The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 29, 1911, Tuesday Evening Editioin, Image 1

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Wild West Show
Sometlung absolutely new
something never before carried
-with a wild west show is but one
of the many features of that
most noted of all American
Amusement Enterprises Kit Car
sons Buffalo Ranch Wild West
We refer to the excellent and
most complete menagerie of train
ed wild animals in existence to
day Carried simply as an added
feature for your inspection and
no extra charge for viewing same
During the course of the perform
ance animal acts of all descrip
tion are presented for your ap
proval This with the fancy rid
ing roping and other traits of
expert horsemanship displayed b
the Cowboys Cowgirls Cossacks
tes but part of the two hours of
and Mexican Yanqueros constitu
solid amusement A dozen funny
clowns are continually at play
and it will be a hard matter to
stop watching the antics long
of the imported
enough to v v some
ported European artists in novel
ty acts of every description The
performance ends with the sup
erb spectacular historical fantasy
Battle of Wounded Knee in
which over two hundred Indians
Soldiers Trappers Cowboys and
Scouts take active part Many
of the Indians were actually pres
ent at this famous battle and it
is reproduced exactly as they de
scribe it
The two mil 1 parad will pass
on tne main uiurousiiiaira
grand free exhibition takes place l
immediately after on the show Mi Z Cook iL
grounds Only two performances
in McCook on September 8
Former McCook Boys
Private word gives us the in
formation that J A Stryker a
former McCook boy will be su
pervisor of penmanship in the
Kearney city schools the coming
term He is now teacher of pen
manship in the Kearney State
Normal His brother Roy Stryk
er will be principal of the Litch
field public schools this year
Averaged 81 Bushels
Engineer J E Sanborn return
ed home Friday from a brief
visit to his ranch at Sanborn sta
tion lie reports a yield of 324
bushels of oats on his farm from
four acres of land F M Wash
birji is in charge of his place
A New Arrival
interesting to all ladies and miss
es in McCook will be the welcome
news of the recent arrival ot the
most beautiful line of Tailored
in Mc
Skirts ever before shown
Cook at II C Clapps Dry Goods
Store Call and see them
The Main Store On Main Street
If it is the freshest and best in
groceries fruits vegetables etc
you seek look no further than
Help Wanted
in II C Clapps Millinery Depart
ment Apprentice girls needed
at once
Everything in drugs
Flesh Tinted Talcum Powder
All grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the Mc
Cook Flour and Feed Store
It helps to see whether the
elevator is running before you
get in on the ground floor
Cameras films and photo sup
It is the proved quality of Mag
ners groceries that accounts for
their increasing popularity with
the buying public Every patron
is a satisfied patron
Word from Supt Taylor states
that his aged father who was op
erated upon a few days sinceis
progressing favorably consider
ing his advanced age
Nyals Laxative Fig Syrup for
children is the most pleasant and
effective remedy for indigestion
or constipation Price 25 and 50c
per bottle
Council Meeting
The mayor and council of the
City of McCook met in regular
session at the city hall August
28th Present Mayor McAdams
Councilmen Middleton Stansberrj
Brown and Woods City Attorney
Wolff and City Clerk Stoll Min
utes of last meeting read and ap
Moved bv Councilman Middleton
- r i I
seconded oy vouinjumuu outusuux
vy that the proposition of the
state treasurer to buy unsold wat
er bonds at reduction of interest
to 5 per cent until end of option
al period as set out in his letter
of August 19 1911 to city attor
ney be and is hereby accepted
and letter of city attorney dated
August 25th to state treasurer
written by order of the mayor is
hereby ratified Motion carried
Moved by Councilman Stansber
ry and seconded by Councilman
Brown that petition for electric
lights presented by property hold
rs on 4th street west C S Mul
len et al be passed and approv
ed with the addition of one light
One light to be placed at corner
of F and 4th street west one at
G and 4th street westo ne at C
and 4th street west and one at
10th and B street in West Mc
Cook Motion carried
It was moved by Councilman
Brown seconded by Councilman
Middleton that the following
bills being approved by the fi
nance committee be allowed and
warrants drawn for same Car-
