The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 29, 1911, Tuesday Evening Editioin, Image 2

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    i Tl
Tfte McGooft Tribune
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat
ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays
The Iloldrege Citizen is for
La Follette in 1916
There is not the least doubt
who will be the successor of
Judge R C Orr It will be
Judge E B Perry If he will
work as hard for the election as
did for the nomination his op
ponent will not know he is in the
race Trenton Leader
It is estimated that the recent
floods and storms cost Frontier
county 25000 in damages to the
bridges and roads The county
commissioners have just authoriz
ed the building of ten new bridg
es in addition to the six steel
bridges authorized in May
The Nonpareil is not one of
the insurgents that hopes Presi
dent Taft will make some monu
mental blunder It should be re
membered that he is president of
the United States and that when
he makes a blunder the people of
the United States will have to
suffer for it It cannot be denied
that he has had what the sport
ing writers call a reversal of
form in the past few months and
is now apparently aligned with
the progressives with the reac
tionaries howling at his heels It
has taken him a long time to see
the lirht imd it may take much
longer before we know that he
lias really had a revelation of his
real dutv but if he continues to
show as much courage and good
sense in the next few months as
he- has in the past six the senti
ment will run largely in his di
rection President Taft has by
no means been satisfactory and
the early blunders of his admin
istration are hard to forget but
the course he is pursuing just
now will come as near as any
thing he could do towards mak
ing people forget his mistakes
Central City Nonpareil
Mrs Sexson returned from her
visit to Omaha last week
Paul Smith came in on Mon
day from Cass county to see his
wife and babies returning to his
work Thursday morning
Mrs Ilatclier is at home again
from her visit to Denver
Mrs J C Wilson of White
Cloud Kansas came up Saturday
to see the old folks at home
William Randel is still suffer
ing from hay fever
Mrs Suiter and two children
returned last week from a three
weeks visit to her mother in
The heavy rain last Sunday
washed roads badly
Some weeks ago Mr ODeas
mother aged 88 made the trip
to Utah alone refusing to have
any one go with her thinking she
was active and sprr enogh not
to need help reaching her des
tination all right
Little Harold ODea is much
Putting up the third cutting of
alfalfa is the work doing now
Also poisoning prairie dogs
Governor Aldrichs protest
against the extravagant out
lay of candidates for office for
newspaper advertising is treated
at length in a most serious vein
by the Lincoln Journal Unfor
tunately the Journal misses the
real point What the office seek
ers object to is not newspaper ad
vertising but paid for newspaper
advertising Every one of them
wants all the newspaper adver
tising he can get for nothing in
fact seems to be imbued with the
idea that the only purpose of a
newspaper is to boost for candi
dates for office and give them
space which others would be re
quired to pay for at regular ad
vertising rates
Another thing overlooked is tin
fact that candidates do not pat
ronize the newspaper advertising
columns out of motives of gener
osity or charity but because it is
the cheapest and most effective
way to get the publicity neces
sary to call attention of the vot
ers to their claims and promises
Th eonly alternatives are per
sonal visits and individual letters
The visits are out of the ques
tion to send letters to 50000 peo
ple would cost 1000 for postage
alone where more than that num
ber of voters can be talked to
every day for a month by an ad
in The Be at a small fraction of
that amount
Money spent by candidates on
lgitimate newspaper advertising
needs no excuses or apologies
Omaha Bee
It has always been our aim to
give credit for worthy motives
whenever performed On the vote
of passing the reduced tariff on
wool over the presidents veto
Congressman Norris voted to pasj
it the only one of Nebraskas re
publican congressmen to stand
by the people We take our hat
off to Norris Lincoln Star
Congressman Norris was the
only republican congressman
from Nebraska who stood FOR
and BY the people and voted to
pass the bill for tariff reduction
in spite of the presidents veto
Every democratic congressman
from Nebraska voted to place
woolen clothing within the reach
of the men and women whom
they were elected to represent
Hastings Democrat
The Tribune 100 the year
For special on dill sour and
sweet pickles see Magner
Wc never hesitate to guarantee
Lily Patent flour At the Mc
Cook Flour and Feed Store
Smoke our Nyal club cigar Its
mild just moist enough and a
dandy flavor
Keep your poultry healthy by
sprinkling a few drops of Germa
zone in the drinking water each
dav 50e per bottle
Some General School Statistics
County Supt Bettcher has our
thanks for the following interest
ing items taken from her annual
No districts in county 82
No districts having nine
montlis of school 9
No districts having six or
more but less than nine 60
No districts having three
or more but less than six 13
Average number of days in
all districts 129
No parochial schools 2
No teachers counting none
twice 126
The average salary of teachers
in town and rural districts is as
Males Females
McCook City Sub
Div 14 10250 6320
Indianola Sub
Day 6 7550 5600
Bartley Sub Div 6 9000 5400
Lebanon Sub Div
6 7437 4500
