The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 15, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 5

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East Depart Central Time
No 6 1110 P M
16 500 A M
2 560 A M
13 945 A M
12 645 A M
14 920 P M
10 505 P M
West Depart Mountain Time
No 1- 1235 PM
3 1142 P M
5 arrive 830 p in
13 940 A M
15 1230 A M
9 625 A M
Imperial Line Mountain Time
No 176 arrives 330 P M
No 175 departs 645 A M
Sleening dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and tickets call on or write D P
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
No 9 ran in two sections today
The 2901 is over the new drop
Some new flues were placed in the
1066 this week
Firebox and flue repairs were plac
ed in the 2211 this week
The Burlington is in the market
for five all steel postal cars
Some new piping is being placed in
the heating system this week
Pilot and other minor repairs were
given this week to engine 1759
Engine 1182 went thru the break
ing in process yesterday afternoon
William Poh will leave Saturday
for California on a visit of a month
Engine 1963 received repairs to
her steam pipes spark arrester etc
this week
Engine 944 the Imperial branch
engine is in the back shop for an
Engine 1742 which was recently
off track is in the shop for slight
repairs to njachinerj pilot etc
General Master Mechanic Johnson
was in the city yesterday afternoon
coming in from the west on Nor 10
Teams are now at work grading foi
the new house track at this palce
just north of the present house track
Repairs were made this week
on the pilot and fire box of the 1752
New fire brick were given the
1927 this week
Yesterday was pay day While
the infusion was not as large as on
more prosperous times it was most
acceptable to business
Henry Loshbaugh who has been a
severe sufferer with quinsy is now
able to be out and about though he
has not returned to work
Connie Rector returned Wednesday
from Overton where he has been
helping harvest the alfalfa on the
land recently secured on trade by
his father
Conductor P F McKenna and J
W Chase think they have the fin
est potato patches in the city and
they both are being conducted on the
dry farming plan
The final meeting of the picnic com
mittee will be held irithe master me
chanics office tomorrow evening to
complete and perfect arrangements
for the picnic
As advocates of shorter hours and
increased pay railroad men will of
course naturally fall into line on the
early closing proposition by the
merchants of McCook They are will
jig to give other employes the same
treatment and advantages they de
sire for themselves
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads the
The McCook Tribune 100 a year
Beauty is Balanced
by the skill
with which we
bring it out in
the photo
graphs we make
of you Many
people are much
Wt CS better looking
than they ap
pear in
You may think
you are one of
the few whose
portraits cannot
be ladeattrac
tive Gome and
sit for us and
your friends
delight with the
pictures w i 1 1
WMISM prove you mis
Phone Red 428
JVIcCOOK Above Commercial
Man Injured in Indianola Wreck Does
Not Remember Where He Lived
Holdrege Neb June 13 D Hart
one of the victims of the Indianola
wreck is another of the many person
whose identities have been lost in the
shock of disaster Hart is still in
the hospital here He was injured in
the head He remembers very few
things and not enough to disclose his
identity He thinks that he once
lived in Mount Pleasant Iowa and
that he has some sisters there and
a brother in Oklahoma He is about
50 years of age weighs 160 pounds
is about two inches short of six feet
has light complexion and has had his
right leg broken just above the ankle
at some time in his past life Star
The Big Picnic
The big picnic next Tuesday seems
destined to be a record breaker
Indications now are that in the
neighborhood of twenty cars will be
required to carry the crowd
3us Budigs miniature railroad is
already loaded for shipment to the
Cambridge park
There is some prospect that Gen
eral Supt Koller will be present
On next Saturday evening at the
McCook city park there will be a
practice stunt which will be worth
seeing A parade and various other
numbers will be tried out Better
see it
Preparations for the numerous
amusements are pretty well finished
They will be bigger and better than
R D Smith who was superintend
ent of motive power for the lines
west of the Burlington for two or
three years following 1902 has re
cently been made superintendent of
motive power for the Boston Al
