The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 13, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Of all Summer
Goods and some
Mens Pat Leather
Shoes It will
pay you to see
The Corner Store
Lake View Iowa attending the
funeral leaving fob home today
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
Dont forget to try and see if our
91 patent is not as good or better
than the best Guaranteed at every
store in town
There is magic In the word3
Advo They are the final word
in canned excellence And Huber I3
the prophet
The McCook Tribune It is 100
the year in advance
McConnell for drugs
Council Transactions
SL 0M 4 B Following bills were allowed at
1l n I I the meeting of the city council
- M M Monday eveninsr
J E Corey work at wells 2 00
It II Beatty work at wells 2 75
Jas Shepherd police duty 18 00
R jVI Osborn livery 13 00
Fred Schlagel salary 55 00
L A Fitch salary 65 00
E Benjamin boarding pris
oners 4 35
G W Godfrey police duty 5 55
T C Hegeman work in
park 40 00
Adna Dobson appraisal
water plant 250 00
It L Traver salary 1st
quarter 37 50
L Thorgrimson salary 1st
quarter 37 50
J R Stansberry salary 1st
quarter 12 50
3iVm Woods salary 1st
quarter 12 50
James McAdams salary 1st
quartet 18 75
W A Middleten salary
1st IS 30
J MoQook Bleetrie Co June S2 OfM
McCook W W 5o draykig 25 50
F L Wolff salary 1st
quarter etc 62 92
Chas Skalla filing deeds 2 50
I N McDoueal salarv 45 00
R Stone digging graves 2 00
J W Rogers Buried Yesterday C A Rodgers court filings 4 25
The body of John W Rogers F E Hamilton livery 6 50
arrived in the city on No 15 yes- J M Vincent salary 97 80
terday and after services in the H Gale killing dogs 3 00
Methodist church at ten oclock J M Henderson salary 35 00
in the morning conducted by A P Zimmerman hauling
Rev L E Lewis the remains hose cart 1 00
were interred in Riverview F Escher hauling hose
eter cart 1 00
Although the fact of death I Fire claims as follows were al
and time of services were not s0 allowed Harry Woolard 7
widely known yet a goodly L Wootton i875 J Wentz 7
ber of sympathetic friends from Elsworth Yard 7 E O Yahue
country and city attended the Thaver 7 R-G- Talbot
services thus indicating a 875 J W Spencer 7 C W
ine and heartfelt sympathy for Snider 7 J R Pence 7 Sam
Mr and Mrs Rogers and family Pickard 7 E F Osborn 7 R
There were a number of B- Osborn 4 M R Osborn 3
ful floral offerings on the cask- M Snider -3 L a Niccolson
et and potted plants and ferns 3 J C Niccolson 875 J Mil
palms and cut flowers on the ler 7 Madron 7 L W Jen
trum completed the pretty floral ninSs 875 C L Ilileman 7
effect Davis 7 Jos Barker 875
John AV Rogers eldest child John Burnett 7 Floyd Berry 7
of County Commissioner and Mrs
T - rt
t Ladies and Children s Oxfords
v T vAii
YT Rogers was born in Jo
Daviess countv Illinois Ladies 175 black vici
ber 19th 1877 He died at Beat- er oxfords now 119 200 tan
rice Nebraska July 10th 1911 dltto 129 Childrens 150 tan
At the are of 19 vears he was oxfords now 99c 180 ones now
overcome bv the heat while work- -19 210 ones now 139 Abou
ing in the harvest field and 1Q0 pairs in the slaughter The
er recovered from the effects it Thompson D G Co bent on
becoming finally necessary to clearance
place the unfortunate young man
in the institution at Beatrice The Big Four 30
where the disease accomplished -ye iave secured the agency
his death He is survived by his for tile Big Four 30 the gener
parents two sisters and foui ai purpose farm engine If you
brothers are interested let us tell you all
Jienry itogers was out irom about them
Out ot proper respect tor tneir a new departure at th mil
fellow county officer the doors state fair September 4th to Sfh
the several county offices were wm jJe tle coin turnstiles at the
closed during the hour of the general admission gates Instead
funeral services of the customary stop and
chase of a ticket at an outside
Summer Dresses Half Price ticket office the fair visitor will
The Marquisettes Yoiles Mulls walk to the turnstile and lay
and Embroidery dresses soft and down his fifty cent piece which
light for summer wear are go drops into a slot releasing the
ing out at half price Dont be lock and permitting the person
too late The Thompson D G to pass through Therefore when
Co bent on clearance
When Jlr Hotchkin ol the McCook
Roller Mills calls on you to solicit
your flour tirade tell him you want
your flour delivered to you from
Marshs flour and feed store Phone
25 215 Main avenue
Can Pay at the Store
Parties owing the TJpdike Co
may pay their bills at Jones Cos
oenfectionery and news stand on low
er Main avenue Phone 13 or 169
S S GARVEY Manager
you come to the state fair this
year be sure to have a 50 cent
piece as nothing else will unlock
the turnstile
Drop this paper and go look
at the varnish on your window
sill at once is it there If not
sandppper well aand give 2 coats
of my natural varnish 24 hours
