e xjigzm Tfte McGooit THttti ESTABLISHED 1SS2 F M KIMMELL Editor Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays PRECINCT PRIMARIES Willow Grove 1st Pre 2d Ward The Republican voters of the 1st precinct of the 2nd ward of Willow Grove precinct are here by requested to meet at the court room of the county court house on Wednesday July 12th at S oclock p m central standard time for the purpose of electing eleven delegates to the county convention to be held at Indiano la on the 19th day of July 1911 E S IIOAVELL Committeeman Willow Grove 2d Pre 1st Ward A caucus of Republicans of the 2nd preefnct 1st ward Willow Grove will be held in McMillens harness store July 12th at 730 oclock for the purpose of elect ing delegates to the Republican county convention to be held in Indianola July 19th 1911 and for such other business as may properly come before such caucus AB AYOOD Committeeman Perry Precinct Republican caucus for Perry precinct will be held Wednesday evening July 12th at 7 oclock at C II Ilarmans residence for the purpose of selecting delegates to the Republican county conven tion to be lield in Indianola July t9th and for suoh other business as may propeitfv some before the caucus C II IIARMAX Committeeman 1SG1 The future baiter of czar- Wesem Hfe w 5 HRI GEORGE y NORRIS Representative oth Neb District like presiding officers worked on the farms of the neighborhood fo The funny man is still with us The Grand Island Democrat charges one Teddy Roosevelt with being responsible for the present dry conditions in the western part of Nebraska By way of emphasizing his sense of the rid iculous he attempts to prove his statements too Hastings Neb School boys in Greater New York are putting in a great deal of time studying aeroplane building and aeronaut ics generally says Sunday Mag azine of June 25 and this is prob ably accounted for by the fact that so many exhibitions have been given in the east The en gagement of the Glenn II Curtiss aviators for an exhibition at Hastings by the Hastings Cham ber of Commerce will give Cen tral Western young America a chance to study the bi plane first hand as this exhibition will posi tively be pulled off in Hastings on July -18 and 19 It has been announced that James J Ward the famous Jim- mie who startled the world with his daring at different meets over the United States will be present and will fly during the Hastings Nebraska meeting Observe the date after your name on The Tribune Notch it Up Subscribe for The Tribune BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES and Purifies in- Blood Famous Nebraska Insurgent Is Fifty Years Old Today George W Norris famous in 1 his summer amusement and went surgent republican was born in I to school in winter In this way Sandusky county 0 Julv 11 he worked through the grades and through several years in Bald win universitv and the Normal school of northern Indiana He wanted to study law and taught school while he carried on his studies In 1S83 he was ad mitted to the bar but continued his pedagogy to get together enough money for a law library A few years later he came to Nebraska and settled in the west ern part of the state ne was prosecuting attorney for Red Willow county for three terms and became judge of the Four teenth district in 1895 That of fice he held with dignity for sev en years A year later a pronounced polit ical tendency took him into - the campaign for congress and he was elected to represent the Fifth Nebraska district in the Fifty eighth district Since then for eight years he has been a con gressman and is now being men tioned prominently for the senate Omaha Bee THE TRIBUNE 1 YEAR Durability the Test for Paint paint that holds to the surface like a nail protects the THE and lasts for years is the old fashioned kind made of pure linseed oil turpentine and pure white lead They should be mixed on the premises by the painter each in the proper proportion for the particular surface to be covered Use RED SEAL Pure White Lead It has stood the test of years and is used by the best painters Send for Our Free Painting Helps containing color schemes miscellaneous painting JR vSj v directions and names of Blue List Painters in Ck AV r y1 vour community who use our white lead Send nfea vMif A To Painti RS If you use our white lead send IWtL i TkAt us our name for our Painters Blue List lialO Jl f - A Write for Circular No B It gncs particulars tHg lgf x YWr A NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY SfflflfrX JA 722 Chestnut Street St Louis Mo B iKB A McMILLEN WmWs i - t I CLOTH FOR UNCLE SAM It Must Bo Pretty Good Stuff to Pass the Government Tests The men of the Uuited States army come uearer knowing to a certainty what they are buying in the way oZ cloth than do any other consumers in the country says Mary Heaton Vorse in Success Magazine When tlie gov ernment gives out a million dollar cloth contract it scorns to it that ic gets material according to specifica tion The specific contracts for vari out sorts of cloth are elaborate and go Into the technical side of the matter the number of threads to be used to the yard the kind of wool to be used in the manufacture for the United States soldier has tobe well dressed in clothes that will stand the strain of weather and of work On Governors island New York city there is a test ing laboratoryVfor cloth A specification of the weight per linear yard of each kind of cloth is mentidned