The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 20, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 2

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i I
fie Sfienb frikp
1 Largest Cii culation in Red WillowCo
Entered a postoffice McCook Nebraska as
ceciud clab matter Published weekly
Xot oeing able to make a personal
canvass of the county I hereby an
nounce myself a candidate for the
oflice of County Treasurer and
-whether elected or defeated I ab
solutely promise not to be ruled by
clique or ring I invite am investiga
tion of my record in the past from
the official records of the county
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the nomination of county treasurer on
the Republican ticket subject to the
Primary Election August 15th 1911
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the nomination of sheriff on
the Republican ticket subject to the
decision of the primary election on
August 15 1911
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for sheriff on the Republican
ticket subjeet to the primary electiot
August 15 1911
1 hereby announce my candidacy for
the nomination of clerk of the district
court on the Democratic ticket sub
ject to the Primary Election August
15th 1911 7 G
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for county judge on
the Republican ticket subject te
the primary election of August
13th 13 5
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of coun
ty judge on the Democratic tick
et subjeet to the primaries on
August loth
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of
ty Judge on the Republican tick
Lumber Mart For Years and a Port of
Entry Named After a Tune
Bangor Me which was recently the
scene of a conflagration that cost many
millions of dollars and several lives
is the only large city in the eastern
section of that state
It is the seat of Penobscot county
a port of entry and is the natural dis
tributing point for all the territory
embraced in five adjoining counties
which have a combined population of
approximately a quarter of a million
The Bangor and Aroostook is the
most important of several lines of
railroads that furnish the city with
Inland shipping facilities For many
years Bangor has been oue of the most
Important lumber marts In the world
although today it is considered essen
tially a wholesale center
Situated on both banks of the Ken
dnskcag river at the Juncture with the
Penobscot several important bridges
connect the two divisions of the town
There is also a bridge across the Pe
nobscot connecting Bangor with Brew
Bangor Is the third largest city in
the state exceeded only by Portland
and Lewiston It has various foun
dries with machine shops furniture
factories steam planing pulp paper
and woolen mills and boot and shoe
factories A dam built across the Pe
nobscot river just above the city fur
nishes the great motive power for the
Foreign commerce coastwise trade
and shipbuilding have flourished in
Bangor Numerous vessels clear from
Bangor for foreign -ports annually
Several hundred coastwise vessels ply
between Bangor and ports along the
Atlantic annually
The city is the seat of the Bangor
Theological Congregational seminary
which was founded in 181G The
Eastern Maine Insane asylum and the
Eastern Maine General hospital are
situated there Most of Bangors
streets are broad and well shaded with
aged elms The chief public building
was the custom house a granite struc
ture which cost about i666o6
Bancrnr had fniirtppn phiirchfis nmonir
them three Congregational two Bap
tist two Methodist and fcevo Roman
Catholic It had fifty three public
schools six national banks three state
banks two savings banks one daily
and one weekly newspaper Within a
walking distance of the city is situated
the University of Maine
Fully a mile of docks line Bangors
water front The tide rises sometimes
I to seventeen feet making it possible
for deep draft vessels to load there
The city is also the doorway to the
hunting regions attracting in the sum
et at the coming primary election mer and fall thousands of sportsmen
J C MOORE It had several hotels
Bangor was incorporated as a town
COUNTY JUDGE in 1791 ami as a cjty jn 1S34 It got its
1 hereby announce myself a uame from the tune Bangor
candidate for county judge on
the Republican ticket subjeect to
the decision of the primary elec
tion of August loth
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of sher
iff on the Republican ticket sub
ject to the decision at the pri
mary election August loth
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the nomination of
County Treasurer subject to the
will of the Republican voters at
the primaries to be held August
loth If nominated and elected
1 will endeavor to conduct the of
fice in such a manner that none
