The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 29, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red WillowCo
Entered at postoflice McCook Nebraska as
second class matter Published weekly
Eighteen postal savings banks will
be in operation in Nebraska by July
15 Alliance Aurora Beatrice Blair
Columbus Crete David City Hold
rege McCook Nebraska City Nor
folk North Platte Plattsniouth Se
ward Schuyler Superior and Wa
The country has just received an
other sample of judicial interpreta
tion of reasonable or substantial
restraint The United States circuit
court of the Eighth district aat St
Louis Saturday last handed down
an opinion that the purchase of the
Southern Pacific by the Union Pa
cific did not amount to a direct
and substantial restraint of either
interstate or Lnternatioal commerce
But it amounted to considerable
to the fellows who pulled off the af
fair and is a matter of substantial
consideraation with the people who
pay the freight
Just now there is considerable talk
on the ppssibility of George W Nor
ris representative from this district
entering the primaries to secure the
republican nomination next year for
United States senator over the pres
ent incumbent Norris Brown Norris
it is claimed has given little or no
Indication as to what ho will do in
that regard but some of his sturdiest
supporters believe that he will make
sax attempt to get into the senate
la case Congressman Norris decides
to run the senatorial derby Auditor
v rLk
Silar Barton will go after the re
publican nomination for congressman
from this district In case Norris
decides to remain where he is Bar
ton it is rumored will endeavor to
defeat Aldrich for the republican
nomination for governor Republican
City Ranger
A specialty of typewriter supplies at
The Tribune Shop Papers of all
weights sizes and qualities Ribbons
for every machine carbon papers
manuscript covers etc All kept in
Pumps and windmills repaired and
wells drilled Satisfaction guaran
Subscribe for The Tribune
Not being able to make a personal
canvass of the county I hereby an
nounce myself a candidate for the
office of County Treasurer and
whether elected or defeated I ab
solutely promise not to be ruled by
clique or ring I invite an invstiga
tion of my record in the past from
the official records of the county
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the nomination of county treasurer on
the Republican ticket subject to the
Primary Election August 15th 1911
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the nomination of sheriff on
the Republican ticket subject to the
decision of the primary election on
August 15 1911
Closing Number by Royal Italian Guards Band a
Great Success
Arrangements Completed for the Season of 1912 Sale of Season
Tickets Encouraging and Committee Responds to
Evident Desire of People
Tuesday afternoons program was
given by The
Combination and Dr Mattison W
Chase Same people in the even
ing witbr Sylvester A Long as the
lecturefC The title of the lecture was
on Hungry People The lecturer
wught to prove that the achieve-
fr of manKina uepeimeu uiuji
rlfeumanity really desires
ftf and the measure oi tue ui
nrsliy that desire Mr Long
us one of the best and most
uative lectures of the season
TJie Combinations musical efforts
-were warmly received especially the
fine work of Mr Fullenwider the
violinist The vocal offerings of
Miss Lee and Miss Lathrop were
warmly applauded
The Chautauqua went out yesterday
afternoon and last evening in a blaze
of glory figuratively speaking The
Royal Italian Guards Band gave the
prelude in the afternoon after which
followed the entertainment by the
Seton Indians and the Boys Circus
which surprised and delighted every
body Indeed much surprise and sat
isfaction was expressed over this lo
cal product under direction and in
struction of chautauqua leaders
The final number of the chautau
qua was the concert in the evening
by the Royal Guards Band They
drew the largest audience of the sea
son The band is a splendid organ
ization and their efforts were enthus
iastically applauded and appreciated
Their program in the evening was
largely of the heavier and more class
ic sort the overture from William
Tell selections from Faust II
Trovatore the famous sextette from
Lucia etc They produce a verit
able revel of melody captivating an
audience familiar with good band mu
sic It was a fitting conclusion to a
fine week of entertainment and pro
The Indians enjoyed a picnic at the
water works park Tuesday afternoon
and the pleasure of walking home
on account of some misunderstanding
Chautauqua Next Year
At the conclusion of the evenings
program it was announced and the
announcement was received with ap
plause that arrangements had been
consummated for a chautauqua for
next year The commercial club com
mittee working for advance subscrip
tions of season tickets reported re
assuring success in that line and the
contract was closed for a chautauqua
