l A t f j t WESTERN CANADA BEYOND THE PIONEER STAGE Liberty Loving People Have All the Liberty the Heart Can Desire Under Canadian Laws The New York Commercial of April 19th contained an interesting article on conditions in Western Canada The followiag extracts will prove instruc tive reading to those who contem plate moving to Canada The writer speaks of land at 8 to 18 an acre As a matter of fact there is very little land that can be had now at less than 18 per acre but when one considers the productive qualities of this land it is safe to say that in two years time there will be little avail able land to be had at less than 30 an acre Already the free grant lands in the open prairie districts are becoming exhausted and the homesteader has to go farther back to the partially wooded areas This Is no drawback however Some pre fer this land to the open prairie A recent publication issued by the De partment of the Interior Ottawa Canada and which is forwarded free to applicants by mail by any of the Canadian government agents throughout the United States says of the newly opened districts Water Is always abundant wood and fuel are plentiful and the soil that can grow the poplar and the willow as well as the rich grasses that are to be found there can be relied upon to produce all the small varieties of grain with equal success The New York Commercial article referred to deals more particularly with condi tions along the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific but what is said of one line of railway may with truth be said of the land and the conditions along both the Canadian Northern and the Canadian Pacific The article says It would be no exaggeration to say that practically all the land along the entire distance traversed by the Grand Trunk Pacific system is ble of furnishing homes to those who engage in farming The lands are of three classes They may be desig nated first as having special adap tation to the production of grain second as having such adaptation to mixed farming of which live stock will form an important feature and third as being mainly adapted to the production of live stock only On the third class of lands the area is not very large if the second it is much larger anu of the first it is by far the largest As soon as mixed farming shall be generally adopted land that may now be obtained for from 8 to 18 per acre and even lands open now to free homesteads will sell for 50 to 100 per acre This Is not an ex travagant statement In natural fer tility these lands fully equal those of the American corn belt In vari ety of production they excel them and yet the latter sell for 100 to 200 per acre In addition to the grain crops now grown of wheat oats barley and rye much of the land will grow winter wheat when properly prepared Eighty per cent of the land will grow clover and alfalfa A still larger percentage will grow field peas and the entire tillable area will grow good crops of the cultivated grasses timothy brome grass and western rye grass With these ele ments what can prevent this region from becoming the main source of food supply of the Empire and Im perial dominions Special stress is laid upon the edu cational conditions The writer says The foundation of the social fabric of the agricultural country may be said to rest on the efficiency of its school system Liberty loving peo pie have all the liberty the heart can desire under Canadian laws In this regard Western Canada has a system of education based upon the best that can be obtained from the United States or Eastern Canada Its school system and regulations are second to none Every boy or girl has a school house brought to his or her doorway The government is most liberal in its support of higher education In Win nipeg Saskatoon and Edmonton are to be found excellent colleges and uni versities so that the problem of higher education is solved The pro vincial agricultural schools located at Winnipeg and Saskatoon give practical courses in scientific farm ing preparing graduates to take up the responsibilities of farm life The newcomer settling in this favored section will find the social conditions far beyond a pioneer stage He will find helps on every hand In stead of his going to the jumping off place as is often supposed when thinking of Western Canada he will find himself surrounded by wonderful opportunities for social advancement Jn a new country fraught with prom ise Getting On Well little boy did you go to the circus the other day t Yesm Pa wanted to go so 1 had to go with him Whoever sincerely endeavors to do all the good he can will probably do much more than he Imagines or will ever know Bowdler Start afresh this Spring cleanse and purify the system by a course of Garfield Tea Herb laxative and blood purifier It is difficult to convince the head of the house that two heads are bet ter than one M sJZ JJ3f - ik mim mnA jsm AiyKVun ERM You want a quick fertilizer for po tatoes The apple tree borer la a trouble some worm Get ready the lamb creep so they can get a good start Wood charcoal should always be kept in the hog pen A small threshing outfit on the av erage farm will not pay Let the grass get a good start be fore turning the stock on it The last of May is plenty early enough to turn the calf out on grass Working out buttermilk and work ing in salt Is where the overworking is done The borer is the most common and It is the most troublesome enemy of the peach It Is a good plan to have the horses and cows clean up their mangers aft er each feed Have grass paddock for the calves so they can graze at will and have the exercise they need A farm raised cow is much superior In most every respect to the one bought at the cattle yards Dont forget the little ducks In case of a shower for If you do one will be apt to have dead ducks Belgian or yellow carrots are hardy malce large root growth and are the best roots for horses and colts The most inhuman measures are often employed for breaking up hens that nature prompts to set when their owners dont want them to Grading of cream is receiving more attention by the dairy press and dairy men than It possibly ever has in the history of the dairy business In squabs the flesh is whitish as seen through the skin but in a year old bird it takes on a light purple hade and grows darker with age Trim the young tree in the orchard right from the start Low headed trees are best there fore prune from the top down and not from the bottom up It has been shown repeatedly on demonstration farms that disking be fore plowing is one of the most paying operations in the preparation of a seed bed When the calf is two weeks old mix one teaspoonful of linseed meal and one teaspoonful of flour