The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 13, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 2

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    The McCook Tribune
- F M KIMMELL Publisher
- Vjxifl wiyM
Possible Ending of Debate Within
Ten Days or a Fortnight Set
Speech i n Opposition by
Senator Gronna
Washington A more general senti
ment for expeditious action on the
Canadian reciprocity wool revision
and free list bills is apparent after in
formal coHferences among various1
groups of senators and six hours of
continuous debate in the superheated
chamber of the senate It was the first
of the longer sessions under the deci
sion of the senate to meet one hour
earlier than usual in order to hasten
action on the legislative program Sen
ator Gronna of North Dakota an insur
gent republican after a long speech
in opposition to the agreement during
which he clashed frequently with the
advocates of the measure was forced
to give up almost exhausted and the
senate almost immediately afterwards
The informal discussion among sen
ators indicated that the present feel
ing doubtless influenced to some ex-
tent by the existing hot wave is that
debate may be brought to an end with
in ten days or a fortnight and that
when the reciprocity bill is passed the
democrats will be willing to vote on
the wool and free list bills without
any extended debate and adjourn al
most immediately The insurgent re
publicans are still holding out how
ever for other legislation
Consecrated as Bishop
Wichita Kan Consignor John
Henry Tihen former chancellor of the
Wichita Catholic diocese was conse
crated bishop of Lincoln Neb at the
-pro-cathedral here The church was
beautifully decorated with the purple
and white colors of the bishop elect
and the yellow and white colors of his
holiness the pope More than 250
bishops priests and fathers of the
church were present to witness the
ceremony while over 1500 people
were present as spectators The ritual
attending the consecration was re
markable for its solemnity Deacons
of honor were the Very Rev J C Free
man and Rev William Bradley of thi
diocese of Lincoln
Says Magazines Exploded
Washington The loss of the battle
ship Maine was caused by the explo s
sion of her three magazines No such
effect as that produced upon the ves
sel could have been caused by an
explosion from without Such is the
opinion of General William S Bixby
chief of engineers United States army
who has returned from a personal in
spection of the work of raising thf
Forced to Sleep on Beach
Los Angeles 10000 holiday merry
makers slept on the sands of the
neach resorts Tuesday night because
the law limiting railroad men to six
teen working hours prevented the su
burban lines from bringing them
home Half of the marooned throng
were women and girls garbed in thin
and flimsy summer clothes
Will Reorganize Standard Oil
New York It was reported here
that within a short time plans for re
organizing the Standard Oil company
lof New Jersey will be announced The
fcomfany it is said will undergo com
plete disintegration and all subsidiar
ies that are charged with having com
bined and conspired to monopolize thf
oil business will operate separately
Trying to Capture Castro
Caracas Reports apparently of an
authentic nature are in circulation
that former President Castro landed
from a motorboat Wednesday at a port
near the western end of Venezuela
He is said to be without ammunition
Washington An interstate trade
commission of Ave members to control
industrial corporations as the inter
state commerce commission controls
the railroads is advocated in a bill in
troduced in the senate by Mr New
Sands of Nevada
San Antonio The dissolving of the
Fort Sam Houston maneuvering camp
began when the Thirteenth United
jStates infantry entrained for Fort
Leavenworth Kan The Ninth infantry
and the Fourth artillery will depar
Fight at Country Dance
Muskogee Okla A quarrel over a
girl at a country dance nine miles
south of this city resulted in a gen
eral fight in which eleven men were
stabbed It is believed one of the in
jured will die The wounds of severa
are serious
Washington The government will
renew the fight to dissociate the great
coal carrying railroads from their vir
tual control of mines and thus vitalize
the commodities clauEe of the inter
state commerce law
Severe Damage Threatened Accord
ing to Reports to Washington
Price of Corn and Oats
Leap Skyward
Washington Rain is much needed
In the great agricultural districts and
the intense heat in the interior and
northern part of the country east of
the Rockies is doing much damage to
crops generally according to the crop