Danbury Sub Div
qS 80 00 4700
Marion Sub Div 3 5750
Eural Sub Div 3 4333 4310
The school census of June 1911
shows the following result in to
tals and the several towns and
rural districts of the county
Boys Girls Total
McCook 608 546 1154
Indianola 115 104 219
Bartley 77 94 171
Lebanon 68 57 125
Danbury 70 60 130
Marion -33 32 65
Rural districts 849 757 1606
Total 1820 1650 3470
Money apportioned among the
several districts
Derived from state aid
to weak districts 18000
Derived from state fund 608332
Derived from fines
and licenses 4100
Total amount appor
tioned 630432
Total value of school dis
trict property 20979596
rrrt raiiftiVrfflaiategiees
Prof Morris made a business
trip to Orleans Tuesday night
C W Rogers and son Leonard
from south of Marion were Dan
bury visitors Saturday
Glen Harbaugh and brother of
Oxford came in Tuesday and are
visiting at the J A McGufce
Geo B Morgan had a horse
killed by lightning Sunday last
J A Clouse lost a nice colt on
Tuesday last
If the postmistress wore a
hobble skirt would the mail car
If a dog can herd cattle why
cant a catfish
W D Street of Oberlin Kan
gave a two nights lecture in the
hall on Wednesday and Thursday
nights about The Frontier Days
on the Plains His lecture was
very good and appreciated by
all who attended
Mr Hethcote the road commis
sioner is fixing up the streets by
Thos Harrison formerly of
this place but now living in Om
aha came Thursday for a visit
with relatives and friends
The B M repair gang was
windmill and tank last week
doing some repairing on the
Mrs Earl Peacock came up on
Friday from Wilsonville and was
visiting with her mother
Miss McLenen furnished music
and singing at the M E church
Thursday night
We have been having some
vory cool weather the past week
Dr Sanders of Alta Iowa ar
rived Saturday for a visil with
his parents Mr and Mrs Sand
A B Gibbs formerly principal
of our schools has a principalsliip
at Bayard Neb for 85 a month
A number of iho vnrmrrov
eration took in the social out to
M E Grahams Friday night
Mrs J L Hughes and
l r Flossie are visiting at the R
S Sanders home
The band and other people are
planning to attend the band
tournament at Lebanon Friday
Carl Perrin came in Saturday
from Portland Oregon where he
has been for the past few months
We received a severe hail and
wind storm Saturday evening
Rev E E Crippen of Orleans
was a Danbury caller Monday
The Tribune is now being de
livered to city patrons and the
publisher would be pleased to
have all patrons who fail to re
ceive their papers to report fail
ures to the Tribune office Dont
forget however to give your
street number in doing so And
in case you move to new street
number kindly report promptly
this fact So that no delay may
be experienced in the prompt and
regular delivery of your papers
Order to Show Cause
In the district court of Red
Willow county State of Nebras
ka In the matter of the appli
cation of Nina Harris Wade ad
ministratrix of the estate of
Jnnes B Wade deceased for
license to sell real estate
Now on this 23rd day of Aug
ust 1931 this cause came on for
hearing upon the petition of Nina
Harris Wade administratrix of
the estate of James B Wade de
ceased praying for license to sell
the following described real es
tate of the said James B Wade
to wit lot numbered six in block
numbered six in the original town
now city of McCook Redwillow
county Nebiaska for the pay
ment of debts against said es
tate and allowance and costs of
administration for the reason
there is not sufficient personal
property belonging to said estate
to pay said debts allowance and
It is ordered on consideration
by me that all persons interest
ed in said estate appear before
me at chambers in the court
house in the city of McCook in
said county on the 7th day of
October 1911 at one oclock P
M to show cause if any there
be why license should not be
granted to said Nina Harris
Wade administratrix to sell so
much of the above described real
estate of said decedent as shall
be necessary to pay said debts
allowance and costs
It is further ordered that a
copy of this order be served up
on all persons interested in said
estate by causing the same to be
published once a week for four
successive weeks in the McCook
Tribune a weekly newspaper
printed and published in said
Redwillow county Nebraska
Judge of the District Court
First publication Aug 24- 4 ts
No matter what the type or
style of a woman there is no ex
cuse for wearing an unbecoming
model at present There are so
many different features that it
is possible for everyone to wear
something entirely new without
looking like her neighbor
To generalize on the present
fashions it might asfly bee said
that history repeats itself In
every new model some features
W4 iOk
Ladies Home Journal Pattern No
can be found the origin of which
dates back a hundred or more
years There is a note of quaint
ness about the fashionable wo
mans clothes which is becom
ing and picturesque If the av
erage woman will spend a little
time and thought upon what she
is to wear she can easily look as
well as her sister with a large
flrpsc llnvflTii It is miitp Tins-
-x x
sible to make any of the new
modes in very inexpensive mater
ial and have it look as well as a
high priced imported model
The illustration shows one of
the popular new models the mot
if for which was taken from the
time of the Frneeh Revolution It
is a dainty little frock developed
in a cream cotton voile with ruf
fles of wide valenciennes lace in
a pale ecru and headed with lace
heeding threaded with black vel
vet ribbon The ruffles on the
sleeves and at the Citoyenne