Each bolt of goods is weighed and if it falls short of the proper weight it Is thrown out Next the question of wear and tear is considered and again the speci fication is stated that each special kind of cloth will stand a strain of so many pounds to the inch work way and so many rfounds to the inch Hing way So after weighing the next et is to cut a sample and try in a machine the strength of the cloth If it wont stand this test the cloth is thrown out After the cloth has been pronounced perfect for weight and strdngth the dye tests are made It must stand two acid tests for perspiration and the ma terial must stand boiling for ten min utes in a certain soap solution show ing that it will stand washing with strong alkalis and finally comes the weather test the material being ex posed thirty days on tbo roof without changing color appreciably If the cloth has passed its examinations suc cessfully each yard of each piece of cloth is inspected being run over ma chines for the purpose while inspec tors watch for any imperfections in the weave An eighth of a yard for each imperfection is charged to the manufacturer So when tbo cloth is finally sent to the contractor to be made into uni forms it is known to twvof really cood material Each spool of thread each button each lining each filling used in ho clothes of soldiers has its own special tost Figs For Melancholia Dr William Bulleyn of the same family as the unfortunate Anne Boleyn was a contemporary of Sydney Raleigh Drake Hawkins Grpnville Spenser and the rest of that famous galaxy that illuminated the Elizabeth an era The leading itnysicifsn of hi day he took great interest in vege table remedies and his Hook of Sim ples was an honored auJuority for generations lie recommends the freo Ue of sage tea and of tUs saying Figges be good against melancholy and the falling evil -epilepsy to be eaten Figges nuts and herbe grnsse do make a sufficient medicine against poison or the pestilence- Fignes make a good gargarism to cleanse the throat Charles Winslow Hall in Na tional Magazine Not Loaded No other language under the sun is open to so many interpretations as the English language as witness the con versation between two Sharon Hill girls the other evening Oh May said the first one Jim and Bill tried to fight a duel over me now romantic What happened It was terrible I aaio into the room and those foolish boys wore pointing big pistols at caih Pistols Heavens Were they loaded Not a bit That is just what made it really very serious They both were sober Philadelphia Times The Importance of the Beard The importance of tbo beard was ful ly rocoziied in flip middle ages Here is a ptige quoted by J A F Or baan in ixtino itoup from a letter of the writor 3n frJooo Catena It is well that thosp have to lead and govern should have a long and flue beard And I can assure yoji that the government of cities and provinces na been given to more limn one nrelato be cause he had a long and fine beard otherwise he wro not worthy that honor Educational Do they teach dosnem tciene at your college inquired the of the freshman Only sewing replied Use freshman Good idea said the visitor And what do you sew chiefly Wild oats replied the fre shnuui Harpers Weekly Took It to Heart Didnt you hear all of th T pro- fessors lecture Why no He began by saying tbat sleep is the secret of right living then I came home and went lo lied Cleveland Plain Dealer Terminological Inexactitude Itis what mighjlhe called a termi nological inexactitude to aay that a man is inclined to bo bald As 1 rufc fo become bnld Is absolnrrJ against a mans Inclination Home Training Mother Robert come hero to mo in stantly Robert Aw shut up Mother Robert how dare you talk to meIiJio that Say Mamma be quhr Puck They are slaves who dare not be la the right with two or three Lowell Terms of District Court 1911 Chase county April 24 and Novem ber 13 Dundy County March 6 and No vember 20 Frontier county March 20 and Oc tober 2 Furnas county February 20 May A and October 23 Gosper county January 30 and September 25 Hayes county March 13 and Sep tember 18 Hitchcock county May 1 and No vember 27 Red Willow county February 6 May 15 and October 9 Robert C Orr district judge Hastings Neb When Glenn LI Curtiss brings his world fam ed aviators to this city on July 18 and 19 the wbole of Central Nebraskas population will be in terested in giving them a rousing welcome for this will be the first big aviation meet ever held in Central Nebraska and the big gest enterprise ever attempted by any commercial organization in the central west This meeting is under the auspices of the Hast ings Chamber of Commerce whici will insure all visitors a square deal in the matter of giving a full bonafide program of feats by these bird men For summer dianrhoea in children always give Chamberlains Colic Chcl era and Diarrhoea Remedy and cas tor oil and a speedy cure Is certain For sale by all dealers just W Cuts fhc Urease lrarziM 5w Enamelware Agateware Gramteware Alumimimwar7l7iamefc Because it quickly and hygienic ally removes all discolorafions corrosions and grease without scratching or injuring the surface ooap cleaning leaves a sticky film lhat catches more dirt Many other uses and Full Directions on large Sifter can IO STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE McCook Co operative Building Savings Assn Certificate No 11 of McCook Nebraska on the liOtli day of Juno 1911 