The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 20, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Of all Summer
Goods and some
Mens Pat Leather
Shoes It
nay you to
Corner Store
aint it funny but its money
money money everywhere
So ran the old time popular song
In order to get money we are
selling off our light soft sum
mer dresses for half price Same
is true of a big bunch of White
Waists Also true of about a
dozen mens suits Also of mens
fine straw hats To get money
prompts us to sell Mens 150
fine ribbed balbriggan union suitsj
for 113 ladies fancy parasols
one third off and many items of
summer goods If you work for
your money make it go farth
est possible The Thompson D 1
G Co bent on clearance
City Clerk Resigned
Before leaving for Falls City
this week Prank L Travel hand
ed his resignation to Mayor Mc
Adams as city clerk The mayor
has appointed George Kearns to
the position though there has
been no session of council since
and hence the appointment has
not been confirmed Mr Kearns
will make a competent official in
that capacity Mr Traver has re
sumed his work as a boiler mak
er in the Missouri Pacific shops
at Falls City where the family
will -join him some time later
For Sale
S E i sec 7 and N E sec
18 T 5 R 29 and N E and
N W Vi sec 13 T5R30
Will consider any fair offer cash or
part on time Address owner
J T FOLEY Lewistown Montana
Pure Gold flour from winter wheat
at Magners
Drink Wedding
and be happy At
Ireakfast coffea
McConnell fills prescriptions
Everything in drugs McCon
Base Ball Goods
Kodaks and kodak supplies
L W MiCONNELL Druggist
hen it is paints varnish or
stains go to McConnell druggist
Cow Ease kills flies mites and
lice Sold by
The Dorcas ladies of the Con
gregational church will give
a Kensington at the home of Mrs
J G Sehobel Monday afternoon
July 24th at 2 oclock
One Minute and Motor Wash
ers save the women and clothes
The run easier loaded than oth
ers do empty Sold by
Hammocks You surely need
one these warm nights Nothing
will afford you more pleasure
during the sumer months One
fourth off regular price on any
hammock in our stock
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Democratic County Convention
Convention called to order at
2 oclock by James Pontius sec
retary J S LeIIew was nomi
inated for temporary chairman
and James Pontius for temporary
secretary On motion temporary
organization was made perman
On motion chairman appointed
as members of committee on reso
lutions the following
Francis Colfer chairman E
Benjamin P Walsh A T Gate-
wood R L Duckworth
On motion convention adjourn
ed for 15 minutes recess Dur
ing recess the convention was fn
ored by a speech on TrueDem
ocracy by Mr Sidney Tapp of
penver Colo
After convention had re-assembled
Jas Mc Adams was el
ected chairman of the count cen
tral committee and John Rice sec
Members of the county central
committee were appointed from
the different precincts A city
central committee was also ap
pointed as follows
C J Ryan 1st precinct 1st
S S Garvey 2nd preecinct 1st
Barney Ilofer 1st precinct 2nd
W II Ilarman 2nd precinct
2nd ward
On motion the chairman ap
pointed the following members as
delegates to the state convention
at Fremont Nebraska
P Walsh chairman
James McAdams
Edward Sughroue
Pat McKenna
A T Gatewood
R L Duckworth
James Carmichael
Marion Plummer
James Pontius
On motion convention adjourn
Potatoes at 85c a Bushel
would be cheap now So arc
Simpsons prints at oAc Meritas
table oil cloth at 13e best apron
ginghams at GV jc good bleached
muslin GV jC Am A 2 bu grain
bags at 22e mens stout blue ov
eralls with drill pockets for 44c
boys double front and seat ov
eralls at 44c boys blue denim
jackets at 44c Mens Stetson
hats at 369 Leatherwear yard
wide black silk for 89c Fleischer
German knitting yarn 25c for
lb skein and other equally reas
onable items of common use sold
by The Thompson D G Co for
cash onlv
Will Go Into Camp Here
Company M Nebraska National
Guard of our city will go into
camp at the rifle range just north
of the city limits from August
4th to 10th this year During
this time they will drill and use
the rifle range daily and there
will be a dress parade and band
concert each evening
I hereby give notice that I