waist were of matching lace in a
narrower width and the pretty
draped fichu was of a fine net
held together with tiny flat bows
of black velvet It is an appro
priate design for an afternoon
frock and might be easily de
veloped in a cotton marquisette
silk mull or in fact any thin ma
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings
have been mad ein the county
clerks office since our last re
Patrick Walsh Admr to
McCook Natl bank am
Pt 7 8 in 19 McCook 1040 00
United States to Samuel 0
Iloagland Pat nw34 nw
14 17 e ne ne Qr se
qr 18-4-28
Affa C Seeley to James V
McClung wd e1 ne
21-3-26 1200 0C
Affa C Seeley to James W
McClung wd si4 22-3-26
2000 00
Win A Dolan et ux to Jos
eph F Carmichael wd s4
s4 11 sw4 sV nw qr
12-4-28 6000 00
Edwin Ilardy et ux to Fred
D Tackitt wd Pt se4
nei4 26-3-30 2600 00
William H Ackerman et ux
to Fred Tackitt wd 4-5-6
in 6 Willow Grove 600 00
Fred D Tackitt to William
II Ackerman wd Pt se
ne 26-3-30 2600 00
The two Wright Bros aeroplan
es at the Nebraska state fair on
Sept 4 to 8 will be manipulated
in the four flights each day by
Aviators P O Parmelee and Clif
ford Turpin Parmelee is the
holder of several worlds records
among which is the duration rec
ord made at San Francisco Jan
uary 22nd 1911 of 3 hours 49
minutes and 48 seconds He also
made a single flight from Dayton
to Columbus Ohio carrying 60
pounds extra weight 61 miles
His best record however is sin
gle flight from Loredo to Eagle
Pass Texas 106 miles carrying
a passenger We are glad to
know that such reliable bird
men are sent to our state fair
as our people will feel assured of
witnessing flights
How Many McCook Readers Have
Had Those Sudden Twinges
Have you ever had a crack in
the back
Does your back ache with a dull
heavy draggy throb
Is it hard to straighten up after
Hard to arise from a chair or turn
in bed
Is the urine dark colored Passages
When your kidneys need attention
use a tested kidney remedy
Use Doans Kidney Pills the rem
edy that has cured thousands
Convincing proof of merit in Mc
Cook testimony
Mrs Elizabeth Kummer 208 E
Fourth St McCook Nebr says I
was subject to backaches and head
aches and I knew that my kidneys
were weak as the kidney secretions
were badly disordered Upon taking
Doans Kidney Pills I found immed
iate relief and continued use made
my health much better I heartily
recommend Doans Kidney Pills and
advisfe their use in all cases of kid
ney complaint
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole ageents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
100 Reward 100
The reaaers of Ihis paper will be
pleaded to learn that there is at last
one dreaded disease tliit science has
been able to euro in all its stages
and that is catarrh Halls Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity Ca
tarrh being a constitutional disease
requires a constitutional treatment
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system
thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitu
tion and assisting nature in doing its
work The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure Send for
list of elstimonials Address F J
Sold by all druggist 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for con
Do not allow your kidney and
bladder trouble to develop beyond the
reach of medicine Take Foley Kid
ney Pills They give quick results
and stop irregularities with surpris
ing promptness A McMillen
Buy it now Now is the time to
buy a bottle of Chamberlains Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It
is almost certain to be needed before
the summer is overr This remedy
has no superior For sale by all
An ordinary case of diarrhoea can
as a rule be cured by a single dose
of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy This remedy has
no superior for bowel complaints Fo
sale by all dealers
CURES arid Purifies the Blood
Heating Plumbing
Are prepared to fur
nish estimates on
short notice They
keep a complete line
of Bath Tubs La
vatories Sinks and
other plumbing mater
ial including a good
line of lawn hose and
Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber o
Phone 5
Smith bought some pigs from
hi3 neighbor Jones The price
came to 642 Smith paid
Jones in cash but as usual
neither had the proper change
and Smith said Just make it
eveD money Smith lost 8
cents Jones bought some pigs
from his neighbor Johnson The
nrice came to 642 Jones hai
nis money in the bank ana
gave Johnson a check for the
exact amount Jones did no
lose a cent This is only one
of the advantages of a check
ing account Come in and let
us explain further
The First
National Bank
of McCook Neb
A well known Des Moines woman
after suffering miserably for two day
from bowel complaint was cured by
one dose of Chamberlains Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy For
sale by all dealers
Drew Furniture and Carpet Co
Furniture and Carpets
China and Glassware
West B St Phone black 271
Most for your money
for all kinds
Temple Building
- Kansas City Post 5c week
We now handle the best
grades of Colo and Penna
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give us a trial order
Phone 262
Real Easterday
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location iut acre r Plrfrrlr
street iu P W lb brnia
Osborn Kummer Co
All kinds of Hauling and Trans
fer Work promptly attended to
Your patronage solicited
Office First Door South of DeGrofPs
Phone No 13
Fire and Wind
I Insurance
w jKastSKs
Written in First Class
White Line Transfer
Elmer Hawkins
Specialty of moving Household
Goods and Pianos Only covered
van in city Phones Office 68
residence red 456