weather report issued by the weather
bureau The report states that in the
corn growing states west of the Mis
sissippi the continued lack of gener
al and heavy rain is being severely
The drouth is still largely un
broken in Missouri ami it s becoming
serious in Iowa and portions of Kan
sas and Nebraska where there was
an entire absence of any beneficial
rains In Oklahoma a severe drouth
covers nearly the entire state and
rain is needed in Arkansas In the
corn growing states east of the Miss
issippi intensely hot weather prevailed
during the latter part of the week
but beneficial showers occurred local
ly and there was considerable mois
ture in the soil from the rather gener
al rains of the preceding week At
the close of the week the ground was
again dry and rain is needed in nearly
all portions of those states
Chicago Because of the withering
heat the price of corn jumped up 4
cents a bushel For the same reason
cats made a skyward leap of 22V
The corn market was boiling with
excitement right from the start Buy
ing orders seemed to pile in from all
directions but sellers were scarce
The flurry received greater impetus
from the fact that Kansas City re
ported an advance of 5 cents a bushel
Fourth Observed Abroad
London The Fourth of July recep
tion at Dorchester house by Ambassa
dor and Mrs Reid was even more
largely attended than usual on ac
count of the fact that a large number
of Americans who came over to at
tend the coronation are still in Lon
don Standing at the head of the
grand staircase for two hours the am
bassador and Mrs Reid were con
stantly occupied in welcoming their
Juvenile Courts in France
Paris The international congress
for the extension of the movement for
juvenile courts adopted resolutions in
favor of the system of probation prac
ticed in America Charles H Hender
son of the faculty of the University of
Chicago was elected American mem
ber of the permanent international
King Reviews Boy Scouts
London Thirty thousand boy
scouts from all parts of the empire
were reviewed by the king in the
great park at Windsor The Canadian
contingent numbering 150 boys and
representing all of the provinces of
the Dominion occupied the place of
honor on the right of the first divi
Surprised at Action of Germany
Paris The senation caused by Ger
manys action in sending a warship to
Agadir shows no signs of abating and
diplomatic circles are said to be in
a ferment
Juarez Mex Telegrams received
here from Columbus N M declared
that the country south of Palomas
Mex is full of revolutionary bands
who style themselves liberals or loy
alists They are securing mounts
provisions and money and issuing re
ceipts in the name of the liberal
Washington D C Senator aid
Mrs Luke Lea who have been pa
tients at a local hospital have so far
recovered that they were able to leave
for a nearby mountain resort
Will be ReSurfea
Washington The body of Colonel
John Green of revolutionary fame
and a member of the staff of General
Washington was exhumed together
with the body of his wife at Liberty
Hall Culpepper county Virginia and
both will be reburied in Arlington Na
tional cemetery
Turin Italy Mara Pia queen dow
ager of Portugal died at the royal
chateau at Stupinigi at 315 oclock
Wednesday afternoon She had suf
fered from uremia
Civil Service Examinations
Washington Civil service examina
tions will be held this fall in Nebraska
as follows Alliance September 28
Beatrice October 3 Broken Bow
September 29 Fremont October 3
Grand Island September 3 Holdrege
October 2 Lincoln October 2 Nor
folk September 15 North Platte
September 13 Omahaj September 12
More than 12000 people paid 50
ents each to go aboard and inspect
e Olympic the largest steamship
031 Aile in sort at New York
sJKitK i
A5 t dollar
I w
Copyright 1911
Fourth of July Celebration by Tam
many Society Improved by Com
missioner Quezon to
Speak Mind
New York Members of the Tam
many society who gathered in the
Fourteenth street wigwam Tuesday to
participate in the annual Declaration
of Independence celebration listened
to the eloquent plea of Manuel L
Quezon resident commissioner of the
Philippine islands for the freedom of
his countrymen Either give my
countrymen its independence or else
cease celebrating the anniversary of
the signing of the Declaration of Inde
pendence was the pith of his ad
Is it an irony of fate that I a Fili
pino belonging to and representing a
people subject to the United States
he queried should address an Amer
ican audience on the celebration of
the Declaration of Independence
From the Filipino viewpoint Com
missioner Quezon said the Declaration
