The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 29, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 7

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HE coronation of King
George V of Eng
land brings to mind
a series of peculiar
prophecies contained
in an old but little
known poem prophe
cies some of which
ould appear on an
investigation to have
proved oddly correct
in regard to certain
events transpiring in
American and Eng
lish history both
prior to and after the Revolu
tion The name of Merlin is given
as the author of the mystic
rhymes -which date back to the fif
teenth century and run in couplets
fraught with double meaning and
Beeming to be the work of some sooth
sayer or student of the stars who fore
saw or fancied he foresaw in the
heavenly bodies strange portents of
the days to come
The lines can be found in the works
of Dean Swift edition of 17GG page
214 volume 3 They were also print
ed in the United States in September
17SC three years after peace with Eng
land had been declared arid published
in a few foreign journals but the ear
liest appearance of the poem was in
an ancient English work edited and
produced in London in the year 1530
In complete form it runs as folio ws
TVhen the savage is meek and mild
The frantic mother shall stab her child
When the Cock shall woo the Dove
The Mother shall cease the child to love
When men like moles work underground
The Lion a Virjjln true shall wound
When the Dove and the Cock the Lion
shall fight
The Lion shall crouch beneath their
When the Cock shall guard the Eagles
The stars shall rise all in the West
When shps above the clouds shall sail
The Lions strength shall surely fail
When Neptunes back with stripes is red
The sickly Lion shall hide his head
When fccvoa and six shall make but one
The Lions might shall be undone
Many diverse opinions are held as
to the ability of mere man to peer
into the future but without entering
into an argument on the subject it
is at least interesting to note how
curiously certain of the prophecies
made by the dead and forgotten rhym
ster coincide with the march of act
ual events when submitted to the proc
ess of deduction
We can take the first couplet as re
ferring to the history of America
and more particularly to the colonial
period The white settlers had plant
ed civilization by means of De Sotos
sword Champlains guns and the mis
sionaries prayers deeply in the for
est and the Indians may be said to
have become temporarily subdued
through awe of these combined ele
ments The red man was subjected to
meek and mild influences by the tact
and religious examples of such men
as Roger Williams and William Penn
whose kindness is a part of Indian
tradition to this very day Hence
when the savage evidently the
North American Indian is meek and
mild the frantic mother meaning
England shall stab her child the
American colonies
When and how England enacted this
needs scant comment other than that
the courts of the colonies just prior
to the Revolution used the sword of
justice to destroy the rights of the
American subjects of the crown At
this point England actually and not
figuratively stabbed her children
When the Cock shall woo the Dove
The mother shall cease the child to love
Now the cock for ages has been
emblematic of France as the Lion has
of England and the cartoonists of
early days invariably designated the
French as proud as the cock In
France victory at arms or civic tri
umphs were always as at the present
time proclaimed by the display of the
booster The dove referred to was
undoubtedly intended for Columbia or
the United States or colonies The
word Columbia means Dove like or
Columbo the original meaning of
Columbus the noun base of the prop
er adjective Columbia but accepted by
Americans as a proper noun
Our colonial history abounds with
Illustrations as to how eagerly Franco
courted the good will of the American
colonies and an equally emphatic tale
4n the drama Is the jealousy of Eng
land at the display of any colonial
regard for the French government
Thin second couplet is especially well
Illustrated In the continental congress
appointing a
commission of
which Iitnja
min Franklin
was one to
visit the
French at Quo
bee and ad
mit of French
courtship in
the aid of the
American Rev
olution and
how the con
tinentals in
177G dis
patched him
to France to
further admit
of the courtly
attentions to
bring about a
wedding of in
terests how
he procured
from the
French kin
260000 0 0
francs the
very money
which made
further rebel
lion possible
And at this
point England
realized and
for the first
time that the
uprising in the
colonies was
indeed a veiy
serious mat
ter and it
learn of
France to
point where
The mother
m f IHwl w
a x re rev m m i i
e forecasts of a Deer
v f A
i tne ID- Century bearm
o a
encan nis
X QB vHk Snf Hi 1 17 HP f KtH wtA r U rl an
d nflL S 4 f m ta
o JL W J i I J - y -1
torn W MM PA
on oXkWiiiB
or- r MmAmmmiw Fk
fc m o o mmmmwmimmw i v rmfi - ww
w m wj mfiwyrmMjmmmK i l s ojl ms y -
o - yvWwwMmmMwJmSwSs lv r TWsi fm-
5v 7MWrw nJr r -
WwiUf yfmWww m
the K s JSWV 7
tor s y ezf
the child did
cease to love
The writer
possesses an heraldic sketch designed
by Franklin while in Europe actu
ally indicating Englands cruel
though motherly treatment of her
children the thirteen colonies indicat
ing the French concern in the wel
fare of these struggling dependencies
a remarkable similarity to the lines
under consideration In these her
aldic pictures Franklin represents the
colonies as of the calm and peaceful
