Mi r M K 1 i t i fx R D M k I W3JfW - r ataj 9EmelWPausMidt3UWQ tsr tf IJCWK J Wrap By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red WillowCo Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class matter Published weekly POLITICAL ADVERTISING COUNTY JUDGE I respectfully announce myself a candidate for re nomination to the office of County Judge on the Re publican ticket With a high appre ciation of the large vote given me two years ago largest of any ex cept treasurer and with a purpose to render the best service possible if re elected I respectfully request the consideration of all Republicans at the coming primary election Aug ust loth J C MOORE COUNTY TREASURER Not being able to make a personal canjrass of the county I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer and whether elected or defeated I ab solutely promise not to be ruled by clique or ring I invite am investiga tion of my record in the past from the official records of the county C B GRAY COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination of county treasurer on the Republican ticket subject to the Primary Election August 15th 1911 ARTHUR B WOOD FOR SHERIFF s I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination of sheriff on the Republican ticket subject to the decision of the primary election on August 15 1911 E F OSBQRN FOR SHERIFF r I hereby announce myself a can didate for sheriff on tlfe Republican ticket subject to the primary electro August 15 1911 CHAS W DEWEY DISTRICT COURT I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination of clerk of the district court on the Democratic ticket sub ject to the Primary Election August loth 1911 7 6 D W COLSON COUNTY JUDGE I hereby announce myself a candidate for county judge on the Republican ticket subject to the primary election of August 15th 13 5 SETH S SILVER- COUNTY JUDGE I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of coun ty judge on the Democratic tick et subject to the primaries on August 15th FRANCIS M COLFER George Westinghouse thinks he has solved the burst tire ques tion with air springs and Pitts burg is after the plant he will build to manufacture the springs General W H Bixby chief of the army engineers who recently returned from inspecting the wreck of the Maine in Havana harbor has made the startling declaration that the battleship was sunk by the explosion of her own boilers and not by a mine planted in the harbor He says the primary cause will never -be known Advertised List The following letters and cards remain uncalled for at the post office Letters Block E H Broekett Mr Sinder Mr Chas Slagle Miss Nellie Cards Dalton Mr Jack Fortney Mr Elmer Garber Mr E S Han sen Mr Andrew Minick Miss Sallie Norman Mr P A Som ers Mr Allen Trandel Mr L When calling for these please say they were advertised LON CONE Postmaster Engraved Cards Orders for engraved cards will re ceive prompt and satisfactory atten tion at The Tribune office Cards and invitations also printed tasteful ly Call and see samples and we will quote you prices Satisfaction guarantor d For job printing of every kind The Tribune office is well equipped Meets all legitimate prices Guaran tees satisfactory work Let us fig ure with you before you let your Work Phone us if you cant come to the office We will call and quote you prices Received on Account Pali Out Cash Credit slips etc for Bale at The Tribune office Per K l000 50c x WOMAN AND WOE Old Age in India Invariably Blends the Two Into One I have seen women under a burn ing midday sun reaping in the fields says a writer on India I have seen them at roadmaking in the streets of cities I have seen them loading en gines with coal at railway stations I have seen them in long procession on the white roads of the plains carrying great burdens on their heads like a string of camels And I have seen also in the eyes of every old woman whom I have encountered every one of them such misery adversity and an gry bitterness as seemed to curse the very air of heaven I have not seen one happy old woman in the whole country Women follow through the village like a dog at the husbands heel Ma ternity is x6 excuse for the task in the field and the duties of the house They are servants without wages and with out liberty to select another master Before them is perpetual servitude and if they are so abandoned by the gods as to reach old age their certain des tiny is misery dejection friendliness and black despair I never knew all the