The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 29, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 6

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W i
The McCook Tribune
F II KIMMELL Publisher
Royalty All a Glitter Within Its SacrecJ
Precincts and Nabobs of Lecser
Lirht Shine in Subdued
Ki g George V crowned with im
pressive ceremonies in Westminster
abbey is the sixth ruler of the house
of Hanover sen of the late King Ed
ward VII and grandson of Queen Vic
toria He is forty six years eld thi
London On Thursday the day of
the crowning of George V Kins of the
united kingdom of Great Britain and
Ireland and of the British dominions
beyond the seas nothing had been
wanting to make the solemn and im
pressive ceremony one long to be re
membered not only throughout the
country but in eery corner of the
great empire Xeer before in history
has the imperial note been struck in
such inagnilSent manner Its im
partial aspect undoubtedly has been
the mest lemakable feature of the
George V more than any sovereign
in the past represents the embodi
ment of the imperial idea He only of
all his predecessors on the throne
traeled through his vast domains and
thus acquainted himself at first hand
with the needs and aspirations of all
the various peoples of his empire
Then by happy coincident the im
perial conference sitting at the time
of the coronation enabled all the rep
resentatives of the kings over sea do
minions to participate in the sig
nificant ceremonv at the opening of
the new reign which if hopes of those
attending the conference bear fruit
will bring all parts of the empire into
closer and more intimate relations
The great state pageant was carried
through with dignity and impressive
ness and made a deep impression upon
all those privileged to witness it and
it was accompanied by an outburst of
loyalty throughout the kingdom that
might appear surprising at a period
in the worlds history when thiones
no longer appear to be established on
the surest foundations
The remotest suburbs of the great
cuy and every village in the land
gae eidence of devotion and loyalty
to the throne Not the humblest home
but displaed a flag or illur inated
device portraits of the king and queen
i nd a loyal motto
Zapata Returns to Cucrnavaca
Mexico City Heedless cf all ru
mors that he would be arrested and
court martialed General Emiliano
Zapata commander of the revolution
forces in the stale of Morelos drovq
u big automobile into the capital and
placed himself at the disposal ol
Francisco I Madero After a confer
ence between the two of not more
than twenty minutes he was free tc
return immediately to Cuernavaca
Club Held Up by Bandits
San Francisco At the command
hands up five men playing cards at
the so called Ediorial club looked up
to find themselves covered bj revolv
ers in the hands of two masked men
who stood in the doorway The rob
bers then deprived their victims of
money and valuables totaling more
than 1000 locked the card players
in two closets cut the telephone wires
and escaped
Arrest Naval Paymaster
Buffalo X Y Edward Valentine
Lee a paymaster clerk who is charged
with taking 40000 from the battle
ship Georgia on February 11 at Ha
vana was arrested here by local de
tectives At police headquarters 25
003 in bills was found in a small bag
he carried and S00 was found in hi
Des Moines George Chichus the
fireek interpreter for the Northwest
ern States Portland cement plant at
Mason City has been threatened with
assassination unless he leaves lie is
a cousin of Chris Pappas who was
killed in the padrone war just a week
General Juan Estrada the recent
revolutionary president of Nicaragua
has made a most emphatic assertion
that he had not the slightest idea of
stirring another revolution in Nica
Nearly Drovned on Stage
San Mateo Cal Two thousand gal
Ions of water released by a break in
the tank of the stage of a local the
ater nearly drowned the members of
the orchestra and discomfited a hand
cuffed queen who had been mystify
ing her audience by the manner in
-which she freed herself from steel
Lisbon Anselmo Braamcamp has
been elected president of the republic
of Portugal by the constituent assem
Republicans Urge Federal Safeguard
in Selecting Senators Demo
crats Contend States Can
Be Trusted
Washington The house of repre
centatives by a vote of 172 to 112
practically a strict party vote re
lused to concur in the Bristow
amendment adopted by tne senate to
the house resolution providing for the
direct election of senators The Bris
tow amendment leaves with congress
the power to regulate the time and
manner of holding these elections
while the resolution passed by the
house during the early days of the
present session would change the con
