f J ts L ur U t JT If BURLINGTON TIME TABLE East Depart Central Time No 6 1110 P M 16 500 A M 2 550 A M 13 945 AM 12 645 A M 14 920 P M 10 505 P 31 West Depart 3Iountain Time ls0 i 1235 P 31 3 H42 P 31 5 arr S30 p m 13 940 A 3L 15 1230 A 31 9 625 A 31 Imperial Line 3Iountain Time No 176 arrives 330 P 31 No 175 departs 645 A 31 Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tickets call on or write D P Hostetter Agent 3IcCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska ADDITIONAL RAILROAD Engineer F J Zajicek has sold his property at Oxfrd Consideration 1200 Lindsay Kilburn of the Beaver City day force visited with headquarters friends part of last week The tramp nuisance continues There were 15 of the gentry in count able view on fast freight 77 Sunday as the train pulled into 3IcCook A special pulled through McCook on Sunday morning about 630 bear ing Pennsylvanians to the great ed ucational convention at San Francis co Conductor Thos 3Ialen who for several years had the run from Hast ings to Red Cloud is now running on 15 and 16 between here and Mc Cook Red Cloud Argus Passenger train No 1 was an hour late Friday On account of a strong side wind two engines 2S01 and 2704 were placed at the head of the long heavy train from McCook to Akron Spontaneous combustion made it necessary recently at Holdrege to shovel all the coal off a car at that place They had a slight fire in the freight house at that place same day Dont Forget to Get Our prices on corn and feed of all kinds 3IcCOOK 3IILLING CO Foley Kidney Pills are composed of ingredients specially selected for their corrective healing tonic and stimulating effect upon the kidneys bladder and urinary passages They are antiseptic antilithic and a uric acid solvent A 3Ic3Iillen It is not too late yet to paper and there are some real bargains for you in our wall paper room L W McCONNELL Druggist Rexall A B C Seltzer quiets the brain after a feverish restless night L W McCONNELL Druggist Huber handles the Carhartt gloves and caps also and a full line ot other makes You will find them fresh and clean at 3Iagners grocery Steel Cars New steel mail cars were put in use on four through Burlington trains Friday and two ethers will be in use within a few days according to an nouncements at the office of Chief Clerk Butler of the railway mail ser vice The new cars are required under the recent order of the postof fice department that no wooden mail cars shall be run between steel cars Trains No 9 and 10 which carries mail between Oxford and Omaha and Nos 1 and 6 between Lincoln and Denver were the first to be given the new equipment These cars are but forty feet long instead of sixty as before but are very heavy weighing forty tons Theyj have the very minimum of wood about them and represent the best con struction so far attained in that line being much better lookers than those in use on the Union Pacific whose cars o eesemble torpedoes on a large scale being built for speed at a sacrifice of appearance BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES and Purifies the Blood Huiskamps Calendar Shoes These shoes are equal to any 500 and 600 shoes on -the market They look as well are- just as stylish and wear as well cost only 300 and 400 for ladles and 400 for mens With every pair of -these shoes you get a calendar on which you mark the date you began to wear them when they are worn out count up the days of service you have had and you will never again buy anything but Calendar Shoes VIERSEN OSBORN McCook Jv Engraved Cards Orders for engraved cards will re ceive prompt and satisfactory atten tion at The Tribune office Cards and invitations also printed tasteful ly Call and see samples and we will quote jou prices Satisfaction guarantofd On Saturday Only Beginning with 3Ionday June 12th we will do feed grinding only on Saturdays 3rcCOOK 3IILLING CO Dont Forget to Get Our prices on corn and feed of all kinds 3IcCOOK 3IILL1NG CO Try a Tribune want ad and watch results The 3IcCook Tribune It is 100 the yea in advance Observe the date after your name on The Tribune Notch it lip 3Iiiss Nellie Smith went up to Den ver Sunday morning on her vacation Comfort your tired aching feet with Rexall Foot Powder Used once always used Large cans 25cents 3rcCONNELLS REXALL STORE Rexall Violet Talcum We recom mend it for chafing prickly heat and summer rashes 25 cents 3IcCONNELL Druggist Sprains require careful treatment Keep quiet and apply Chamberlains Liniment freely It will remove the soreness and quickly restore the parU to a healthy condition For sale by all dealers A specialty of typewriter supplies at The Tribune Shop Papers of all weights sizes and qualities Ribbons for every machine carbon papers manuscript covers etc All kept in stock For job printing of every kind The Tribune office is well equipped 3Ieets all legitimate prices Guaran tees satisfactory work Let us fig ure with you before you let your work Phone us if you cant come to the office We will call and quote you prices Beauty is Balanced m w fcst im fc by the skill with which we bring it out in the photo graphs we make of you Many peoplearemuch better looking than they ap pear in ordin ary Photographs You may think you are one of the few whose portraits cannot be made attrac