The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 08, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 1

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    k I
I j
now and
Tiifl Not Give Exhibition
The Adam Forepaugh and Sells
tfnirhiirv Their
been disarranged by the floods
on the Rock Island territory and
this date at McCook was to have
been a fill in They left here on
Saturday night for Pueblo Col
orado after unloading and feed
ing their animals horses etc
Regular price of this station
ery is 50c but in order to reduce
our immense stock Ave are going
to give our customers a special fo
two davs only Saturday and
Monday August 12th and 14th
L W McCONNELL Druggist
For Sale in Hayes County
250 to 300 tons of choice mid
land hay growing or in stack
privilege of feeding on place Al
so privilege of autumn and win
ter range No other stock for
past year running water Ad
dress R B Sheridan McCook
If You Have
houses to rent list them with Whit
taker Gray They have several
applications on file now for hous
es Phone black 283 Office in Tem
ple block
Two Days Only
Initial Stationery for 39 cents
Subscribe for the Semi Weekly
Tribune 100 per year
The Burlington Crop Report
Estimates of tlie probable corn
crop along the Builington lines
in Nebraska continue to show a
falling off over last week accord
ing to the report issued yester
day Conditions are generally tin
same but what differences are
shown in the percentages are
downward tendencies On the
Omaha division the recent rains
helped the situation very consid
erably but the drouth had done
damage early in the week With
timely rains from now on it is
estimated that the Omaha division
may produce 75 per cent of a
crop Following are the agents
estimates based on a full crop
Omaha division 73 last week 79
Lincoln division 89 last week 92
Wvmore division 79 last week
SO McCook division 73 last weeli
79 Grasshoppers are reported to
be doing practically no damage
during the past week Generally
the soil is in fairly satisfactory
condition save where there has
been too much rain in certain lo
calities Maximum rainfalls on
each division are Omaha division
Schuyler 25 inches Lincoln di
vision Central City 3 inches
Wymore division Superior 3
inches McCook Orleans 8 inch
es Republican 6 inches Arapa
hoe 4 inches Pasturage is re
ported as greatly improved over
last week Plowing for winter
grain is general but no seeding is
yet indicated Lincoln Journal
Dr Bulgin Here Monday
Dr Bulgin of Long Beach Cal-
then in the ifornia who has been the leading
i - -
Heres Your Chance
You can get the Daily State
Journal all the rest of this year
it j without bunday tor une JJoiiar
or including the Big Sunday pa
per only 125 This is a cut
price made just to get you start
ed reading this splendid paper
and at the end of the time the
paper will be stopped without
any effort on your part Tlie
Tuesday Evening Edition
Both Chicago and
Rros show did not exhibit here State Journal in addition to itsle appeared before W
Saturday as advertised arriving wonderful associated press and taker police judge wil
Z11 fnninto Tim show special telegraph services is thetornev J R McCarl t
Kansas City Main
In Big Floods
has been exhibiting on the Rock leader in reporting affairs from pleading guilty paid 3700 fine
ti 1 f nnr oump mre irom v u aim cusir
INlilliU cv v- v - i
schedule hasls ciean independent ana
ougniy rename The mioiisners
think its the
per above all
one Nebraska pa-
Morlan as his attorney Ritchie
Wolff appearing for the state
At the close of the hearing Jus
tice Whittaker required him to
give bond for 500 which he did
with II P Sutton as surety
Half Inch of Rainfall
The fine rainfall of last Friday
evening at this place measured
one half inch on the guages of
this city Heavier precipitation
is recorded about us as usual
Sunday evenings precipitation
was 61 of an inch
Will Entertain Carriers
The McCook rural letter car
riers will entertain the rural let
ter carriers of Red Willow coun
ty Labor Day September 4th
in McCook
Paid His Fine
Edward II Thomas was arrest
ed Thursday on a city warrant
prepared by City Attorney Wolff
and verified by Policeman Fitz
gerald It was claimed he used
abusive language toward a police
man and ordered the latter not
to come into his saloon without
permission It was rumored that
the city council contemplated pro
ceeding to revoke the license but
the differences were adjusted an I
B Whit-
ith his at-
ind after
During the Encampment