stitution so that the times places
and manner of holding elections for
senators shall be as prescribed in
each state by the legislature thereof
Representative Sells republican of
Tennessee voted against the amend
ment while Mr Bourke democrat of
Wisconsin voted for it Representa
tive Bcrger of Wisconsin socialist
voted for it The resolution therefore
is returned to the senate for reconsid
eration hy that body as to whether
it will reverse its lormer action
The motion that the house concur in
the senate amendment was made by
Representative Olmstead republican
of Pennsylvania
The democrats protested that the
people of the states could be safely
entrusted with the power of controll
ing the elections of their representa
tives in the upper house while the re
publicans contended that -such dele
gation of authority would take from
congress power which it should retain
Defaulted as a Taxpayer
Elkins W Va A motion for judg
ment against the Davis Trust com
pany former Senator Davis Elkins
and S B Elkins jr as executors of
the last will and testament of the late
United States Senator S B Elkins
has been filed by Prosecuting Attor
ney H G Kump at the Randolph
county circuit clerks office The mo
tion alleges that Senator Elkins was
a defaulting taxpayer and that he has
forfeited to the state of West Virginia
the sum of 37504340 in the year
1009 297773 in the year 1910 and
by his executors 34191090 in the
year 1911 making in all with interest
the sum of 108769790 which the
prosecutor claims must be paid over
to the state of West Virginia by the
executors for the senators failure to
properly list his property for taxation
Gives Blood to Save Wife
Washington United States Senator
Luke Lea of Tennessee to save the
life of his stricken wife heroically
Facrificed a quait cf his blood at the
Georgetown hospital and the onlj
hope for Mrs Leas recovery which
had almost been abandoned is practi
cally assured the anxious youngest
senator of the nation as he lies near
the bedside of his wire recuperating
his strength
Lunacy Proceedings Fail
Washington The lunacy proceed
ings instituted some time ago by Mrs
Rose Keeling Hutchins against her
millionaire husband Stilson Hutch
ins were quashed in equity court
here The application of Mrs Hutch
ins to have a receiver appointed to
manage the estate of her husband val
ued at 3000000 also was denied
Test of Cold Storage Egg
Ithaca N Y An investigation of
the cold storage egg by the govern
ment will be conducted this summer
by Prof YvT A Stocking of Cornell
university a bacteriologist of note
The investigators propose to find out
particularly what kind of eggs should
be placed in storage to insure the best
keeping qualities
Washington A statement issued
by Postmaster General Hitchcock
shows that a total of 390060 was de
posited in the first forty eight poptal
savings banks in the five months of
their operation
Peace Follows Turbulence
Chicago Peace followed death and
riots in the peddlers strike when
Mayor Harrison announced that the
hawkers might cry their wares in the
streets between the hours of 9 oclock
in the morning and 4 oclock in the
afternoon until the city council took
further action concerning the repeal
of the anti noise ordinance
Scores were severely beaten and
one man was slain in encounters re
sulting from the strike George Me
tropolis was shot to death
Nebraska Prisoner in Minnesota
Rochester Minn A man said to be
Bartlett Richards the Nebraska cat
tleman who was sentenced last fall to
serve a year in the Hastings Neb
federal prison for alleged land fraud
is here for an operation for gall
stones Richards sentence expires
next August The order for the trans
fer of Richards to Rochester is sup
posed to have come from the depart
ment of justice While in Rochester
it is said Richards is in the custody
of a United States marshal
Com num Wll
Single Majority Member in Opposi
tion Message Sent in by Presi
dent Concerning the
Tariff Board
Total for the bill 221
Against 100
Republicans for it 24
Democrats against 1
Washington The house b a vote
of 221 to 100 passed the Underwood
wool tariff revision bill providing for
a reduction of the duty on wool and
manufactures of wool Twenty four
republicans voted with the democrats
for the passage of the measure one
democrat Representative Francis of
Ohio voted against it Many amend
ments wefe voted down the only one
adopted being a slight change in
phraseology Almost five hours were
spent in debate under the five minute
rule Immediately preceding the final
vote a motion offered by Representa
tive Payne of New York that the bill
be resubmitted to the ways and means
committee with instructions that they
await a report from the tariff board on