ASSETS First Mortgage Loans 3 lTTTOO 00 Stock loans 3675 00 Cash 3034 2 Delinquent interest 116 27 Expenses and taxes paid G30 97 Delinquent assessments Si 50 Total S1G3290 56 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid up 3 157449 62 Reservefund 0G9 44 Undivided profits 40M 50 Prepaid dues and interest 168 00 Total 1S 165290 EC Receipts and expenditures for the j ear ending June 30 1911 EECEIPTS Balance on hand July 1 1910 Interest premiums and fines Loans repaid Tax Sale Redemptions Loans Expenses Stock redeemed Cash on hand Int on matured stock Tax Sale Certificates OJUigSBgaeC g 3893 67 30SOS 50 13117 48 26825 00 457 65 Total 77104 00 EXPENDITUEES 31873 00 726 81 403S4 54 3084 82 623 08 409 75 Total 7710100 State of Nebraska Red Willow County ss I F A Pennoll secretary of tho above named associationdo solemnly swear that the forego- ing statement or tno condition or saiu associa tion true and correct to tho bestof my knowl edso and bolief F A Pennell Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 10th day of July 1911 C H Boyle seal Notary Public Approved J A Wilcox F M Kimmell W B Mills Directors J CALL FOR REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION The republicans of Red Willow coun ty are hereby called to meet in con vention in the city of Indianola on Wedesday July 19th at 2 oclock in the afternoon for the purpose of electing eight S delegates to the republican state convention to be held at Lincoln on July 25th 1911 and for the purpose of electing a county central committee and for the transaction of such other busi ness as may properly come before said county convention The convention shall be made up of delegates chosen by the republi cans of the respective precincts of the county on the basis of one dele gate at large for each voting pre cinct of the county and one delegate for each 15 votes or fraction thereof cast for C H Aldrich republican candidate for Governor at the gener al election held November Sth 1910 which basis of representation en titles the respective voting precincts to the following number of delegates Alliance 3 Box Elder 4 Driftwood 4 Gerver 3 Lebanon 5 Perry 3 Valley Grange 4 Beaver 5 Coleman 2 East Valley 7 Grant 2 Missouri Ridge 2 Red Willow 5 Bondville 2 Danbury 5 Eritsch 3 Indianola 7 North Valley 3 Tyrone 3 Willow Grove 1st Ward 1st prceinct 13 1st ward 2nd precinct 9 2nd ward 1st precinct 11 2nd ward 2nd precinct 5 It is recommended that no proxies be allowed but that the delegates present from each precinct be author ized to cast the full vote of such pre cinct It is ordered that precinct caucus es to elect delegates be held on Wednesday July 12th at such hour and place as the precinct committee men shall designate and that the several precinct committeemen shall at nce call such caucuses and give notice thereof by posting or publica tion it is suggested fiat the precinct caucuses nominate precinot officers at these caucuses and that such bus iness be included in the call for the caucus Dated this 26th day of June 19M By order of the County Central Committee W B WHITTAKER Chm W A REYNOLDS Secy Subscribe for the TrFbun 3 For special on sauer kraut by the gallon see Magner Lily Patent Flour when once use none other will satisfy you Received on Account Pali Out Cash Credit slips etc for sale at The Tribune office Per 1000 50c Heating Plumbing MiddletonRuby Are prepared to fur nisn estimates on short notice They keep a complete line of Bath Tubs La vatories Sinks and other plumbing mater ial including a good line of lawn hose and sprinklers Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr THE INTERMISSION for all kinds MAGAZINES AND DAILIES Temple Building Kansas City Post 5c week at Lumber and Coal Thats All mtuttn But we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and complete stocks in all grades Barnett Lumber Co Phone 5 A i if ntv mmmntm L ANOTHER BANK STORY Smith bought some pigs from his neighbor Jones The price came to 642 Smith paid Jones in cash but as usual neither had the proper change and Smith said Just make it even money Smith lost 8 tents Jones bought some pig3 from his neighbor Johnson The 7rice came to 642 Jones ha nis money in the bank ana gave Johnson a check for the exact amount Jones did no lose a cent This Is only one of the advantages of a check ing account Come in and let us explain further The First National Bank of McCook Neb Quality and price courtesy and promptness In delivery are making for success at the McCook Flour and Feed Store MRS L OANN Teacher of Piano and Organ 910 First Street West McCook Ne braska I AM PREPARED to do Paper Hanging Light Car penter Work and Inside Painting Leave orders with C G Brown at Ideal Store or at 910 1st St West McCook Neb L CANN COAL We now handle the best grades of Colo and Penna coals in connection with our grain business Give us a trial order Phone 2G2 Real Easterday Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location n acr TtnCnnlr street in P Wnleh bivlclicg l ItWUUri Osborn Rummer Co DRAY LINE All kinds of Hauling and Trans fer Work promptly attended to Your patronage solicited Office First Door South of DeGrofPs Phone No 13 I Fire and Wind I I Insurance 8 C J RYAN Written In First Class Companies X I Jtl White Line Transfer Company Elmer Hawkins Props Specialty of moving Household Goods and Pianos Only covered van in dity Phones Office 68 residence red 456 JVC -V -I mi t i 1 I I 1 i