General E II Phelns
otlLers that you panied Major J A Penn regular
should read no matter what your j army instructor of the national
politics This paper will pleas- guard to ilcCook last night
your whole lamily The sooner where a six day encampment and
you send in the more papers yot j target practice of company M of
will get for your money
On Statutory Charges
MiltthcJl I7 Clyde was arrested
Saturday on a complaint filed on
Friday night by the county at
torneys office alleging statutory
charges in connection with the
name of Laura Hughes
lie gave 300 bond for his an-
the Second regiment aviII begin t
day Major Penn expects to stay
throughout the entire encamp
ment while General Phelps ex
pects to remain but two or three
days Saturdays Lincoln Jour
Marriage Licenses
A Babb 31 Delia May
pearance Monday Yesterday Potter 23 both of Denver
ternoon he appeared with W S John W Dack 21 Frances
E Albrccht 17 both of Mc
Cook Married August 2nd by
the county judge
White Felts
and colors also are the latest
craze in Chicago and New York
for ladies hats See the assort
ment at H C Clapps
Toilet Soap
We carry a large line of toilet
soap from 5c a cake up
A McMILLEN Druggist
Kodaks and kodak supplies
L W MeCONNELL Druggist
Rubber gloves 75c per pair at
McMillens Drug Store
McConnell for drugs
praised Wrong should be given here until the departure or inu
due criticism Human plans go 1 for the west and addressed a
-awry Others succeed Both will union meeting in the Methodist
be noted The successful one will church and was a guest of the
he happy The failing one will church people at a luncheon fol
be sore The Almighty may be j lowing his address
responsible for this not the news- The doctor is a most earnest
paper man A man accomplishes and powerful preacher of the gos
something notable the pel He has been in evangelistic
ner man refers to it even so gin- work all over America and in
erly and earns the credit for foreign countries for the past
wirrr linvimr it in twent v years and more and the
for somebody Well perhaps so purpose of having him visit 1 Me j
emergencies energetically and
succesfully until now both pas
senger and freight traffic are be
ing cleared up and moving along
in fair shape
No 6 of Friday night did not
i get out of McCook until about
830 Saturday morning
No 14 followed No 6 east at
9 25 Saturday morning
No 2 got away east at 1015
Saturday morning
No 1G running as second No
it will be till Gabriel Lws his book was to nave tne cmiicn 12 proceeded east at 1120 a m
riiinnpt and the
soon as
last son of Eve pie see and hear him with a view Saturday as far as Oxford go
A nV TnpciUli itiAitinrr linn this
t - n -4--1 k
goes to HIS imill acuuuntiiij j i iaoiuV mi0
i Tf rimnot to rhjri this citv in evangelistic labor
we promise
high er
SU 3
the people make it pos-
if i inllv nnd last and
WH j -
Tlio Tribune an t
in iVr irvone isn
on any one hasnt any SiUen to
vent on any one
in tin
dent and militant trait of human early fall
nnlre j The doctor made a very favor-
All this item is intended to do able impression upon those win
is to state that the publisher of were present at the impromptu
this newspaper would rather meeting and luncheon An early
always print good news happy effort is to be made to decide
news news of successes of tri 1 what the churches will do in this
iliTiiMS JJOU never ui icem uum
crime or failure or short coming
nwr sin item that ould cause
The doctor was accompanied
his son Mrs Bulgin who has
unhapiiiess or sorrow or tin been visiting in Chicago came on
lilml I No 1 and the family left
Ani virrht now before for California
-v -B
ot do
ing extra from there east
The first train to arrive from
the east Saturday morning wns
No 9 at 1020 Second No 9
followed at 11 10
A Rock Island special was the
last to get over the Cambridge
Ilolbrook washout Friday even
ing and it plowed through flood
waters like a porpoise coming
into the station at Cambridge
The next train into McCook was
No 9 Saturday morning
1 4n ln I 4- J I n I I ItvAnl in i vw - -
course oi numan L vrma n - spcaiaT hi uic uuift ij McCook division headquarters has not leaving until after noon
comes necessary for the publisher meeting the past week or two ben on tip t0Cj all the whilGj not Saturday due here
oi a newspaper to print items stopped off m McCook Monda i uly clring for their QWn belat Q arrived at 3 30
that in the very nature of the morning on his way to his west ed passengers but those of the m Tlie first section of No 5