oy Jfe 7 55 I
Hardware Co 37 95
Cranj Co 9 06
Anton Merkel 2 00
E Jr Ori rgs 14 00
J E Lorey 2 00
Wm Robinson 4 00
Win Deere 13 00
Whit Line Trans Co 2 00
Nick Snyder 14 00
Welsbach LCo 154 00
I F Ilostetter 1 04
1 lnry Gale 8 50
J D Hare G 00
II N Rosebush 387 90
Petition of Charles Bailey re
questing transfer of permit to cor
duct pool hall was read Motion
made and seconded to grant it
was carried Bond for same was
Had and approved
Ordinance No 206 was passed
and approved
G A Folden presented his pro
position to furnish garbage cans
for use on the business street
which was referred to committee
of Councilman Brown and Woods
Petition of Chas E Picklum
for permit to construct gasoline
tank under walk was read and
Petition of Mesdames Mills
Rosebush and Viersen for side
walk was referred to committee
on sidewalks
Motion was made and carried
that eitv electrician ho nskerl to
submit an estimate of the cost of
poles and wiring for city electric
light Dlant
Moved by Councilman Stans
berry and seconded by Council
man Brown that resolution be
adopted providing for paying city
firemen as follows 100 for the
first hour or fractional part there
of and for all additional time at
the rate of 100 per hour This
compensation applies only when
it is necessary to turn on water
and use it for fires Motion
carried unanimouslv
The druggists liquor reports of
L W McConnell C R Wood
worth and A McMillen were read
and filed Motion made and car
ried to adjourn
L C STOLL City Clerk
The Ladies Aid society of the
Methodist church will give a ken
sington on Thursday afternoon at
the home of Mrs J W Wimer
Quality and price courtesy and
promptness in delivery are mak
ing for success at the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
We have your favorite perfume
in stock
McCONNELL Druggist
Magners groceries meet fully
the pure food law requirements
day or night
fills prescriptions
Freshest fruits at Magners
McCook N brasVa August 2 1
1911 The Board of County Com
missioners met pursuant to ad
journment Present F S Lof
ton Edward Sughroue and W
N Rogers county commissioners
Chas D Ritchie county attorney
and Chas Skalla county clerk
It appearing to the board that
a vacancy exists in the office of
justice of peace for Willow Grove
precinct caused by the removal of
P S Heaton the board decided
to appoint a justice of peace to
fill said vacancy Chairman Lof
ton proposed J S McBrayer for
said position The roll call was
ordered and resulted
Yea Lofton Sughroue Rogers
3 Nay None J S McBrayer
was declared appointed
A motion was made by Sugh
roue that the claim of Mrs Ella
Lee for 400 for house rent be
disalloAved for the reason that
the original claim was 1400 and
the county had paid her 1000
the maximum amount to be paid
per month for house rent for pau
pers The roll call was ordered
and resulted
Yea Lofton Sughroue 2 Nay
Rogers 1 Motion was declared
The claim of L M Higgins for
6204 for fees in five insanity
cases was allowed at 4662
1542 being deducted for fees
claimed in the Doyle insanity caso
deduction being made for the rea
son that Wm Doyle had paid all
the fees in said case to said L M
Iliggins sheriff and the county
board hereby asks said L M
Iliggins to refund to the county
the 1200 expense money advanc
td by the treasurer in said case
Sughroue presented the follow
ing resolution
Wherdas Phebe J Taylor has
taken an appeal to the district
court of this county from the ac
tion of this board on the twenty
third day of August 1910 con
cerning her claim for damages
caused by the location of road
No 431 which said case is now
pending the said district court
And Avhereas said Phebe J
Taylor has offered to comprom
ise said claim and settle same up
on the county of Red Willow
paying the court costs and paying
the sum of two hundred dollars
to said Phebe J Taylor and al
lowing said Phebe J Taylor to
construct at her expense across
said road a cattle pass under the
supervision of the county commis
sioners and in such a way as not
to interfere with or endanger the
public m the use of said road
Tuesday Evening Edition
I Co Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska August 23
1013 The board of county com
missioners met pursuant to ad
journment Present F S Lof
ton Edward Sughroue and W
N Rogers county commissioners
Chas D Ritchie county attorney
and Chas Skalla county clerk
The board proceeded to view
roads and bridges in Willow
Oroe Red Willow Fritseh and
Box Elder precincts and adjourn
ed to meet August 24 1911
F S LOFTON Chairman
Chas Skalla County Clerk
