The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 22, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 3

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iimatfiiliainjiiMn i it
East Depart Central Time
No 6 1130 P M
16 500 A M
2 550 A M
13 945 A M
12 635 A M
14 920 P M
10 505 P M
West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1220 P M
3 il4i2 Jr JM
5 arr S30 p m
13 930 A M
15 1230 A M
g 625 A M
Imperial line Mountain Time
No 176 arrives 330 P M
No 175 departs 645 A M
Sleeping dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
my point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and tickets call on or write D P
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
A fruit special Monday af
Work is progressing on a
new iron house
Thomas OConnell visited in
Denver Sunday
Engineer J W Hardy has
reported for duty
Mrs W J Russell is visiting
over in Dunkirk Iowa
Engines 318 and 1759 are re
ceiving driving brass repairs
Mr and Mrs Albert Buck
spent Sunday in the mountains
Mr and Mrs C F Ileber
spent Sunday in Lyons Colorado
Engine 1911 is over one of
the new drop pits for usual re
Engine 9 W goes out of the
baekshop today after a general
J G Schobel left Friday
evening for Kansas City on a
short visit
J M Smith was called to
Oxford Friday night on a job
of air work
Engine 1740 is receiving a
set of flues this week and some
machinery repairs
D Jacobs lias secured a
job in the Missouri Pacific ma
chine sbop at Falls City
Fireman P E Russells wif
was very ill Saturday Sunday
with an attack of appendicitis
J R Pence wife and chil
dren returned home Monday on
33 from a visit to Cambridge rel
Mrs J G Schobel and Miss
Marjorie went down to Minden
Friday night on a visit to Mrs
Schobels parents
Conductor and Mrs E 0
Scott and Mrs W A Cassell re
turned Thursday from spending
a few days in Denver
Conductor and Mrs Martin
have been spending a few days in
Chicago going to the big city on
the lake Thursday on No 2
Mrs S D Turner came up
from Orleans olose of last week
and has been a guest of her par
ents Mr and Mrs Sam Spencer
G- E Johnson general mas
ter mechanic Lincoln was at
headquarters Monday Mr Dew
ey the brake shoe man was with
Gus Budig went west on No
1 Monday to repair the dynamo
on the train which went out of
commission at Holdrege on the
way west
W S Perry chief of bridg
es and buildings was out from
Lincoln Friday on business of
his department departing for Lin
coin on No 10 same night
Mrs J J Laughlin left this
week for Denver on a visit She
was accompanied by her sisters
Mrs P T Burnes and Miss Lan
gan of Lincoln who have been
her guests for week past
Bruce Campbell is home on
a short vacation He has been in
charge of a body of workmen up
in the Guernsey country for some
time past where the Burlington
is doing some work on roadway
James P Daily for four yeai
chief train dispatcher at Dead
wood S D succeeds Will F
Pate as trainmaster at Sterling
Colorado C L Carr of Alliance
becomes chief dispatcher at Dead
Mr and Mrs Sid Wheeler
and daughter Miss Jeannette ar
rived m the city Saturday eve
ning on 10 from their trip west
and visited in the city a few
days before returning to their
Home in Wymore
Mrs m Washburn who
has been with her husband Con
ductor Washburn in the moun
tains on a vacation left for her
home in Holdrege Friday evening
on No 10 with the children who
tvere left here in charge of her
mother Mrs Elizabeth Escher
during the parents absence in
the mountains
Lies Three Days on Ground
Cambridge Without Any
thing to Eat
Cambridge Neb Aug 19 A
man of about thirty years of age
who gave his name as George
Shewman was found yesterday af
Jternoon lying on the railroad
right-of-way near one ot the
grain elevators He was in a
semi conscious condition and un
