The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 13, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 7

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Veilings Chiffons and Cotton Textures
Respond Most Beautifully to Or
namental Bands Pretty Kimo
no Waist With Princess Skirt
Bordered materials are to liave an
Immense vogue this summer and they
are already seen in abundance in the
shops The veilings chiffons and cot
ton textures respond most beautifully
to these highly ornamental bands for
such goods while needing some trim
miug or other are hard to be suited
with garnitures The bands now
woven at one side or both of the goods
suggest striped satin ribbons Spanish
laces and the odd arabesques of In
dian decorations and some of the bor
derings show a riot of the richest col
or Again threads of black or a heavy
black band will be run along the most
delicate tints these giving the ma
terials a very Frenchy look
Along with these handsome new
things there are counters and coun
ters of thin textiles all of which have
been greatly reduced as they i
to the winter supplies and do uOt
show the latest touches Neverthe
less these bargain goods are most de
sirable as it is an easy enough matter
to supply tbe effect of a band of rib
bon satin or velvet and In point of
weight and coloring they do not in the
least suggest cold weather materials
Of course the between season gown
calls for a new hat J and even with
the winter one headgear must be
lightened now to seem In accordance
with prevailing tastes So here are
spring hats with us and such spring
hats high crowned of course bril
liant straws and trimmed always with
come dashing fancy plume or other
that goes up to enormous heights
Those who prefer satin or silk hats
also And them everywhere and as it
is quite the thing to make these of
one color and trim them with an
other it is possible to use up many
bits of home material if the hats can
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be turned out by home sewers On a
satin shape of gun metal gray a vivid
blue ribbon was massed so as to hide
the entire crown and shape a vast
bow at the back Black and white
effects in the satin and sik hats are
also much seen and surely nothing
could be smarter than this combina
tion even though it Involves a black
and white effect to a certain extent
all through the get up
Our illustration shows a kimono
waist and princess skirt tbe two de
tails showing admirably together in
a pretty gray veiling and moire Bilk
in a matching color With these ma
terials white porcelain beads are used
The bodice begins with a closely fit
ting kimono waist of the moire fin
ished at the neck with a round yoke
or the veiling beaded over Two
crossed bib pieces of the veiling cover
the lower part of the bodice back and
front these running up to the yoke
and in sharp beaded points Straight
ftsnds of the beaded veiling form the
cuffs and the narrow folded belt is of
the moire
In the deep foot hand of the
ered skirt a novel touch is givei
through the shaping of the upper line
the former stralghtness of such bands
being considered now a little unbe
coming to any but the slimmest and
most youthful figures This model as
it stands is undesirable for anything
but a very dressy frock but such ma
terials as mousseline and organdy
may be used for It with some varia
tion of the style of trimming Veil
ing chiffon and cashmere or a thin
silk with some pretty wool are othei
adaptable materials
aft jUftr U iSr -
Green leaves form tlu foundation
of this pretty hair wreath Tor a
brides coiffure between which the or
ange blossoms are daintily arranged
The second Illustration showing a
pretty lace cap of semi Dutch persua
sion is fashioned on fine silk covered
wire lined with chiffon a string or
large pearl beads is drawn loosely
round ending in a large cabuchon of
pearl heads which fastens the grace
ful plume at left side the stem of
which is also ornamented with gradu
ated pearl beads
Some Things That Will Add to thi
Pleasure of the Summer
Take along a good supply of stories
to tell Around the campfire at night
a good story teller is an acquisition
Not only is a supply of jokes good
but weird stories ghost stories animal
stories will all be listened to with
avidity Not all evenings will be spent
around tbe campfire but some will
and the good talker will add much
to the evenings pleasure
The girl who can make a good
fudge or any other kind of good candy
Is usually voted a brick on a camping
trip If you are not expert practice
a hit beforehand and remember that
in camp you wont have all the con
venienqes for candy making that you
have at home
A hot water bottle ready made mus
tard plasters arnica remedies for
scratches and bruises and blistered
feet and mosquito bites this doesnt
sound like a hilarious time but therell
be a good time just the same all
such things are liable to be in de
Berries Served in One of the Little
Affairs Seem to Taste
The Httlo round baskets In whlcb
figs are so often sold are worth saving
In most households they are thrown
away as soon as the figs are eaten
often the figs are removed bya serv
ant and the basket Immediately
thrown away without anyone noticing
how pretty it is
A girl who likes to have things
served in original ways can make use
of these little baskets if she will take
the trouble to save them They are
quite fiat and much the same shape
as a saucer and berriea served in one
of these little baskets really seem to
taste fresher Especially does one get
the effect of newly picked berries If
the basket is first lined with leaves
and the berries laid on the leaves If
It is possible to get the leaves of the
particular berry that is used It will