he was not the owner of the pro
perty assessed at the time of as
sessment was on motion disal
The claim of the Danbury
News of 125 for printing equal
ization notice was allowed but or
dered applied on the credit due
the county from said Danbury
News for the overcharge on a
former claim
The following claims were aud
ited and allowed and the county
clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on the respective funds
levy of 1911 as follows
County general fund
Jacob Frank house rent
Mrs Weintz 10 00
W B Whittaker transpor
tation of pauper 6 95
C H Boyle agent house
rent Mrs Jeffers 24
months 25 00
Elmer Hawkins drayage
Mrs Henkel 1 50
C L DeGroff Co tobacco
for prisoners 1 55
E Benjamin tobacco for
prisoners 1 60
E Benjamin hoarding pris
oners 5 00
I j M Iliggins fees Lughlin
iv sanity case 12 42
L Higgins fres Dedman
insanity case 10 92
L3I Iliggins fees Briggs
Insanity case 10 14
L M Iliggins fees Weintz
insanity eis 13 14
L M Iliggins fees Cocke
insanity case 10 14
L M Iliggins fees Jones
infinity ease 10 50
L M Higgin fees Doyle
insanity case claimed at
1542 disallowed as
i stated above r
L M Iliggins fees Jones
insanity case 5 60
C A Kodgers attendance dis
trict court and fees 2 25
C A Kodgers fees appoint
ing election hoards and
postage 2 10
KIopp Bartlett Co treas
urer daily cash record 18 50
Klcpp Bartlett Co 2 books
lithographed warrants 30 00
Klopp Bartlett Co 1 doz
en chattel mortgage files 12 00
F M ICimmell stationery
commissioner proceedings
printing and supplies 40
Wilson Chemical Co
sweeping compound 6 50
Nebraska Telephone Co
August rentals 19 25
Nebraska Telephone Co
toll county attorney 35
Nelson Hardware Co
nails 6 5d
II E Waugh hardware 6 35
Chas W Kelley surveying
county road west of Cam
bridge 8 60
II E Phillippi hauling
sand 4 20
C II Angell hauling steel
and sand 17 30
C II Mapes hauling sand 21 00
Leon Rogers hauling sand 12 00
G W Groves hauling sand
clanncd at 780 allowed
ir 7 20
S V Frazier hauling sand 19 20
C G Coglizer hauling sand 34 35
C II Anjrell hauliner steel 1 50
A J Lohr blacksmithmg
Now therefore be it resolved t district No 9 2 50
that said offer be accepted and C Nad en freight advanced
said claim be compromised and on culverts 8 90
allowed at the sum of two C Nad n freight advanced
dred dollars that the costs of nn trader 15 19 cn
Fall is the best time for paint
ing buildings The paint dries
more naturally and forms a
more elastic coat If yrou have
buildings that need covering now
is the time to consider the mat
The first move is to see us
ibout it The next is to be sure
you get the right paint The one
that will give the best protection
for the greatest number of years
Use Sherwin Williams Paint
L W MtCONNELL Druggist
Farm to Rent
320 acre farm 4 miles southeast
of McCook I will give some one
improvements Please inquire or
a good chance on this place Good
write to C K Critchfield Indian
ola Neb Route 1
Strenuous Work
Harry Holil the popular and
well known dry goods commercial
man received a valuable bull pup
end of week and Saturday and
Sunday were strenuous days with
him teaching the bull parlor
manners and other essentialsn of
etiquette With Biddie Doyle
as referee
Change of Curfew
From September 1st to March
1st the curfew ordinance of the
city requires all children under
16 years of age to be at home
nance will be enforced
nights at 8 oclock This ordi
nance will be enforced
L A FITCH City Marshal
Will Elect Officers
The W C T U will meet in
the brotherhood room of Meth
odist church next Friday after
noon at three oclock to elect of
ficers All members are- especiu
urged to be present
More Help Wanted
II C Clapp needs more appren
tice girls m his millinery work
room Any one who wishes i
learn fashionable trimming under
good instruction should apply at
Can Pay at the Store
Parties owing the Updike Co
may pay their bills at Jones
Cos confectionery and news
stand on lower Main avenue
Phone 13 or 169
S S GARVEY Manager
If You Have
houses to rent list them with
Whittaker Gray They have
several applications on file now
for houses Phone black 283 Of
fice in Temple block
McConnell for drugs
Fresh fruits at Magners
Wood worth for drugs
McConnell fills prescriptions
Try a Tribune want ad and
watch results
Kodaks and kodak supplies
L W McCONNELL Druggist
iii tT7 ii
coffee and be happy At Hub
ers only
The advertising car of the Wild
West show came in hitched to
Sunday night
If you feel you want to
shown in matter of quality
to the McCook Flour and Feed
i ii i -- v oiuru