apart It will save the woodwork
from decay and improve its looks
Half pint can covers 50 square
feet Chi Namel
We have just received a car
load of extra good seed wheat
Call and see
Everything thats seasonable in
fruits and vegetables at Hubers all
the time
Magner sells better groceries than
the just as good kind Try him for
an order
All grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
McConnell fills prescriptions
JFteS ixhssi icrri -Ay
This community was inexpressi
bly shocked this morning by the
death of Burris H Stewart at
his own hand The fatal shot was
fired in the gentlemens toilet in
the Masonic Temple building
shortly before eight oclock
death being instantaneous Mr
Stewart seemed to be laboring
under great mental stress this
morning and came to his place
of business as early as six oclock
Completing some arrangements
looking forward to the deed he
stepped into the toilet locked the
door and the regrettable and sor
rowful act was consummated
B II Stewart was a young
man of high and clean charact
er and held a large and growing
circle of friends He was a
member of the First Congrega
tional church of this city He
was especially active and zealous
as a Mason having served Mc-
Cibok lodge No
135 during the
For several years he was the
capable foreman of The Tribune
office leaving its employ some
six months since to engage m
business here on his own account
His deatli under saddest of cir
cumstances has most profoundly
touched the sympathetic heart of
this city
Besides father and ten brothers
he leaves a young widow to
whom all hearts go out in ten
derest sympathy
For special on dill sour and sweet
pickles see Magner
Thursday Evening Edition
Limit Unmeasured
If there is any limit to the
usefulness of the gasoline engine
it has not been measured An
Oklahoma farmer is reaping a
big harvest from an adf e and a
half of potatoes irrigated by
means of a pump driven by a
gasoline engine and twenty five
dollars worth of underground
perforated cement pipe The po
tato crop is a failure in Oklaho
ma and he has sold his crop for
250 a bushel the purchaser do
ing his qwn digging The advan
tagebf this kind of irrigation is
that it requires but a compara
tively small amount of water for
evaporation is negligible and ev
ery drop goes where it is need-
red Unlike rf ordinary irrigation
works thjs does not become use
less in a wet season for the pip
es are expected to drain the soil
and yield a bumper crop of po
tatoes when the neighboring field
are drowned out It will only be
necessary to disconnect the pump
past year as its worshipful and let nature take its course
Lincoln Journal
Killed Stock
There was a heavy rain
Use Your Own
evening south of the city
Don Thompson lost three head
of cattle and Harry Yrade one
horse by lightning
Miss Katherine Brady who is
attending school at Loretto
Ileigbts Denver is home on a
McCook and Alma will play
ball at McCook Saturday July
15th at 4 p m on the B M
In the matter of food Taste Tells This is true in regard to
our Yelvet Ice Cream made by The Holdrege Ice Cream Co
There is no better ice cream made than this Your own
Taste will tell you so It is made in the latest model brine
freezer- air tight absolutely free from dust and flies and pack-
for shipping without the use of dippers spoons or ladles of
exposed to air This finished cream meets a test every day of
from 18 to 20 per cent butter fat which is from 4 to 6 per
cent more than the pure food law requires
The fact that 500 gallons of this ice cream is used every
day i Red Willow and adjoining counties is proof sufficient of
its excellent quality
We have the exclusive agency for the Holdrege Ice Cream
and are perpared to furnish it in any quantity at any time or
C R Woodwort
Oscar N Rector et ux to
Walter W Barritt wd
1 in 7 4th McCook 1425 00
Cow Ease Keeps
the flies off your horses and
cows and prevents mites and lice
m coops ana staoies oia Dy
Everything in drugs
jitf -
- pafc
Does your horse cow or chick
ens eat bran chops corn shorts
oats wheat or barley chops H
so order your next feed from
Marshs Flour and Feed Store
215 Main ave Phone 25
The following1 are the delegat
es selected last night in precinct
1 of ward 2 C E Eldred Lon
Cone Chas Skalla Emerson Han
son E S Howell T A Endsley
Seth Silvers L Thorgrimson J
E Ludwick M O McClure Con
Real Estate Filings j Water Commissioner
Tho following rnal estate filings C A Leach is seeking the ap
Every Farmer
and use Sold by
Charlie Fisher is around read
ingvthe water meters for the city
with Plumber Ruby as his right
hand supporter
Suhscribe for The Tribune
All the fresh fruits of the season
at Magners
Remember our corn rs all extra
We- are closing out Hammocks at
reduced prices
A McMILLEN Druggist
None better and few aquals 91
Patent and Anchor brand flour
Made by our own mill The McCook
Milling -Co
How they ache smart0 burn
and chafe these warm days
