The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 03, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 4

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Our discount sale has been
so successful that we have
decided to continue it for a
short time longer
The official map making car of
the Omaha Denver transcontinent
al highway arrived in this city
Monday night shortly after seven
oclock carrying II Ileubinger
highway engineer L M May
Bard publicity man and C R
Babeock the official photograph
er The party was expected in
the city sooner but delays were
encountered early in the trip
and the noon stop was made at
Hastings instead of here as sched
The party left Denver Satur
day noon and Avith the exception
of considerable mud encountered
in western Nebraska found the
roads were exceptionally fine be
tween here and the Colorado cap
ital city According to L M
Maynard water of considerable
depth covered the roads in the
vicinity of Culbertsoa where
there had been a heavy down
pour Saturday night At one
time said he we were very
deep in the water and were bare
ly able to pull through From
McCook eastward however we
found the roads in good shape
All the members of the party
were loud in their praise of the
work of Prof George R Chat-
towns for good roads meetings J
Going across this state through
Exeter Harvard Hastings Min
den Holdrege and McCook the
party arrived at Denver
J w itnL TviuimjgJSyw
er Cent Off
On everything in suits but
blues and blacks This is
your opportunity
wtiiirttz uttshn urr s jxmmHi33sZ
m tt 5
w it
11 1 4
West B Street Phone 280
The tour is under the author
ity of the automobile association
of America one of the largest
burn of the state university who i organizations of its kind in the
accompanied the party on the I country the object being to plot
trip from this city to Denver out a satisfactory cross country
We noticed the effect of theroutc irm Omaha to Denver
meetings held all along the way There can be no better roads
i i
wnen we came over same roaci
on the way back said L M
Maynard last night Much work
had been done in the interim and
Mlornc wnrn rfiTv vnnnrli
r i
tore liad been smoothed olr m
good shape
The Omaha Denver map mak
ing car started from Des Moines
July 16 and drove through to
Omaha arriving there the same
evening making the distance of
147 miles in five hours and ten
minutes At Omaha a stop w
made until Tuesday when the
start was made on the tour
across the new route A slow
anywhere than those in this
state if they are worked proper-
ly said Ii ilucbinger the en
gineer Ot flic nnrtv lsicf ninrlif
mi 1 x i
schedule was arranged all the for route said he
way through in order that time
might be taken at the important
jljiuic iieeus to oe general
work done on the roads with the
drag and the railroad crossings
need considerable grading in
many places With some surfac
ing the entire route through Ne
braska will be practically ideal
in every respect The tires which
we have on our car are in excel
lent shape after a trip of nearly
2300 miles the greater portion of
which was through this state
That is sufficient recommendation
L M Mavnard declared thit
there had beeu a wrong impres
sion given out through the col
umns of an automobile magazine
in regard to the Omaha Denver
ruuie xie asserted xnat less man
an eighth of a mile of sandy road
Roy Partridge of Minden was
a business visitor in town a few
days recently
Marion Powell is up from Lin
coln doing the office work for
the firm of Powell Nilsson
Mr and Mrs Mitch Young of
Danlmry were business visitors in
town one day last week
John Theilbar of Sherman
Kansas was in town last mid
G R Havens returned one day
last week from his trip to Mis
Bert Lafferty and Lena Sand
ers went to Oberlin to attend the
chautauqua one day last week
Prof A L Dunn of the Grand
Island Business college came in
on a motor cycle last mid week
and did some work in the inter
est of that school
Our business men played ball
with a pickup nine last week and
were defeated by a score of 14
to 3 The main event of the
game was that Win Eifert caugh
a fly
Sheriff Iliggins was posting up
notices of the primary election in
the various precincts of the south
side of the county the first of the
Arthur B Wood and N J
Johnson were over from McCook
- ently on business of a political
George Van Pelt who has been
rishiug at his home south of
town left first of List week to
Take up his work as salesman of
office supplies lie expected to
work J mm McCook 10 Ft Mor
gan Colo and go from there t
the Dakotas
Taking advantage of the high
water in the creek E L Dodge
Ray Van Pelt F C and A C
Furman constructed a raft of
three planks and four barrels and
after launching it in the stream
west of town they with Miss
Vanehe Plumb boarded it and
floated around the big bend just
north of town Quite a number
of the town folks were out to see
fhe start and a free outside ex
hibition was sriven in which all
the actors got a good ducking
and cue fellow proved to the
crowd that he could not swim
The distance traveled was about
three miles and various obstacles
were encountered and overcome
S II Stilgebouer was business
visitor on the north divide be-
1 was encountered on the trip-
less than could be found on
an of the other established or