animal kingdom the crane and also
tho dove In fact a committee dele
gated to devise a signature for the
United States reported in 17S2 that
the goddess of America Columbia
have upon her dexter hand perched a
dove argent white While the elab
orate design was not accepted by the
continental congress it indicates that
in these days the colonies were often
symbolized by a dove in fact that
peace loving and minding your own
business was finally accepted in -the
symbolism of the olive branch in
the right talon of the adopted eagle
also indicated in the peace tincture of
1 the American shield which according
to lav is an argent white or silvery
peace emblem upon it blazoned six
red stripes
When men like moles work underground
The Lion a Vix gin true shall wound
During the last years of tho Revolu
tion tho continentals frequently at
tempted to make approaches to the
camp and redoubts of the British by
underground passages This tunnel
method was evidently a French sug
gestion as it was a part of early
French military tactics The digging
in the earth is also well illustrated in
the winter headquarters at Valley
Forge where the felling of trees to
establish their log cabins was slow
work and when the cold winter set in
many were tho holes in the ground
that served as lodgings for the freez
ing troops The line The Lion a
Virgin true shall wound might be
taken as a reference to the terrible
massacres expeditions of plunder and
destruction in Virginia named the Vir
gin colony in honor of Queen Eliza
beth This country of the virgin was
indeed wounded for no other section
of the country suffered such bloody
military attacks It was estimated by
Jefferson that the raids of Benedict
Arnold through Virginia cost tho
enormous sum of 15000000 in prop
erty besides tho thousands of lives
sacrificed under conditions of the
most frightful torture
When the Dove and the Cock the Lion
shall fight
The Lion shall crouch beneath their
This could be accepted as referring
to the united forces of the colonists
the Dove and tho French the
Cock at the final engagement before
Yorktown This siege and battle re
sulted in the American victory and
therefore the union of Americans and
French resulted in the Lion being
compelled to crouch beneath their
When the Cock shall guard the Eagles
The stars shall rise all in the West
Here we find an allusion to the sub
sequent history of the three nations
American French and English When
Independence was recognized the sym
bol of tho United States appeared in
the form of a bald eagle The bird of
freedom and imperial power
The second test of martial power be
tween American and England came in
1812 and on both sea and land we
suffered severe losses the capitol at
Washington being destroyed by the en
emy and the city itself falling into pos
session of the British But the shield
ing attitude of France toward tho
eagles nest the young republic rep
resented by the American eagle made
it possible for the states to attain vie-
tory from what the world had almost
pronounced defeat Tho New Eng
land states were never in sympathy
with tho war and indeed an interest
ing non national page bordering on
secesslonal attitude falls into the his
tory of the puritanic section of our
country The invasion of Canada was
a decided failure Hulls surrender
has always been considered unsatisfac
tory and totally unnecessary ho was
court martialed and sentenced to be
shot but his Revolutionary military
record saved his life and he was par
doned The brave Captain Lawrence
on the Chesapeake gave as his dying
words the order Dont give up the
ihip but fate compelled his crew to
strike their colors The Essex the
first American frigate to sail around
Cape Horn into the Pacific found a
British vessel waiting for her and in
the battle which ensued the enemy
came off victorious In the midst of
these disasters the Nerr Englandera
were disregarding by a majority of
votes what the national government at
Washington decreed They quietly and
secretly published a most unsatisfac
tory report that was supposed by
many to have had it origin in an at
tempt to break up the federal power
Tho south and middle west were loy
al to tho federal edicts Jacksons mar
velous victory at New Orleans while
possibly one of the most pronounced
military successes in the history of
civilized warfare was achieved after
peace had been declared and hence
cannot be said to have had any bear
ing on the ending of hostilities The
terms of peace were largely brought
about through French influence as be
cause of the military conditions ex
isting between England and France
the British found it impolitic to fol
low up the American campaign al
though the war was in their favor
Here then is an apt illustration of
how the French the Cock protected
the Eagles nest America So much
for tho first line the next is espe
cially prophetic
The stars bhall rise all in the West
Immediately after the war of 1S12
the stars began to gather in our flag
and they all came from the west for
it should be remembered that in those
days any country lying on tho sun
down side of the Alleghany mountains
was considered west Hence the open
ing up of the great western terri
tory with tho immediate admission of
the new states brought forth the
rise of the stars all in the west un
til this day when the flag has since
1812 seen 30 stars rise in the west
When ships above the clouds shall sail
The Lions strength shall surely fall
It requires no great stretch of Im
agination to apply the above lines to
the present era when aviators are the
heroes of the hour and long continued