give the best effect but if they are
not in reach other green leaves will
do very well
New Watches
Every year watches become more
beautiful and more to be compared
with the exquisite ones of the eigh
teenth century Enameling is an art
which has been revived with great
success and now the most beautiful
shades and blendlngs of color can be
Among many old wonderfully made
watches reproduced this season 1b a
French one very thin Its undulating
edge outlined with gold leaf The
back of the watch and almost the
entire face is covered with rich black
enamel on which are painted tiny
but very natural roses convolvull
and daisies with their foliage
Ducks eat many bugs
Goslings must have free range
The quickest returns are from baby
Exercise Is essential to the best
growth of the foal
You have some things to learn after
you get an Incubator
The best time to cut the lambs tall
and castrate is at one week old
Calves make more gain with a given
amount of food than does older stock
Too much emphasis cannot be laid
upon the use of cover crops In our
Giving water at irregular times is
Injurious not only to chicks but to
old fowls
It Is seldom that the very early
varieties of potatoes yield so well as
those a little later
Mans object in fruit growing is the
production and improvement of the
edible portion of the fruit
Good ventilation is essential but it
should be so arranged that the cows
shall not be exposed to a draught
Everybody knows that in July
weather cows give a larger amount of
milk than in cold and wintry weather
Build a good shed to shelter the
tools it is doubtful if you can make
33 1 3 per cent profit in any other
i uy
There Is a best temperature for
each individual lot of cream but this
can be determined only by experi
Are there any old apple trees in
your orchard bearing undesirable
fruit Easy to graft good varieties
upon them
Keep on good terms with the ewes
so that you can catch and handle
them without causing undue disturb
ance in the pens
There Is no phase of the dairy busi
ness that needs more study or more
careful management than does the
breeding of the cow
As the time draws near for calving
the cow should be put Into a comfort
able box stall having plenty of bed
ding to keep her dry
The open swill barrel standing by
the kitchen door Is a direct invita
tion to typhoid diphtheria and like
dseases to enter the home
When live stock prices drop It is al
ways the man who knows how to
make meat at the least cost per pound
who realizes the largest profit
When the fruit buds come very
thick most people take it aB a sign
of a big yield but when fruit growB
too thickly it must necessarily be very
If the udder becomes hard or shows
a tendency to garget apply unsalted
lard and give it a vlgoroous rubbing
after which give the ewe a good dose
of salts
Skim milk which is whole milk
minus part of its fat and which costs
only half as much as whole milk fur
nishes protein about four times as
cheaply as beef
When the row is comfortable and
contented she responds with a flow of
milk far in excess of that which she
gives when she has been uncomfort
able and Irritated
Cherry rot or brown rot affects all
stone fruits Including peach apricots
etc It is by far the most serious and
baffling of cherry diseases to the com
mercial cherry grower
Never feed hay or sweep or In any
way stir up dust just previous to milk
ing time for this will contribute to the
Introduction of bacteria which con
taminates and Injures the quality of
the milk
In dipping pigs great care must
be exercised to cover every part of
his body from tail to snout If a
patch as big as a thumb nail is left un
touched it may contain the nucleus of
a new crop
At the time of mating if the ewes
are put on an aftermath or flush pas
ture they are more apt to come in
heat and take the ram quicker and
this brings your lambs in a shorter
time and the lambing Is over with
more quickly than if they com along
in say two or three months
1 it
Keep the land bus
Examine the ewes udder
Turkeys are quickly destroyed by in
The first crop of alsike clovr is the
one to save for seed
Mules are especially annoying and
frequently kill young colts
Alfalfa cannot stand pasturinj
first season and never closely
A dairy cow should be allowed to
rest from six to eight weeks before
Where dairying is not practiced the
calf will have also to pay for keeping
the cow a year
Twenty tons of stable manure on a
half acre is about the right proportion
for the garden
The best broom corn is grown In
Illinois and Indiana It requires a
deep rich mellow soil
The way to get a good milk flow and
hold It through the year is to give
good cows good care
It is estimated that more than a mil
lion fruit trees will be set out in Mon
tana the present season
American farmers buy more than
one hundred million dollars worth ol
farm machinery every year
The way he carries his head and
tail more than anything else con
tributes to style in the horse
A capon will sell on the market foi
about double the price per pound thai
is paid for uncaponized cockerels
Examine the ewes udder and teats
carefully see that both teats are
open or you may get a caked udder
It Is not enough that the sire be
full bred there must be individual
merit as well as blue blooded ancestry
Where small runs are used scrape
and sweep them before heavy rains
Then turn the ground over and sow
Keep a lookout for colds It means
roup if you let it run Use a little
kerosene and vaseline and check the
Of course the fruit must have more
or less shade but nature will take care
of that after intelligent pruning has
been done
The milker should be clean in all
respects He should not use tobacco
he should wash and dry his hands just
before milking
