
3 00
3 50
Road district No 9 Indianola
Chas J Sedden road work 57 05
Calvin W Sedden road
work 5S 50
C E Harris road work 1 80
Roy Ilarte road work 1 80
W R nayden road work 19 85
S V Frye road work 7 90
C R Dutchcr road work 3 00
Isaac Kurtz road work 3 00
Frank Junker road work 4 50
3 00
3 00
3 Of
3 00
3 Of
server precinct o to Urank li Emnch road
John Messinger road work J work 9 00
Gerver precinct 6 25 Walter Smith road work 3 00
B II Hawkins road work S M Ilarte road work 3 00
Gerver precinct 6 25 1 Edgar Frye road work 15 00
C T Cooper road work I Road district No 10 East Val-
Gerver precinct 5 00 ley precinct
D W Bailey road work I George Carr road work 14 25
Gerver precinct 2 50 Chas G Kerst road work 28 75
j j Harry Wyrick road work
W C Cooper road work 75
3 0
3 00
4 50
6 00
1 50
7 5C
4 50
1 50
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
10 50
Otto Ileste tvorth road
work G 00
Robert Johnston road
work 17 00
Ray Kennedy road work 3 00
On motion the board adjourn
ed to meet August 29 191 1
P S LOFTON Chairman
Chas Skalla County Clerk
The County Sunday school con
Sheriff Higgins and Marshal vention held in Baptist church
Fitch Capture Ivan Kincaid of this civ on Monday and Tues-
dny of this week was a very prof
Irvin Kincaid was captured yes
terday afternoon about eight
miles north of Indianola at the
farm of Mr Holcomb and was
brought to iMcCook last evening
when and where the young fellow
was taken in tow by the sheriff
and deputy sheriff of Decatur
county Kansas and taken at
once per automobile to Oberlin
Kansas he having willingly ac
companied the officers without de
mandmg requisition papers
Kincaid stole the horse in De
catur county and had gotten as
far away as the Holcomb farm
He was in McCook yesterday
The telephone and automobile
were responsible for his undoing
Sheriff Higgins and Marshal
Fitch were phoned of his act and
learned of his presence at the
Holcomb farm and with an auto
aeon reached the farm and
brought the young man here and
tunned him over to the Kansas
officers The horse was taken to
Indianola to be taken to Kansas
Kincaid is only about 20 years
of age and claims Indiana to be
his native state
ntsble session The attendanc
was fair at the three sessions on
rn 1 mi r
xuesuay rue eonrerences on
Sunday School Methods at the
morning and afternoon sessions
on Tuesday were especially help
ful The addresses by the state
worker Mr Lewis on Monday
and Tuesday evenings were excep
tionally good The convention
goes to Danbury next vear
School Supplies
We have a large assortment of
pencil and drawing tablets com-
posiuon ana note books slates
pencils pencil boxes erasers
pens penholder ink etc
Special prices in quantity to
school districts
A McMILLEN Druggist
Plaids for School
We have them a very nice as
sortment in very satifactory
quality as good as you can se
cure elsewhere at 50c yard Our
price 35c I Some at 25e 50c and
75c See us before the deed is
done The Thompson D G Co
Utmost values for cash onhj
Farmers All Need
a gasoline engine which provides-
II the most economical and reliable
jmwing maciune bargains j power known We sell gasoline
TP - Pi J i 11 Jl 1
xx yvu nccu a uiyjwvi wtr con xxt uiigius ueiow me catalogue 110US
you out cheap with some slightly
used machines
prices and give you absolute sat
The Coming Reviv
The union revival will be held
some time in October The date
will be announced in the near fu
ture Dr Bulgin the evangelist
who will conduct the services is
well known tlirougliout the west
where he has been doing much
of his work for the last few
years Dr Bulgin was born in
New Jersey but when quite
young his father moved to North
Carolina and in the midst of the
mountains and their scenery the
lad grew to manhood In this
mountain home he was deprived
of the advantages of school but
Ids father and mother ever helped
and encouraged him and thereby
he wras inspired to make the most
of life He pushed out alone on
lifes sea when quite young try
ing one thing and then another
to make an honest living and
finally was encouraged to take
up liis studies and the profession
of law Here he found a fertile
field and entering upon it with
zeal he saw the promised harvest
before him It was at this period
that he herd Ingersoal on Mis
talcs of Moses and for the first
time his faith was shaken in the
religion of his father and moth
er For three years he read and
studied every thing he could get
on infidelity and then came face
to face with three questions Win
am I Where am I What am I
