TiA M k Jte HMD pibqp 3y F AI KIMMELL Largest Qrculation in Red WillowCo Entered at postoflice McCook Nebraska as second class matter Published weekly POLITICAL ADVERTISING COUNTY TREASURER Not being able to make a personal canvass of the county I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer and whether elected or defeated I ab solutely promise not to be ruled by clique or ring I invite am investiga tion of my record in the past from the official records of the county C B GRAY COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination of county treasurer on the Republican ticket subject to the Primary Election August 15th 1911 ARTHUR B WOOD FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination of sheriff on the Republican ticket subject to the decision of the primary election on August 15 1911 E F OSBORN FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a can didate for sheriff on the Republican ticket subject to the primary electioi August 15 1911 CHAS W DEWEY DISTRICT COURT I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination of clerk of the district court on the Democratic ticket sub ject to the Primary Election August 15th 1911 7 C D W COLSON COUNTY JUDGE I hereby announce myself a - candidate for counlv judge on the Republican ticket subject to the primary election of August loth 13 5 SETH S SILVER COUNTY JUDGE I hereby announce nryself a candidate for the office of coun ty judge on the Democratic tick et subject to the primaries on August 15th FRANCIS 31 COLFER COUNTY JUDGE I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Coun ty Judge on the Republican tick COUNTY JUDGE 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for county judge on the Republican ticket subjeect to the decision of the primary elec tion of August loth JAMES E RYAN FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of sher iff on the Republican ticket sub ject to the decision at the pri mary election August loth ORYILLE B WOODS FOR SHERIFF To the voters of Red WilloAv county Having likd for offiee of sheriff Avill say to those avIio are not acquainted Avith me that 1 have lived in this county since 18S3 AiAvays voted the Repub lican -ticket and worked for can didates I considered Avorthy of my support Have never held a county office but agree if nomi nated and elected to attend the duties of the office to the best of my ability D C BAKER Bartley Nebraska COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of coun ty treasurer of Red WHIoav coun ty subject to the Democratic pri maries on August 15 1911 J J nADLEY Indianola Nebraska The eft is delicately alloAved to escape from the bag by the big Omaha daily thusly The Neb aska delegation in Washington democrats and re publicans alike are to vote for the bill reducing the tariff duties on cotton That ought to be per fectly safe inasmuch as not a pound of cotton is groAvn or man ufactured in Nebraska Omaha Bee 1 Botanists and entomologists at the state university knoAv of no reason for the death of the trees in Red WilloAv county mentioned in dispatches from McCook It is presumed that boring insects of some variety have attacked the trees Lincoln Journal Wants for rent for sale etc line in The Tribune 5c Political Advertisements For District Judge E B Perry of Cambridge is the first to announce as a candi date for district judge subject to tiie Republican primary The Mirror is pleased to see him step out for office and ean discern no serious obstacle in the way of his nomination and election lie has been practicing law in this district twelve years and is now at the head of one of the most successful law firms in Southwest em Nebraska haAing an almost exclusive practice in this terri tory in the most important cases Mr Perrys judgment in legal matters has always been consider ed sound and fair even by his opponents and no one doubts his ability to preside upon the bench with dignity becoming the office and with justness to all Arapa hoe Mirror Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee Huber is exclusive agent in McCoo for the unexcelled Barrington Hall coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c per pound McConnelPs Witch Ilazel soap is pure keeps the skin active find healthy Best for nursery toilet or bath Cursing In Korea A strange way of curbing is that of the Korean His ordinary swear word is Oeimma or You brute The Japanese have the same partiality for this term of endearment Rut accord ing to the Oriental Economic- Review the Korean considers himself especial- et at the coming primary election lr abusive when he calls a person his J C MOORE j A Bird That Is Feared The elster Pica candataj is a bird that is respected and Soared through ccut south Germany It belongs to the raxren tribe and is about the size of a dtive with black and white feathers and long pointed tail It builds its nest in orchards and its life is sacred If it is seen three times in succession on the same housetop In a place re mote from its home it is believed to be a sure sign of death in that house If it flies over a house where any one is ill and gives its peculjar cry the sick person is sure to die but if it does not scream the patient may recover It is better for the sick person if the bird does not come near No one could be hired to bother these birds for fear they might seek revenge and if by chance one of them should die it is a sign of bad luck to the owner