flights in airships have ceased to be
a novelty And one might take the
failing of the lions strength to re
fer to the lessening of the British
navys far famed power when confront
ed with the possibility of attack by
enemies floating in the air When a
certain Frenchman not long ago cross
ed the channel in an airship and land
ed safely on British soil great was the
alarm manifested throughout the
realm of King George The event al
most caused a panic among those to
M cum saw M
MM6 smmmsmL
whom the bugbear of probable inva
sion by Germany Is ever a matter of
The last four lines of the Seers
rhymed intimation of coming disaster
deserves consideration together
When Neptunos back with stripes is red
The sickly Lion shall hide his head
When seven and six shall make but one
Tl8 Lions might shall bo undone
Possibly these foyr lines foretell ter
rible battles on the sea Neptune be
ing the mythological god of the ocean
and prophesy a naval war in which
the waters will be literally ablaze with
the red stripes shooting from the
cannons mouths Or reference may
be had to the planet Neptune Instead
of the sea god that heavenly body
which of our planetary system is the
furthest away from the sun being
2745998000 miles distant Within
the last few years astronomers have
expressed the opinion that Neptune
like Saturn has red or bright belts
about it and if the telescopes can be
made more powerful these red
stripes will be in view Is it then
that we may expect The sickly lion
shall hide his head
Or it may be that the last two lines
refer to the United States or elso
indicate the death and numerical des
ignation of King Edward VII In tho
first instance seven and six make 1C
tho generally accepted symbol of tho
United States represented in the
stripes of the flag When seven and
six shall make but one might stand
for the time when all tho territories
now under our flag shall all be admit
ted to statehood and all these new
governments be represented on our
national standard
Or the lines might have direct refer
ence to King Edwaris death The
seven and six may well indicate Eng
lands Seventh Edward or spelling
out the two words we have S 1 E 2
V 3 E 4 N 5 T C H 7 and E 1 D 2
W 3 A 4 R 5 D G showing clearly
the seven and six numerals forming
one king Upon his death The Eng
lish Lions might shall bo undone
In connection with the final predic
tion It is not too much to say that
England has not for years been in such
an unsettled state politically or called
upon to face so many perplexing prob
Edward seventh ef the name tho
Peacemaker sleeps with his fathers
and George V mounts the throne of
his ancestors while from all parts of
the great empire people gather to do
him homage What of the future
Has tho might of England passed
away with the life of her peacemaker
or is one prophecy to prove false
where so many other predictions made
by the mystic student of the stars In
the long ago have been fulfilled to the
CepsTisht Iflll by W O ChapmanJ
How a Chronic Invalid
Perfect Health
Mra Ray Trusner 30 We3t Third
St New Albany Ind says Kidney
disease had rendered me a chronic In
valid I lay in bed unable to move
hand or foot Mj
right limb was swol
len to twice normal
size I looked tha
picture of death and
my case puzzled the
doctors The kidney
secretions were high
ly colored and scald
ed terribly Marked improvement fol
lowed the use of Doans Kidney Pills
In six weeks I was a well woman My
friends and relatives marvel at my
Remember the name Doans
For sale by druggists and general
Jtorekeepers everywhere Price 50c
Foster MHburn Co Buffalo N Y
Under Conditions the Matter Seemed
Comparatively Easy of
The central police station was over
crowded one day last week Officers
were wondering what they would do
should another arrest be made when
the door opened and a sleepy looking
blue eyed foreigner drifted in with a
most dejected Goot efning mens
The officers nodded their greetings
to the stranger who then asked Can
I did some sleepings here I yust
come from Chicago and am start to
work tomorrow
Well the only space we have left
Is a bunk which is already occupied
by a colored man You can share
that if you want to replied the offi
The man thought for a few minutes
scratched his head and said
Well I guess I no can see him in
dark and besides I am tired and want
Bleep Milwaukee Wisconsin
Showed Tact of King
It was the order of the day at a
late shoot at Sandringham that when
pheasants should not be shot and one
of the guests brought down a hen
which fell near King Edwards place
in tho line Anxious not to hurt the
offenders feelings by an over rebuke
the king pointed to the corpus delicti
and said Ah Gurney what a man
you are for the ladies Life of Ed
ward VII
Tea Time In Chile
Either tea or yerba mate is served
in Chile at 400 p m not only in the
homes but at clubs restaurants and
hotels and many business houses A
cut of tea and a roll or small cake in
tho club or hotel cost from eight to
twelve cents United States gold while
tho business houses serve it frep
rather than have the clerks leave their
work or go out for It
Willis Im raising 500 chickens on
a five foot lot
Gillls Thats nothing You ought
i to see the relatives my wife is taking
care of In our flat Puck
Why did Humpty Dumpty sit
the wall
He probably thought he could hold
it owa
j Vienna I
ji Style i
ill If
a Luncheon
or Sapper
Brown the con
tents of a tin of
Libbys Vienna
Sausages in tho
frying pan and
serve with baked
Easy to serve
fine to eat
Look for the Libby
label which means
Libby McNeill ca Libby