teua 1 Tfte Mcooft THGtme ESTABLISHED 1SS2 F M KIMMELL Editor Largest iCirculated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays C E ELDRED It lias been a source of more than common satisfaction to The Tribune to be able to modestly present the candidacy of Mr C E Eldred of this city for the hjgh office of judge of the dis tinct court of the 14th judicial district of Nebraska comprising tiie counties of Farnas Gosper Red Willow Frontier Hitchcock Hayes Dundy Chaso and Per kins Mr Eldred is a genuine Pro gressive in his Republicanism an is highly and finely qualified for the office he seeks His mam years of successful and honorable practice as a lawyer ra tliis dist rict anil his troroughly practical knowledge of the needs of our people gained through the sev eral public offices he has held peculiarly ecpiip him in head and heart for an honest and capable district judge the highest office the most important trust within the gift of the people of these counties As indicating Mr Eldred s po sition and attitude toward the main issues of our day it is only necessary to refer to his enthus iastic support of Congressman G AY Norris last fall which places him prominently among the progressive spirits of the dis trict Having lived among us for ap Xroaching a quarter century he needs no formal introduction to ihe majority of the voters of the judicial district but for those who may not be informed as to the high character of the man The Tribune wishes to emphasize the fact that he is clean unbias ed conscientious and genial in personality fair and generous in politics and is m every essential worthy the votes of the Republi cans of this district Vote for him August loth It looks just natural and regu lar to see tliat page ad of The F Johnson Co in our noldrege eon temporaries The Tribune makes amends to Clarence Ilarman But Charlie isnt bad for a name J J C E Eldred of McCook candi date for the republican nomina tion for district judge greeted old friends in Beaver City Tues day jinc Wednesday and met many new ones We have but one 1aul tto find with Mr Eldred as a candidate for judge and that is that he lives in McCook instead of Furnas county Beav er City Tribune C E Eldred of McCook an nounced through the News his candidac3r for nomination for the office of Judge of the Fourteenth Judicial District on the Republi can ticket Mr Eldred is well known throughout this district and delivered a splendid address to a large crowd here on July 4 making a good impression on the people here and many will give him their undivided support in obtaining the nomination Haigler News - From an estimate just made by the United States office of pub lie roads it is shown that a sav ing of between half a billion and a billion dollars a year can be ef fected if the states would im prove twenty per cent of the roads now in operation The pub lie roads office esitmates that this improvement would cost each state about 4000000 but that the tremendous yearly saving would more than make up for any ex penditure of this kind This is the way the Republi cans of Webster county feel abou Congressman Norris as indicated in the resolutions adopted by their recent county convention We hereby endorse the record of our present congressman George W Norris and commend the able and fearless manner in which he has upheld the rights of the common people 2 We are publishing in this is sue the announcement of C E Eldred of McCook who has filed for the nomination of District Judge subject to the will of the republican primaries Mr Eld red has been a resident of Mc Cook for over twenty years dur ing which time he has served as county judge for two terms and was mayor of McjCookfor three successive terms He is ably qualified to fill the office to which he aspires Mr Eldred ac companied by Lon Cone was in town Tuesday meeting the voters of tliis vicinity Wilsonville Re view 3 t C E Eldred of MoCook can didate for t hc republican nomi nation for district judge ef flie 14th district was in Elwood Sat urday getting acquainted with the people of this part of the district Mr Eldred has been a resident of McCook for almost a quarter of century and has been heartily endorsed by the people of his home county That his standing has been satisfactory to the people is attested by the fact that he was three times elect ed mayor of his home town and held the office of county judge and county attorney to the sat isfaction of the citizens of that county He impresses one as Inn ing had broad experience in his profession and is eminently qual ified both in temperament and in training for the duties of the office he seeks Elwood Bulletin BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES and Purifies the Blood cases Dirt l mesinKand denes soap and soap cleaning disappears like magic when Uld Dutch Cleanse is used Jlooli Caustics and Adds CVtSYTM0 iSiSK o SPA Clean Basins cSSinks may be had easily quickly and continually by the use of The safest most efficient cleanser for everything about ihe house barn and dairy imo flirt grease or grime can wilhstand its wonderful action The thick scum wmen onen gamers on ihe sides and bottom of Many otheruses and Full actions on iSifter reais 1CK POLITICAL ADVERTISING COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of County Treasurer subject to the will of the Republican voters at the primaries to be held August 15th If nominated and elected I will endeavor to conduct the of fice in such a manner