The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 08, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 4

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SiS Pach Bros
ors for mobilization were issueI
Sam the war department on the after
zvBfa of March 0 The Tenth infantrj
at Tort Benjamin Harrison Ind en
Saned within eighteen hours after re
ctdvjog orders The troops from Fort
Hyrc Va being the Third field artil
lery traveling a distance of 1713 miles
ttrTan Antonio were carried thither
3J27ate of twenty eight miles an hour
3e were on the scene in fifty two
A Remarkable Achievement
3te record is a remarkable one
Sfieatary Dickinson said The rail
rstds Had no opportunity whatever to
jrsjarc for the movement Had notice
buffij given them it would materia 11 y
lidvj shortened the time
STbar delays are involved said
cfcTal Wood were occasioned by
HiE Sict that the department gave no
jnjsSmmarj warning to the railroads
ThtToops were moved under condl
SsEsthat may be considered as being
aw fisadvantageous as possible The
xnrcs to move came out of an abso
IiiJiiT clear sky
2ie manner in which the orders of
foe president were carried out shows
2aerantageof having a well worked
f a
g3Q by American Press Association
oszjaw for mobilization The
as they have gone make it
3aEr that there has been a great im
prurnent in methods since 189S and
3uzL so lax as- the regular army is con
icecnKF we took to heart the lessons
1ho32 then and profited by them
Satrsfaction In Everything
troops now assembled officers
y 23n number 17410 of whom 11
2Jsrsin the maneuver division those
alfr cletlncted consisting of the provi
xSooS Brigade at San Diego the sep
ssstfr Brfeade at Galveston and the cav
rr troops previously assigned to guard
TjSorder According to the reports
CGeneral William H Carter from the
aftasfquarters of the maneuver division
aakSoiilntonro the whole movement
iEate jrodaced nothing bat satisfactUm
TpiitT mviiTtr
a i
III IS is i i n
I II II li Bill
Esports From Troopers
- Please Secretary Dick
f inson and Major
3 General Wood
WOOD chief of
staff U S A
constantly in
touch with the
operations of the
maneuver divi
sion of the army
now in Texas
commenting on
the official and
unofficial reports
which have
reached him
fang It is evident that the experience
Hnbcch the American troops have gain
osIq recent years in the movements
uBsndTfrom the Philippines has taught
Ufsn now to move and move quickly
Tie- official records show how
Syjjne of the troops moved after the
Indian Many Times Re
ported Exterminated
Is a First Class
Fightin Man
AQDI Indians to
the number of
several thou
sands are in the
field helping
the insurrectos
in their fight
against the es
tablished gov
ernment of Mex
ico according to
an official report
received at San
A number of places In Sonora have
been raided by the Indians The
Yaquis knowledge of the mountain
country of Sonora and their experi
ence in fighting the federal troops
make them among the most dangerous
foes with whom the Diaz government
has to deal
Exterminating 11m Yaqui Indians
has been a favorite pastime with the
established government of Mexico ever
since the time of Cortes and though
thousands of these people have been
shot and thouandb more sent to die
on he plantations md in the swamps
of Tehuantepec and Yucatan there are
still enough ablebodied Yaquis left to
cause considerable trouble
Insurging has been the vocation of
every Yaqui man woman or child
1911 by American Press Association
since long before the present rebellion
broke out in Mexico Rebellion and
warfare seem to be inborn traits or
the Yaquis carefully cultivated from
one generation to the next That it is
right to shed the blood of a Mexican
official or soldier is a Yaqui tradition
and it is one that has been carefully
lived up to
Yaquis Werent All Dead
In September 1S99 Don Rafael Ruiz
a rich landowner of Hermosillo So
nora near the Yaqui country de
Within two months there will not
be alive in Mexico a Yaqui bearing
arms The Yaquis will be driven out
of their mountains to the sea where
they must surrender or die
Nine years later in September 1908
there were enough Yaquis alive and
bearing arms to murder Don Rafael on
the road between Hermosillo and Ures
The trouble between the Yaquis and
the government is primarily that the
Yaquis want to be independent instead
of living in the semi serfdom of the
Mexican peon They live in the south
ern part of the state of Sonora So
nora is a rich mining country and it
was inconvenient to have the Yaquis
claiming the ground as their own mere
13 because they had lived on it for a
few hundred years
Like the Sudanese natives of whom
Kipling wrote the Yaquis may have
1311 by American Press Association
been poor benighted eathen but
thej were and are certainly first class
Gghtin men
One of the most remarkable- proof
of the Yaquis endurance is their run
ning abilitj Travelers who have lived
