The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 15, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 4

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    Commissioners Proceedings
Continued from piige 1
C A Rodgers attendance
district court and fees
C A Rodgers appointing
election boards fees and
G A Rodgers postage
F S Lofton commissioner
services and mileage
by Indianola
-James Arnold bridge work
2 23
42 55
6 00
50 50
Edward Sughroue commis
sioner services and mile
3S 70
W N Rogers commissioner
services and mileage 137 80
On motion the board adjourn
ed to meet August Stli 1911
P S LOFTON Chairman
Chas Skalla County Clerk
McCook Nebraska August 8
191 J The Board of Comuy Coiu
anissioncrs met pursuant lo J
joumment lresent F S Lof
ton Edward Sughroue and W
jS Rogers commissioners
Chas L Kitehie count- attorney
unci Clfis b lilla county clerk
The board entered into the
following agreement with Aud
it and Bond Co of America The
board airrees to pay their claim
-of 60280 dated June 14 1911
for auditing the books of Red
Willow county in the following
jnsfcmer We will allow a coun
try warrant for the sum of 3271G
for the work done in the follow- J jr iict
ang orliccs Devoiv district cleric n rorennm
siieriti and Wilcox
clerk and for the services
performed in making the audit
of Rogers clerk of district court
we agree to pay 50 per cent of
ill differences recovered
This agreement was made by
the board unanimously and ac
cepted by P Shallenberger rep
resenting the Audit and Bond
The following claims were aud
by Indianola 23 25
Fred Reiners bridge work
Bondville 5 50
Chas Reiners bridge work
Bondville 26 50
John Troester bridge work
Bondville S 75
Henrv Kiskers Jr bridge
work Bondville 23 00
Henrv Schamel bridge work
Bondville 1100
Chas Schamel bridge work
Bondville 9 00
Otto Tilgner bridge work
Bondville 9 00
Fred Wagner Sr bridge
work Bondville 3 00
Ben Schamel bridge work
Bondville 10 50
Julius Ilinz bridge work
Bondville 8 00
A Breittling bridge work
Bondville 11 50
Jacob Breittling bridge
work Bondville U UU
Ivan Korb bridge work
Bondville 6 00
Fred linger brdige work
Bondville 14 00
Fred Wagner Jr bridge
work Bondville 5 00
John Oashem bridge work
Bondville 3 00
Wm Kircher bridgew ork
Bondville 3 00
Henrv Ebert bridge work
Bondville 9 50
Henrv Karspeck bridge work
Bondville 9 00
Henrv Vontz bridge work
Bondville 1 00
Road fund Commissioner dis
trict No 1
Herman Reiners road work
Bondville 40 40
Warren L Cooper road work
Gerver 2 50
Benjamin H Hawkins road
work Gerver 1 25
Chas G Wilhelm road
work Gerver i ob
Road Fund Commissioner Dis
trict No 2
Otis Coburn road work
Fritsch 4 50
Alex Jensen road work
Fritscli 6 00
Josepli Powers road work
Fritsch 1 50
Frank Hill road work
Fritsch 3 75
Robert Meyers road work
Fritsch 60
Wm Barber road work
Fritscli 2 25
Road district No 1 North Yal
Je precinct tmMmamalKim
wo r
ited and allowed and the county low precinct
Martin Doyle road work
Oeorg Tjvphagan road
Ld B wc r road work
George Traphagan road
Ilenrv Corcoran rowel
w il
Janus Doyie Jr road
clerk was instructed to draw C J Suiter road work
warrants on the respective funds Arch Hatcher road work
levy of 1911 in payment thereof Herbert Hedges road
as follows work
County General Fund Fred Arp road work
Audit and Bond Co of Road district No 14
America for auditing Grange precinct
books 327 16 Robert Johnston road
County Bridge Fund work
William Gallaway bridge Fmil Ebert road work
work by Indianola 33 25 Road district No 19
Geo Ridgeley bridge work I precinct
by Indianola 3 20 W U iiiersekorn road
Mike Maisel bridge work
4 50
A E Jennings road work 15 00
F M Jennings road work
claimed 1250 deducted
1250 for credit due the
district from last year
F 3M Jennings road work
claimed at 2625 allowed
by deducting 975 for
credit due precinct from
last year at 16 50
A E Jennings road work 15 00
P D Brooks road work 28 50
John Wagner road work 25 50
Elmer Turpin road work lv to
Jade Arbogast road work 3 00
TCnnrt district No 3 Fritsch
Tom Earle road work 12 00
Merle Hill road work 4 50
Frank Hill road work 23 12
Wm Barber road work 21 75
C K Critchfield road
work 4 50
Herbert Critchfield road
work 4 oU
Alex Jensen road work G 00
Joe Powers road work 1 50
Road district No 4 Box Elder
Charles Kennedy road
work 3 60
Thurston Doyle road
work 2 00
Road district No 5 Coleman
Phil Moore road work 3 00
John Traphagan road
Mike A Schilz road work
Road District No 6
3 00
5 00
12 00
6 00
5 00
a oo
6 00