that none will have cause to regret having supported me A L COCHRAN FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of sher iff on the Republican ticket sub ject to the decision at the pri mary election August loth ORVILLE B WOODS TO SURVEY THE STATE AUTOMOBILE ROAD On Tuesday morning July 18 the company which has been em ployed by the Omaha Denver good roads association to pre pare the official map and guide of the Omaha Denver route will start on its survey from Omaha The surveying party will con sist of an engineer who will sketch the entire route in detail showing all crooks turns bridg es streams farm dwellings wind mills barns school houses churches etc along the route A newspaper reporter who will fur nish the write up of the dif ferent towns and places of inter est A photographer to take pic tures of various streams dwell ings ete A good roads lecturer to give a short talk at each town through wfcioh they pass togeth er witjk several others prominent in affairs in Nebraska the offic ers of the good roads associa tion and automobile clubs throtig out the stats The surveying party will trav el by uutomobiles and along the entire route it is intended to make this trip a booster for good roads The schedule of the party fol lows Leave Omaha Tuesday morn ing July IS Leave Millard Tuesday noon Arrive Louisville Tuesday eve- ning Arrive Lincoln noon July 19 Leave Lincoln Thursday a m July 20 Leave Milford Thursday noon Arrive Dorchester Thursday p m Arrive Friend Thursday eve ning Leave Friend Friday a m July 21 Arrive Exeter Friday a m Arrive Fairmont Friday a m Arrive Grafton Friday a m Arrive Sutton Friday noon Arrive Saronville Friday pm Arrive Harvard Friday p m Arrive Hastings Friday even ing Leave Hastings Saturday morn ing July 22 Arrive Juniata Saturday a m Arrive Heartwell Saturday a m Arrive Minden Saturday noon Arrive Axtell Saturday p m Arrive Axtell Saturday p m Arrive Holdrege Saturday eve ning Leave Holdrege Monday a m July 24 Arrive Atlanta Monday a m Arrive Oxford Monday a m Arrive Edison Monday a m Arrive Arapahoe Monday noon Arrive Holbrook Monday pm Arrive Cambridge Monday p m Arrive Indianola Monday pm Arrive Red Willow Monday p m Arrive McCook Monday even ing Leave McCook Tuesday a m Arrive Perry Tuesday a m Arrive Culbertson Tuesday a m Arrive Beverly Tuesday a m Arrive Palisade Tuesday a m Arrive Wauneta Tuesday a m Arrive Enders Tuesday a m Arrive Imperial Tuesday noon July 25 arrive Jjamar ie ruesuay p in Arrive Holyoke Colo Tuesday p m Arrive Haxtum Tuesday p m Arrive Fleming Tuesday p in Arrive Sterling Tuesday even ing Leave Sterling Wednesday a m July 26 Arrive Atwood Wednesday a m Arrive Merino Wednesday a m Arrive Hillrose Wednesday a m Arrive Brush Wednesday noon Arrive Fort Morgan Wednes day evening a Leave Fort Morgan Thursday a m July 27 Arrive Bennett Thursday noon Arrive Watkins Thursday p m Arrive Aurora Thursday p m Arrive Denver Thursday even ins To the people of Chase coun ty the most important office to be filled at the coming election is jthat of district judge The can didate to be selected for this of fice should be a trained lawyer but knowledge of the law is not the only qualification of a judge It is even more important that the man elected to such a posi tion should have lived a life that is above reproach The Republi can believes we have such a can didate in C E Eldred of Mc Cook We believe also that it is to the interest of the people of this part of the district to nomi nate and elect him because he is centrally located and can be eas ily reached not only by the peo ple of this county but by the peo pie of the entire district Every one who has had a law suit knows it is sometimes necessary to go before the judge when court is not in session and when this is the case it is convenient to be able to reach the judge eas ily and quickly Imperial Repub lican WANTED Plain sewing wash ing and mending 303 West 2nd street 13 3 The McCook Tribune want ads line Most people read them A Smart Design for Afternoon Wear MODISH A rl drc ress of serge cut on tailored lines seems the most practical in vestment for the woman of moder ate means Noth ing is more fitting for shopping in formal afternoon calls or general irpofr uonr finrl Wednesday realIv covcrg po many needs Many of the avenue shops are showing most at tractive walking dresses in white serge with a pencil stripe of black and with a piping or collar of black satin The illustrated model would be a smart design for developing navy blue or cream serge or mohair with 5o m trv TVril If Wist Is ill mm 111 1 Ml The Ladies Hon Journal Pattern No 52S2 the side front closing piped with black satin The dress could be worn effec tively with a side jabot of lace or batis te or a sash of satin fastened at the neck passing under the tabs at the closing and finish with a tassel or fringe To give an overblouse effect the un der section of the sleeve could be make of a filet net and the dress worn with a chemisette of the net For a wash dress linen cotton repp or poplin would make a practical model for summer and for traveling foulard or pongee For a medium size woman a dress like this would require about seven yards of serge or eight yards of linen STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE McCook Co operative Building Savings Assn Certificate No 11 of McCook Nebraska on the 30th day of June 1011 ASSETS First Mortgage Loans Stock loans Cash Delinauentinterest l77O0 00 3675 00 