the woolen industry before making
final report of the bill was lost 189
to US
Representathe Underwood chair
man of the ways and means commit
tee in charge of the bill kept his
lorces well together in their opposition
to all amendments
The presidents message was called
out by a house resolution requesting
him to transmit at once all of the in
lormation procured by the tariff board
relating to wool and the manufacture
of wool
Mr Taft included in his message a
statement from the tariff board as to
the status of its inquiry and also a
statement by a committee of the na
tional tarifi commission association
which recently conducted an investi
gation of the methods of the tariff
beard This report was highly com
mendatory of the boards work
Thinks Hes Being Slighted
Washington Senator La Follette
has made protest to the senate com
mittee on the judiciary against the
confirmation ol Guj D Goff as dis
trict attorney for the eastern district
of Wisconsin Mr La Follette com
plained that he had not been consult
ed on Mr Gofts appointment and that
he supposed this slight had been due
to his opposition to the Pajne Aldrich
bill The committee took no action
Compelled to Import Coal
Calgary Alberta So serious has
become the coal shortage caused by
the Crows Nest strike that Alberta
industries are forced to import fuel
from Pennsylvania In order to avoid
a tie up of its entire plant one cement
and coal company is bringing in 4500
tons of Pennsylvania coal The freight
on this coal alone will cost the com
pany 25000
Poisoned cognac which the Mexican
insurrectos secured upon sacking a
government office and which thej
drank in a Chinese restaurant is al
leged to have been the cause of the
slaughter of Chinese in Torreon
Meets With Opposition
Washington Republican opposition
to the Canadian reciprocity bill in the
senate has reached the stage of open
revolt Led by Senator Dixon of Mon
tana -who again failed in his demand
for an explanation or a speech in favor
of the bill from some of the republican
leaders who champion the measure
the republican opponents declared
that if the bill passed many republic
ans would join the democrats in an
attempt to lower the duties on all
manufactured products
Nearly Every Nation Represented
Philadelphia Nearly every nation
in which a Baptist can be found will
be represented in the Baptist world
alliance which is holding its conven
tion here The meeting is expected to
be one of the greatest ever held by
the Baptists
After sleeping for nine weeks Hazel
Schmidt a girl at Vandalia III wak
ened for about five minutes An at
tempt was made to give her nourish
ment but she fell asleep again before
It could be prepared
r l HfiUlM
Prepared to Vote for Reductions
When Question Comes Up Omaha
Making Bid for New Rail
way Mail Division
Washington Senator Brown of Ne
braska put himself on record in tho
senate on several propositions which
are involved in the democratic pro
gram He is for free trade in wood
pulp and print paper and for a re
vision of the wool schedule at this ses
sion of congress The Nebraska sen
ator was engaged in a debate with
Senators Lodge and Root for the pur
pose of showing that the Root amend
ment to the reciprocity bill dealing
with the section devoted to wood pulp
was useless and was not offered for
the purpose of helping the bill
Senator Bailey asked Senator Brown
if he wanted free trade in wood pulp
and print paper The Nebraska sen
ator acknowledged that he did
President indications are that tho
new railway mail division will be es
tablished at Omaha Senator Hitch
cock had a conference with Postmas
ter General Hitchcock during the
course of which he pointed out the
government would make a large an
nual saving because of the ample of
fice facilities in the postoffice liuild
ing in Omaha He also pointed out
that inasmuch as the administration
has decided to remove a large num
ber of army olficers to Chicago it
should attempt to compensate the city
by giving it the railway mail head
quarters The postmaster general said
the matter had never been presented
to him in that light before and the
impression prevails in the department
that his decision will be in favor of
Senator Brown Will Aid
Vishinsrtnn Sfnitnr Krnwn nf No
braska has been decided upon to lake i
up the campaign of oratory in behalf
of the republican progressive league
At a meeting of the league officials it
was decided to assign Senator Brown
to fill seeral speaking engagements
in Pennsylvania next August The
speeches will be made under the aus
pices cf the progressive league
branches of which are being organized
throughout Pennsylvania
Silver Wedding Anniversary
Washington The silver wedding
celebration of the President and Mrs