will not be responsible for nor
pay any bills or debts contracted
bv Mrs E W Sovern
Lumber for Beet Dumps
The lumber for the beet dump
at Red Willow is now on the
ground and the work of con
struction will go on in due time
Buy your flour and feed at
Marshs Flour and Feed Store
Phone 25 215 Main aye
We have a few wall paper rem
nants that will go at a bargain
Those who have single or small
rooms to paper cannot afford to
miss this opportunity Call at
once if you are interested
We are closing out Hammocks at
reduced prices
A McMILLEN Druggist
Rexall Toilet Soap for babies
and all tender and deligate skins
L W McCONNELL Druggist
our corn is all extra
All the fresh
at Magners
fruits of the season
Tt V
We have just received a car
load of extra good seed wheat
Call and see
Everything thats
fruits and vegetables
the time
at Hubers
Magner sells better groceries than
the just as good kind Try him for
an order
All grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
Vi 2
The Republicans of Red Wil
low county met in convention in
Indianola yesterday afternoon
with a goodly representation of
delegates present
A temporary organization was
effected with F M Ivimmell of
McCook as chairman and W A
Reynolds of Indianola as secre
Mil -v i ilimii rx in4 n Si T Tn
Smith J R Stansberry and E
A Sexson as a committee on cre
dentials The committee repprt
ed no contesting delegations and
recommended that the delegates
as reported from the various pre
cincts be seated as the regular
delegates of the convention Re
port was accepted and adopted
The temporary organization
was then made permanent
The chair appointed Chas
la J R Stansberry E S Hill
J rank Moore and William llier
sekorn a committee on resolutions
They reported the following res
olutions which were adopted by
the convention without dissent
We the republicans of Red
Willow county in convention as
sembled pledge our faith and al
legiance to the principles of re
publicanism as set forth in the
declaration of principles of the
national progressive
league and the state progressive
Republican league of Nebraska
reaffirm our faith in the
policies advocated by Theodore
f ivCI
U - r
Roosevelt while president of the tnt
United States as expounded and come
Thursday Evening Edition
Republican County Convention
numerous vetoes of vicious bills
passed by the majority of the
recent legislature
We endorse our fellow citizen
Charles E Eldred for the im
portant position of District Judge
of the fourteenth judicial district
Knowing him to be a man of
the highest moral worth and men
tal attainments a lawyer of long
and successful experience and
with an exceptional judicial tem
perament a -resident of and a
practitioner in the district for
nearly a quarter of a century
and a tried and true progressive
Republican we heartily comend
him to the voters of the district
knowing that he will if elected
administer the office in a con
scientious and fearless manner
without fear or favor
We heartily endorse the splen
did record made bv our
the people for President and vice
president and for the direct elec I
Republican tion of delegates to National
conventions and National com
We declare for the initiative
and referendum and the recall so ed the pastorate of the German
practiced by the able and fear- sentative government
less leaders of progressive CIIAS SKALLA
licanism Senator Robert M La FRANK MOORE
Follette an1 Congressman George J R STANSBERRY
We- heartily commend these E S HILL
real and true representatives of
the people for their patriotic and
Miss Mary Harrison is in Sut
ton professionally
Miss Fay Ilostetter is with the
family here for a short visit
Bernice Rector is visiting Om
aha Neb and Lake View Iowa
W A Middleton was in Cul
bertson yesterday on plumbing
Mrs Guy E Garlick of Limon
Colorado is here on a visit of
a few weeks
Mrs Harry Tramblie spent a
few days in Denver the fore part
or tiie week
Mrs E R Earle is ur from
Arapahoe visiting McoCok friends
and relatives
Lee Gray is clerking for Sidney
Viersen during the latter s ab
sence in California
Will Stilgebouer Republican
nominee for county commissioner
was over from Danbury Tuesday
Mrs J M Somerville depart
ed last night for West Virginia
being apprized of the serious ill-