for 1912
In this connection The Tribune
wishes to state that while the con
tract has been closed for this enter
prise for the coming season there
still remains much work to be done
further solicitation of season tickets
etc and we hope and urge the peo
ple of McCook to do their utmost
to assist this committee to make next
years chautauqua a financial success
by their subscriptions of season tick
ets and by their favorable comments
and sentiment concerning the same
The Model Shoe Store
Patent Colt Gun Metal Tan Calf and Suede
250 300 350
Large assortment of Misses and Childrens Strap Slippers
and Oxford Ties
Men Women and Children
E D Perkins Co
Paid By the City Council for the HcCook Water
Works Plant
Under All Circumstances City Will Begin at Once to Dig Another
Well cr Two to Relieve Present Shortage
Readers of The Tribune will be
deeply interested in knowing that the
city council and water works com
pany have come to an agreement on
the matter of purchasing the water
works plant
The city council was in adjourned
session Wednesday evening at the
council chamber with Mayor
ams Councilmen Middleton
berry and Wood City Clerk Traver
C D Ritchie representing City At
torney Wolff absent from the city
Water Works Co submitted a
Amelia Lytle of Perry visited her
cousin Edith last week
Roy and DarreH Lytle have gone
to the eastern part of the state to
Mrs Olive Brown attended the Bp
worth League convention at Cam
bridge last Friday
We thought we were going to get
a good rain Sunday evening but
like all the others it went some place
Mrs Brown Ida Gordon and Bes
sie Doyle returned from the Epworth
League convention Saturday after
All grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
Drink Wedding Breakfast coffes
and be happy At Hubers only
proposition stating that its stock
holders and directors authorized the
sale to the city of the entire plant of
the company including real estate
owned by the company in McCook
for 6500000 to be accepted in the
bonds of the city as previously voted
or in cash as the council may pre
The appraisement by Adna Dob
son city engineer of Lincoln Ne
braska who had been previously em
ployed by the city is as follows
Dobsons Appraissement
June 26 1911
To the Honorable Mayor and Council
City of McCook Nebr
Gentlemen I would estimate the cost of replacing the McCook Wat
er Plant the depreciation in value of the old plant and its present value
as follows
Cost to Depreciation Present
- replace pet dollars value
3 wells 20 ft in diameter
3 wells 16 ft in diameter
deep VA ft stone walls
1600 cu yds excavation in water at 52 00 3200 00 3300 00
436 cu yds stone masonry at 10 00 4360 00 5 218 00 4142 00
7M ft lumber in roofs at 43 00 in place 315 00 40 126 00 189 00
300 ft 12 in flanged and bolted pipe 90c per ft
laid at 3 00 per lin ft TOO 00 17i 157 50 742 DO
250 linft of 8 in flanged and bolted pipe 50 lbs
perftat2 001aid 500 CO k 87 50 412 50
COO lin ft 6 in pipe 35c at 1 25 750 00 17H 13125 618 75
Concrete floors 33 cu yds at 10 00 330 00 10 33 00 297 00
Brick work 90000 brickb at 12 00 laid 10S0 00 15 162 00 918 00
Masonry CO cu yds at 7 50 450 00 5 22 50 427 50
Roof 5M ft lumber at 40 00 in place 200 0U 10 20 00 ISO 00
Roofing 26 squares at 5 00 130 00 20 26 00 10100
Doors and windows 125 00 10 12 50 112 CO
1 Dean feed pump 100 00 30 30 00 70 00
1 Dean duplex pump and tank 700 00 20 140 00 560 00
2 Dean compound duplex pump at 1000 2000 00 50 1000 00 1000 00
2 Boilers 54 in 16 ft 1500 00 70 1050 00 450 GO
Metal stack erected 100 00 30 30 00 70 00
1 Fairbanks scales 150 tO 30 45 00 1050
Small tools 1 100 00 10 CO
250 cu yds masonry at MK 2000 CO 5 100 00 190 00
250 yards excavation at 45c 112 50 112 50
11500 steel at 4 He erected 51750 31 1759 50 3415 50
Painting 10 00 20 20 00 80 0
32814 lin ftofliin C I pipeatSlc per lin ft 16735 14 HYz 2928 00 13806 49
9253 lin ft 4 in C I pipe laid at 5Sc per lin ft 5306 74 1754 959 IS 4427 50
4750 lin ft of 4 in CI pipe laid 58c per lin ft 2743 40 12 329 21 2314 19
1900 lin ft lin CI pipe laid at 58c per lin ft 1102 00 1714 165 30 936 70
8991 lin ft 6 in C I pipe laid at 85c per lin ft 7642 35 17 H 133741 030491
2500 lin ft 12 in C I pipe laid at 2 03 per lin ft 5075 00 1714 88S 12 4186 88
lltonsat70 00 770 00 12 92 10 677 00
35 valves 3 in at 8 00 280 00 25 70 00 210 00
11 valves 4 in at 10 0 110 00 25 27 50 82 50
9 valves 6 in at 10 CO 144 00 25 30 00 108 00
2 valves 10 in at 3S 0 76 00 25 19 00 57 JO
4 valves 12 in at 45 X 180 00 25 45 00 135 00
35hvdrantsat35 00 each set 1225 00 30 367 50 857 50
1 8 in centrifugal pump 200 00 20 40 CO 160 00
1 engine 320 00 50 ICO 00 160 00
62 tons pipe on hand at 40 CO 248 00 24S 00
1 ton specials at 70 00 70 00 70 00
3 3 in valvesat 7 CO 1 2100 2100
C66S6 13 12615 02 51070 11
Engineering inspection and management during
constructing 6668 61 6C6SC1
73351 74 60 738 7
In addition to the above the Water Company lists a number of wat