Taft the second that has been held
in the White house ended with the
reception on the White house lawn
Invitations had been sent to close to
12000 persons and while the official
count of those who shook hands with
the president was not given out it was
estimated that at least 5000 persons
were present
Lisbon The United States has of
ficially recognized the republic of Por
tugal This followed the opening of
the new constituent assembly at
which the president of the chamber
read a decree proclaiming the aboli
tion of the monarchy and the banish
ment from Portugal of the royal fam
ily Braganza which was unanimously
La Follettes Presidential Candidacy
Washington Formal announce
ment that Senator La Follette is a
candidate for the presidency will be
made within the month and before
that time his friends will be at work
in Nebraska in an effort to save the
vote at the primary for him anc
against President Taft
An amendment to the federal con
stitution forbidding polygamy is pro
posed in a memorial from the Nebras
ka legislature presented to the housf
by Speaker Clark
Los Angeles Los Angeles will be
the center of attraction for the med
ical profession of the United States
during tie latter part of June The
sixty second annual session of the
American Medical association will be
held in this city June 27 30
Vandalia 111 After sleeping almost
continuously for nine weeks Miss
Hazel Schmidt eighteen years old
wakened for about five minutes An
attempt was made to vgive her nour
ishment but she fell asleep again be
fara it could be Dreoared
m m UfYLM
T y
l mL Sr- I I A
To Enforce Certification Law
At a conference of educators of the
university school of superintendence
held in the Temple building in con
nection with the summer school a
committee was chosen to act in con
junction with State Superintendent
Crabtree to enforce the new city cer
tification law The committee is as
follows State Superintendent J W
Crabtree Superintendent W L Ste
phens of the Lincoln city schools Su
perintendent A II Staley of Superior
Charles Arnot of Schuyler W A Yo
der of Douglas county Edith Lathrop
of Clay county Dean Fordjce of the
university Chancellor C A Fulmer of
the Wesleyan university and Dr W
A Clark of the state normal at Kear
Want Cheaper Coal Rates
The Nebraska state railway commis
sion has filed a complaint with the
interstate commerce commission for
the purpose of compelling the Burling
ton railroad to reduce its rates on coal
from Colorado to southern Nebraska
The commission filed a complaint of
this nature a few years ago against
the Union Pacific railroad company
and as a result obtained a reduction
for stations on the Union Pacific as
far east as Grand Island
Governor Instructs County Attorneys
The governors office has requested
county attorneys to file an affidavit of
the injured party when asking for the
extradition of criminals who have fled
from Nebraska The federal law pro
vides for an indictment or an affidavit
In Nebraska many prosecutions are on
information and not on indictment In
the event of a prosecution on informa
tion the governor asks county attor
neys to accompany the information
with an affidavit of the injured party
Postmasters Elect
At the convention of Nebraska post
masters just closed at York officers
were elected as follows E R Sizer
Lincoln president W T Cooke
Blair secretary A F Buechler
Grand Island treasurer B F Thomas
Omaha first vice president G W
Schreck York second vice piesident
J H Tower Sutton third vice presi
dent A P Menteba Firth fourth
vice president Lincoln was chosen
ns the next meeting place
Rids Lakes of Carp
Chief Game Warden Miller and Su
perintendent OBrien of the state fish
eries have seined two large lakes
north of Fremont for the purpose of
lemoving carp and buffalo which are
said to be depleting the water of i
supply of croppies and pickerel The
lakes are public waters each beinv
more than ten acres in extent
Injured by Patient at Asylum
Melvin J OConover gardener at
the Lincoln asylum for the insane
was attacked by a patient at the asy
lum and underwent an operation to re
store the mashed bones on one side of
his face to their normal position None
Df the phjsicians at the asylum would
undertake the operation and another
surgeon was called in
The supreme court has deckled that
he bishop of Lincoln and the vicar
general as trustees of the parish of
the Immaculate Conception at Ulysses
may maintain an action in the corpor
ate name to enjoin Father Murphy
from officiating as priest in the parish
church at Ulysses or to enjoin the
diversion of the church property from
the purposes to which they were de
voted by its founders
The question of contract convict
labor will soon be taken up by the
board of public lands and buildings