Road district No 8 Red
4 50
3 00
3 00
3 00
work 4 50
Herman Andrews road
work 3 00
Charles Weatherwax road
W M Ilindman road work
Andrew Layman road
Hay Ilindman road work
II E Cadv road work
Road district No 20
Frank Helt road work
Hampton Horton road
Frank McCashland road
Martin Scarrow road
Milo Horton road work
Albert Abbott road work
Urban Bartholomew road
Aaron Mays road worlc
Frank nelt road work
Hampton Horton road
Waiter Boyd road work
Human Cady road worlc
Aaron Mays road worlc
II V Wniiyh nails
S 25
9 00
1 50
15 50
12 00
3 00
9 50
6 50
6 00
4 25
1 50
Tli claim of E Benjamin of
170 for fees in the Allison and
Thayer Juvenile cases and also
of 1179 as fees in the Overleese
insanity case were on motion re
On motion the board adjourn
ed to meet August 9th 1911
F S LOFTON Chairman
Chas Skalla County Clerk
McCook Nebraska August 9
1911 The board of county com
missioners met pursuant to
Present F S Lof
ton EdAvard Sughroue and W
N Rogers county commissioners
Chas D Ritchie county attorney
and Chas Skalla county cleric
The minutes of the meeting
held August 2 and of the Equal
ization board meetings held on
August 2nd and 3rd Avere read
and on motion approved
The folloAving claims were aud
ited and alloAAed and the county
clerk Avas instructed to draw
Avarrants on the respective funds
levy of 1911 in paAinent thereof
as folloAAs
County general fund
ED Perkins Co supplies
prisoners UU
J A Wilcox Son mdse
Mrs Weintz and Mrs
Jeffers 8 70
J A Wilccs Son mdse
Mrs Jeffers
W B Whittaker transpor
tation of paupers
W B Whittaker transpor
tation of paupers
river bridge
C S Albrecht bridge Avorlc
river bridge
Elzie Hyatt bridge Avorlc
river bridge
Bob Hyatt bridge work
river bridge
Robert Beatty bridge Avorlc
river bridge
Charles Mapes bridge Avork
river bridge
Charles Mapes bridge Avorlc
river bridge claimed at
4090 allowed at
John Miller bridge Avorlc
river bridge east of Mc-
John Miller bridge Avorlc
river bridge east of Mc
3 55
1 04
A J Crawmer mdse A R
Moon 16 91
A McMillen medicines Mc
Brien and Sheeley 8 65
Klopp Bartlett Co receipt
book treasurer 8 00
h W McConnell supplies 8 5U
C A Rodgers fees Allison
and Thayer juvenile
case 9 25
L M Iliggins fees Allison
and Thayer juvenile
case 1 45
C A Rodgers fees State
s Durkin 10 85
J C Moore fees State vs
Durkin 4 70
L M Iliggins fees State vs
Durkin t 70
Chas Skalla salary county
clerk July 7 to Aug 7 137 50
Chas Skalla service on 1911
Ecpialization board
J J Ludwick repairing
window shades
Barnett Lumber Co
Barnett Lumber Co
Bullard Lumber Co
E G Caine Co lumber
E G Caine Co lumber
and cement
1 00
54 77
950 05
10 00
320 05
Slansbeiry Lumber Co
lumber claimed at 48315
allowed at 450 00
Pei y Bee Co lumber 3 75
Peri v Bee Co lumber 1 05
Standard Bridge Co
34 08
A L Green berg Iron Co
reinforcing irons 30 16
A L Greenberg Iron Co
reinforcing irons and con
crete culvert 605 65
A L Greenberg Iron Co
146 iron bars 62 22
A L Greenberg Iron Co
531 iron bars
County bridge fund
S Y Frazier bridge work
river bridge east of Mc
S V Frazier bridge work
river bridge
S V Frazier bridge work
river bridge
W T Clark bridge worlc
river bridge claimed at
62S5 allowed at
Amos Clark bridge worlc
19S IS
Clarence Bales bridge work
river bridge 27 20
M Fossen bridge work
Alliance precinct
Matt Tines bridge Avorlc
Alliance precinct
Frank Donely bridge work
Alliance precinct
Perry Kinnison bridge Avorlc
Alliance precinct
John Pfifer bridge work
Alliance precinct 1 50
Mike Jussell bridge Avork
Alliance precinct 3 50
Jackson Teeters bridge Avork
Alliance precinct 5 00
E L Pearson bridge AA ork
Alliance precinct 9 00
Frank Premer bridge AAork
Alliance precinct 12 00
John Premer bridge Avork
Alliance precinct 21 00
2 30 i Commissioner district i o 1
A C Harris road work
Grant precinct 6 00
Albers Weeks road worlc
Grant precinct 3 00
Roy Albrecht road work
Grant precinct 7 50
J V Holt road work
Grant precinct 3 00
W E Weeks road work
ftrsint nrecinct 3 00
Road clisrtict No 2 Alliance
James K McDowell road
work 56 25
Fred Barruth road work 12 50
E II Thomas road work 3 50
Frank Wight road work 2 00
John Ginther road work 9 00
William Teter road work 9 00
James Burke road work 10 75
Casper Vontz road work 6 00
G W Probasco road work 12 00
Charlie Williams road
work 3 00
George Liston road work 6 00
Road district No 7 Willow
24 00 Grove precinct
Charley Angell road work 4 6
Road district No 11 Tyrone
684 40 Henry Ilarsch road work 50 00
And on the county inheritance
tax fund
Will Meyers road worlc