of the property where it is found The bird is a valuable insect destroyer and in this way probably more than com pensates for the fear it occasions anions the farmer child or grandchild When he wants to call somebody down the Korean demands hotly Are you not my child And the angry retort is What I your child You are my grandchild Then the first goes a step further and cries You are a grandchild of my grandchild to which the rejoinder is You conceit ed fellow Have you forgotten that you are a grandchild of a grandchild of my grandchild AVhen their vi tuperation reaches its climax the peo ple of Chosen at last come to the oc cidental standard of exclaiming You grandchild of a dog Servants In Turkey Turkey is not nearly so benighted as we imagine for there is no servant question there Though slavery is stil OHIO CITIES TO RON PAWNSHOPS New Buckeye State Law Said to i Be First of Its Kind A BOON TO THE WORTHY POOR They Will Be Enabled to Borrow Money Without Being Forced to Pay the Exorbitant Rates Demanded by Loan Sharks I The Bertsch municipal pawn depart ment bill said to be the first of its jkind has just become a law In Ohio iThe new law takes its name from Jo seph F Bertsch its author Some for eign countries have such departments but they have been established by the cities without asking the state for au thority or power thafefor The new law is intended to be of benefit to the worthy poor and its working In Ohio will be watched with interest by the authorities of other states with a view to adopting some such measure in their localities There are thousands of deserving persons whose income does not allow of their acquiring real estate or saving money And tBere are times when JOSEPH P BERTSCH these people need money and quickly The problem has been where and how they will get it Banks and loan asso ciations will not lend money without security The only way then that is open to them is the pawnbroker or the private loan agent Frequently an ex oi interest is charged and the so called loan sharks are not over scrupulous The municipal pawn de partment is established for the benefit of this class of borrowers Poor peo ple who are deserving of help will thus be given an opportunity to borrow money at the lowest possible rate of interest and on the most reasonable security Under the Bertsch act these loan de partments re to be a subdepartment of the department of public service and are to be presided over by a super- recognized the kadun mistress of the lntendent appointed by the mayor house is a mother to her servants whom she treats as children and no children in the world are better treated than Turkish children The most pain ful thing the kadun can do to a maid is to say The master has found a good husband for thee Thou wilt be married at such and such a time Oh mistress what have I done to be thus abandoned is the usual sor rowful response Even after the servants marriage the kindly relations between mistress and maid continue There are no fixed sen ant wages in Turkey Faithful servants are rewarded from time to time in accordance Avith their masters or mistresses good pleasure or circum stances Chicago Journal A Trick of the Sun Upon a mountain in Andalusia quaint spectral forms are frequently seen Whenever there is a heavy mist and persons are ascending the moun tain they appear in all their ghostly splendor ai d sometimes so suddenly as to strike dismay into the hearts of those who see them for the first time Of course it is all a trick played by the sun When a mist partially shrouds the mountain the sun Is nat urally obscured and then he revenges himself by projecting the shadow of any person who is ascending the mountain until it assumes the form of of a gigantic specter An Insect Gunner Many insects have some means of defense from their natural enemies none of which is more curious than that of a small beetle which when closely pursued discharges a puff of poisonous vapor with a distinct deton ation Undoubtedly in many instances this aids the diminutive gunner in his escape mainly in all probability by startling his pursuer and causing him to abanadon the chase From this peculiar acquirement this little fellow is known as the bombardier beetle The Tribune 100 the year The city council is given power to levy a tax for the purpose of creating a fund out of which the loans are to be made Not more than G per cent per annum is to be charged to any pawner WOMEN TO RUN A REPUBLIC Formed Like United States Govern ment With Congress and Cabinet An American womans republic as a scheme of commercial rehabilitation is the plan of E G Lewis the financial wizard of University City Mo Mr Lewis has surrendered the manage ment of his GD00000 properties which Include his various publications and town site to a board of trustees to be appointed by 101 eastern maga zine publishers who have been iden tified with the American Womens league Lewis proposes to demonstrate the ability of woman to conduct the af fairs of state now almost wholly vest ed in man University City is to be the capital of the American Womens Republic the centralization of a na tional government for women with 1000000 constituents The American Womens league will be the nucleus The republic will be organized in Uni versity City next January by the elec tion of a congress The congress will elect a president The 2000 local chap ters of the American Womens league will choose a house of