able to move when taken to the
Cambridge hospital After a phy
sician was called he revived
enough to give out the informa
tion that he had lain there for
three days without anything to
fdrink or eat From the bruises
upon his head and from the state
ments such as he was able to give
it appears that the unfortunate
man had been kicked off a train
which he had boarded without a
ticket The physician does not
have any hope of his recovery
He gave his home as Rochester
N Y Lincoln News
A happier bunch of base ball
players never existed than the
Rourkes Friday Early in the
morning a claim agent of the Bur
lington railroad appeared armed
with a bunch of checks which he
distributed among the players in
settlement for injuries sustained
in the Indianola wreck about two
months ago Every player who
was on the train at the time re
ceived a check for about 100
Omaha Bee
Prize Winners
The Sharkey family was given
the prize for the largest family
attending the Burlington employ
es picnic at the Beach last Thurs
day They not only got the prize
for the biggest family but the
tAvo daughters the Misses Helen
and Marjorie received the first
and second prizes for being the
handsomest girls on the grounds
for the day
The Sharkey children are Mrs
F C Beacon and Mrs L J
Doyle Omaha Banard of Grand
Island Helen Marjorie Vance
Cyril Madeline Harold and Isa
belle all of Lincoln All but Ba
nard avciv present One daughter
Genevieve died just one month
ago The youngest daughter whe
will be three years old in Septem
ber has the record of being the
largest child at time of birth
born in the state her weight be
ing twenty pounds
Mr Sharkey has been in the
employ of the Burlington railroad
for twenty eight years and has
lived for the last eight years in
Lincoln He is a passenger en
gineer between Lincoln and Mc
Cook Lincoln Journal
Fell Off No 15
A man passenger on train 15
Priday night fell off train 15
near Naponee but fortunately es
caped severe injuries It be
comes known that the man went
into the vestibule opened the
door and sat down on the car
steps and becoming sleeps fell
off the car He later walked in
to the station at Naponee where
he slept in a box car until Sat
urday morning In getting out
of the box car in the morning the
passenger had the further misfor
tune to fall out on his shoulder
ne was picked up by train 13
Saturday morning and taken on
his way west not much the worse
for his experience Avhicb how
ever did not improv ehis personal
or physical appearance if they
did not do him much hurt
Abraham Read Ave learn is the
mans name and he hails from
Whitehall Illinois He is making
a round trip to San Francisco
Another Washout at Holbrook
Sunday evenings rain took out
several hundred feet of the neAv
road bed at Holbrook But men
and materials Avere rushed to the
spot and the Avashout cribbed up
so that traffic Avas only delayed
a couple hours
The tromometer is the latest
If you are on a train and you
are curious to knoAV Iioav fast you
are going you put a penny in the
rslofc and a hand on a dial in
forms you H W Prance an
Englishman is the genius Avho
thought of this idea
Youll be decidedly more com
fortable and SAveeter these hot
Deaconess Glandon is Avith the
home folks on a visit
Dr Butler and family of Ex
eter visited McCook friends last
Mrs H A Beale returned home
Saturday morning from a short
Aisit in Denver
Ed Predmore Aiio has been
doAA n from Ilaigler receiving
medical treatment returned home
E O Carter Avent to McCook
in company Avith Rev Dick and
Mr Tilton Friday Beaver Val
ley Booster
Mr and Mrs C II Meeker of
McCook Neb Avere guests of E
J Mitchell and family Sunday
Deshler Rustler
Miss May Predmore of De
Groff s ATent up to Haigler Sat
urday to spend her Araeation witli
the home folks