proposed across the state high
ways That little stretch is
near Imperial and is on a piece
of newly made road said Mr
Maynard It will in time be
worked out so that it will give
no trouble to tourists who travel
over 1 lie new highway across Ne
According to the map making
parry of the new route there will
be four feeders or
tal highways which will turn tour
ists into the Omaha Denver route
The Waubonsie trail across Iowa
running for Keokuk to Fort Mad
ison and then to Nebraska City
will be one of the principal ones
and will connect with highway
at this point This route has been
laid out for some time with the
exception of from Lincoln to Ne
braska City This will be blazed
today the party leaving here for
the Otoe county town during the
forenoon for that purpose
The Blue Grass trail across
Iowa will be another feeder to
the new trans continental route
This highway swerves from Fort
Madison and passes through Bur
lington and ends at Omaha where
it connects with the newly estab
lished route through the South
Platte country Still another
highway is the river-to-river or
newspaper route which extends
pecial Prices
from Davenport la through Des
Moines to Omaha The fourth
feeder to the South Platte high
way is the old established mili
tary route called the Iowa trans
continental which originates at
Clinton la and passes through
Marshalltown and Cedar Rapids
to Omaha
If we do not have a passen
ger over this route until 1915 I
estimate there will be fully 20000
to 30000 tourists through the city
of Lincoln and over the Omaha
Denver highway that year said
Mr Maynard last night That
year will witness thousands of
autoists going across country to
attend the big Panama exposi
tion al San Francisco and by thai
time the South Platte route will
be so well known and so widely
advertised that the majority of
the travelers will take it said
All of the Iowa roads have
either established connections
with highways extending farther
cast or are now completing ar
rangements for doing so accord
ing to the party The Waubon
sie trail which connects with the
Omaha Denver route at Lincoln
has through highway arrange
ments made as far east as Indian
apolis and others have already
connected through as far as Chi
cago Lincoln Journal
Tlie McCook Tribune 100 a year
Low Shoes
and Slippers
Buy Now and Save Money
The sewing circle met with Miss
Edith Newberry Friday
B F Darnell and family went
to Minden via McCook Saturday
to visit the home folks B F
came back and left the family for
a longer visit L D Newberry
took them to McCook
C M Dodge was up from TVil
sonville Saturday on business
Mr nd Mrs D C Shaw visit
ed at J A Modrells Sunday
Mr and Mrs Otto Pate visited
Mr and Mrs G- A Shields Sun
day afternoon
Rev Stalley preached at this
place Sunday evening
Ben Kinjr and family
Maxwell Wolfe returned from
his Imperial trip Sunday
A number of young people
from this neighborhood attended
the party at TVm Randalls last
Saturday evening
Pearl Sexson and Gussie Gor
don spent Sunday with LTugh
Mrs Marilla Bolles returned
the hitter part of last week from
her sad trip to Kansas where she
was called by the death of he
Miss Dossie Younger went t
Friend Monday morning
R F D No 4
William Little was in Hastings
visited J Tuesday on business
his parents Mr and Mrs S C Charlie Evans delivered
King Sunday in the city yesterday
G II Harrison returned from The farmers wont look at vou
Friend last Saturday when they tell you the price of
Marie Stone visited Jennie and hay
Daisy Younger Saturday and Sun J L Iioyt had business in
day town Monday
Pear Alpha retta and Lilr George TVallen arrived homt
ampoel went home with Grace from the east Saturday Mrs
Ijiiey and Mary Sexson from TVallen meeting him at the train
day school Sunday morning George Daek has moved onto
Miss Florence Watson is home the Silvers farm
roii McCook where she Las W C Zieafoose had five head
been attending normal j of cattle die Saturday last from
Mss OJie Brown returned on eating cane
Saturday trim Oxford j Ed Jacques is in Colorado
Uev and Mrs J F Russell locking after his wheat crop
spent Sunday after Sunday school
with Mr ind Mis T M Camp- Try a Tribune want ad and watch
i results
-- M
J i 1- i i i i nil - - - J i j S5STI
t ir f -
7aEoAo i I r I
1 4 jT l7tcvcn ko wujr tonus 4gzy tct j j I i i
day July 26 At that end a
monster mcctiiur avjis liolrl ni fhn
4 Denver chamber of commerce at
which several Colorado state of
ficials spoke and at which the
good roads cause was given a
great send off in that state
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings
have been mad ein the county
clerks office since our last re
Robert McQuilkin to Samu
el G Small et al wd
and nw4 lilOO 00
David S Brown to Claudie
B Brown wd 7 8 and 9
in 61 Bartley 1500 00
David S Brown to Claudie
B Brown bill of sale 6
horses and all livery pro
perty and two cows 1500 00
John F Cordeal to O N
Rector wd 8 and 10 in
29 2nd McCook 1 00
I hereby give notice that I
will not be responsible for nor
pay any bills or debts contracted
by Mrs E TV Sovern
Get our rates on Farm Loans
For special on dill sour and sweet
pickles see Magner
The McCook Tribune It is 100
the year in advance
The best brands of canned fruits
and vegetables at Magners
Remember our mm fs oii oTrfw