meaning of the word woe until I looked into the face of an old woman under an Asian sky the women folk of the upper classes in India speaking generally are more the prisoners of their husbands than the women of the helot castes They do not labor except in cooking and serving the meals of their husbands but they are cut off from the world as completely as a nun they do not even know in many cases the male rela tions of their husbands They are lit tle more than caged animals taught to do a few household tricks Chicago News COOKING A HEDGEHOG Bake It In Clay Into a Solid Mass and Carve It With an Ax When a Maine Indian has the choice of a hedgehog a skunk a woodchuck and a muskrat for dinner he will se lect the first named invariably and takethe skunk as second ehofce leav ing tbeworaichuck which is tbe otrfy one of the lot a Maine whheman wjll taste to the last Unlike the skunk and the woodchuck which are loan and unsavory except for a few months in the fall or the muskrat which is never fat and which has a strong flavor in spite of parboiling the hedge hog is always in edible condition and has meat that is as tender and white as that of a spring chicken The method of cooking a hedgehog is so simple that a novice can learn in one short lesson When the epicure is permitted to mako a choice he should shun the large old males which at times weigh thirty or forty pounds The preparation consists in removing the viscera washiug out the interior and filling the cavity with slices of fat pork peeled raw potatoes sprigs of spearmint and wild celery from- the brook Then without removing the quills or skinning the body is plastered thickly with wet clay from the nearest bank The muddy bulky mass is thrust into live coals and covered with blazing fagots to be roasted for two hours p On removal from the coals the clay is found to have been baked into a hard and solid mass which must be broken open with an ax or a heavy stone whereupon the skin and quills of the animal cling to the clay wrap ping and fall away leaving the clean white meat ready to be eateu New York Herald A Bridge of Ants A species of ants which spin silk is common in hot countries The ants nest in trees binding the leaves to gether to make their nests The silk used for this purpose is not secreted by the adult ants but by the larvae In order to attach the silken threads and draw the leaves together the ants must carry the larvae about from leaf to leaf When two distant leaves are to be drawn together a remarkable method is employed Five or sis ants form a chain bridging the gap between the leaves each gripping the waist of another in its mandibles A number of such chains will co operate in bringing two leaves together A Legend of Isc Acrnrdlig in Meleliior K Vogue the heiii ol is as follows A Vene rii suiui j hw lij ladylove i frond of pvuiig wml to kisp him in incniiry t sea Hat he girl foKiid tlsit tta woid was rapidly r JiSij je inrig So she ijrlt i lino lrsn lie md l avcs of he iiit wnj tr n vM piece ot linen mu worlds on with her tloniits foo vu lies- iiivi r venloil lace Fcric cf Hsbli He was an old who had built up a big bisitics by advertising John said bis wife vvhsit do you want on your tombstone Oh be answered it isnt very Im portant what the text is so long as it gets good space and is weil displayed London Telegraph Keeps It Well Nell Dont you think Miss Antique keeps her age remarkably well Belle Sure She never gives it away Philadelphia Record Tragic What is more tragic than to forget on the morning after that convinc ing excuse you gave the night before Lippincotts So much is a man worth as he es teems himself Rabelais By Free High School Orders Treasurers Statement Summary of collections and disbursements for the six months ending June 30th 1911 of the office of the County Treasurer Red Willow County by C Naden County Treasurer COLLECTIONS To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To balance on hand Dec 31st 1910 53 552 45 18S9 1890 tax collected tax collected 1894 tax collected 1898 tax collected 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 190S 1909 1910 tax collected tax collected tax collected tax collected tax collected tax collected tax collected tax collected tax collected tax collected tax collected tax collected 69 56 58 24 01 4 00 14 70 13 90 24 65 4 69 5 10 16 44 32 30 37 15 258 19 254 64 983 80 863 88 Refunds By School Land Refund Interest By Poll Tax Refunded By Inheritance Order City and Village Treasurers