tive Come and sit for us and your friends delight with the pictures will prove you mis taken KIMMELL STUDIO Phone Red 428 MCCOOK Above Commercial Estimate of Expanses For the current year 1911 by the city council of McCook Nebraska Be It Resolved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Mc Cook Red Willow County Ne braska that the following be and the same hereby is adopted as the estimate of expenses for said city of McCook for the fiscal year commencing May 2nd 1911 Salaries of officers 2200 00 Supplies claims and elec tions 3000 00 Making and repairing alleys streets and crossings 2000 00 Foremen and supplies 1800 00 Lighting streets 2800 00 Interest and principal due on bonds and sinking funds 12000 00 Maintenance of free library 1100 00 Maintenance of sewer 300 00 25200 00 The entire revenue for the city for the year ending May 1st 1911 was as follows General fund 6187 00 Occupation fund 3635 00 Water fund 3446 00 Cemetery fund 167 00 Road fund 1630 00 Light fund 2992 00 Library fund 1269 00 Sewer fund 453 00 Scale fund 274 00 20053 00 Adopted and approved this 26th day of June 1911 JAMES McADAMS Mayor Attest FRANK L TRAVER City Clerk Seal BEGGS BLOOD PBRIFIEr CURES and Purifies the Blood CEP SEA DIVE noi Death Always Hovers Round Them While They Toil PERILS THEY HAVE TO FACE The Awful Pressure of Water and Air That May Bury or Burst Them The Helmet Telephone a Wonderful Aid In Work and In Times of Danger It is surprising to learn how many uses there are for divers The navy of course employs many to set sub marine mines and torpedoes and to at tend to investigations of the condition of ships bottoms Bridge construction companies use them as do those who build dams waterworks and reser voirs Waterworks In large cities keep a diver on their staff constantly Wrecking companies need their serv ices and the profession of underriver tunneling makes many demands on the time and skill of the man in armor Since Smeatou in 1779 designed a pump to supply air to the diving bell little real improvement in the art has been made save in detail of helmet and clothes until the invention of the telephone The greatest advance ever made in the art divers will tell you is the combination of the telephone with the diving suit Before its advent div ers had to depend entirely upon pulls on the life line for communication with the surface and upon signs to each other when under water if two wished to communicate Today the modern diving helmet is equipped with a telephone and the diver can not only hear what is said to him from the sur face advise those in charge of his pump as to whether the air is com ing right or not but he can communi cate to a brother diver and hear the instructions xA to h Kafroin the sur face all of whih fHcityli9 ae of great assistance in the wrk At firSi thbs it pay -no seem so ciifflcutta thing Qtfs going dtnvn under water and beeatftlaff ahsin in from a pump By- a tobo But tBepfrysical drawbacks to tjie wotk ase enormous Kor every ten feet a descends he Rustrffw an aTRhnsk sraie of four and a nan minAi vs ewy square inch f bfc body iVWa tms means jdqv Up bofetor ivdersood when con sidering ttie greatest dtfnth eve made by a dtver 2tU feet iJis body at that depth sustained a pressure of eighty eight and a half pounds to the square inch over and above the fifteen pounds always sustained when in the air Divers must descend very slowly swallowing as they go otherwise they may bleed at the nose and ears and even lose consciousness And they must ascend even more slowly than they descend particularly Avhen com ing from great depths otherwise they may literally burst from internal air pressure At the least too sudden a rise may cause an attack of that ter rible disease known to tunnel workers called caisson disease or the bends in which air gets into the tissues under pressure and causes the most extreme torture The diver getting ready to descend clothes himself in very heavy under wear of gaurnsey or flannel the draw ers well secured to prevent slipping and adds a pair of heavy woolen socks If the water be cold two such suits may be worn If the depth to be ne gotiated is great cotton soaked with oil is put in the ears or a heavy woolen cap pulled down over them Shoulder pads if worn to take the weight off the helmet are next tied on after which tbe diver wriggles into his heavy suit of rubber and canvas Next come the inner collar and the breast plate which are secured with clamps to the rubber dress the utmost care being taken in this operation not to tear or pinch the rubber Finally the shoes are fitted on and the rubber gloves clamped to rings in the sleeves The helmet is the last to go ou and never before the valves and telephone have been tested The attendants start to pump as the helmet is clamped home The helmet is attached to the pump with a rubber tube which Is canvas and wire protected No diver descends after the helmet is put on until he has tested the outfit and found that his air supply is sufficient and the pump working properly lie is supplied with a life line with which he can signal should his tele phone get out of order and by which he may be drawn to the surface should he become helpless for any reason He must take great care when walking about on the