Governor Aldrich and Warden Dela
hunty of the penitentiary The expira
tion of the broom and shirt contracts
brings it up in the near future
movement has been started at
University Place by the MethodiGt
church for the organization of t boys
brotherhood It is to be organized
along the order of the scout move
ment but will include more of the re
ligious element
The deputy fire commissioner has
issued a bulletin calling upon parents
and all others to lend their efforts
toward a diminution of the loss of
life and limb by explosives on the
Fourth of July
Law books of special value com
orising the Roscoe Pound prize for ex
cellence in freshman law work in the
state university were awarded to Earl
Oline of Sidney and Anan Raymond
of Fairmont The first is a three year
law student and the second a six year
Epworth assembly dates this year
are August 2 to 10 inclusive
To Prosecute State Employe
Deputy Attorney General Ayres and
County Attorney McGerr of Gage
county have investigated the report of
Stato Accountant John W Tulleys on
the shortage of Thomas Stewart for
merly bookkeeper at the state insti
tute for the feeble minded youth at
Beatrice vho was found by the state
accountant to be 1337 short In his
accounts Suit will probably be insti
tuted by the county attorney
Women snff ering from any form of
illness are invited to promptly-communicate
with Mrs Pinkham at Lynn
Mass All letters are received opened
lead and answered by women A wo
man can freely talc
of her private ill
ness to a woman
thus has been es
tablished this con
fidence between
Mrs Pinkham and
the women of
America which has
never been broken
Never has she pub
lished a testimonial or n3ed a letter
tvithoufc the written consent of the
writer and never has the Company
allowed these confidential letters to
get out of their possession as the
Hundreds of thousands of them in
their files will attest
Out of the vast volnmoof experienco
which Mrs Pinkham has to draw
from it is more than possible that she
has gained the very knowledgo needed
In your case She asks nothing in re
turn except your good will and her
advice has helped thousands Surely
any woman rich or poor should be
glad to take advantage of this gener
ous offer of assistance Address Mrs
Pinkham care of Lydia E Pinkham
Medicine Co Lynn Mas3
Every Tvoman onght to have
Lydia E Pinkhams 80 pagre
Text Boot It is not a book for
general distribution as it is too
expensive It is free and only
obtainable by mail Write foz
it today
Friendship is one soul in two bodies
Vhen Fate Mocks
To bad about Joe
Whats the matter
He sprained his arm and they aro
afraid he can never pitch again so his
folks are going to make a doctor or
something of that sort out of him
The Worth of the Voice
How wonderful is the human voice T
It is indeed the organ of the soul
The intellect of man sits enthroned
visibly upon his forehead and in hia
eye and the heart of man is written
upon his countenance But the soul
reveals itself in the voice only as
God revealed himself to the prophet of
old In the still small voice and in
the voice from the burning bush Tho
soul of man is audible not visible A
sound alone betrays the flowing of tho
eternal fountain invisible to man
Longfellow Hyperion
rh iwi iflSTBfffB
3t 5liM
First Artist How is he as a sculp
Second Artist Oh he cuts quite si
Curious That a Tired Preacher Should
Have Such Desire
A minister speaks of the curious ef
fect of Grape Nuts food on him and
how It has relieved him
You will doubtless understand how
the suffering from indigestion with
which I used to be troubled made my
work an almost unendurable burden
and why it was that after my Sabbath
duties had been performed sleep was
a stranger to my pillow till nearly
I had to be very careful as to what
I ate and even with all my care I ex
perienced poignant physical distress
after meals and my food never satis
fied me
Since I began the use of Grape
Nuts the benefits I have derived from
it are very definite I no longer suffer
from indigestion and I began to im
prove from the time Grape Nuts ap
peared on our table
I find that by eating a dish of this
food after my Sabbath work Is done
and I always do so now my nerves
are quieted and rest and refreshins
sleep are ensured me
I feel that I could not possibly do
without Grape Nuts food now that I
know Its value It is invariably on our
table we feel that we need It to make
the meal complete and our children
will eat Grape Nuts when they cannot
be persuaded to touch anything else
Name given by Postum Co Battle
Creek Michigan
Read the famous booklet The Road
to Wellville in pkgs Theres a
Ever read the above letter T A sew
one appears from time- to time They
are ceunlne true ana fall of bams