The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 03, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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m t A m
That any person or
persons needing or
not needing Slippers
or Oxfords should get
in on the extremely
low prices during our
Sale They are going
The Corner Store
Leather wear
Get the points
Taffeta Silk
Yard wide 96
threads to the inch both ways of
pure silk without loading If
a silk is low count they fill it
so it wont look as gauzy as it
really is Loaded silks are
stiff Leather wear is perfect
ly soft as it is just pure silk fil
ament Leatherwear has splen
did weight its 96 threads per
inch give it substantial weight
Its lustre is the true silk lustre
soft and rich It doesnt shine
like a new japanned fire shovel
like some silks that you have seen
but differently Lastly it is
perfect in weave being made on
new looms in a modern factory
All for 89c per yd The Thomp
son D G Co rtmost value
Local Garage Registerings
Since the opening of the Oma
ha - Denver Trans - Continental
route touring cars and parties
are gradually increasing Among
those registering at the local ga
rages are the following named
Dr J W Ilarris Denver Ar
thus Newton Wilcox Neb Fern
Woods Kanona Kansas A N
King Anderson Ind R IT Mc
Allister Grand Island RC Mc
sond Nehawka Neb Ray White
ley Corydon Iowa Ed White
Philadelphia Pa
Dresses for School
None too soon to get them
planned and started See us for
the desirable materials for
plaids for tricots for vicugnas
for ginghams and chambrays al
so for ready made washable dress
es for triris We have the right
things Tiie Thompson D G Co
Utmost values
Organizing a Band
The Woodmen are organizing
a band and hope in time to make
their presence known and heard
in our city
are always more than grateful for
such courtesies and consideration
from our friends in country or
McConnell sells the Sherwin
Williams paints Everybody
knows its good qualities
Head of Nebraska Schools Has
Been Offered the Presidency
of Wisconsin Normal School
Lincoln Neb Aug 1 Spe
cial Telegram That State Su
perintendent J W Crabtree may
resign from the official position
he now holds to accept the pres
idency of the leading normal
school in Wisconsin is the be
lief of several of his friends who
are aware of a strong offer whicli
reached him early this week The
salary offer attached to the new
position is nearly twice the
amount he now receives or
While Superintendent Crab
tree does not deny or affirm the
rumor he states that the status
ot the offer received by him is
such at the presen time that he
cannot give publicity to it la
the event of his rpsignation the
vacancy would be filled by ap
pointment by Governor Aldrich
Several names have already been
mentioned for the piaec by the
Iriends of different leading edu
cators of the state- Omaha Bee
Does the Heat Make Your Head
Its caused by poor digestion
and improper elimination of
waste materials Keep your bow
els regular with Rexall Orderlies
and you will stand the hot weath
er well Price 10c and 25c
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Cotton Batting
for bed comforts and quilts at
c ami 12iC a roll or 75 cents
ior a large roll containing the
sie and quantity needed for a
winter comfort The Thompson
D G o rtmost value for cash
Talcum Powder
for the toilet and nursery Soft
ens the skin and keeps it in a
healthy condition Goor for
prickly heat and after bathing
or shaving You will find all the
standard brands at our store
A McHLLEN Druggist
Are Being Built
The Great Western Sugar Co
people are at work on their su
gar beet dumps The one at Red
Willow is now well under way
Fruit of the Loom 10c
Xone to excel this old stand
by brand of bleached muslin
Only I0e yd at The Thompson
D G Co Utmost value
No Joke
The White Line Transfer barn
is being painted red some more
The continuous Best Agricul
tural Exhibit shown at any fair
in the United States bids fair
to again enjoy that distinction
at Lincoln September 4th to 8th
Over 4000 was paid out on ag
ricultural exhibits at the 1910
fair and a greater premium list
is offered this year The feature
of this department is the
The Apiary show at the state j tv collective exhibits each of
fair September 4 to 8 promises to j the Eastern Central and Western
be another improvement over that portions of the state competing
of the last From the interest
taken in bee legislation during
the past winter there are num
bers of people who are firm be
lievers in the efficacy of bees on
the farm as an assistant in prop
erly polenizing growing crops
Frank Odell the Bee Wizard
will again be secured to do his
stunts such as entering a cage
filled with live bees taking them
in his hat hair and whiskers put
ting them into his pockets or the
inside of his shirt and all the
time giving good practical horse
sense lecture on the value of bees
to the farmer Do not fail to
hear him
Just remember The Tribune
will appreciate any news you
may send it or phone it Sign
your name but it will not be
published unless you request We
igainst that particular section so
that no unjust competition on
account of climatic conditions or
altitude has to be met Mr Wil
liam James of Dorchester who
JJias made such a success of this