here for He could find no ans
wer in science or infidelity
Greenwood on Evidences was laid
aside and the word of God taken
up and he read John 717 Him
that is willing to do My will
shall know of the doctrine His
life was changed his coveted pro
fession given up and studies for
the ministry pursued Dr Bulgin
worked with Mr Moody in Chi
cago during the Worlds Fair
and for 21 years he has been try
ing to leadm et to Jesus e
The Trans Continental
The traffic over the Omaha
Denver Trans Continental route
continues brisk Cars come and
go every day
Tuesday a Ford No 18573
from Denver hound for Iowa
went thru An Overland from
Cornell to Lincoln A Brash
18503 carrying a wholesale coal
man An Abbott Detroit from
Iowa to Denver
Wednesday C R Combs in an
Oakland 40 from Omaha to nayei
Center A Chalmers Detroit bound
from Denver to Detroit and re
turn to Denver
Indulge In a Picnic
The members and friends of
the Episcopal Sunday school an
Ladies Guild had a picnic Tues
day at Stillmans Grove east of
th1 city Besides a daintily pre
pared lunch there were several
ether attractions and events such
as a sack race egg and spoon
race tug of war etc A very
happy time was spent by all The
weather was ideal for an outing
The stage of water in the river
made wading possible and not
Sleeping Garments
Chidrens elastic ribbed sleep
ing garuienis with feet nicely
rnid and slightly fleeced will
do good work from now on in
protecting the little folks who ar
so apt to be impatient toward the
b d coverings 35c is the price
The Thompson D G Co Utmost
Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in Mc
Cook for the unexcelled Barring
ton Hall coffees Priced at 20c
25c and 35c per pound
You will find them fresh
clean at Magner s grocery
t i
Get our rates on farm loans
Observe the date after your
name on The Tribune Notch it
Huber s coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads
the list
We carry a full line of cathar
tic mineral waters desirable for
hot weather
A McMILLEN Druggist
to be prosperous and finan
cially independent is with
in the reach of eveiy per
son Why not reach out
and grasp it Take advan
tage of your opportunity
There is but ONE SURE
WAY to be able to grasp
it when it comes and that
is to systematically save
your money It is possible
for every person to save
one- fourth of what they
earn Suppose you try
Bring your money to this
hank let us open an ac
count with you
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cash
M Louirhran P F McKfnna
German Evan Lutheran East
6th St Services every Sunday
morning at 1030 oclock and
evening at 730 O R Riehert
Christian Science The subject
for next Sunday morning will be
Christian Harry M Mitchell
will preach in the Christian
church both morning and even
ing Sunday September 3rd
Episcopal Sunday school at
10 Holy Communion at 11 with
sermon Envelope offering for
Womens Auxiliary Evening ser
vice and sermon at 8 oclock
Baptist Preaching services
morning and evening Bible
school at 10 C E at 715 Ser
vices at the Pickens school house
at 3 p m D L McBride min
Subjects for
next Sunday as follows Morn
ing True Religion and Indust
rial Life A Labor Day sermon
Evening In the House of Poti
phar Being the second in a
series on the Life of Joseph Spe
cial music by the choir and a vio
lin solo by Mr Albert F Buck
Everyone welcome
Methodist The regular servic
es at the Methodist church morn
ing and evening on Sunday The
pastor will be pleased to see all
members and friends of church
also any strangers who may be
within our city The Sunday
school and Epworth League are
doing good work but are there
net others who might come and
help the work along The fourth
quarterly conference will be held
Tuesday Sept 5 at 8 p m The
pastor will leave Tuesday morn
ing Sept 12 to attend the an
nual conference held at Lexing
ton Nebraska
Several Hundred Dollars
The good roads committee hav
raised several hundred dollars in
cash and labor which will be and
is being placed upon the roads
leading east and west of the city
with good results
Lily Patent Flour when once
used none other will satisfy you
Majestic Ranges Are Cheaper
in the long run because they save
fuel and last longer and seldom
ueed any repairs You have set
tled the range question when you
get a Majestic Sold only by
There is magic in the words
Advo They are the final
word in canned excellence And
Huber is the prophet
The best brands of canned
fruits and vegetables at Magner s
All the fresh fruits of the sea
son at Magners
i M