of Independence is a solemn pledge of
American national faith and honor
It is the baptismal vow of this coun
try he exclaimed and then contin
Since the Declaration of Indepen
dence and by the overwhelming influ
ence cf its doctrines republics have
been founded upon the wrecks of des
potism and constitutional govern
ments are finding their way in both
hemispheres even in countries where
absolutism seemed to have been firm
ly rooted In the Philippines itself
the cry of the people for freedom so
deeply felt because of the born desire
in every human heart to breathe the
healthy air of liberty is argued with
the very words of the declaration
Seamen Reach Agreement
Liverpool The great seamens and
dockers strike whibh has caused great
loss and inconvenience to shipping in
terests and delay to the traveling pub
lic was ended when the Cunard the
White Star and the other lines in the
shipping combine agreed to recognize
the dockers union The companies
agreed to attend a conference within
a month to settle the question of
wages and conditions of employment
To Buy Land in Palestine
Tannersville N Y To buy one
hundred thousand acres of land annu
ally in Palestine in order to establish
colonies of Jews was the principal
proposition of a practical nature
placed before the fourteenth annual
convention of the federation of Amer
ican Zionists at its session here This
proposition was made by the national
funds committee
Run Made on Savings Bank
Rome N Y The Oneida County
Savings bank experienced a run by
depositors Monday All claims were
promptly met according to the bank
officers who say no depositor will lose
Men out in the seamens strike in
England claim to be gaining ground
Street Car Strike in Mexico City
Mexico City Persons who reside in
the outskirts of the city and the sub
urbs came to business Tuesday in im
provised vehicles of every sort The
street car strike was on full blast
None of the 1500 strikers reported
for work No effort was made to op
erate the street earn
San Salvador Dr Carlos Durando
confidential agent of ex President Al
faro is under arrest on suspicion of
being behind a syndicate plot against
the government
Have Fly Killing Contest
San Antonio A quarter million
dead flies in one heap being a pile
three feet high and five feet wide rep
resents the slaughter wrought by
small boys in aily killing contest just
closed here Robert Basse carried off
first prize of 10 with an official rec
ord of 84320 dead flies
Sayre Okla A pickpocket closely
pursued by the town marshal leaped
into the basket of a balloon near here
just as the air craft was leaving the
ground and sailed away to safety
Revision of Cotton Schedule Will Bo
Reported Soon in House Though
It Will Not Be Pressed
in Senate
Washington indications are grow
ing that congress may conclude its
extra session earlier than expected
Many senators and democratic house
leaders are figuring on the first week
of August as a possible adjournment
time The situation however is not
sufficiently clear to warrant a
five prediction
No understanding has been reached
for a vote in the senate on the Cana
dian reciprocity bill whose advocates
express complete confidence in its
passage or on the wool tariff and free
list bills Senator Penrose chairman
of the finance committee proposes to
press for unanimous consent to fix
dates for votes on all three
To hasten action Mr Penrose and
other senators are planning longer
sessions and may insist on night
meetings Mr La Follette of Wiscon
sin is to offer amendments when he
makes his long speech on reciproc
A revision of the cotton tarift
schedule will be undertaken by the
house committee on ways and means
probably the latter part of this week
and Chairman Underwood expects to
report it to the house shortly there
after House leaders do not expecJ
it to be passed in the senate
San Francisco Shakes Again
San Francisco Two earthquake
shocks the heaviest since the big
shake of 190G and sepaarted by only
a few seconds jarred the central por
tion of California and western Ne
vada The first sharp shock experi
enced approximately at 201 oclock
was followed within a few seconds b
one of similar intensity each lasting
about five seconds Only trivial dam
age has been reported from any sec
tion but in San Francisco and other
cities in the affected area panic seized
upon crowds in stores and resturants
and there was a pell mell exodus froir
the large buildings
Find a Suspect in London
Los Angeles A man believed to be
David Faplan one of the alleged Mc
Namara dynamite conspirators is un
der surveillance in London Papers
are being prepared for his extradition
District Attorney John D Fredericks