will have cause to regret having
supported me
In Big Fifth Hall County Re
publican Announces Himself as
Candidate for Norris Seat
Grand Island July 19 Repre
sentative W A Prince today for
the first time formally announced
his candidacy for the Republican
nomination for congress from the
Fifth congressional district sub
jeet to the wishes of the Repub
lican voters of the district as ex
pressed at the primaries in April
I am a candidate for the nom
ination for congress said Mr
Prince on a progressive plat
form I believe 1 know the gen
eral wishes of the people of this
district and if nominated and
elected I will carry out those
wishes in the halls of congress to
the best of my ability
Representative Prince is quite
well known by Nebraska republi
cans generally having been a
member of the legislature about
twleve years ago and again at the
last session when he was one or
leaders of the minority He aid
ed materially in the fight for an
agricultural school in the south
western part of the state and in
securing the passage of the law
for a board of control for all
state institutions
Utah Murderers Never Choose the Al
ternative of Hanging
Why do condemned murderers choose
shooting in preference to hanging
Since the state of Utah passed a law
giving convicts this choice Arthur
Pratt warden of the Utah state pris
on has not had one who would go to
the gallows On one occasion a mur
derer refused to make a choice and
the judge sentenced him to be hanged
Pratt was warden of the Utah peni
tentiary when it was a government
prison twenty two years ago Eight
years ago he was appointed warden
and since that time has made it one
of the model prisons of the country
Utah has a law which allows a con
demned murderer to choose either
hanging or shooting as a mode of dy
ing said Warden Pratt This work
is done hy the sheriffs of each county
but in the penitentiary yard So far
we have not had a man who has chos
en hanging Once a murderer refused
to make a choice and the judge sen
tenced him to be hanged Shooting is
the mare humane It is painless and
instantaneous The condemned man is
led to the prison yard seated on a
chair and if he desires is blindfolded
Five men armed with rifles are then
marched to within ten paces of the
man Four of the rifles contain ball
cartridges The fifth has a hhuik shell
A target is pinned over the heart of
the condemned man all five guards
take careful aim and at a signal the
volley is fired The ordeal is over In a
few moments whereas In hanging the
suspense and suffering last for many
Entire Town of Concrete Houses
A new town near Galveston Tex is
to be built entirely of concrete houses
molded on the spot by the use of steel
forms constructed In sections
According to the present sys
tem of determining Easter it
can never fall before the 22d of
March or later than the 25th of
April In 17G1 and ISIS Easter
fell on the first possible day
that is the 22d of March but
that will not happen again dur
ing the present century Nest
year however will be the near
est date as Easter then falls
on March 23 The latest Easter
of this century will occur In
1943 when it will fall on the
25th of April or the latest day
I Everything in drugs
gnearaa 1
I IIS Hi 1 II 11 I
he 111 iff mm
Battle of the Alamo Is
Recalled by the Pres
ent Movement
thousands of United States
TIIE now in Texas are en
camped near the historic spot
where the battle of the Alamo
was fought There a small force of
American pioneers of the southwest
fought against overwhelming odds un
til death gave the Mexican army a
temporary victory
Thermopylae had Its message of defeat
Alamo had none
This inscription ascribed to Lord
Macaulay is engraved on a monument
in the grounds of the Texas capitol at
Austin In commemoration of the gar
risou all of which died fighting against
overwhelming odds in the battle of the
Alamo which ended March 6 1S3G
Americans in Texas rose in rebellion
against the government of Mexico in
1S35 Early in 183G the rebellion grew
into warfare says the Kansas City
Star The Texans were under the
leadership of the bluff General Sam
Houston as president of the new re
public of Texas and as commander in
chief of their little army of volunteers
It was a daring undertaking for a
scant 2000 men to attempt to wrest
the state from Mexico with its 15000
drilled troops But the Texans head
ed by Sam Houston Davy Crockett
William Travis and John Haydon
fearpd no failure The Mexican Gen
eral Santa Anna set out from the Rio
Grande northward to quickly conquer
and punish rebellious Texans His
army of G000 men after a march of
nearly GOO miles across a desolate
country reached San Antonio confident
of capturing that town and moving on
to the new capitol at Washington Tex
San Antonio Was Unprepared