bany system Mr Smith came to
the Burlington lines west from the
system of that road east of the river
The announcement of his promotion
contained in the Railway Age Gazette
R D Smith assistant superin
tendent of- motive power of the Bos
ton Albany has been appointed
superintendent of motive power and
rolling stock with offices at Bos
Terms of District Court 1911
Chase county April 24 and Novem
ber 13
Dundy County March 6 and No
vember l0
Frontier bounty March 20 and Oc
tober 2
Furnas county February 20 May
9 and October 23
Gosper county January 30 and
September 25
Hayes county March 13 and Sep
tember 18
Hitchcock county May 1 and No
vember 27
Red Willow county February 6
May 15 and October 9
Robert C Orr district judge
On Saturday Only
Beginning with Monday June 12th
we will do feed grinding only on
Dont Forget to Get Our
prices on corn and feed of all kinds
The McCook Tribune It is 100
the year in advance
Frank Stillman of Westphalia Kan
sas is here on business
Sidney C Tapp a lawyer is visit
ing in the city for his healths sake
Miss Frances Barnes js down from
Culbertson guest of her grandfather
C H Jacobs
Miss Dorothy Williams was a pas
senger on No 2 Monday for Water
loo Iowa on a visit
iMrs L S Sage wife of the Bur
lington agent at Beatrice is visiting
her sister Mrs W S Morlan
- Misses Nellie and Alice Bennett de
parted Wednesday morning for Den
ver in furtherance of their visit
Mr and Mrs C W Britt went
down to Havelock last night on No
10 Mr Britt going on company busi
O N Rector departed today for
Overton to look after his alfalfa har
vest on the farm recently secured by
him on a trade
Gretohen Walsh daughter of Reno
Walsh a former resident came up
from Lincoln Tuesday night on 3
and is the guest of the LeHew girls
C S Quick spent some- time in
the city yesterday while waiting
for a stock train for Denver to be
made up here He had some stock
he was accompanying to the moun
tain city
Mrs W W Wright nee Bessie
jRowell writes that they are living
In Walkerville Canada where Mr
Wright is located for the summer as
superintendent of a big lumber fac
Outing Shoe
We have a good
line of Banfoot San
dais for Men Wo
men and Children
ft X
Tennis Shoe
Mens tennis with
rubber soles 100
Ladies tennis with
rubber soles 75c
JUST THE THING FOR THE PICNIC I Boys tennis with rubber soles 75c
in the summer and she de
serves it She wants to get away
for a few days where she can for
get the cares of the household and
enjoy a complete change
The Chautauqua is the place
It offers rest and entertainment
It is the popular summer outing
and retreat It is the greatest
summer amusement
And it comes right to you
Dont miss a day of it
Miss Nellie Sanders returned to her
homtf at McCook after a weeks visit
at the home of her uncle N J Frost
Lincoln Star
J Earl Ludwick is attending the
closing exercises of the school at
Nebraska City where his brother
Lewis has been attending He is
also taking in a furniture exhibit in
Lincoln this week
Will J Stilgebouer who is a Re
publican candidate f5r the county
commissionership was in the city
yesterday when he filed with the
county clerk The Tribune received
a brief visit
Mrs J W Chase departed this
morning for LaCrosse Wisconsin be
ing called home by the death of a
brother at Camp Douglass Wiscon
sin She will be home a month or
Mrs P J Morrisey was called to
Jacksonville Illinois a few days
since by news of the illness of her
son W M She has since announced
her safe arrival there and improve
ment in the condition of Mr Mor
BRyGsfjj jjjl PRICES u
and pure drugs and low prices
Drug honesty means price honesty
On these two terms we depend for
selling our large stock of drugs
and medicines
That is the way we feel about
them A prescription filled by us
could be analyzed by a chemist
and found exactly- as the physician
wrote it
iSmall grain is just about all dried
up but corn is looking good
Fred and Nick Kolbet helped E
Beebe put up his alfalfa last week
There was a large crowd at the
dance Saturday night and all report
a good time
Ed and Arthur Zimmer visited at
Dan McKillips Sunday
Geo Braun is working for Peter
Schneider at present
Father Hagerty is here this week
giving instructions to a large class
of children which he intends shall
receive their first communion Sunday
Quite a gathering Sunday at the
ball game Will have a team for
the future
McCook Nebraska
Chaeteb No S823
In the State of Nebraska at the close of busi
ness June 7 1911
Loans and Discounts 150184 56
Overdrafts secured and unsecured 494 58