bottom not to foul his life lino or his air tube and for this reason must always retrace his steps exactly to his starting point if he has gone into a wreck or about any ob structions For the same icaoii two divers working together must be care ful not to cross each others path Sometimes the life line may become so entangled in wreckage that it must be cut and then there is danger of the diver not indinir his way back to his boat or float especially if the bottom is muddy and fouls the seeing But the greatest danger of all of course is that the tube be cut or the diver faint In either case he is in desperate straits If the man handling the life line feels anything wrong he will haul the diver up willy nilly and re gardless of the severe bleeding at nose and ears which will result from too rapid a rise to the surface But if the diver be inside a wreck or if his life line gets tangled in wreckage such hauling would do no good It is in sit uations like these that the slender con necting link of telephone wire means so much to l he men who risk their lives far beneath the surface of the water Scientific American ORDINANCE NO 200 An ordinance for the purchase by the City of McCook of the entire plant of the McCook Water Works Company including real estate and meters owned by said Company in McCook Nebraska and to provide for the payment of said plant Be It Ordained by the Mayor and iCiity Council of the City of Mc Cook Section 1 The McCook Water Works Co having submitted to the City of McCook a proposition to sell to said City the entire plant of the McCook Water Works Company in cluding real estate houses machin ery meters and all other property owned by said Company in said City and to transfer and convey to said City all of said property by good and perfect title free of all incumbrance at arid for the sum of sixty five thou sand dollars which may be paid in veying the title to and possession of all the property described in said of fer to said Citv with abstracts show ahg good and perfect title in fee simple to said real estate in said com pany at the time of such delivery free and clear of all incumbrances Section 2 Said City being in great intending danger from fire drouth and in other impending danger re quiring immediate operation of this ordinance it shall take effect and era and Diarrhoea Remedy and cas tor oil and a speedy cure is certain For sale by all dealers 3 CiaissSi flM M fee Cfaer Its rapid action enables jca 3 I accomplish more work in less H lime snj vith Icis clfort than E otherwise possible It deans I mechanically no harmful I chemicals and will rol scratch S cr injure the surface Keeps cooking utensils floors woo 9 work metal work windows ana S ccrlhing about the house barn n or dairy spick and span Its fine w particles quickly banish dirt and fB grease which Map soap powders JB I and other cleansers will rot effect BE NOTICE TO CREDITORS I TVi in rriiTi ir Poll TUllvnr I County Nebraska In the Matter of the Estate of Hiram F Feekin de ceased Notice is hereby given that the time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is six months from and after July 22 1911 and any claim not presented by that time shall be forever barred that I will sit at the county court room in McCook in said county on the 23rd day of January 1912 at the hour of ten oclock A M to examine adjust and allow the claims against said estate and that the time limited for the payment of debts is one year from June 2G 1911 Dated June 26 1911 J C MOORE Seal County Judge CORDEAL McCARL Attorneys First publication June 27 1911 Sts Notice State of Nebraska County of Red Willow ss To All Persons Interested in the cash or in the registered and signed Estate of Eva A Tomlinson water bonds of said City which have already been voted by said City and the city engineer of said City having made and submitted to the Council of said City an estimate of the present value and cost of said plant showing said cost to be sixty seven thousand seven hundred and fifty six dollars and seventy two cents that said City hereby accepts said of fer that water bonds of said City previously voted and issued by said City be used in payment for said plant to the amount of sixty five thousand dollars par value that said bonds be delivered to said Company upon delivery to said City on or be fore July 1 1911 of deeds of gen eral warranty and bills of sale con You are hereby notified that on the 16th day of June 1911 William S Tomlinson executor of the last will and testament of Eva A Tomlin son deceased filed in said court his final account as such executor and petition for his discharge that said account and petition for discharge will be heard on the 8th day of July 1911 at the hour of nine oclock a m at the county court room in the city of McCook in said county You are hereby cited to appear at the time and place above designated and show cause if such exist why said account should not be allowed and such executor discharged It is ordered that notice of the time and place of said hearing be given to all persons interested in said estate by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Mc Cook Tribune a newspaper printed and published in said county for three successive weeks prior to the date set for said hearing Dated