Receipts By City Treasurer Receipt McCook City By City Treasurer Receipt Indianola City By Village Treasurer Receipt Danbury Village By Village Treasurer Receipt Bartley Village By Village Treasurer Receipt Lebanon Village By Redemption Tax Sales By County Treasurers Fees By County Treasurers Commissions 71 538 59 To school land principal 6 532 00 To School land interest 1279 21 To school land lease 1 479 08 To January State Apportionment School 2 502 58 To June State Apportionment School 3 580 74 To State School Aid 180 00 To Miscellaneous Collections General Fund 1 005 53 To Fines 44 00 To Interest on County Deposits 49136 To Inheritance Tax Collection - 677 00 To Redemptions 1 808 24 To Fees 82 50 Total - 144 753 28 DISBURSEMENTS By State Treasurer Receipt No 69258 v 10 249 53 By State Treasurer Receipt No 70400 9 202 82 County Warrants By County General Warrants Redeemed 9 648 72 By County Bridge Warrants Redeemed - 5 182 11 By Soldier Relief Warrants Redeemed - 282 80 Road Warrants By County Road Wts Commissioner Dist No 1pd By County Road Wts Commissioner Dist No 2 pd By County Road Wts Commissioner Dist No 3 pd By District Road Orders -- 358 57 90725 2S230 4 IIS 47 Bonds and Coupons By Precinct Bond and Coupons Redeemed 5 156 63 By City Bond and Coupons Redeemed 1 832 30 By Sewer- Bonds and Coupons Redeemed 450 45 By School Bonds and Coupons Redeemed 2 184 66 School Orders By School Orders 25 328 40 296 08 60 00 34 10 25 00 900 00 782 00 178 00 466 00 215 00 868 54 82 50 092 50 Total 84 185 73 BALANCES State Funds State General Fund 4 State School Fund State TJrm ersity Fund 1 State Redemption Fund State School Land Principal 2 State School Land Interest Overdrawn State School Land Lease County Funds County General Fund - 3 County Bridge Fund County Road Fund Com Dist No 1 County Road Fund Com Dist No 2 County Road Fund Com Dist No 3 County Soldiers Relief Fund County Road Districts Fund - 1 315 63 84 077 79 1 33 132 00 556 55 477 40 707 31 732 17 378 84 262 33 58 91 15 44 464 72 School Funds School District Fund General 16 553 57 School District Fund Free High Bond Funds City Bond Fund Sewer Bond Fund McCook Cityj Precinct Bond Fund School Bond Fund City and Village Funds McCook City Indianola City Danbury Village Bartley Village Lebanon Village - Miscellaneous Funds Rdeemptioii Tax Sale Special Prairie Dog Tax Fund Inheritance Tax Fund 1 McCook Sewer Frontage Tax Fund Fines and License 3 043 60 1 873 60 2 882 51 850 90 19 384 81 2 563 46 24 70 2 42 38 29 91 204 31 23 00 016 25 104 50 25 00 Total - 62 216 60 Less Overdrafts 556 55 Less Conty Treas Commissions r 092 50 1 bay uo Balance on hand June 30th 1911 60 567 55 BRIDGE FUND WARRANTS Registered for payment 470805 THE TRIBUNE 1 YEAR ef iihiiph si 25 Per cent Discount On All Panama Hat 600panamas for 450 300 Panamas for 225 250 Panamas for 190 150 Panamas for 115 We have a select line of box paper and writing tablets A McMILLEN Druggist Feeds of all kinds for sale McCOOK HILLING CO We never hesitate to guarantee Lily Patent flour At the McCook Flour and Feed Store VtaaMBttMVRZUtVtX favSagftSfl Phone 280 Rozell Sons West B St Hubers coffee cannot be beat Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents and Wedding Breakfast heads the list Bargain sale on wall paper for the next ten days beginning today A McMILLEN Druggist McMillens Cream Lotion will re move tan and sunburn Cut Prices on Coal During the months of July and August bn lots of three tons or more we willmake following prices Canon Lump 800 per ton Maitland Lump 750 per ton Maitland Nut 700 per ton Maitland Pea 650 per ton Lignite Lump 650 per ton Iowa Lump 650 per ton s Pennsylvania Nut 1250 per ton Pennsylvania Stove 1250 per ton Pennsylvania Furnace 1200 per ton Colorado Nut 12oo per ton These prices are ioo less than last winter and will save you some money by putting in your winter coal now Bullard Lumber Co Telephone No 1 iVllYMYIWlTtWTlllMI iTntyiffAtiiriMlyrSiiilimiiiiiiiiffta V A- - I When Visitors ome and Theres Not a Thin in the House Telephone 423 and a case of Root Beer Cherry or any flavor you desire will bo delivered in a hurry But better still have a case of our goods on hand at all times and a few bottles on ice then you are ready for emergencies Our goods are prepared from the choicest ingredients under con ditions of scrupulous cleanliness 4 McCOOK BOTTLING WORKSl PHONE 4 23 j1iJia yuitfcAMUWJt if1 l1lAHkU UiaMfH tfS ixtiiity tt fty t 4 n S 4- 1 r it b i K V