Mrs J G Schobel of McCook
arrived Thursday morning for
a Aisit Avith her parents
Minden Ncavs
W A Reynolds cashier of the
Farmers and Merchants State
bank of Indianola had business in
the city Friday
Mrs J W Smith and children
Avent to McCook Tuesday even
ing to visit relatives a feAV days
Stratton Ncavs
Mrs Middaugh Avent to Me
Cook last Friday to see her neAv
granddaughter at the L A Car
son home Alma Record
Ed Cottingham of McCook
his parents Mr and Mrs S
S Cottingham betAveen trains
Wednesday Wray Wrattler
Mrs Charles Fisher arrived
home Thursday night from a Ais
it of a feA Aveeks in eastern Ne
braska Avith relates and friends
Mr and Mrs W P Burns Avho
haAre been visiting a daughter in
Denver for the past tAVo Aveeks
arrived home on 10 Friday after
Mrs John Connor autoed to
McCook Monday where she took
the train for Fort Morgan Colo
to Aisit relatives Beaver Valley
Mrs Charles Pfrimmer and
children of McCook came up on
Tuesday morning to visit Mr and
Mrs F M Pfrimmer a feAV days
Stratton Ncavs
Mrs Joseph Allen came in
from the ranch on the upper Wil
Ioav to hear Mrs Welles travel
talk in the Methodist church on
Thursday evening
Mrs Wm Kennedy is visiting
her daughter Mrs Charles Bos
Avorth of McCook this week She
Avas taken over by her son Joe
last Friday Beaver Valley
Miss Ilattie Smith Avho has
been in Washington D C for
some time stenographer to Con
gressman G W Norris expects
to be home about the first c
Mrs Harry Cox of McCook
Neb AA as here Aisiting her daugh
ter Mrs James CarAvin of north
of tOAvn and incidentally many of
her old friends and acquaintanc
es Wray Gazette
Mr and Mrs Walter Wright
Avrite from Walkerville Canada
that they have decided to return
to the U S to live and that Mil
ford Indiana is their home In
cidentally Gladys Lueile is doing
Mr and Mrs R W McCraek
n of Winthrop Ncav York Avho
have been guests of Mr and Mrs
Thomas Moore for a Aveek or tAvo
departed on 10 Friday evening
for home going via Buffalo and
Mrs Dan llanners of McCook
came doAA n on
party Avhich AAent over to North
Platte Friday to see the last pub
lie appearance of Buffalo Bill in
the sIioav business Dusty
Rhodes Aras chauffeur
George R Johnson of St Louis
Mo Avent thru McCook Saturday
on No 13 on his Avay to Fort
Morgan Colorado on land busi
ness George AAras formerly in the
service of the Burlington here as
an engineer but is noAV engaged
in the land business and making
good too
Vaughn Clearman departed on
Friday morning for Waunetaon
a visit of a feAV days From
days if you dust McConnell s there he Avill go to his home in
Lo Talcum poAvder over- your Minden and about the first of
body each morning 25e next month Ayill depart for Los
I Angeles Calif Avhere he has been
Quality and price courtesy and tendered the position of credit
promptness in delivery are man in a Avholesale house a
ing for success at the McCook fine position upon which his Mc
Flour and Feed Store Cook friends congratulate
4--a t ssr
E M Glandon is home from
Pleasanton Nebraska
Mrs Matella Gordon is recover
ing from a recent seAere illness
Mrs L A Paris arrived home
this morning from a visit in Or
Mrs Ella Earle of Arapahoe
AAas a city A isitor fore part of
the week
Mrs S E Callen is Aisiting rel
atives and friends over in IoAAa
going last Aveek
W B Whittaker is in Detroit
Mich for a feAV Aveeks on busi
ness and pleasure
Mr and Mrs nenry Hester
Avorth are receiAing a Aisit from
their daughter Annie
Miss Florence Jacobs Avent up
to Culbertson Saturday on 13
on a Aisit to her sister
F F Gordon supt of Indian
ola s public schools AAas in the
city yesterday on school busines
Mrs Ursa Walker and children
are spending the week AAith her
sister Mrs B F Coffey at Ox
Mrs Ed Caffrey and tAAo chil
dren of Orleans are Aisiting Mr