not be pleasant to some era home By vitotaon ot v
case must Jock IslmL The situation has p Qyadn t in
one ah puupiu uic wk aumu wo Liroo indeed oeen strenuous out tne
Some go wrong Right should be churches the doctor remained 0ffcers and meu jiave met the
pearance soon after and the sec
ond section of No 5 a Rock
and train came at 5 oclock p
m Saturday
No 10 Saturday from the
west was on time and train 12
of Saturday morning 0 35 went
east at 5 20 p m
And none were busier than
Emerson and his icegang who
handled many tons of ice during
Friday and Saturday and did
in a hurry too
The company ran 14 and 15
thru on the Kansas City line on
Saturday night and then another
washout on the Oxford Red Cloud
country disarranged their pro
gram again and Sunday trains
from that line were late many
Tlie Rock Island sp cial which
arrived here Saturdaj afternoon
as second No 5 of Friday ev u
ing was delayed here until lace
Saturday night their engine
iuTukiug down and having to go
into the shops here for repairs
the- Burlington not having an ex
tra engine here to loan them
Ladies Took Train Here
The Mmden auto partv arrived
in the city last Saturday evening
on their way home from touring
to Denver and through the moun
tains On account of the pres
ence in Minden of some Californ
ia friends the ladies of the par
ty took passenger train No 10
at this place for Minden The
gentlemen departed for Minden
a little later with the cars Those
comprising the jolly sunburnt
and tanned party were Mr and
Mrs J II Clearman Mona L
Clear man Rom C Clearman Dr
and Mrs U Hapeman 3Iiss Ruth
Russell Charles Russell Arthur
Jensen Mrs Andrew Jensen
Mrs G E Parisoe and R J Cal
lagan of Sheridan 111
Pythian Day Coming
September 4th Labor Day and
Pythi in Day will be observed by
McCook lodge in a manner never
bciore attempted in the history
of the organization The Tribune
lias 1 ien allowed a vision of tli
nrmy stunts to be presented on
that occasion and writes advised
ly in announcing that there wih
be something doing all the time
Base ball game street parade
street performance band concerts
lodge room celebration and well
we will not attempt to enumerate
all the attractions but they will
be many and much
Talcum Powder
for the toilet and nursery Soft
ens the skin and keeps it in a
healthy condition Goor for
prickly heat and after bathing
or shaving You will find all the
standard brands at our store
A McMILLEN Druggist
Your Attention
is called to the New Fall Goods
arriving daily atJr Clapps
store Call and seerthera
McConnell fills prescriptions
nil HIHHI ii
Rainfall In Certain Localities Reaches Ten to Twelve Inches Consider
able Loss to the Company and Much Delay in Traffic
Floods and wash outs on the There were five passenger
Chicago and Kansas City main trains in McCook yard Saturday
Hues of the Burlington since last morning One of them was a
Wednesday night have caused the Rock Island train Friday after-
company no end oi trouDie ana noon mere- were iour passenger
delays The floods have been re- trains in the local ward at the
pcated on the Kansas City lines same time
unin the fatal third was J The east bound Rock Island
plished In the midst of these special that arrived here Friday
troubles came the Chicago mail night did not escape from the
line washouts between Cambridge McCook yard until 1215 Satur
and Ilolbrook very extensive day
Work trains have been doing The Beverly waited until after
leir utmost ana every man at the departure ot second io i
W - a s
Their Annual Base Ball Event
Held Thursday Evening-
There was nothing lacking of
interest at the annual contest
last Thursday evening between
the Fats and the Leans The
game had been postponed from
the preceding evening but had a
fine and appreciative audience
notwithstanding and the game
was a thriller from start to con
elusion resulting in a tie score
i to 7
The line up follows
Iluber E P c Galusha A
P Raine W 1st b Milligan C
2d b Berry Al ss Grouse J P
3d b Cone Lon If Ludwick J
E c f Bass W L rf
Corns A R c Tliortrinisnn
L p Watkins G II 1st b Sut
ton Harold 2d b Mills W B
ss Woodworth C R 3b De
Long E E If j Gray C B cf
onirey rr
Howell and Stansberry were fat
subs andM O McClure a lean
The score by innings
Fats 12 2 0 27
Leans 0 2 3 0 2 7
The game was a benefit and
about 2500 was cleared the reg
ular McCook club being the bene
lieatnce business College team
on the home grounds Thursday
August 10 They expect to play
thp same boys here on the 16th
