The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 25, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 1

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State Supt Crabtree visited
the normal Friday lie addresed
the nornialites at chapel hour He
expressed himself as highly pleas
ed with conditions and work at
the McCook normal He but re
cently arrived home from attend
ing the national educational meet
ing in Frisco
Mr Gregory inspector of nor
mal rtaining in high schools spent
Timrsday in the city He gave
one of his practical talks before
the chapel on that morning
Special examinations will be
held by Supt Bettcher Thursday
and Friday 27th and 28th These
examinations will give Junior
normal credits as well as certifi
cate credits
This will be recorded as one of
the most satisfactory successful
and effective sessions of the Mc
Cook Junior State Normal The
work has been of a gratifyingly
solid and substantial sort
One of the interesting address
es before the chapel was that of
Master Mechanic Culbertson last
Thursday morning along Ihe lin
of locomotive engineering
There were 86 enrolled in the
county examination last week
Supt Bettcher states this to be
the largest number ever so en
rolled in the county She sent
to the state department over 400
examination papers
Armory Hall Remodeled
Armory hall is being general
ly overhauled and remodeled
The entire stage has been remov
ed and all this space has been
added to the hall proper which
is thus enlarged some 15 or 20
feet Five cloak rooms have been
provided on the east end of the
room extending entirely across
the hall between the exit ways
The hall will be repapered re
painted redecorated etc and
when the work is finished will be
one of the best appointed and
largest halls in the city The
Planning a New Opera
Council Bluffs la July 22 A j
For Sale in Hayes County
For Sale or
lot 70x150 on
cheap for cash or will trade for
cows and heifers
13 4t Haigler Nebr
If You Have
houses to rent list them with Whit
taker Gray They have several
applications on file now for hous
es Phone black 283 Office in Tem
ple block
The state railway commission
will hold a hearing August 1 on
the application of the South Om
aha stock yards for leave to in
crease charges for hay 25 cents
a hundred and corn 10 cents a
We never hesitate to guaran
tee Lily Patent flour At the
McCook Flour and Peed Store
Rubber gloves 75c per pair at
McMillens Drug Store
Subscribe for the Semi Weekly
Tribune 100 per year
One way to build up home institu
tions Is to buy Anchor and 91
Patent The McCook Milling Cos
cEoicest flours
National Guard
At least seven out of twenty
five companies comprising the
Nebraska national guard may be
required to stay at home because
they have fallen short of the min
imum number of men required by
general orders No 10 issued by
the adjutant general of the guard
May 14 This order says no com
pany that has less than forty men
and two officers will be permit
ted to participate in the state
camp which is to be held near
Omaha It is announced that
this order will be enforced by
Adjutant General Phelps The
Avar department has a rule that
also bears down on the guard It
provides that government pay
will not be given to any guards
men that have not had three
months service This rule will
prevent hurried and hasty re
cruiting just before the annual
camp of the state guardsmen As
the Nebraska guard will go into
camp this year September 27 re
cruits hereafter accepted by the
companies cannof participate in
government pay
The companies that are now be
low forty men are L First res
ilient Omaha hospital corps Lin
coin M First resriment McCook
machine gun company Beatrice
and of the Second regiment A
of Kearney E of Iloldrege and
M of Albion
competent pharmacist is ready
to respond to your wants any
hour of the night This service
is maintained for the accommoda
tion of those who have urgent
need of drugs or medicines i
from the track and
250 to 300 tons of choice mid- 6400 comfortable seats the upper
land hay growing or in stack row of which is 40 feet from the
privilege of feeding on place Al- ground An earthen dyke over
so privilege of autumn and win- one half mile in length and aver
ter range No other stock for aging about six feet in height
past year running water Ad- has been constructed around the
dress R B Sheridan McCook west of the grounds to prevent
flood water from Salt and Ante-
lope creeks from coming on the
st grounds Some of the other
in the auto
The Tribune knows of one man
Colorado Irrigated Lands near
Denver several thousand acres of