Theres instant relief for you in
Rexall Foot Powder Dust a
little in your shoes and stock
ings each morning and your foot
troubles will cease Recall Foot
Powder is so soft cooling and
soothing that its a delight to use
it Heals the sore chafed snots
like magic and if odors exist they
are at once dispelled Get a box
today and try it Youll never
again be without it Price 25c
L Yf McCONNELL Druggist
To District Court
Laura Hughes and Mitchell U
Clyde were arrested on Tuesday
night warrants issuing on com
plaints filed by Chief of Police
Fitch before Police Judge C B
Gray who was appointed by the
council that afternoon owing to
the absence of Messrs Ileaton
and Yvhittaker Both were tried
each found guilty of violation of
ordinance and sentence wax im
posed Each appealed to the dis
trict court and gave bond for
their appearance there TV S
Morlan becoming seeuretv for de
fendant Clyde and C TV Kell
for the Hughes woman
129 Degrees in the Shade
would be extremely hot but no
more extreme than our sale of
While Waists at half price Sev
eral dozen odd and slightly muss
ed Avaists in all sizes are on Bar
gain Square and customers are
taking their choice at half the
bona fide regular price You
are invited to the doins The
Thompson D G Co bent on
Was Slightly Injured
M Austin of the South Side
was somewhat injured Wednes
day on west B street in a run
away He was driving two young
cons wmcii oeeame unmanage
able and in running threw Mr
Austin out
should have a Chore Boy or a
TTivAfl TTiiTirl nrurino Rnsv in mivl
Great Reduction on
Special Notice
The next time you order flour
or chicken feed phone 25 and it
will be promptly delivered
Marshs Flour and Feed Store
215 Main ave
Cow Ease
applied to interior of stables and
lien houses prevents lice ticks
Mens Fine Straws Half Price
Our 150 2 and 250 straw
hats now 75c 100 and 125
The Thompson D G Co bent on
Buy your flour and feed at
i Marshs Flour and Feed Store
j Phone 25 215 Main ave
have been mad ein the county pointment of water commission- na
er He is circulating a petition aie sold
pWItr nff i since our last re-
Enamel and Granite
now going on at Mc-
j which is being numerously signed Cook Hardware Co Everything
by business men and others ro tne icitcnen -very ciieap
For Sale
sec 7 and N E sec
29 and N E and
N W V4 S E sec 13 T5R30
Will consider any fair offer cash or
partym time Address owner
J T FOLEY Lewistown Montana
Lost or Strayed
Small white face Hereford cow
When last seen near Ited Willow
had leather halter and short rope
Notify or return to S V Frazier
South McCook
Something New and Good
Marshs Special a high grade
flour made especially for me and
sold only by me with a money back
guarantee The Marsh Flour and
1 Feed Store 215 Main avenue Bhone
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Carhart
Huber is the exclusive agent Also
jackets and caps The phone is 97
The Han Who
Is the man who spends all
he is able to earn from day
to day He knows he should
save money or when he is
too old to work he will
have to rely on the charity
of his neighbors and relativ
es but lie doesnt make a
start The older one gets
the harder it is to acquire
the saving habit
Dont delay longer but
start a bank account with
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBkiex ea
M Loujjhran F F McKenna
Episcopal Holy Communion at
730 Introit Psalm 119 part 5
hymn 225 Nunc Dim Morning
prayer and sermon at 11 Even
ing prayer and sermon at S
Choir rehearsals on Wednesdays
at 8 p m Guild meetings on
Baptist Preaching services at 11
a m and S p m Bible school
at 10 C E at 715 p m Mid
week meeting Wednesday evening
of each week D L McBride
Christian Seience The subject
Methodist The pastor will
nil Summer Goods at the McCook greach at J Methodls chreh
Hardware Co This includes Gas 1 funday aJ The Sun
oline Oil Stoves Freezers da felwol and Epworth League
erators Fly Nets Dusters Ham i oe az tI1ir suai Hours
mocks and many other articles VieV -be Y011 serviees at
1 vou need iUetI1cilsi cuurcn on
nignt Kev lUeBride of the Bap
tist church will preach Union
services will likely continue for
some weeks during the hot
weather A cordial welcome is
extended to all
flies etc and keeps the flies off 1 McCOOK HARDWARE CO
the animals 100 per gallon 60c
per half gallon
Bug Death
contains no arsenic or paris green
but kills all plant eating insects
loc per lb Sold only by
The Main Store On the Main Street
If it is the freshest and best in gro
ceries fruits vegetables etc you
seek look no further than Hubers
our rates on Farm Loans
McMiHen prescription druggist
Beauty is Balanced
by the skill
with which we
bring it out in
the photo
graphs we make
of you Many
people are much
better looking
than they ap
pear in ordin
You may think
you are one of
the few whose
portraits cannot
be made attrac
tive Come and
sit for us and
your friends
delight with the
pictures will
prove you mis
Phone Red 428
McCOOK Above Commercial