is in Washington conferring with Sec
retary of State Knox regarding the
case and it is expected he will join
Detective William Burns who went to
London six weeks ago to bring back
the suspect
Sleping Girl Thought Dying
Vandalia 111 Physicians attending
Miss Hazel Schmidt who has been
sleeping almost continuously for
eleven weeks believe that she is dy
ing For a time her extremities be
came rigid and cold and her vitality
waned Later she responded to re
storatives She has not been awake
more than five hours in eleven weeks
and her case has puzzled physicians
Auburn N Y Tomaso Birardi
seventeen years old a youth who
managed to evade the immigration of
ficials died here of Asiatic cholera
In the house where he died are six
teen other Italians A strict quaran
tine has been established
New York Thousands of ministers
and pastors of churches affiliated with
the federal council of churches of
Christ in America observed Peace
Sunday by preaching sermons deal
ing with the problem of international
arbitration and universal peace
Compulsory Sick Insurance
Christiana Norway has put into
operation its new compulsory sick in
surance law which entitles workers
to free medical attendance medicine
and surgical appliances for themselves
and families also a money allowance
when totally incapacitated for work
All workers over thirteen years oJ
age receiving pay amounting to less
than 335 a year in the country and
390 in town are entitled to the bene
fits The expense is borne proportion
ately by the workers the employers
the local authorities and the state
Democratic State Convention
Platte County Fremont was chos
en as the place for holding the demo
cratic state convention at the meet
ing of the state central committee in
Columbus The date will be July 25
Postal Bank at Blair
Washington County Postmaster W
T Cook is in receipt of a notice front
headquarters that the Blair postoffice
will have a postal savings bank de
partment commencing July 10
Fire at Kenesaw
Adams County Kenesaw had one
of the most disastrous fires within the
history of the town A close esti
mate places the loss at about 12500
Five buildings were burned to the
Drayman Commits Suicide
Seward County Harley B Robey
l well known freight drayman com
mitted suicide by shooting himself
through the head with a 22 calibre
rifle It is thought he did the act be
cause he was discouraged at the loss
of one of his patrons
Farm House Burned
Furnas County Charles Dutton
one of the prominent farmers living
ten miles south of Beaver City lost
his house by fire burning all his
household goods The fire is supposed
to have started from the chimney
Denver Lawyer Dead
Dawes County Ralph Talbot a
prominent criminal lawyer of Denver
died at Fort Robinson of softening of
the brain aged CI years The body
was taken to Denver for burial ac
companied by his son Lieutenant Tal
Fired by Engine Sparks
Merrick County So dry have be
come the pastures and fields of grain
in Merrick county from the extreme
heat and drouth that fires along the
line of the Union Pacific set by
sparks from the locomotives are an
almost daily occurrence
Closed by Creditors
Gage County Mrs B E Reynolds
proprietor of the Vogue hat shop
closed her store and turned the keys
over to W W Duncan a disinterested
party who is to hold the stock in
statu quo until the creditors can agree
on a way of taking the stock and dis
posing of it
Wymore Farmer Sues Burlington
Gage County Louis Fink a farmer
living near Wymore instituted suit
against the Burlington company for
1960 which amount he claims is due
him by reason of his land beuag flood
ed from a ditch dug near his farm
which has changed the channel of
Squaw creek causing it to overflow
on his land
Child Burned in Barn
Platte County Frankie the 3-year-old
son of Edward Glenn was
burned to death in a fire that de
stroyed his fathers barn For some
time the boys had been using the
barn in which to play show and it is
probable that the careless handling of
matches was responsible for the
Weather Spoiled the Sport
Merrick County The frontier days
celebration and bucking contest put
on at Central City by Idaho Bills
troupe of cowboys and cowgirls and
his collection of outlaw horses and
steers was a meritorious contest but
the hot dry weather seemed to melt
all of the enthusiasm for such enter
tainment and the attendance was very
Runs Nude Through Street
Custer County John -Hannah a
farmer living on the west table who
was brought to Broken Bow for a
hearing as to bis sanity became en
tirely crazed while atone of the ho
tels in Broken Bow and ran into the
street without any clothing on and