in Sonora say that it is not an uncom
mon thing- for one of these Indians to
run ten miles an hour for four hours
In the time of the Spanish rule thes s
Indians often acted as couriers and it
Is said that the Spanish governor ot
Mexico used to get fish from the coast
as fresh as President Diaz is able to
procure today by r the somewhat lel
anrelr railroad system of Mexico
Natures Scene Shifting
Although in the geological past vast
changes of level occurred on the bor
ders and even in the center of conti
nents it is a debated question whether
at present similar elevations and sub
sidences can be detected Recently the
frequently repeated statement that the
coasts of Massachusetts and New Jer
sey are perceptibly sinking has been
disputed the apparent subsidence be
ing ascribed to simple changes of
shore line But some curious records
kept in Europe seem to indicate that
actual fluctuations of the level of the
land may occasionally be observed In
the valley of the Main a church tower
hidden behind a mountain screen has
since 18G1 gradually risen into plain
view from the chateau of Strossen
dorf and still farther in the same di
rection another church tower which
began to be visible from Strossendorf
eighty years ago is now clearly seen
above the horizon and is said to rise
higher as time goes on Similar rec
ords exist in Bohemia in Switzerland
In Spain and in the French Jura
Ocean Derelicts
There is an old dread of encounter
ing a derelict that Is just below the
surface of the water There is no
such danger A derelict that will sink
below the surface will sink to the bot
tom Take a tub of water and try to
find any object that will unattached
occupy a position that is other than at
the surface or at the bottom There
is a long task ahead of you There is
the false theory that the water grows
denser as one goes deeper and that a
sinking object will find a place where
it will remain suspended This theory
Is not correct and a boat that will
sink beneath the surface will sink to
the bottom even if that bottom should
be twenty miles down The derelict
that is bumped into has a piece of it
self sticking out of the water as an
alarm if the eyes of the lookout are
only sharp enough to catch it New
York Tribune
Knew the Boundary Line
The friends of a couple in Cleveland
in whose household no doubt exists as
to who Is the head of the family tell
an interesting story relative to the last
trifling passage at arms between hus
band and wife One evening just be
fore dinner the wife who had been
bridge all the afternoon came
in to find her husband and a strange
man afterward ascertained to be a
lawyer engaged In some mysterious
business over the library table upon
which were spread several sheets of
What are you doing with all that
paper HenryV demanded the wife
I am making a wish meekly re
sponded the husband
A wish
Yes niy dear In your presence I
shall not presume to call it a will
Not a Hindrance
It was a revival meeting and the
church Workers were working up and
down the aisles A gray haired woman
past middle age approached a sedate
looking gentleman who occupied a rear
seat on the end of the row Placing
her hand on his shoulder with maternal
touch she said
Dont you think you would like to
be a Christian
My dear madam hebegan dont
you know that I am professor of theol
ogy in the little seminary at the other
end of the town
The woman a homely character and
ignorant of the isms and ologies
of the modern curriculum gave answer
in smooth accents
Well my dear brother dont allow
a little thing like that to stand in your
way Philadelphia Times
Garrick and Kitty Clive
Kitty Clive the paramount soubrette
of Garricks time was celebrated for
her temper and her spiteful tongue
She denied little Davy had skill in
tragedy and mocked at him when he
prepared to put ou Hamlet During
the performance she stood in the
tut Ait iui hi - itnz tiuuu 1U Lilt
of herself md ippkiudcd vigorously
Well Kitty asked Garrick as he
came off the stage have I convinced
you that I can act in tragedy
Kitty burst into tears of vexation
declaring Why you Davy you
could act a gridiron I
Fino Scheme
Wife Please match this piece of silk
for me before you come home Hus
bandAt the counter where the sweet
little blond works the one with the
soulful eyes and Wife No Youre
too tired to shop for me when your
days work is done dear On second
of Id
Dr D F Smith of Bartley was
in town on business yesterday
W A Mitchell was up from
Hastings early days of the week
Miss Vina Peterson of Palisade
is guest of Mrs Harry Tram
Miss Carrie Blum of Lincoln is
a visitor in the home of Mr and
Mrs William Lewis
Mrs J D Hare arrived home
last Friday on No 1 from her
absence of weeks in Chicago
Mrs F L Barnes and children
of Culbertson are visiting her
father C II Jacobs this week
Miss Hazel Merle of Omaha is
the guest of Miss Leah Pennell
arriving in the city end of last
Mrs E S Waite is enjoying