fine level land will come under j
irrigation next spring Write for
full particulars M R Stewart
535 Empire Bldg Denver Colo
The Arapahoe Pioneer insists
that the McCook team submitted
to being robbed of the game last
week Tuesday listlessly and cold
You want not only pure spices
but full flavored ones
nell has the finest ever used It
will pay you to try them
Perry had the distinction of
having two runaways in one day
end of week No one hurt how
Arapahoe and McCook are
scheduled for a game at McCook
July 28th Friday afternoon
UL 0I H Dues i
i x i ai 0
JLUS lllgUSlU iULUIl lilUVUS WHS trowri
week for Des Moines Iowa to be
j00sters n
hall will still be occupied by com- absent several weeks on her an i
pany ii ana
Armory hall
will be known as
nual vacation She hopes that all
who owe Degree of Honor dues
will call and pay them promptly
before she departs end of week
new comic opera In Nevada Each year has found some new
the product of Ravmond S Light improvement on the state
of Villisca la and F J Mason irrounds and when the next fair
Tuesday Evening Edition
McCook Enthusiastically Greets the Surveying and Mapping
Party of the
A Good Many Interested Farmers Remain in Town to Hear the Visiting
Boosters Talk for the Great Tourist Route
The surveying party of the
Omaha Denver Good Eoads as
sociation arrived in McCook Sat
urday evening and met a most
enthusiastic reception here Des
pite the lateness of the hour and
the threatening rain storm a
good many farmers remained in
the city and assisted the mem
bers of the McCook Commercial
club in receiving th party
In the party were President J
E Davis of Sutton Neb Prof
Prof Chatburn addresed the a
gathering on the topic of earth
roads declaring Nebraska had
the best soil for the purpose on
earth Our problem was a sim
ple one of grading using the
fajrKing drag and drainage lie urg
ed the election of legislators who I timber in
of McCook Neb is soon to be dates September 4th to 8th rolls would give us
contains vertising proposition
made and maintained in America
C R Babcock the official pho
tographer called attention to the
sentimental side and value of the
route over which thousands
would travel in future years
All n all it was the greatest
good roads boosting meeting ever
held in this section of Nebraska
There was music by a large or
chestra during the smoker
Resting here all day Sunday
party resumed tKeir journey
for Denver early Monday morn
ing and will arrire in DenTer on
Uhas Chatburn of the engineering l Wednesday evening
department ot the Nebraska uni
versity II S Davis of Fremont
Iowa S A Searle of Omaha Dr
J M Prime of Oxford Neb II
lluebmger vice president of the
Iowa Pub Co Des Moines C
R Bibcock official photograph
er L N Maynard publicity man
for the company L W Garoutte
of the Lincoln Commercial club
and Lisle Bartley chauffeur
Directly upon arriving here
President Davis and Prof Chat
burn made brief good roads boost
ing speeches on the streets but
rain compelled them to close and
the stores are closed When your the speech making was postponed
physician lacks what is wanted until evening
or when any emergency arises re- The party was entertained at
member are here to serve you dinner bv the McCook Commer
L W McCONNELL Druggist cial club
i t ji
Pav Jn tnc eveninS tle Partv was
ray 5 lnvw htwI oTitlniBinw
vN l W l J
of farmers and club
the club rooms
Thorough marking of the route
is urged strongly as essential
The Omaha Denver Trans-Continental
Route passes through 17
South Platte counties
The American Automobile Asso
ciation recognizes and will give
publicity to the Omaha Denvei
Trans Continental Route
A livelier buneh of good roads
boosters never reached our lim
its It is inconceivable that all
of that enthusiasm should or can
be wasted
It is estimated by experts and
enthusiasts that bv 1915 there
move in America
It will be worth
on the Omaha-Denver--Trans-Continental
Route map and McCook
wants to have capital letters and
red circle about it
Arrangements are to be made
to largely augment Red Willow
countys 1200 inheritance tax
for expenditures on the coast to
coast road through the county
Colonel Sutton had some new
laws similar to delivered
rnt nn I10 co Tlloco mon nrnntifl I10 visltnv in 11 holinlrl n tllOSC Of lOWa prove valuable additions to
President Davis pleaded for tlu McCook s talent in musical lines
friends for manv vears have col new mvind stand with steel sup 1
V V i tJ A 1
lalioratfid on several pieces of ported roof coverinsr the entire oyal support ot the people along
sic and Mr Mason is a song structure which covers a space the great Omaha Denver Trans