screaming that someone was after
him to murder him and his little girl
The hotel porter and others subdued
him and he was sent to the city jail
for safe keeping He will be sent to
Crimean Veteran is Dead
Dodge County John Hassett a vet
sran of the Crimean war died at the
Fremont hospital at the age of 81
He was born in Tipperary county Ire
land and was a typical son of the old
sod For nearly 20 years he served
in the British army He was at the
siege of Sevastopol during the Crim
ean war in the Sepoy rebellion in In
dia and also in Africa His regiment
was present when the Suez canal was
opened in 1869 A few years later
he came to America going to Idaho
Fair Abandonee
Furnas County1 There will be no
annual exhibition by the Furnas Coun
ty Fair association this year It was
decided to abandon the fair because
of the crop outlook
Barn and Machinery Burned
Polk Gounty The barn of A F
Nordberg who lives a half mile from
Stromsburg burned No stock was
burned but a good deal of farm ma
chinery was destroyed
Wheat Yield in Pawnee
Pawnee County MrsF C Norris
had threshed of the new crop of
wheat 1071 bushels from 35 acres a
part of which tested 63 pounds the
rest 62 pounds per bushel William
Binder a mile west reports a yield
of 25 bushels to the aprer
- t
Cures all blood humors all
eruptions clears the complex
ion creates an appetite aids
digestion relieves that tired
feeling gives vigor and vim
Get it today in usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs
Piece of Humor That Lifted Diffident
Professor to the Highest
Summits of Joy
It is told that after Professor Ay
toun had made proposals of marriage
to Miss Emily Jane Wilson daughter
of Christopher North he was as a
matter of course referred to her
father As the professor was uncom
monly diffident he said to her
Emily my dear you must speak to
him for me I could not summon
courage to speak to the professor on
this subject
Papa is in the library said the
Then you had better go to him
said the professor and I will wait
There being apparently no help for
it the lady proceeded to the library
Papas answer is pinned to the
back of my dress said Miss Wilson
as she re entered the room
Turning around the delighted suitor
read these words
With the authors compliments
Edith Papa wouldnt let me marry
Mr Stingy because he smokes such
cheap cigars
Edward He cant say that about
Edith No he says yiu smoke too
expensive ones
Heathen Nations Invent Nothing
Bishop Thoburn who has been a
missionary in India for 50 years
and knows India better than any other
living American says If you visit
the patent office at Washington you
will see six hundred Improvements on
the plow India has not invented one
improvement on the toothpick in two
thousand years The nations without
God have no inventive faculty They
are almost universally the savage un
enlightened nations of the earth
The Urgent Need
She flattering with eyes and voice
Arthur dear I find that we still
need a few things to make our little
household more serviceable
He What one thing perhaps
She Well for instance we need a
new hat for me Harpers Bazar
When He Quit Coffee
Life Insurance Companies will not
Insure a man suffering from heart
The reason is obvious
This is a serious matter to the hus
band or father who is solicitous for
the future of his dear ones Often
the heart trouble is caused by an un
expected thing and can be corrected if
taken in time and properly treated A
man in Colorado writes
I was a great coffee drinker for
many years and was not aware of the
Injurious effects of the habit till I
became a practical invalid suffering
from heart trouble indigestion and
nervousness to an extent that made
me wretchedly miserable myself and
a nuisance to those who witnessed my
I continued to drink coffee how
ever not suspecting that it was the
cause of my ill health till on applying
for life insurance I was rejected on ac
count of the trouble with my heart
Then I became alarmed I found that
leaving off coffee helped me quickly so
I quit it altogether and having been
attracted by the advertisements of
Postum I began its use
The change in my condition was re
markable All my ailments vanished
My digestion was completely restored
my nervousness disappeared and
most important of all my Tieart stead
ied down and became normal and on a
second examination I was accepted by
the Life Insurance Co Quitting coffee
and using Postum worked the change
Name given by Postum Co Battle
Creek Mich
Theres a reason and it Is ex
plained in the little book The Road
to Wellville in pkgs
Ever read the above letterT A ncrr
one appears from time to time They
arc centxiae true and full at bmku