sum appeal oe paiu oy saia liullird Lumber Uo mm-
ty and that said Phebe J Taylor ber 202 95 Ther3s a rf ht int or finish
be allowed to build said cattle
Bullard Lumber Co
fo yvnvthjnr We have it See
her 414 9o
imit vrv inh n nsiintin
augers secuiiuea tins barnm Lumber Uo mm- i
tion irr 143 86
xea uorton isugnroue itogers e Cr Jaine Jo lumber loa eo
3 Nay None Resolution was Perry - Hoe Co
declared carried and cement 490 05
On motion the county P rry je Co lumber 4 05
McCONNELL Druggist
The roll call was ordered and Barnctt Lumber Co In practicing the art of being
resulted as follows ber 95 35 a r0od fellow or fellowess it
is not unimportant to set at
leasjt a safe and sane limit How
far is worth while often
was instructed to refund to Mrs Stansberry Lumber Co Elegant stationery in just
Ella Lee the sum of 1680 being lumber 103 15 the right texture tint and shape
amount illegally assessed against Stansberry LumbeivCp of papers and envelopes
Cook Addition to McCook City lumber W diyu ea by fashion dictates
a part of block 14 of West Mc- F S Lofton commissioner McCONNELL Druggist
in 1910 and paid by her under j service and mileage 49 di
protest for the reason that two i Edward Sughroue
hfouses were assessed on said
tract while it only contained one
The claim of E E DeLong of
945 asking for a refund of 1910
personal taxes for the reason that
sioner services and mile-
Have you ever tried Nyals ef
fervescinc liver salts A tea-
iTft Jm 75 20 snoonful in one half lass of
W N Rogers commissioner water before breakfast will
services and mileage 62 65 prise you 25c at
Continued Thursday I WOODWORTHS
Death Claimed Mrs Albert H Mc
Creeth Saturday Evening
Mrs Albert McCreeth passed
to her reward last Saturday even
ing after an illness of consider
able length
Mrs McCreeth is survived by
her husband and one child a boy
about four years of age
Rev Father Patton conducted
the mass at St Patricks church
Monday morning at ten oclock
after which the remains were in
terred in Calvary cemetery
Mr McCreeth is a brakeman in
the Burlington service and has
not only the sympathy of his fel
low employes but of many
friends outside the railroad ser
vice as well
A sister of the departed arriv
ed from New Mexico to attend
the funeral of the one gone on
Maggie Burns was born in To
ronto Canada February 2 1878
In 1895 she moved to Raton New
Mexico where she was married
to A H McCreeth on October 4
- 7
1905 She has resided in McCook
since 1908
Miss Mary Burns a sister from
Raton New Mexico attended the
Departed was a member of the
Royal Neighbors of this city
Third Wedding Anniversary
Last Saturday evening was
the tliird wedding anniversary of
Mr and Mrs C C Brown and a
goodly number of friends careful
ly carried into execution a well
laid plan to surprise the young
couple on this happy occasion at
th ir home on north 1st street
eat The plans were successful
ly carried out and the residt was
a nappy time for all concerned
The young people were liberally
reniembered with pretty and use
ful tokens- Light refreshments
added a particular to the pleas
ure of the evening
Died in Sutton Nebraska
Henry Deering of Yuma Col
orado father of Mrs C E Ryan
of our city died in Sutton where
he was visiting The remains
were brought to McCook last Fri
day night the wife and son ac
companying them Here Mr and
Mrs C E Ryan joined them and
the body was taken on train 15
to Yuma for interment
Most Interesting
are those handsome new fall Suit
ings Skirtings Silks and Trim
mings now on display at H C
Clapps Dry Goods Store
When its a question of wanting
a good toilet or medicinal soap
give us a call We carry all the
leading brands in scented un
scented and medicinal
Those swell nobby mixtures are
just what you are wanting for a
new Skirt Suit or Dress See the
extensive line at II C Clapps
Dry Goods Store
You can always be sure of get
ting the very best in cold drinks
at our New lee Less soda foun
The psychological moment is
a valuable asset and ally to the
clever philanthropic grafter
W A Middleton went up to
Benkalman today on some plumb
ing business
Mrs WLSouthard of Douglas
Nebraska is visiting relatives in
the city
Picture framing done at Wood
worth s
Classified Advertisements
FOR SALE Good gentle fam
ily mare and buggy Inquire of
Frank Rank Phone black 106
FOR RENT My residence
Folding bed wardrobe and few
other useful articles for sale
Delia Jordan Phone red 173
FOR RENT The Ebert place
10 room house steam heat bath
Good barn granary and chicken
house on premises Inquire of
D C Marsh