representatives The president will have a secretary of the interior war commerce and state and a treasurer and attorney general lA supreme court of three women law yers will be organized The referen dum and recall will apply to the presi dent The supreme court will be in session in University City eight months in the year It will decide all questions re lating to members of the republic and its rulings are to be final Lewis ex- ects to become the field agent for his atest project and estimates that In fitTO TTflOW Ilrt TTII1 ftOTrt ntlUflPAl 41 ju Ulll UUC UHICUOCU tut membership to 10t0000 L The passage of the farmers free list bill by the democratic insurgent coalition in the senate insures that the president Anil have the disposal of at least one tariff reduction bill at this ses sion While there is room for a fall out between the two houses on the avooI bill nothing of the kind can happen over the free list bill for the senate amend ments to the house bill are but trifling It is a momentous sit uation for the president Lincoln Journal 5 I TVoodworth sells drugs Ice cream soda with pure crushed fruit sherbet ices and sold refreshing drinks of all kind C R WOODWORTII Druggist A few left of one and tAvo room Remnant Wall Paper at very special prices A MCMULLEN Druggist The McCook Tribune the year in advance It is 100 Drew Furniture and Carpet Co Furniture and Carpets China and Glassware West B St Phone black 271 Most for your money Classified Advertisements FOR SALE A Stanhope buggy in good condition Phone black 46 FOR SALE A phaeton and a gentle family driving horse Phone black 334 WANTED Plain sewing wash ing and mending 303 West 2nd street 13 3 WANTED Pupils on piano and or gan beginners preferred Terms 50c per lesson Susie McBride phone black 464 WANTED Plain sewing washing and ironing Mrs May Jeffers 10G 2nd street east FOR RENT -605 5th st east 4 room cottage In the County Court of Red AYillow County State of Nebras ka In the matter of the estate of Robert B Wilson deceased state of Nebraska Red Willow county I J C Moore county judge of said county hereby notify all per sons having claims and demands against the estate of said Robert B Wilson deceased that I have sat and appoint ed the folloAving days for the reception oxamination and adjustment of said claims aad de mands as provided by laAv at the county court room in the city of McCook in said county to Arit On the 10th day of August 1911 and the 6th day of February 1912 All persons so interested Avill appear at said time and place and duly present their said claims and demands in the man ner required by laAv or sIioav cause for not so doing and in case any of said claims shall not be presented by the 5th day of February 1912 the same shall be forever barred It is further or dered that this notice shall be given by publishing a copy of this order for four weeks in the imcuook iriDune a neAvspaper printed in said county Given under my hand and the seal of said court this 10th day of July 1911 Seal J C MOORE County Judge Ritchie Wolff Attorneys LEGAL NOTICE 2otice of hearing on petition for distribution of residue of es tate State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss To all persons inter ested in the estate of Mary J Baldwin deceased Notice is hereby given that V Franklin administrator of said estate has filed his petition in said court the object and prayer of which are that a decree of dis tribution may be made of the res idue of said estate noAV in his possession to the parties entitled by laAv to receive the same You are hereby notified that said petition Avill be heard by the County Judge at the County Court room in the City of Mc Cook in said county at nine oclock a m on the 7th day of August 1911 It is ordered that a oopy of this notice be published for three successive Aveeks in The McCook Tribune a neAvspaper printed and published in said county Given under my hand and the seal of said court this 20th day of July 1911 J C MOORE Seal County Judge BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES and Purifies the Blood SPECIAL SALE OF ALL Hart S chaff ner Marx suits except blue serges at 30 percent discount THIS MEANS A 3000 suit for 44 2500 - 44 2000 44 44 44 1800 - 44 44 4k 1500 44 44 44 1200 - 44 1000 44 44 - 2100 1750 - 1400 - 1260 - 1050 - 840 700 During this sale we will sell all low shoes at same reduction All our straw hats except Pana mas are on sale at half price A GALUSHA SON Cut Prices on Coal I During the months of July and August on lots of three tons or more we will make folloAving prices Canon Lump 800 per ton Maitland Lump 750 per ton Maitland Nut 700 per ton Maitland Pea 650 per ton Lignite Lump 650 per ton Iowa Lump 650 per ton Pennsylvania Nut 1250 per ton Pennsylvania Stove 1250 per ton Pennsylvania Furnace 1200 per ton Colorado Nut 12oo per ton These prices areioo less than last winter and will save you some money by putting in your winter coal now Billiard Lumber Co Telephone No 1 jv - jlji m9i jflflrH A j Mil AftSl -U-T When Visitors ome and Theres Not a Thing in the House Telephone 423 and a case of Root Beer Cherry or any flavor you desire will bo delivered in a hurry But better stillj have a case of our goods on hand at all times and a few bottles on ice then you are ready for emergencies Our goods are prepared from the choicest ingredients under con ditions of scrupulous cleanliness McCOOK BOTTLING WORKS PHONE 42 3 f K T f 1