They have scheduled a game with
Cambridge in McCook for Aug
ust 17th
Opened on Last Friday and Will
Close Thursday Evening
guards ot mcuook are now in
their annual encampment of one
week They pitched their camp
on the Culbertson lots opposite
the City park Avhere they ei
sleep and drill and have their
concerts by the company band
The rifle range just north of 1st
street east is also used daily un
der the direction of Major Penn
of the regular army
The boys are enjoying of course
all the pleasures incident to camp
life especially the wind and the
rain storms which have accom
panied the encampment
Col Phelps the adjutant gen
eral spent a few days here carlv
in tlie encampment
Anything You Want
iv Summer Goods or Summer
Wearing Apparel you can buy at
sibout half price at II C Clapps
Dry Goods Store
Fifty Cents a Load
T will haul all rubbish manure
Itc from the city to the eity
ciump on the Republican river at
50 cents a load Rhone R307
We have a fine assortment
Stationery at
Box Paper from 10c to 100
A McMILLEN Druggist
The Latest
is a new felt hat for the ladies
misses and children See the
large assortment at II C Clapps
McConnell fills prescriptions
Dont forget you want a
of that Initial
See the New Fall Suitings now
being shown at II C Clapps
Dry Goods Store
When it is spices or flavoring
extracts remember you get only
tlie pure at McConnell s
We never hesitate to guaran
tee Lily Patent flour At the
McCook Flour and Feed Store
City Treasurer Thorgrimson is Bargains in wall paper are now
out after that occupation tax to- offered by
day jC W WOODWORTH Draercast
Some Base Ball Notes
McCook B B Averages
The following batting averages
have been handed in by Manager
Campbell showing not a little
good work on the part of the lo
cal base ball boys so far this sea
Barbazette 48
Ellison 16
Carhill 34
Hopkins 9
Scott 3
Morris 37
Norman 25
Kennedy 3s
Matheny 26
Reynolds 23
Harmon 42
Milligan 39
Downs 15
Green 25
Team average 380
li ave
18 375
6 375
12 353
3 333
1 333
12 324
10 263
6 231
5 217
9 214
S 205
2 133
4 120
104 274
Cambridge 15 McCook 3
Last Fridays game at Cam
bridge was a Waterloo for the
home team The locals went down
in an enfeebled condition The
opening four innings were good
but the balloon went up in the
fifth with disastrous results to
the home boys as the following
summary shows
McCook 0110010 03
Cambridge 2 10 0 6 2 4 x 15
nits McCook 9 Cambridge
Errors McCook 9 Cambridge 2
For a Base Ball Star
vC7r reaimce day I A Pittsburg daily recently pub
lic McCook team will play the J lished a fae simile of the eWk
for 22500 which President Bar
ney Dreyfus of the Pittsburg base
ball club gave George E Lennon
president of the St Paul club in
payment for Pitcher Marty O
Toole This is the largest sum
ever paid for a base ball plaver
The O E S Picnic
Eureka Chapter S6 O E S
of our city was represented last
Thursday at Oxford in the
tvirf nionin rF 1 f C C 1
Company M Nebraska National Mrs Gc01re willfttt r
a- -
-Lane Mrs
Whitcomb and Miss
Grace Whitcomb
The Oxford chapter had made
preparations for a picnic in a
neighboring grove but the rain
spoiled this plan and the affair
was adjourned to the chapter
lodge room in Oxford where a
program ot music recitations etc
was held and where dinner and
supper were served
There were delegations present
from several neighboring chap
ters McCook Iloldrege and oth
ers and a fine time was had
It was decided to make this an
annual affair on Morris Day
August 3rd A circular letter
will be prepared and sent to the
several chapters in this district
to this end and a place will be
selected for next years pienie
Now Showing
Nobby Fall Hats in Felts Satins
and Velvets in H C Clapps Mil
linery Department Come and
see them
Buy It Saturday or Monday
A box of Embossed Stationey
of McConnell Duggist
The missionary society of the
Congregational church will meet
with Mrs E II Doan next Thurs
day afternoon August 10th at
230 oclock with Mrs E S
Waite as leader
During the chiefs layoff Fred
Schlagel the night policeman is
acting marshal and Ed Fitzger
ald is on the night shift
You will find them fresh and clean
at Jlagners grocery
Classified Advertisements
FOR RENT 320 acres five
miles northwest of McCook 200
acres in pasture For particulars
see Jake Zimmer McCook Neb
FOR RENT My residence
Folding bed wardrobe and few
other useful articles for sale
Delia Jordan Phone red 173
FOR RENT 10 room house
steam heat bath Good barn
granary and chicken house on
place Inquire of D C Marsh