writ of considerable note of 80x420 feet This new stand Continental route for which he
coin Journal j is built on the site of the old prophesied a future beyond our
Uti if n littln hn ok dreams as a developing and ad-
are a cement floor
building and the in
stallation of turnstiles opened by
S A Searle spoke most
iastically of
route Spoke
i awakening all
and skd for
the value of the
of the remarkable
along the journey
eTt r roads
Dr J M Prime of the associa
tion executive committee who
has the good roads phobia spoke
to the same purpose
L N Maynard publicity man
the Iowa Pub Co who v
autocd widely in America said
the soil along the Omaha Denver
Trans Continental route was the
lightest on tires of any he had
Dont Forget to Get Our
prices on corn and feed of all kinds
Huber handles the Carhartt gloves
and caps also and a full line of
other makes
You will find them fresh and clean
at Magners grocery
his orchestra but they
the merchandise and
about a
securing of
crrtrt vnnlc oftni nil HMiic it- lin
0v itru itivi lilt JO fciv
consideration to which McCook
should bend her best efforts
Good roads speak out loudly for
7f tim 11 Tm A Xn f1 n cr tn nnonntOff
committee of the McCook Com
We have a fine assortment of Tanhurv who this vear experienced in the country that through
mercial club The development of
this Omaha Denver Trans-Continental
Route cannot fail of being
of real and substantial benefit to
McCook and Red Willow county
Omaha is preparing now for an
endurance run from Omaha to
Denver early in September or
about the end of the
festivities This run will be made
over the Omaha Denver Trans
Continental Route which passes
Box Paper from 10c to 100 i nmi fn 4105 nn worth of the route was the easiest to be run their
McCook Owners will
own cars
A McMILLEN Druggist strawberries on a plot of irround
in that town of 75x140 feet ttttttttttttttytttttttytttttttttttttttttttttttttm
swmWbesidkMgJt it Temple Theatre Bookings
CU X1U11I l t Ull IJJf l lliuumiu -
Managers McConnell Pennell
announce the following bookings
for the Temple theatre season of
1911 12 This is somewhat ten
tative and will be added to and
possibly subtracted from by can
cellations In the main however
the following will be the talent
for the season which is expected
to open September 1st
The Flirting Princess
The Girl and the Gawk
Lady Isabels Daughter
The Rosary
The Lion and the Mouse
Servant in the House
Girl in the Taxi
A Convict s Daughter
The Newlvweds
The Aviator
The Thief
House Next Door
The task is a difficult one but
Managers McConnell Pennell
are doing their utmost to give
the theatre goers the best attrac
tions available and the season
of 1911 12 promises some good
Summer tan sunburn and
freckles disappearh treatment
of Rexall Cream of Almonds
L W McCONNELL Druggist
We Serve to Please
lea cream soda and sundaes with
pure crushed fruit including all the
A McMILLEN Druggist
The deceased
sFXr j
ST y
was born near
Warren countv
Indiana June 12 1851 died July
15 1911 aged 60 years 1 month
and 3 dajs
He was married to Miss Annie
Henton at Indianola April 1S78
To this union one son Chauncey
S was born who with his moth
er mourn the loss of a kind and
loving husband and father
The deceased also leaves W T
Messner of Cherryvale Kansas
-- j M - -
o l lUessner Oxford Indiana
Frank Messner Oxford Indiana
Daniel Messner Oxford Indiana
and two sisters Edith A Jolinson
of Denver Colo and Mrs W A
Mmuiear of this place to mourn
his loss
The deceased in company with
W T Henton came to Jolinson
county Nebraska in 1873 fitting
out an ox team then they drove
to where the Beaver and Sappa
creeks join at winch place they
fell in with Joe and TCnfronp
Oolph the four of them coming
up the creek together The Dolph
boys were just returning from
filing on their homesteads
The deceased and W T Hen
ton were the third and fourth set
tiers to file on Beaver west of
Lebanon The deceased in com
pany with W T Henton George
S Johnson the Ashton brothers
and the Dolph brothers took a
leading part in organizing the
county Danbury News
A Big Transaction
Last week Wednesday the rec
ord ot tilings in the office of
the county clerk shows one of
the heaviest transactions record
ed in Red Willow countv in a
IStfWi i 1 1 1 ll
will be between 40000 and 60000 S e
tnsteioi half Merest of
trans continental tourists on the
Ibiirns uj sections zo zv iz J l
and 3 4 all in township 1 range
tllllU IU UU V fmm irnifr Xlccsm
-V XiUill lLtil till lllliSOUU
and witV
to W T Aula of Lincoln Con
sideration 40000 Another fil
ing transrers a nan interest in
the elevator and alfalfa mill at