a visit from her sister Mrs Wells
who arrived from Iowa Saturday
on No 9
K D Jacobs left ou Monday
night for Falls City Nebraska
seeking a position with the Mis
souri Pacific
C R Carlson of Axtell visited
in the city on Monday between
trains on his way west leaving on
No 13 delayed
Mrs Charles Allen and his sis
ter Miss Allen arrived in the city
vesterday on 13 on a visit to
McCook relatives
Mrs Lavosier Barney was a
psenger for Harvard on Friday
nng on train 10 on a visit to
sristrr Mrs G II Thomas
Vaughn Clearman of the Citi
ins National Bank went down to
Mind en Friday evening to be
vitli the hem- folks over Sunday
Mrs Charles Fisher went down
on delayed 2 Saturday morning
She expects to visit at the old j
home in Sterling Nebraska while
Miss Alice McKenna and Miss
Mircella Ryan departed on train
10 Friday evening on a trip east
which will extend as far as Wash
ington D C i
Miss Hazel Cochran of Bartley
came up to the capital city Sat i
urday and is spending a week
in the city guest of Miss Fl
nee Rosebush
Miss Georgia and Miss Jose
phine Parkhurst of Virginia I
linois are guests of their uncle
L W McConnell arriving in th
city end of week
John Maisel arrived from ShI
by Nebraska last Friday to in
vestigate some detective work
and -will return to his work at
Shelby last of this week
Bub Bailey came up from
Wymore close of last week and
devoted a little while here to1
making some improvements and
repairs on their city properties
Mr and Mrs David Boucher
who have been guests of his sis-
ter Mrs W W MeMillen for sev l
eral months departed this morn
ing for their home in Johnstown
Mr and Mrs II C Clapp ar
rived from the east Sunday on
No 1 They have been in east
ern markets for several weeks
SlSntgpTiases fop the Ml
u inter trade
Jiev Fr Pattnn 1 r
of the McCook National Bank
fiom their trip of a few week
J me
x ellnwetnr ti
finifi -- J aiic
1 O cl J1JU T1UU
e guests of jtfr
Jltlrl V li
lor their outiinr
d Mrs Gilbert
an enn
- - w t j w 4a
wings intending to scoff but she was tJu Jiv m l0wa iriived in
carried away with enthusiasm in spite i ue 1
uight and were
ana Mrs 71
over Snndav The
were enroute for the Pacific coas
country on an outing
Iid ORourke and Roy Green
are out working on a Western
Union Telegraph Co line gang
They last reported home from
Friend this state but expect to
SO up in the northwest on some
jdv line construction
Edith Waite who ha
been entertaining Miss Louis
Mote of Plainview and the Miss-
thought I wont bother you Detroii es Echo Ratclilf and Breta Diehl
of Stratton accompanied her
guests os No 13 to Stratton
Losing ner inxeresi
wllere wil1 conclude the
Mrs Billerock is getting oid I know j the3r
What now
She says that the stores dont have
as good bargains now as formerly
Buffalo Express
Tho Hatters Comment
How gracefully young Skivett raises
his hat
1 wish he could raise the price of
the hat half as gracefully Cleveland
Plain Dealer
The Fullness of Her Love
Pettlbone One cannot live on love
alone Funnlbone I can live on my
love Pettlbone Why how is that
Funnibone She has S10O000 Ex
Faces are made beautiful by kind
ness It is a divine sculptor
house partv as guests of Miss
Bob Clary who spent some
time here seeking health but who
afterwards Avent on to Denver in
the same quest went through Mc
Cook end of week much discour
aged on his way back to New
York His chances for recovery
from the dread tuberculosis seemi
ed to be very scant
Mr and Mrs T F Rowell are
bearing the dignity of grand par
ents in a becoming manner A
telegram from Walkerville On
tario Canada of last Thursday
afternoon announced the birth to
Mr and Mrs W W Wright of a
daughter who bears the name of
Gladys Lucile and is growing
Six million telephones join together the city and the coun
try over the lines of the Bell system Country people now
use the telephone constantly in reaching friends and dist
ant business houses
The value of your telephone depends upon the num
ber of people who can be reached without confusion
and the promptness with which responses are made
Bell service alone meets these demands
3 -V v
CHAS W KELLEY McCook Manager
-- fUMVMJb S
zn9iJ53 SEKS353
A J 111- i -
Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley
i oinn nanals are now running ui iu
jiiiu inb
All of the rivers n eXtended inspection trip
The writer JSYe -here he
tho Big lloin isasm a
through uge for im
t he tanners nuv i - -
nation- crops are accoruiugt -
rimwn with e on one or our iv jij fnnnvc
i i
and third Tuesdays
a reliable water supply
vnn the Crops XlUib i
auurrT j oav folder telling
write iuuij -
all about these lands
It is free
Immigration Agent
mm Conni irppi
jtwwwfii iw i 1 irrnwiws
V Fkanklis Pres G H WATKiN3Vice Pres
R A Gbeen Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capitall50000 Surplus 25000
VFranklin A MeMillen R A Green
G H Watkius Vernice Franklin
- 1 1 1 ihi n a t iaiAa
rhe Tribune
It is Just One Dollar the Year