3081 S2 116 27 6397 S3 50 Expenses and taxes paid Delinquent assessments Total 1G3 290 50 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid up 1574 19 62 Reserve fund U069 41 Undivided profits 4G 50 Prepaid dues and interest 168 00 Total S1Gj290 56 Receipts and expenditures for the year ending June 30 1911 KECEina Balance on hand July 1 1910 s 3S95 67 Dues 308CS 50 Interest premiums and fines 15117 48 Loansrepsid 26825 00 TaxSale Redemptions 457 35 Total 7710100 EXPENDITURES Loans 31875 00 Expenses 726 81 Stock redeemed 403S4 54 Cashonhand 3084 82 Int on matured stock 623 03 Tax Sale Certificates 409 75 Total 57710100 State of Nebraska Red Willow County ss I F A Ponnell secretary of the above named associationdo solemnly swear that the forego ing statement of tho condition of said Associa tions true and correct to the bestof my knowl edge and bolief F A Pennell Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before roe this 10th day of July 1911 C H Boyle seal Notary Public Approved J A Wilcox F M Kimmell W B Mills Directors CALL FOR REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION The republicans of Red Willow coun ty are hereby called to meet in con vention in the city of Indianola on Wedesday July 19th at 2 oclock in the afternoon for the purpose of electing eight 8 delegates to the republican state convention to be held at Lincoln on July 25th 1911 and for the purpose of electing a county central committee and for the transaction of such other busi ness as may properly come before said county convention The convention shall be made up of delegates chosen by the republi cans of the respective precincts of the county on the basis of one dele gate at large for each voting pre cinct of the county and one delegate for each 15 votes or fraction thereof cast for C H Aldnich republican candidate for Governor at the gener al election held November Sth 1910 which basis of representation en titles the respective voting precincts to the following number of delegates Alliance 3 Box Elder 4 Driftwood 4 Gerver 3 Lebanon 5 Perry 3 Valley Grange 4 Beaver 5 Coleman 2 East Valley 7 Grant 2 Missouri Ridge 2 Red Willow 5 Bondville 2 Danbury 5 Ijiritsch 3 Indianola 1 North Valley 3 Tyrone 3 Willow Grove 1st Ward 1st prceinct 13 1st ward 2nd precinct 9 2nd ward 1st precinct 11 2nd ward 2nd precinct 5 It is recommended that no proxies be allowed but that the delegates present from each precinct be author ized to cast the ftili vote of such pre cinct It k ordered that psecintt caucus es to elect delegates be held on Wednesday- July 12th at Buoh hour and place as the nxopinct commtttee inan shall designate and that the several preeinct committeemen shall nt onee caU such caucused and give inofcice thereof by posting or puMicS tion It is suggested that the precinct caucuses nQirdnate precinct officers at these caucuses and that euch bus iness lie ineluti ed In die call for cauoujs Dated this 2Gth day of June 1911f By srder of the County Gontral Committee W B WHITTAKER Chtai w a KUYJNOLDS Secy For special on sauer kraut by the gallon see Magner Lily Patent Flour when once use none other will satisfy you Foley Kidney Pills are composed of ingredients specially selected for their corrective healing tonic and stimulating effect upon the kidneys bladder and urinary passages They are antiseptic antilithic and a uric acid solvent A McMillen Heating Plumbing MiddktonRuby Are prepared to fur nish estimates on short notice Thev keep a complete line of Bath Tubs La vatories Sinks and other plumbing mater ial including a good line of lawn hose and sprinklers Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr THE INTERMISSION for all kinds MAGAZINES AND DAILIES Temple Building Kansas City Post 5c week go mtmtn jfc sfcm Lumber and Coal Thats AH But we can meet your every need in these lines from our largo and complete stocks in all grades Barnett Lumber Co Phone 5 nfitMMmM imtitil ANOTHER BANK STORY Smith bought some pigs from his neighbor Jones The price came to G42 Smith paid Jones in cash but as usual neither had the proper change and Smith said Just make it even money Smith lost 8 cents Jones bought some pign from his neighbor Johnson The rjrice came to 642 Jones hatf nis money in the bank ana gave Johnson a check for the exact amount Jones did no lose a cent This is only one of the advantages of a check ing account Come in and let us explain further The First National Bank of McCook Neb Quality and price courtesy and promptness in delivery are making for success at the McCook Flour and Feed Store MRS L CANN Teacher of Piano and Organ 910 Firs Street West McGook Ne braska I AM ERBPARED to do Paper Hanging Light Car pentor Work and Inside Painting Leave orders with C C Brown at Ideal Store or at 910 1st St West McCook Neb L CANN COAL We now handle the best grades of Colo and Penna coals in connection with our grain business Give us a trial order Phone 262 Real Easterday Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location ntacrf street in P Wnlsh bnlniog l lvUUK Osborn Kummer Co BRAY LINE All kinds of Hauling and Trans fer Work promptly attended to Your patronage solicited Office First Door South of DeGrofFs Phone No 13 Fire and Wind I Insurance 1 Written in First Class Companies C J RYAN 5 Ktst4x White Line Transfer Company Elmer Hawkins Props Specialty of moving Household Goods and Pianos Only covered van in city Phones Office 68 residence red 456 JS SI 5- 1 - ir V u A c 71 -If v I