sentatives in the last legislature ness of her mother
State Senator John F Cordeal A L Cochran J E Fort Mr
and Representative Frank Moore Watson and Dr D F Smith wer
We declare our allegiance to in the city from Bartlev last eve
the direct primary law win- nine in tho lnrtm s mitn
prevents the nomination of polit j J S Sutfin a druggist from
ical bosses in political parties Tobias is in the citv on a visit
We declare for the direct to his mother Mrs M E Sutfin
tion of United States senators at the home of City Carrier Mor
for the preference vote of all ris
Miss Elizabeth Bettcher and
Miss Nellie Smith arrived home
Monday night from a fine out
ing and recreation in Denver and
the mountains
Re- Henry Kauerz has accent
our government shall be- churches at Fort Moriran nnrl
completely a truly Brush Colorado and exnects to
The chair appointed a commit-
courageous eiiorts in the con- tee of five to report and recom
gress of the United States to mend eight state delegates to the
c rthrow the present system county convention for action H
be on that field by the first of
Charles E Cobbey was in the
city Wednesday making a persoi
al canvas in the interest of his
father Joseph E Cobbey who is
a Republican candidate for the
supreme court
Miss Clara LeIIew left Tuesday
morning for Laramie Wyoming
where she is in charge of a Catli
which puts the dollar above the P Waite G Weveneth J R idi jii lTnm rcrcri i
man and operates to the McCarl Sam Premer and J E age She will visit in Akron and
ion of real representation of the Fort were named as such com- Denver enroute
people in national affairs and for mittee They reported the Mr and Mrs II W Kevos
i 1 1 iT i iii til 1 i J i n -- -1 - -ii r t t
present form is a vicious attempt the convention The report was Indianola vesterdav
ine oenein oi tne lavorea iew es 01 j n Jiiared J a uordeai son Miss Fanny Chandler sister
We commend their patriotic opjU G Etherton Lon Cone W 0f Mrs Keyes from Omaha and
position to the so called Canadian A Reynolds Chas Skalla Don Miss Gladys Wild of Wilberwere
reciprocity scheme which in its Thompson and F M Ivimmell to citv visitors and shonners from
to collect a still larger tribute j adopted and same declared the Dr and Mrs W F Jones and
rrom tne larmers lor tne delegates or tne convention Ahistcr HYfmri nvo lmmo f
ment of the manufacturers of the
We beelieve that the leadership named
of the Republican party in the
next national campaign should
pass from the reactionary ele
ment which is now in control to
the progressive wing of the par
ty as so ably representeed by the
il insurgent senators and rep
resentatives and we hereby de-
claiv our heart v support of the
fearless senator from Wisconsin j
Robert M La Follette
We take great pride in pre
senting to the voters of the state
of Nebraska our honored fellow
citizen of this county Vice Pres
ident of the National Progressive
Republican league Congressman
George W Norris for the Unit
ed States senatorship knowing
that he will in the future as in
the past devote all his time and
energy to the welfare of the
great mass of our people and we
commend his every official act
and rejoice in his honor and
We heartily endorse the pres
ent state administration and par
ticularly the successful adminis
tration of our able and fearless
governor Chester II Aldrich
commending him for his courage
as displayed in the enforcement
of the laws and as shown by the
Roll of precincts was called an the Black Hills Francis has re
the following committeemen were covered nicelv from his ropmit
burning experience though not
Alliance bamuel Premer Bart- escaping entirely attendant marks
ley of his severe accident
Beaver G B Morgan Danbury Rev Father Patton of St Pat
Box Elder Will Sexson Mc ricks church of our city attend-
Cook I ed the installation services of
Danbury M F MeFadden Dan new bishop of Lincoln Rt
hury Rev J Henry Tihen in Lincoln
East Valley D F bmitn Ban- Wednesday and delivered one of
ley the toast responses at the ban-
Indianola W A Reynolds In- qUet served by the ladies of the
Red Willow Frank Moore ln emonial
Loan on
Money to Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
is effective for coughs and colds in