The Shropshire sheep have been
placed rank one the Hampshire rank
two the Southdown three The Dor
set ranks fourth
Location and demand govern to a
large extent the particular phase of
dairying practiced In the various
sections of the country
Every orchardist must use his own
judgment as to how his spraying op
erations for the control of the codling
moth shall be carried on
Where cows are kept in the stalli
much of the time it is not unreason
able to say that the barn should be
light enough for one to read in
Dont neglect to grease the
wagons that do the regular work
about the farm Hard oil is cheaper
than horseflesh and a lot more hu
Cantaloupes should not be grown
near squash pumpkin or cucumber
vines as the pollen will mix giving
the cantaloupes a flavor of the squash
or cucumber
Feed that Is left in the manger over
night after being mussed over becomes
sour and should be removed and the
manger thoroughly cleaned before put
ting in fresh feed
Let the new born calf stay In the
stall or pasture with its mother for
several daysand she will let it feed
at times and in amounts best suited to
its needs in life
During the hot dry summer and in
fly time it Is desirable to make dairy
cows more comfortable than can be
done while they are running about and
gathering their own food
Just how deeply the corn and other
spring crops should be cultivated and
just how long the cultivation should be
continued Is a matter upon which
farmers differ widely in opinion
Barley meal low grade flour and
white middlings added to the mash are
useful in preventing summer diar
rhoeas Keep granulated charcoal be
fore the birds for the same purpose
Undoubtedly one of the most remun
erative branches of the poultry busi
ness for the average poultryman la
the production of eggs combined
with the sale of market broilers as a
side line
An open front house with sloping
board roof and triangular board sides
makes a good place for the pigs or
brood sow in summer Another good
hoghouse for summer use is one with
the roof only sloping two ways and
both ends left out This Is protecting
and cooL
as at Icicle
If you want to think of crisp
winterweather and sparkling frost
if you want to forget the heat and the
dust and thethirst forreal cool comfort
As sparkling wholesome and refreshing as a spring
house icicle So next time youre hot or tired
or thirsty if youre anywhere near a place that
sells Coca Cola go in and give yourself a
real treat
Ofev wi tun
SrA for
inz booklet Qk Atlanta Gi
The Truth
About Coo Coll 0
There are a good many thankless
Such as trying to make vegetarians
of the cannibals
Some Aviation Records
Czar Ferdinand of Bulgaria is the
first crowned head who has made an
aeroplane flight The aviator who
took him up is the first man who ever
was knighted in midair Prince Henry
of Prussia is the first professional
aviator of royal rank Mr Roosevelt
is the first prominent statesman to
have made an ascension in an aero
plane Aithur J Balfour is the sec
SAKATOON offers you success if you
are an intelligent hard working agricul
turist in any branch You could not credit
the prosperity of our farmers unless you
actually came and saw AVhy not come
If you do you -will be sorry you had not
come years ago Perhaps you are not get
ting along very well except in the matter
of years Better do something for your
childrens sake Join our prosperity Por
all information write the Commissioner
Board of Trade Saskatoon Saskatchewan
Western Canada
Their Favorite Alibi
Cook How do you get out of it
when the missis scolds you for not
answering the bell
Waitress I always tell her I was
making mayonnaise Harpers Bazar
Give Defiance Starch a fair trial
try it for both hot and cold starching
and if you dont think you do better
work in less time and at smaller cost
return it and your grocer will give
you back your money
Mrs M Who did you vote for
Mrs N I dont remember his name
He gave me his seat in the street car
last week
Beautiful Post Cards Free
Send 2c stamp for five samples of our
very best Gold Embossed Birthday Flow
er and Motto Post Cards beautiful colors
and loveliest designs Art Poet Card Club
731 Jackson St Topeka Kan
The great question is not so much
what money you have in your pocket
as what you will buy with it Ruskin
Lewis Single Binder straight 5c cigar
You pay 10c for cigars not so good
The robe of righteousness will neith
er shrink nor stretch
To Get
Its Beneficial Effects
Always Buy f he Genuine
Elixir Senna
mariifecterecl bylhe
Sold by all leading
OneSizeOjiy50f e Battle
fWftinC br the Box at Wholesale Prices
UlUAlld La Pearl 10c straight Londres 109 for
3M KerWestBoquetPerfecte2for26vl00fora
Shipped UO D express Paid privilege of examin
ation IT IT BIDFORD 50 UeaSuI Buk EMj Chicago
U afflicted with
Thompsons Eys Water
703 see la
Arrow think
of Coca Cola
fj When you X
IJ there is 1
11 ask your Ig
1 1 grocer for tl
HI McNeill Iji
I Electrotypes
I 521 531 W Adams St Chicaco I
truu ud UJUftJt
flits Neat cfea
ornamental coaTn
fentjcheap LartxtS
tip over will Dot tog
or Iniure aaTthfsc
Guaranteed effect
sent prrpaM lc SOc
ISO DfffcXb In
BrUi 5Y
Quihi aod tmntlfld t tair
Promote liLiiuitat crunils
Nerer Falls to Bettor Orty
Carta icalp diiea hur falliiat
fOondgLMat DrncrlitJ
W N U LINCOLN NO 27 1911
Nebraska Directory
Siudight Sanitarium
A Modern Fully Equipped
Fireproof Hospital
Fully equipped for the treatment of chroma
rheumatism diseases of kidneys bladder
and other chronic diseases by baths elec
tricity etc A COMPLETE X RAY
OUTFIT Modem aseptic operating
rooms for the care of surgical patients
A fall corps of trained nurses Rates
moderate For further information address
Irving S Cutter M D Supt
28 10 Sumner Street Lincoln Nebr