and Mrs Frank Real arriving on
last Saturday
Misses Maude Ballard and Clara
Burton Aisited Miss Ballards pa
rents in Alma Sunday returning
on belated 15
Mr and Mrs Scott are enjoy
ing a Aisit from their daughter
Mrs L Carman and daughter of
Boulder Montana
Mrs S J Martin is home after
an absence of seAeral months a
part of Avhich time Avas spent in
Mason City IoAva
I j Morse tore himself aAAay
from tbat good old Benkelman
long enough to make us a brief
Aisit this morning
A Barnett returned home end
of Aveek from his outing at Hot
Springs S D AAith the family
aaIio are still at the springs
II W Keyes Avas up from In 1
unuiuici mummy
Mr and Mrs Peter DaAAson
have moved over to their land
near North Platte Ray Taylor a
companied them and will lie Avith
them for a Avhile
C C Northrup stopped over
here Monday on his return from
his business trip to Salt Lake
City and Aras the guest of his
mother Mrs M A Northrup
Mr and Mrs G II Thomas
came in from Harvard Sunday
evening Avith an automobile par
ty from Harvard and have been
the guests of her mother Mrs Sa
rah McCarl
L W McConnell accompanied
the Misses Parkhurst his nieces
to Omaha last night on their re
turn to their Illinois home after
a Aery enjoyable Aisit here of a
feAV Aveeks
Miss Helen Donvart of Pasa
dena California is the guest of
her brother D Y DonTart of our
city iliss DorAvart has been vis
iting in Friend this state and is
on her Avay home
Mr and Mrs T II Colling
AAent doAvn to Indianola Monday
cnonf1 fli nl
No 12 Sundav Lf ix i
to visit relatives return-
morning it to return h for a ffiW d
ing home Sunday evening Her first of next Wjek
sister Miss Ruth Huff Thn
ied her home to spend the AAeek
Oxford Standard
S D Taylor D W Colson
John McManigal and Henry
Mitchell composed an automobile
West show at North Platte Sat
urday report a great sIioav anc
one of the largest croAvds ever
assembled in Western Nebraska
It is estimated that 40000 people
Avere in North Platte on that day
Mrs W A Mitchell AAent doAArn
to Hastings Saturday night on
JO to spend Sunday Avith her bus
band Mr Mitchell has been of
fered a neAv position on the road
Avhich Avill make it practicable foi
him to again make his headquar
ters at McCook
Miss Marcella Ryan arrived
home Sunday night or rather on
delayed No 3 Monday morning
from her trip to Washington D
C Chicago and other points east
Miss Alice McKenna Avho accom
panied her Avill remain longer in
Chicago visiting
Mrs JC C Berthell of Los An
geles Calif spent Friday and
Saturday in the city guest of
Mrs Barney Hofer Mrs Berthell
has been visiting in Chicago St
Louis and other points east and
is bound for the coast The ladie
j are oldtime Hayes Center friends
- i
Terms of District Court 1911
Chase county April 24 and Novem
ber 13
Dundy County March 6 and No
vember 20
Frontier county March 20 and Oc
tober 2
Furnas county February 20 May
9 and October 23
Gosper county January 30 and
September 25
Hayes county March 13 and Sep
tember 18
Hitchcock county May 1 and No
vember 27
Red WilloAV county February 6
May 15 and October 9
Robert C Orr district judge
Wants for rent for sale etc
5c a line in The Tribune
Loss of Time Means Loss of Pay
Kidney trouble and the ills it
breeds means lost time and lost pay
to many a working man M Bal
ent 1214 Little Penna St Streator
I1L was so bad from kidney and
bladder trouble that he could not
work but he says I took Foley
Kidney Pills for only a short time
and got entirely well and was soon
able to go back to work and am feel
ing well and healthier than before
Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in ac
tion quick in results a good friend
to the working man or woman who
suffers from kidney ills A Mc
Many a Suffering Woman
drags herself painfully through her