either children or grown persons No
opiates no harmful drugs In the
yellow package Refuse substitutes
A McMillen
Fresh fruits at Magners
Lincoln parish following the cer
dianola Tom j
iorth Valley Davis Ji art
Smith an old time
newspaper man and F A Pen-
nrll fir Tpfnnlr iivo in tlio oitv
Willow Grove 1st precinct 1st m tnr in nn
----- -- u
- T - ml -
ward It- bchonei nd pre- 1mi i ni ivi i 0
AKjtjt i m 1 iifiaiiti 1 111 j 1 1 1 -
cinct 1st ward W A Middleton
1st precinct 2nd ward E S
Howell 2nd precinct 2nd ward
J II Stephens
Motion prevailed that the nom
inees on the Republican ticket
meet in McCook on the first Sat
urday after the primary when all
vacancies in precinct committee
men the chairman and secretary
of the county central committee
be chosen by said nominees and
the committeemen servimr
Many of the candidates for
several offices were present
upon call of the convention
sponded with brief speeches
Can Pay at the Store
Parties owing the Updike Co
may pay their bills at Jones Cos
oenfectionery and news stand on low
er Main avenue Phone 1C or 1G9
S -S GARVEY Manager
what difficult this side of Hast
ings on account of the mud Mr
Smith is the father-in-law of A
E Petty of this city and will be
in Lincoln for several days re
newing acquaintances among for
mer newspaper friends Linc6ln
Mrs James Hatfield and Mrs
A L Knowland entertained the
ladies of the bridge whist clubs
ot the city and number of
friends yesterday afternoon two
score or more ladies of the city
participating in this social affair
Mrs Albert McMillen won the
honors Refreshments after the
playing added an enjoyable par
Get our rates on Farm Loans
For special on dill sour and sweet
pickles see Magner
There is magic in the words
Advo They are the final word
in canned excellence And Huber Is
the prophet
Wall paper remnants and a
number of bargains if you come
soon L W McConnell Druggist
The Han Who 1
Is the man who spends all
he is able to earn from day
to He knows he should
save money or when lie is
too old to work he will
have to rely on the charity
of his neighbors and relativ
es but lie doesnt mnkp a
start The older one gets
the harder it is to acquire
the saving habit
Dont delay longer but
start a bank account with
Mccook national
P Walsh President
C F LEHvy Pres
C J OBbiex Gash
M Loughran P F McKenna
Baptist Morning sermon at
11 a m Union service at S p
m sermon by Rev Lewis of the
M E church Bible school at
10 C E at 715 Services at
the Piekens school house at 3
p m D L McBride minister
Christian Science Subject for
Sunday morning Julv 23rd
Episcopal Sunday school at
10 Usual morning and evening
services at 11 and S oclock All
are welcome
Methodist The regular serv
ices will be held at the Methodist
church Sunday except preaching
at night There will be union
services at the Baptist church at
The union services were well at
tended at the Methodist church
last Sunday night and Rev Me
Bride pastor of Baptist chrch
preached a srood sermon on the
subject Your Life
Not Feeling So Well
The Tribunes base ball editor
has been verging on a strike this
week and it is only at the last
moment under pressure that we
are able to draw this much out
of him
Tuesdays game at Arapahoe
was won by the Braves ably
assisted by the umpire by the
score of 11 to 2
But cheer up boys the worst
is still to come
Wednesdays game with Cam
bridge on the local ground went
to the Chaittauquas by an even
dozen to a pair
At this juncture the editor bolt
Special Notice
The next time you order flour
or chicken feed phone 25 and it
will be promptly delivered
Marshs Flour and Feed Store
215 Main ave
Feeds of all kinds for sale
J F Helm of Red Willow lost
a valuable horse this week He
recently paid 300 for the animal
Bug Death kills all plant eat
ing insects Good for all kinds
of garden stuff Sold only by
The residence recently complet
ed at Red Willow has the dis
tinction of being the most modern
farm house in Southwsteern Ne
Special Low Prices on Enamel
vnd Granite Ware at McCook
Hardware Co should attract you
if anything needed for the kitch
Does your horse cow or chick
ens eat bran chops corn shorts
oats wheat or barley chops If
so order your next feed from
Marshs Flour and Feed Store
215 Main aye Phone 25