this 16th day of June 1911 J C MOORE Seal County Judge C E ELDRED Attorney First publication June 20 6ts NOTICE Bids will be received by McCook Board of Education for the following material to be furnished and labor of putting same into building men tioned be in force from and after its pas j Reflooring of all halls and north sage approval and proclamation by and south rooms second floor with said Mayor posted in at least three bpEt srade of hard pine or good of the most public places in said pafntTngof all interior wood City work on first and second floors with Passed and approved this 30th day best quality of hard oil of June 1911 JAMES McADAMS Mayor Attest FRANK L TRAVER City Clerk Seal Hay Fever and Summer Colds must be relieved quickly and Foleys Honey and Tar Compound will do it E M Stewart 1034 Wolfram St Chi cago writes I have been greatly i troubled during the hot summer months with hay fever and find that I by using Foleys Honey and Tar Compound I get great relief Many others who suffer similarly will be glad to benefit by Mr Stewarts ex perience A McMillen Repapering of north and south rooms second floor and north room first floor in East ward school build ing City of McCook Bidding for same will be held open for 15 days Rights are reserved to reject any bid H E CTJLBERTSON M LAWRITSON THOMAS MOORE Building Committee McCook Neb June 291911 First publication June 29 2ts NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Red Willow County Nebraska In the Matter of jthe Estate of Carolina Feekin de- Fcr summer diarrhoea in children ceased always give Chamberlains Colic Choi Notice is hereby given that the time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is six months from and after July 22 1911 and any claim not presented by that time shall be forever barred that I will sit at the county court room in McCook in said county on the 23rd day of January 1912 at the hour of ten oclock A M to examine ad just and allow the claims against said estate and that the time limit ed for the payment of debts is one year from June 26 1911 Dated June 26 1911 J C MOORE Seal County Judge CORDEAL McCARL Attorneys First publication June 27 1911 Sts NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that the property of the McCook Pressed Brick Company consisting of about 2 acres of ground on which the plant is lo cated 1 Fernholtz 4 mold brick press boiler engine pulverizer screen el evator and fittings line shaft feed water heater feed water pump belts pulleys all pipe and fittings grates shovels timbers 1 plow 2 scrapers 3 spring brick trucks 2 dirt barrows fronts doors kilns buildings and in general all of the property both real and personal belonging to said com- I pany wlil be sold at Public Auction at the Brick Yard in McCook Ne braska on the 30th day of June A D 1911 which sale will commence at 10 oclock a m and remain open one hour By authority of the stock holders Dated June 17th 1911 P Walsh H P Waite J E Kelley Committee First publication June 20 3ts LinGolsi Sanifariym Suipho Saiine Springs Located on our own premisaa aad bm in tbe Natural Mineral Water Unsurpassed in the treatment ot Rheumatism Heart Stomach Kidney and Lire Diseases Morats Ctrgci Adiftu DR 0 W EVERETT Mgr Lincoln Rrt Terms of District Court T9T Chase county April 24 and Novem ber 13 Dundy County March 6 and UTo vember 20 Frontier county March 20 aud Oc tober 2 Furnas county February 20 May 9 and October 23 Gosper county January 30 aut2 September 25 Hayes county March 13 and Se tember IS Hitchcock county May 1 and No vember 27 Red Willow county February May 15 and October 9 Robert C Orr district judge BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES and Purifies the Blood PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ROLAND R REED M D Physician and Surgeon Local Surgeon B M Phones Office 163 residsiJsSi 217 Office Rooms 5 6 Terapl building McCook Neb DR HERBERT J PRATT Registered Graduate Dentist Office 212 Main av over 2t Connells drug store Phones Of fice 160 residence black 131 DR R J GUNN Dentist Phone 112 Office Rooms building McCook 3 and 5 Wa2sb DR J A COLFER Dentist Phone 378 Room 4 Postoffice building Ws Cook Neb R H GATEWOOD Dentrst 41 Phone 163 Office Room 4 Masonic teispSSj McCook Neb DR EARL O VAHUE Dentist Phone 190 Office over McAdams Cook Neb store 23t C E ELDRED Lawyer Bonded Abtracter and Examiner of Titles Stenographer and notary in offiest McCook Nebraska JOHN E KELLEY Attorney at Law and Bonded Abstracter Agent of Lincoln Land Co an3 o McCook Water Works Co Office Zi Fostoffice building McCook Neb JAMES HART M R C V S Veterinarian Phone 34 Office Commercial barn McCooi Nebraska L C STOLL CO Jewelers Opticians Eyes tested and fitted Fine r pairing McCook Neb H P SUTTON CO Jewelers and Opticians Watch Repairing Goods o quality Main avenue McCook Nebraska JENNINGS HUGHES CO Plumbing Heating and Gas Fitting Phone 33 Estimates furnished freeBasemecfc Postoffice building A G BUMP Office store Real Estate and Insurance 302 over Woodwortha 6sir Your combings made Into switches and puffs MRS L M THOMAS Phone Ash 2354 McCOOK MACHINERY AND IRON WORKS Machine Work Bjacksmithing Horse Shoeing We are agents for the Celebrates- Ford Auto 210 1st st W -- Phonfe refl 45 i P i te V- a