er meters which are not included in the estimate The estimate does not
include any land owned by the Company nor does it include the resi
dence on the Companys land Respectfully submitted
ADNA DOBSON Civil1 Engineer
It was found that the land in the
city park 50 feet square on which
the stand pipe stands and the strip
of land 25 feet wide from the said
square to the south side of said
park is reasonably worth 1000
that the land on which the pumping
tyant of said company is located is
reasonably worth 3000 that the
brick house used by water works
engineer is reasonably worth 1500
that one lot in South McCook ussed
by said company for a road to said
pumping plant is reasonably worth
50 that the two 6 inch meters
which to replace would cost 500
each plus freight are reasonably
worth 500 and the 88 small meters
are reasonably worth 968 and the
entire plant including said real estate
and meters is worth 6775600
The mayor and city council de
cided to accept the 6500000 pro
position of the water works company
payment to be made in the water
bonds previously voted and issued
This avoids any necessity of dispos
ing of more than the remaining 20
00000 of the 8500000 bonds issue
The city council was in adjourn
ed session this morning also all
being present as above stated to
gether with City Attorney Wolff
The water question and other im
portant subjects were discussed
The city exjpects to take charge of
the water plant Saturday July 1st
It is announced to us -by the mayor
that the city will proceed at earliest
possible time to snk wells and take
other necessary steps to increase the
water supply of the city
When Mr Hotchkin of the McCook
Roller Mills calls on you to solicit
your flour tirade tell him you want
your flour delivered to you from
Marshs flour and feed store Phone
25 215 Main avenue
A nice shower of rain here Sun
day night
Aug Wesch and family were at
Traer Kansas Saturday
The annual school meeting was
held at district 51 Monday afternoon
June 26th
Mrs Aug Wesch and mother Mrs
Heye departed for Hastings Tues
day morning on No 12
We will sure have some good danc
es again as soon as we can get Jim
Bennett to run the floor but he
cant run the boys
A Sane Fourth IMeans
I A Comfortable Fourth
No one can be comfor
table in a starched shirt and
stiff collar
The thing to wear is a
soft shirt with soft detached
collar We have a new one
in made hy the Manhattan
shirt people the same peo
ple who make the hest shirt
on earth
Wash ties are the sensi
ble ties for this time of year
They cost less than the
regular tie and last twice as
One Price and No Monkey Business
Jacob Wesch and wife visited the
home of Henry Wesch Sunday
Aug Wesch and family took din
ner with Jacob Wesch and family on
Ethel Bystrom of Oberlin visited in
town a few days last week
J H Wicks was home a few
days the first of the week
Ohas Hendricks from south of
Danbury was in town one evening
last week
Fred Furman was on the sick list
the first of- the week threatened with
typhoid fever
Miss Lena Sanders returned home
from an extended stay at University
Place Iowa
Harvey Sutton has accepted a posi
tion on the ranch and moved his fam
ily from Cedar Bluffs
Grandpa Furman and wife from
south of town visited their sons
Archie and Fred Sunday
The base ball boys had an- ice
cream social at the Eifert Hard
ware Saturday evening
W H Eifert came up from Beaver
City dose of last week and his moth
er accompanied him home
Miss Bernice StiJgebouer of Bart-
ley visited her uncle S H Stilge
bouer a few days last week
The Fairview Sunday school con
solidated with our school in the Chil
drens Day exercises Sunday
N R Rhoades purchased a fine
span of colts from T F Gockley of
Fairview the first of the week
Mildred the eldest daughter of Mr
and Mrs T J Dimmitt is reported
very ill threatened with appendicitis
Herb Watkin and family who have
been at Whiting Kan for several
months arrived here overland Satur
Ernest L Dodge was a delegate
from the Epworth League to a three
day convention at Cambridge last
The Burlington weed burner got
this far up the branch last week It
is a queer looking machine but mak
es it warm for the weeds
A ball game here Saturday between
the Cedar Bluffs team and the homo
team resulted in the visiting team
winning by a score of 12 to 9
Mr and Mrs W Wynn and daugh
ter Dorothy of Larned Kansas vis
ited at the Eifert home a few days
last week Mrs Wynn being a sis
ter of Mrs Eifert They came over
in a large touring car
KvwwnMnnr irriyiniiyTMirrTrivMirP7TpryrTsfiMi iiiiiVii jiivfg
When Visitors Come and Theres Not a Thing
in the House
Telephone 423 and a case of Root Beer Cherry or any flavor
you desire will be delivered in a hurry But better still
have a case of our goods on hand at all times and a fewv
bottles on ice then you are ready for emergencies Our
goods are prepared from the choicest ingredients under con
ditions of scrupulous cleanliness y
IV MlUtUUt tl I tLOiMiiifit1 1 MV t Iiiikfafalii iAUti iii1 i tfrffi fli fA jg