per contract 50 00
On motion the county treasur
er Avas instructed to refund to
Vance McManigal the sum of
235 being the amount of 1910
tax plid bv him under protest on
part of lot 3 section 32-3-29 for
the ivnson that he AAas assessed
for 33 acres when he only oav
JJ abiun Ul oiuu luk
The board made application to
the state engineer for state aid
as provided for by the iicav law
for a steel bridge at a point
about one mile south of Bartley
On motion the board adjourn
ed to meet August 22 1911
F S LOFTON Chairman
Chas Skalla County clerk
National Irrigation Congress
- i i
oU oU u overnor Aluncii Avrites in a
I recent letter to the headquarters i
70 30 of the national irrigation eongret
i at Chicago that he has appointed
37 20 an advisory committee Avith wlrici
6 00
13 20
6 55
39 70
officers of the irrigation con 1
gres3 can cooperate in making its
85 coming meeting December 5 to
1 9 of th greatest benefit to Ne
9 60 braslca
I Members of the advisory com
4 50 mittee apuointed by the govern-
or are
6 00 j Frank L Ilaller Omaha
George Payne Omaha
W S Whitten Lincoln
P McGinn is Kimball
H II Andrews CallaAvav
A pleasant and easy way to
6 25
8 50
4 50
10 75
simultaneously Avith the TTnitpd 1
sFPT4T o8l9Tt
Bn tfilritt
iimafmym u smwebsm
States Land and Irrigation Ex 1 THROUGH COAST SLEEPERS
position and the International Tlle Burlington runs through
Live Stock SIioaw These three big
events offer unusual opportunities
for communities to make icnoAvr
their adA antages to hundreds of
thousands of prospective farmers
and settlers
That interested states might
make the most of these opportuni
ties the suggestion Avas made that
their governors appoint advisory
committees It is anticipated that
similar committees Avill be ap
pointed by the gOArernors of Ida
ho Kansas Montana North Da
kota South Dakota Utah and otli
er states
mane ome
Thousands of people ape
doing fnls work profitably
For Ml particulars of very liberal
cash commissions extra
cash prizes free samples
efCo address Desk 90
1SS Fiftli Ave New York City
A special offer open to those who write at once
VA S rf3kSP I iff MINI I II Mill Hill II I II H MM
u -1 i
Shopping By Telephone
Hot days and Avindy dusty Aveather interfere with
shopping trips but if you have a telephone you can
give your orders from your home
Shopping and tiresome trips need never be made if you
have a Bell Telephone for the service is dependable
and its lines reach nearly ever Avhere
Personal calls and long trips on hot summer days are
far from pleasant If you have a telephone your
butcher and grocer can be made to come to vou
CHAS W KELLEY IdcCoolc Manager
uiiis wtss vvKTiTifsnmK
Traveling Inducements for August
W L Minor Morrill This glorious Aacation region during August is the magnet for
T D Deutsch Scottsbluff thousands of tourists and campers there is no scenic tour in
GL ShuniAA ay Scottsbluff I tin Avorld like the Park tour AAhether you use the hotels or
Save the forests store the the personally conducted camping tours You oaac it to your
floods reclaim the deserts make self and family to see this Avonderland
homes on the land is the motto to TTTE EAST
0 of the National Irrigation Con- m 1- ti oivt ir v fo n -
i res n elearl ses f orth lts o Thev embrace the whole eastern eountrv Ask for special leaf
Ijects Of particular interest is the lot f eastern tours
34 20 consideration the congress AAiIl
t w rm mT t -- rm
give at this session to reclama uUJN1BA wa
tion bv drainage verv w p25 00 one AAay fares to the Pacific Coast will be
This vear itZ winn lolrl in oteet September 15 to October 15 You should go during
ine earner penuu or inese ranjs iu uvuiu me nuar rusn
standard and tourist sleepers
every day to California Aia Denver scenic Colorado Salt Lake
City with choice of routes beyond Aia Southern Pacific West
ern Pacific Feather River Canyon or Salt Lake Route also
complete through trains Avith all classes of equipment to tne
Northwest Aia Billings
1IOMESEEKER Fares continue first and third Tuesdays to Avest
Write or call and let me help you plan an attractive Aacation
General Passenger Agent
Omaha Nebraska
1 - linn airli nivil
Ticket Agent
McCook Nebraska
vfvirvi 1 v i iiyT irWimfi1iifiWMry
V Franklin Pres G H Watkins Vice Pres
R A Green Cshr
I The Citizens National Bank
j of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capitall50000 Surplus 25000
VJFranklin A McMillen R A Green
G H Watkius Vernice Franklin
T1 he 1 nbime
It is Just One Dollar the Year