II S Bonds to secure circulation 50000 00
Premiums on TJ S Bonds 623 00
Bonds securities etc 1321S 45
Ranking house furniture and fixtures 3185 95
Due from National Banks not resorve
agents 1357 06
Due from state and private banks and i
bankers trust companies and sav
ings banks 1979 64
Due from approved reserve agents 25824 26
Checks and other cash items 118 ii
Notesof other National Banks 19S500
Fractional paper currencynickels and
cents - C6 93
LAwrni Money Reseeve in Bank viz
Specie 12747 70
Legal tender notes 695 00 13442 70
Redemptionfund with US Treasurer
5 per cent of circulation - 2500 00
Total 265012 56
Capital stock paid in 50000 00
Surplus fund 10000 00
Undivided profits less expenses and
taxespaid 3SS3 25
National Bank notes ontstandiug iBOOO 00
Duo to other National banks -- 1037 67
Individual deposits subject to check 70 041 46
Demandcertiflcates of deposit 1427 53
Time certificates of deposit 78497 70
Cashiers checks outstanding 124 95
Total 265012 56
State of Nebraska 1
County of Red Willow ss
I C J OBrien cashier of the above named
bank do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true to the best of my knowledge and
belief C J OBrien Cashier
Correct Attest
P Walsh
P F McKenna
C F Lehn Directors
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th
day of June 1911 S Cqbdeal
seal Notary Public
My commission expires January 25 1917
V i
CoPyrieht 1909 by C E 2hnmerman CoNo 62
Paint the State Route
The local committee is in receipt
of the following from the executive
committee of the state road project
which will be of interest
Your executive committee has com
manded me to inform you of the fol
Jowing plan
Plan No 1 Thursday June 29
is the day set for each local organ
ization to paint the state route
At each turn in the Omaha-Denver
Route the following instructions
are given A Where there is a tel
ephone pole at the corner of the
turn paint it and two each way from
the turn B In case there is no tel
ephone pole at turn paint two each
way from the turn C If there be
no telephone pole at turn but good
fence posts paint the fence posts
D In case where there are neither
fence posts or telephone poles set
fence posts and paint them placing
one at corner and two each way from
turn CO feet distant from each post
E On the straight ways of route
two telephone poles trees or fence
posts telephone poles preferred with
in each mile on either or both sides
of road
The sign to be painted on all fence
posts and telephone poles is an 18
inch white band Where the telephone
poles or trees are used begin at a
point 6 feet above ground painting
upward IS inches
In painting fence posts beginning
at top paint band toward ground 18
Caution Be sure and follow in
structions In obtaining permission
from Telephone Companies for priv
ilege of marking poles they have re
quested mark to be placed at a point
G feet above ground extending IS
inches upward y
G E PARISOE Secretary
McConnell for drugs
Body Brussels 9 x 12
Patent Colt Tan Calf Vici Kid
All Sizes All Prices
New Morris Bldg
FOR SALE Fence posts 5c to 10c
each Stove wood 150 per rick A
R dark on the Willow 0 miles N
E of McCook Phone No 1 on 4
Havanna 18 4 ts
BARN FOR SALE Inquire 607 E
2nd st or phone black 290
- FOR RENT Modern 7 room resi
dence with bath and furnace 601
Main avenue Phone black 149 IS
FOR RENT Three desirable dwel
lings Whittaker Gray phone
Black 283 Room 3 Temple building
Phone red 260
FOR RENT 5 room cottage In
quire O N Rector phone red 349
WANTED Pupils on piano and or
gan beginners preferred Terms 50c
per lesson Susie McBride phone
black 464
FOR SALE A Stanhope buggy in
good condition Phone black 46
WANTED Plain sewing washing
and ironing Mrs May Jeffers 106
2nd street east
for a Shetland pony cart and har
ness Liberal pay to bright boys
besides the chance to earn a pony
Succesful boys will be given perman
ent positions which will not interfere
with other duties W B Hart 320
Main ave
Engraved Cards
Orders for engravedcards will re
ceive prompt and satisfactory atten
tion at The Tribune office Cards
and invitations also printed tasteful
ly Call and see samples and we
will quote you prices Satisfaction
30 Days Specia
Carpets and Rugs
Best Axminsters 9x12
Others in proportion
Others in proportion
We have rugs in all sizes however and all go at the same
low price at cost
Special Sale China Closets
We have a splendid line of these as as well as all
goods in the furniture line and we are putting the
slaughter knife in deep for the next thirty days
Drew Furniture and Carpet Co