daily tasks suffering from backache
nervousness loss of appetite and
poor sleep not knowing her ills are
due to kidney and bladder troubles
Foley Kidney Pills giAe quick relief
from pain and misery and a prompt
return to health and strength No
Avoman who so suffers can afford to
overlook Foley Kidney Pills A Mc
A specialty of typewriter supplies at
The Tribune Shop Papers of all
weights sizes and qualities Ribbons
for every machine carbon papers
manuscript covers etc All kept in
Hay Fever Asthma and Summer Cold
on business must be relieved nuicklv and Foleys
His brother Charles R Keyes of Honey and Tar Compound will do it
Mt Vernon la accompanied him Stewart 1034 Wolfram St
Chicago writes I haAe been great-
er ana iurs w i ucuay ot
Danbuiy and Mrs M M Young
autoed over to North Platte to
see the Wild West sIioav Satur
Mr and Mrs T II Colling ar
rived in the city Monday on No
iy troubled during the hot summer
mom lis with hay fever and find that
by using Foleys Honey and Tar
Compound I get great relief MaUy
others who suffer similarly will be
u benefit by Mr stv H ex
periciuv A McMillen
1 from Cheyenne Wyoming on Seemed t0 Give Him a
a visit to friends and relatives1 7 suffered intensely
Iy good health
New Stomach
after eating
and no medicine or treatment I tried
SRfimPfl tn rn rvnv pyw TT
J E Delzell deputy state supt M Youngpeters editor of the Sun
Avas in toAvn betAveen trains to- ke VieAv Ohio The first few
day on his way to Trenton to j oses f Chamberlains Stomach and
i i i Liver Tablets gave me surprising re-
participate in the Hitchcock coun lief and the second bottle emed to
ty institute give me a new stomach and
For sale by all
Foley Kidney Pills will check the
progress of your kidney and bladder
trouble and heal by rpmoving the
cause A McMillen
CURES and Purifies the Blood
Slimes like
a Mirror
When you use
and all grease and turn is quickly
removed from enamel ware agale ware
Branile ware ec by this wonderful all
ruund cleanser While soap and soap
powder leave a sticky film lo calch more
dirt Old Duich Cleanser cleans thoroughly
removing all diseolorations and corrosions
without scratching or injuring the surface
Not only cleanses tut polishes- Strictly
Avoid caustics and acids
Many other usesrarid
puu iniecnoitrom
Cuts and bruises may be healed t
about one third the time required bjs
the usual treatment by aRplyaae
Chamberlains Liniment It is sat
antiseptic and causes euch injuries
to heal Avdthout maturation This
liniment also relieves soreness of tihsi
muscles and rheumatic pains Fecr
sale by all dealers
McCook Neb Phone red 12Sr
Phone Red 116
203 East Fourth street
Physician and Surgeon
Local Surgeon B M
Phones Office 163 resideBv
217 Office Rooms 5 6 Templsii
building McCook Neb
Registered Graduate
Office 212 Main av over Ms
Connells drug store Phones Of
fice 160 residence black 131
Phone 112
Office Rooms
building McCook
3 and 5
Phone 378
Room 4 Postoffice building Mo
Cook Neb
Phone 163
Office Room 4 Masonic temple
Phone 190
Office over McAdams store Mc
Cook Neb
Bonded Abtracter and
Examiner of Titles
Stenographer and notary in officer
McCook Nebraska
Attorney at Law and
Bonded Abstracter
Agent of Lincoln Land Co and
McCook Water Works Co Office in
Postoffice building McCook Neb
Phone 34
Office Commercial barn McCook
Jewelers Opticians
Eyes tested and fitted
pairing McCook Neb
Fine re-
and Opticians
Watch Repairing Goods oi quality
Main avenue McCook Nebraska
Plumbing Heating
and Gas Fitting
Phone 33
Estimates furnished reeBasement
Postoffice building
Real Estate
and Insurance
Office 305 2nd st East Phone
black 252
Your combings
made Into switches and puff a
Phone Ash 2354
Machine Work
Horse Shoeing
We are agents for the Celebrated
Ford Auto
210 1st st W -- Phone rect 355-
A V iVft J
-- i