department in the past is again
the superintendent for the year
1911 Make your County Collec
tive entry direct to him
The Tribune receives no ad
vertising under misrepresenta
tion or false pretenses The value
of advertising rests entirely on
quantity and quality of circula
tion The circulation of The Mc
Cook Tribune is over 1200 copies
each issue
Does your horse coav or chick
ens eat bran chops corn shorts
oats Avheat or barley chops If
so order your next feed from
Marshs Flour and Feed Store
215 Mam ave Phone 25
Ease that pain and burning sen
sation of the feet at once by
dusting RexalL Foot Powder in
your shoes McConnells Rexall
Thursday Evening Edition
The Red Cloud Alma Country Received An Unprecedented
Rainfall Last Night
Trains on Burlington and Neighboring Lines Being Detoured Around By
Hastings Until Repairs Can Be Made
The Red Cloud country was deluged with water last night
Reports are that eight inches of rain feU in that section and that
a heavy rain prevailed on east along the southern part of the
No 15 was marooned at Red Cloud not being able to pro
ceed or return
Trains 13 and 16 are also delayed
The Republican valley for many miles in that portion of the
state was covered from bluff to bluff
Details are laeking but reports that reach here are to the
conclusion that the rain was one of the heaviest ever recorded
in that portion of the state
A Rock Island special went over the Burlington this after
noon about 130 for Denver Reason high water There will be
another tonight from the west
No 13 was about three hours late this morning coming by
way of Crete
No 1 was on time this afternoon as usual
Two work trains are down at the washout and flood country
with ties stringers and other necessary materials to repair dam
Wires went down last night between Orleans and Alma
Several feet of water reported last night in the depot
Postponed Until This Afternoon
The ball game between the fats Wood worth for drugs
and the leans scheduled for last
evening was postponed on ac
count of the rain until this after-
jioon at Ttiree o ciock follow
ing is the line up
StaiislxM ry llofer
Osborn Shirey
Galusha Weybright
Howell Falmestock
Ludwiek Kleven
Stone Corns
Culbertsou Woodworth
E F Osborn Sutton
Crouse Mills
Smith Green
Waite DeLong
Benjamin Schobel
Wiehe Gray
Cone I
Umpires Zella Osborn and
Alice Morris
It will pay you to buy a ham
mock now even for next year at
the reduced prices for which we
are selling
A McMILLEN Druggist
Use Lees Lice Killer in the
hen house and about the roosts
It doesnt have to touch the lice
to kill them The fumes do the
Avork Ask us about it
The Main Store On the Main Street
If it is the freshest and best in gro
ceries fruits Aegetables etc you
seek look no further than Hubers
For job printing of every kind The
Tribune office is well equipped
Meets all legitimate prices Guaran
tees satisfactory Avork Let us fig
ure Avith you before you let your
Avork Phone us if you cant come
to the office We will call and quote
you prices
There is magic In the word3
Advo They are the final word
in canned excellence And Huber is
the prophet
Everything thats seasonable in
fruits and vegetables at Hubers all
the time
Magner sells better groceries than
the just as good kind Try him for
an order
All grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
McConnell fills prescriptions
Miss Edith Waite and friend
Miss Mote Avere the recipients of
a surprise party Avith many de
lightful details Tuesday evening
Music and refreshments conclud
ed the festivities
Engraved Cards
Orders for engraved cards will re
ceive prorni and satisfactory atten
tion at The Tribune office Cards
and invitations also printed tasteful
ly Call ami see samples and we
will quote jou prices Satisfaction
Can Pay at the Store
Parties owing the Updike Co
may pay their bills at Jones Cos
oenfectionery and news stand on low
er Main avenue Phone 13 or 1G9
S S GARVEY Manager
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Carhart
Huber is the exclusive agent Also
jackets and caps The phone is 97
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
is effective for coughs and colds in
either children or growApersons No
opiates no harmful tlrugs In the
yellow package Refuse substitutes
A McMillen
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads iho
We never hesitate to guarantee
Lily Patent flour At the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
Nyals Dyspepsia Tablets
Price 25 cents
Mrs Mattie Welles is in the
city ior a week or two arriving
from the east last night
The Tribune has a sworn cir
culation of over 1200 copies each
issue It is the largest in Red
Willow countv
Prescriptions brought to us are
filled Avith just the ingredients
the doctor calls for
Airy remedy bought of us bear
ing the Avord Nyals is guar
anteed to do as represented or
you get your money back Re
member the AAord Nyals Nyals
goods are for sale onlv by
Preserve to old age the sound
Leeth Avhich nature gives to youth
SIf respect and self interest
as well as health and personal ap
pearance should prompt us t
save our teeth with a good anti
septic and tooth paste or powder
Wei keep the best
A McMILLEN Druggis
John Maistf was expected home
Tuesday from Shelby Nebraska
Clarence Rozell is enjoying a