The gan MKi at San Antoniowas un
prepared foTCanta Annas coming The
first tidings of his approach weFe given
by the sentinels posted on the roof of
the Alamo which was an abandoned
Franciscan mission built in 1723 It
numbered about 1S5 men under com
mand of Colonel William Travis
When the news of Santa Annas ap
proach reached Travis he determinoa
to make good its defense until re en
forcements could arrive With him
was Colonel James Bowie whose name
was always associated with his fa
mous knife and Davy Crockett the
frontiersman and hunter of history and
romance They had a few pieces of
artillery little ammunition ninety
bushels of corn and thirty beef cattle
which were hurried within the inclo
Santa Anna demanded Immediate sur
render Travis returned a defiant re
fusal emphasized by a cannon shot
A blood red flag signifying no quar
ter immediately was raised above the
Mexican camp and their batteries
opened upon the garrison Meanwhile
Travis had dispatched messengers to
Houston and Washington Tex ninety-five
miles away appealing for as
sistance The Mexican batteries at
tempted a breach in the stone walls of
the mission at dawn Feb 20 For
hours every day the Mexicans con
tinued the siege In a hot fire which
was opened upon the garrison on the
last morning in February some of the
bombs fell close to the spot where
Davy Crockett lay lie sprang up and
made his way to the ramparts just as
the Mexican gunner was reloading and
before he could lire again shot him A
comrade caught up the match and ran
to the touclihole Jut already a fresh
rifle had been handed the Tennesseean
and he picked off the second gunner
as lie had the first Three more Mex
icans made the attempt and met a like
fate and for a rime the gun was si
Erave Colonel Travis
Colonel Travis called the garrison
about him March 3 He made a brier
talk telling his comrades that longer
hope for assistance was useless He
said that the Alamo should be surren
dered or it should be defended until
Hole Discovered In Stocking Cost Man
His Bride
Leonora Murphy nineteen and pret
ty and Clyde Rowan of Astoria Ore
after having been engaged for four
years were on their way to the mln
isters to got married when the bride
to be discovered a hole in her right
stocking just above the shoe top By
the time the two reached the parson
age she had decided that the bole
would show when she kneeled before
the minister
In spite of Rowans protest she bade
the minister and Rowan wait until she
could go home and change her stock
ings She hadnt been home more than
five minutes before she telephoned Ro
wan that he need not wait any longer
She said that while changing her stock
ings she had also changed her mind
and had determined not to marry
Throe Thousand Islands In Lake Huron
Lake Huron holds a curious record
In having more islands than iny other
lake It has at least 3000
Americans In Texas Re-
belled Against Mexico
In 1835 I
-a 9
the last man was dead He drew a
line with his sword on the adobe floor
and said
I propose to stay here until I am
killed All who will be with me will
come to this side of the line all who
wish to surrender remain on that side
Davy Crockett leaped across h a
triumphant wave of his cap ery
man in the file joined him It was a
grim decision the garrison lessening
in number every day the food supply
was almost exhausted and only a few
rounds of ammunition were left for
the survivors Bowie almost from the
beginning of the siege was ill with
typhoid In a little adjoining room he
lay on a rude bed attended by a Mex
ican woman Hearing the speech of
Colonel Travis he feebly called to his
companions and begged them to pick
up bis cot and carry it over the line
A few hours later he became delirious
and never recovered consciousness
The morning of the final attack was
a warm bright Sunday Colonel Bowie
died about 3 oclock Death had be
come so common that no one paid any
attention to the dying pioneer They
were blackened with gunpowder they
looked wild from lack of sleep and
food they seldom spoke and all their
words and acts were those of men
mostterrlbly In earnest The sole5dea
of each was to sell his life as dearly
as possible Santa Anna determined
to take the Alamo by assault The
band struck up Duguelo Assassin
and amid a boom of cannon ladders
were brought the trails of the build
ing were scaled by 2000 cavalrymen
while battering rams beat in the doors
The Texans ran to the roof where
several cannons had been stationed
As fast as the Mexicans mounted they
were stabbed and the ladders over
turned Meanwhile the Mexican rifle
men on the ground shot down the
Texans on the roof and the battle rag
ed with the few Texans who stayed
on guard behind the barricade
Americans Died Fighting
After an hour the Mexicans had over
powered the Texans and were swarm