Marion from Martin Nilsson and
wife to W T Auld of Lincoln
Consideration is 1000000 Mr
Auld is a well known banker of
Lincoln The property transfer
red is one of the heaviest and
most valuable in this county
Marion Powell of Lincoln is the
owner of the other half interest
In To The Finish
Arthur B Wood advises The
Tribune that the report that he
lias withdrawn from the race for
the nomination for county treas
urer on the Republican ticket
subject to the decision of the pri
election 15 1911 is
every effort of the Good Roads aiT
aosoiuteiv taise and witnout anv
foundation He requests The
Tribune to state that he is in the
race for the nomination to the
finish and urges his friends over
the county to correct this false
report whenever they hear it
stated lie seeks your votes and
will appreciate the same But re
member he is in the contest to
the finish
Could Not Accept
The Tribunes information was
slightly ahead of the fact last
week George Kearns was offer
ed the city clerkship by Mayor
McAdams but Mr Kearns de
clined on account of other busi
ness interfering with his accept
Reseating- the Pastime
1 The Pastime theatre has been
reseated adding to the seating
I capacity somewhat and improving
1 the comfort of the seats as well
aplenty but little
Toilet Soap
We carry a large line of toilet
soap from 5e a cake up
A McMILLEN Druggist
McConnell for drugs
Corn Remedy will
McMillens Cream Lotion will re
move tan and sunburn
LOST A sorrel mare weighing
about 1400 pounds Phone John
Maisel Walnut 4383 McCook
Saturday Night Beatrice Blood
Hounds Sent to Hunt Down
the Incendiaries Second At
A second attempt is said to
have been made Saturday night
to destroy the records of Chase
county by burning the court
house Some time since the court
house was burned but the rec
ords being in a vault escaped de
struction Awaiting the building
of the new court house the rec
ords are housed temporarily in a
building on court house block
Saturday nights attempt is said
to have resulted in the loss of it
least some of the records
On this occasion a hole was
made through the wall of the
stone vault and some combustable
matter inserted and set on fire
All records were damaged bv the
smoke and some important ones
The Beatrice blood hounds ar
rived in McCook Sunday night
on 13 and were taken at once
by automobile in waiting to Im
Details are very meagre but
indications are that some interest
ing news may be expected from
that source
City Council Proceedings
The city council was in session
Thursday afternoon with all the
present but Woods-
City Attorney F L Wolff serv
ed as acting city clerk in the ab
sence of Mr Traver resigned
The resignation of City Clerk
Frank L Traver was accepted
Ordinance No 202 assuming h
the city the rights and rates of
the McCook Water Works Co
for the municipal plant was
Ordinance No 203 creating the
office of water commisioner and
prescribing his bond salary etc
was passed The bond is placed
at roUUU and the salary at
1000 per annum
Ordinance No 204 providing
for an electrical inspector for the
city was passed
A resolution was passed by the
council which fixes the salary of
the water works engineer at 55
per month with house rent and
coal The salary of the assist-
ant engineer was placed at 50
per month
E M Day is about again after
a severe tussle with inflammatory
Mr and Mrs Robert J Moore
of Red Cloud are in the city to
day on a visit to relatives
D L McBride will preach at
Enders in Chase county Thurs
day and Friday of this week
Harry E Wootton recently lo
cated in Denver has moved agair
and is now located in Ray Arizo
C A Ready visited in the met
ropolis early days of the week
coming down from Hayes Center
C A Rodgers clerk of the dis
trict court came down from the
ranch on the west end of weeki
see to some business mattesT
Miss Mabel HegenbergfiJ arriv
ed home jSunday night cn Aro 3
from a three weeks fcisft fa
Omaha Council Bluffs anatGien
N J Lynch of Liberty Ne
braska arrived in the city Sat
urday morning and was the
guest for a few days of D L
McBride and family
Oscar Carlson of Trenton wa
a guest in R A Greens family
Saturday and Sunday He wr
the Epworth League leader Su
day evening for the local ehapt
Seth S Silver and Clifford IS
den spent Saturday and Sund
in Danbury and vicinity looki
after the political prospects
Mr Silver who is a candidate
county judge on the Republi
Misses Sadie and Olive Dq
burgh of Humboldt Nebraskaj
rived in the city Sunday ail
noon on No 10 on their
home from visiting in Califo
and will be guests of Supt
Mrs C W Taylor for a
days They are nieces of