vacation in Denver and the moun
Mr and Mrs L A Paris Avent
up to DenAer Saturday night on
a brief outing
D L McBride spent Monday
and Tuesday at the Holbrook
Earl Smith of Stoks jeAvelry
store is in Mount Pleas
ai L Ioavu and Chicago
Mrs Linus Stoll returned last
evening from visiting her par
ents at Monte Vista Colorado
Mrs W W Barritt and Mrs
S D Taylor attended the
tauqua at Cambridge Wednesday
David S Jackson of Kansas
City Mo is the guest of his
mother Mrs Jackson at 601 Main
Miss Weybright has been as
sisting in Th White House this
Aveek during the vacation of the
Dr J D Hare arrived home
last evening from an absence of
several Aveeks in California and
the nortlnvest
Mrs Maurice Griffin and Miss
Katherine departed last evening
for Missouri on a visit to her
son Fred Proper
Mrs Belle Stephenson late of
Denver left for Ilavelock first
The Han Who
Is the man Avho spends all
he is able to earn from day
to day He knows he should
save money or when he is
too old to work he will
have to rely on the charity
of his neighbors and relativ
es but he doesnt make a
start The older one gets
the harder it is to acquire
the saving habit
Dont delay longer but
start a bank account Avith
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cash
M Loughran P F McKenna
German EAan Lutheran East
6th St Services every Sunday
of the Aveek to make her homejmorning at 1000 oclock O R
there for a AA hile
Mr and Mrs W M Rozell
md daughter arrived home first
of the Aveek from a Aisit in Den
ver and up on the Moffat line
Rev R T Bayne arrived home
Tuesday night from his outing
and vacation of a feAV Aveeks Ser
Riehert pastor
Christian Science The morn
ing subject for August
6th is Spirit
Episcopal Sundays during
August 10 a m Sunday school
vices will be resumed on Sunday H a m morning service and ser-
Mrs rumffmnan who lias been rehearsals Wednesdays as usual
visiting her daughter Mrs Frank The Ladies Guild meetings Avill
Real for the mist five weeks de loeSm m aepiemoer
parted last night for her home
in Springfield Illinois
Mrs Mina Keegan of Chicago
Congregational Regular
ices resumed next Sunday
i r i i n nii i
and Mrs J C Jennings of Hast- munijugsuojeci rimu truiueb
ins sister and sister-in-law ofUmon services m the evening at
Mr Jennings are guests of Mr I the Baptist church R T Bayne
and 7lrs M S Jennincrs pastor
Ralph Rozell imed an auto
mobile party from IoAAa Tuesday
and accompanied them on to Den
ver from McCook The party Avill
also do some touring in Colorado
W C Bullard of Omaha and
a friend by the name of Smith
of that city left Saturday for
Alaska on a trip into that neAV
and alliiring country of Lord
Guggenheim of Denver
Charles C Steers McCook boy
avIio Avent into the Philippine ser
vice years ago spent closing days
of last Aveek in the city A isiting
old time friends lie left for
Hastings Monday on 10
Dr and Mrs J B Ballard of
Nebraska Citv arrived in the city
Tuesday night and are guests of j
Mr and Mrs J G Stokes for a
feAV days They are homeAvard
bound from a trip to Denver and
the mountains
Mrs J G Stokes gave a party
yesterday afternoon in honor of
the Misses Ballard of Nebraska
City avIio are briefly visiting in
the city Avith their mother A
number of old time friends of the
girls Avere present and the time
Avas all too pleasantly spent
Mrs W E Hart and the boy
returned Tuesday night on No
i from Denver Avhere they have
been for several Aveeks haAing
Master Williams eyes treated
Happily the lads eyes haAre been
materially benefitted and it is
expected that in time they Avill
return to normal
McConnell fills prescriptions
100 The Tribune one year
Kodaks kodaks McConnell
Slight rains Tuesday night and
yesterday afternoon
McConnells Fragrant Lotion
for chaps and sunburn 25 cents
The bible school of the Baptist
church enjoyed a picnic at the
Fitch grove Thursday
Take care of your complexion
these hot days Apply McCon
nell Fragrant Lotion and avoid
the defects of the hot sun Price
25 cents
Baptist Bible school at 10 a
m Morning sermon at 11 C
E at 7 15 Union serA iee at S p
m sermon by ReA Bayne of the
Congregational church
Stetson Hats 369
Stetson Hats the Jno B Stet
son hats the original and the on
ly Stetson hats for 369 at The
Thompson D G Cos Utmost
values for cash onlw
Special Notice
The next time you order flour
or chicken feed phone 25 and it
Avill be promptly delivered
Marshs Flour and Feed Store
215 Main aAre
Buy your flour and feed at
Marshs Flour and Feed Store
Phone 25 215 Main ave
A company of lads have been
camping out at Embankment lake
on the irrigation ditch this AAeek
AA ith happy results Among the
boys are Loren LudAAriek Rex
Bagley Brisban llofer and Glen
It cost Casper Frank 100 and
costs Monday for running an
auto doAA n Main aArenue Sunday
night at a lively clip sans front
or rear lights
There are others
If you are in need of a mas
sage vanishing or cold cream
you Avill find an up-to-date stock
at McMillen s drug store
Cameras photo supplies base
ball goods tennis goods and oth
er sporting supplies
Wall paper remnants a feAV at
bargain prices
L W McCONNELL Druggist
All the fresh fruits of the season
at Magners
Feeds of all kinds for sale
Pure Gold flour from Avinter wheat
at Magners
For special on sauer kraut by the
gallon see Magner