ing to the roof The defenders re
treated down the stairs fighting every
inch of the way Then the doors be
low were beaten down with huge tim
bers and with a yell the frenzied sol
diers poured iu the opening The lit
tle band of Texans was pitifully insig
nificant against the horde of Mexicans
There were yells and gunshots and
groans in one long hideous chorus
Not one of the Texans sank to death
till he had exhausted all his strength
Colonel Crockett stood in the corner of
the main room and with a cutlass
slashed all who attacked him His
shirt was soaked with blood and a
bullet had pierced his cheek Shot by
a man In front of him he lunged for
ward selling his life as dearly as pos
sible Colonel Travis was shot through
the head while defending the stairs
No one was spared and every one of
the Texans sank to the floor fighting
So ended the Alamo
Remember the Alamo
Nearly all the information that his
torians have concerning the events in
side the Alamo during the siege has
come from Senora Dona Andrea Cas
tarion de Dillanueda the nurse of
Colonel Bowie and the sole survivor
The state of Texas pensioned her for
forty years
From that day the words Bemem
ber the Alamo were the slogan of the
campaign throughout Texas In less
than two weeks more than COO fron
tiersmen maddened by the massacre
joined Sam Houstons army A month
later Houston with a force of 700 Tex
ans faced Santa Anna with 2000 sol
diers on the banks of the San Jacinto
The battle was only an hour long The
Texas force with a mighty and exult
ant yell Remember the Alamo
routed the enemy and captured Santa
Anna who barely escaped death Tex
an independence then was established
Only 2 Per Cent of Chicago University
Girls Planning to Marry
Only 2 per cent of the young women
students in the junior colleges of the
University of Chicago are planning to
marry according to a canvass record
ed by Miss Merian Talbot dean of
women in the annual report of Presi
dent Harry Pratt Judson
The canvass included ninety six stu
dents in the freshman and sophomore
classes chosen from the beginning of
the aphabetical list Fifteen of those
Interviewed refused to tell what they
were going to do when they were
More than half fifty six declared
that they were going to teach
Japans Wealthiest City
Osaka Is the wealthiest commercial
and manufacturing city in Japan It
Is the most democratic and Industri
ous city in the empire and covers elghi
Sahara miles The imnerial mint a
Osaka is the most modern model insti
tution of its kind
Special Shoe Sale
T E D Perkins Co
Makes rich blood and gives
permanent strength McConnells
USE Bradley Vrooman
Pure Paint Made of Car
bonate of Lead Oxide of
Zinc and Linseed Oil
Sold continuously for over
31 years Will not chalk
blister or peel Cannot be
duplicated by hand mixing
A full gallon in
gallon can The
paint it is possible to manu
facture because absolutely
Stansberry Lumber Co
Telephone No 1
The navy department has se
cured space in Mercantile LTall
for their exhibit at the coming
state fair Sept 4th to 8th In
this exhibit will be six model bat
tle ships each 8 feet in lengh
a wireles telegraph outfit com
plete gun carriages and equip
ment complete mess outfit and
in fact everything to interest the
boy who has aspirations and am
bitions to at some time be of
service to his country should oc
casion require The small naval
exhibit of last year created such
an interest that the officers in
charge said that Nebraskas fair
was one of the best places in the
country at which to make an ex
McConnell for drugs
We have a select line of bos
paper and writing tablets
A McMILLEN Druggist
We never hesitate to guarantee
Lily Patent flour At the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads the
Bargain sale on wall paper for the
next ten days beginning today
A McMILLEN Druggist
Cut Prices on Coal
During the months of July and August on lots of
three tons or more we will make following prices
Canon Lump 800 per Ion
Maitland Lump 750 per ton
Maitland Nut 700 per ton
Maitland Pea 650 per ton
Lignite Lump 650 per ton
Iowa Lump 650 per ton
Pennsylvania Nut 1250 per ton
Pennsylvania Stove 1250 per ton
Pennsylvania Furnace 1200 per ton
Colorado Nut 12oo per ton
These prices areiooless than last winter and will save
you some money by putting in your winter coal now
Billiard Lumber Co
jgYitfftvwrTnfWriHfyflP vv im n1 m i v ifiv v pvi iywro v i i iPTjB
It - - S-
When Visitors ome and Theres Not a Thing 1
in the House
Telephone 423 and a case of Eoot Beer Cherry or any flavor
you desire will be delivered in a hurry But better still
have a case of our goods on hand at all times and a few
bottles on ice then you are ready for emergencies Our
goods are prepared from the choicest ingredients under con
ditions of scrupulous cleanliness