mid dlings which should be thoroughly scalded in each feed Seeds of cauliflower cabbage let tuce celery and tomatoes sown In the cold frame about the middle of this month will furnish good stocky plants for the principal early summer crop The litters of a gilt which is the first litter of a sow are usually smaller and slower in growth than when the dam Is of more mature age hence much profit must not be ex pected Cold frame plants are often better than plants raised in the hotbed as they are stouter thick stemmed and have more fine fibrous roots and are less liable to wilt when set out in the open ground Where prices are too low to feed young pigs for porkers it is better to sell them for sucking pigs although this plan is seldom resorted to owing to the better prices which are obtain able for the former August is none too early to decide which plants shall be taken into the window garden and their treatment from the time of the decision should be such as will fit them to make a fine display during the winter rather than get the finest present showing In the newer methods adopted in some of the largest dairies the milk is not touched by the hands of the workers from the time the cows are automatically milked with a machine to the time the fluid is placed in bot tles ready for delivery In the flower garden sow sweet peas outdoors jut as early as possible It is Important to get them in early because the more growth made In cool weather the more flowers there will be Those from late planted seeds are not nearly so successful Hire what men you need eany It Is very difficult to tell the ago of ducks That weed right in the hill is your worst enemy The farmer Is not much different from anybody else Home grown plants are much su perior to bought plants Cattle will never do well In the same pasture with sheep Land intended for spring crops should be plowed in the fall Have the holes for the trees to be removed dug wide and deep Squab raising Eeems to be a fa vorite occupation with suburban peo ple Large trees should be taken up when the earth is frozen around the roots A farmer can tell the value of corn stover without making any serious mistake Land intended for roots should be plowed as soon as the ground is dry enough to work Mix poultry droppings with an equal quantity of fine earth and put one handful to the hill As soon as the calf learns to eat hay place one handful of whole oats In the feed box once a day A beautiful hedge Is made by using zinnias in the back row then calllop sls with white phlox as a border Mangles and sugar beets are the best roots to grow for cattle sheep and pigs and Belgian carrots for horses Asters can be planted in rows of white and lavender with very pleasing results provided the same kind is used In each row Young turkeys usually have black feet which after two years turn gray and dull and become paler and more sickly as age advances Surplus suckers In blackberry or red raspberry patches should be treat ed Just like weeds dont let the rows get too wide nor too thick Hens in good health having access to the dust bath will usually keep free from lice The house should be swept clean every morning In most all branches of business competition is generally recognized as a great stimulant but in the creamery business it has been overdone The storekeeper who keep3 eggs in his cellar from a week to a month needs to be looked after Eggs should be shipped along as fast as possible Let the calk suck the cow a few days this milk is not fit for human feed and is what the calf needs tc cleanse the bowels and tone up the system It is said that naval oranges sprung from a single tree that was found growing on the northern shore of the Mediterranean sea nearly 350 years ago In dipping pigs great care must be exercised to cover every part of his body from tail to snout If a patch as big as a thumb nail Is left untouched it may contain the nuclus of a new crop Look well after the water Keep it always before the fowls pure and clean and renew it frequently Do not allow them to eat snow Do not let them drink water grown tepid in the sun More insects will be killed in a greenhouse if fumigating apparatus be placed near the roof so that the fumes will descend rising vapors leaving the lower part of a house par tially fumigated In careful tests made at the several stations it is found that there is little or no difference in the feeding value of the dry matter of roots and ensi lage and the general opinion is in favor of the silage Honey is the purest and the least harmful of sweets The honey crop Is mostly gain for no flowers need necessarily be raised to pasture the bees They aid in the fertilization oJ fruit trees and the smaller clovers Hog cholera is estimated to have been the cause of losses of over 2 000000 to farmers of Illinois but Ic the future this loss will be greatly low ered it is firmly believed now that serum Is being manufactured and used extensively says the Swine Breeder By far the best way to use manure for grain is to spread and mix it witt the soil before drilling the best waj to top dress the grain early in the fall nnil th fhlrrt Yioat fliirln trio -win ter when ground is dry enough to haul over Clay is called a heavy soil and sand a light soil Thi3 does not refer te weight however Light and heavj as applied to soils are terms whlcl refer to the ease or difficulty witl which they can be plowed or cult vated LM 4y WILBUR DNEPBIT CEKM00I1B0Y ySatLnT I ti Hill mJjJvs Blessings on thee little man Checkroom boy with subtle plan To secure the tricksy dime When I come at luncheon time How thou smllst when I appearl How thou seemst about to cheer Deferential confident Seeming not to care a cent Whether ere I leave I slip In thy palm the hard-wrung- tip Though Id rather take my hat With me thou wllst not have that Firmly dost thou take the thing As thoudat catch a bird on wing Aye and how thine optics gloat When thougrnbst my overcoat Sometimes greatly do I fear That some day when I appear Xhou wilt check my coat and vest Tie and shoes and all the rest And thy blithe companion too He whom we with trembling view When we go to wash our hands In the wash room there- he stands With a whisk broom In his grasp We cannot escape his clasp Merrily he flicks his broom Like a shuttle in a loom How his whlskbroom Maps and blips As he brushes out the tips Blessings on thee little man One of the tip getting clan Couldst thou know the thoughts we think Thou wouldst never even blink For with checks for hatB and coats Thou dost also get our goats Blithely brush and gaily check And take tips in by the peck But some day I am afraid Thou wilt cause a new crusade The Amateur Gardener The amateur gardener is a man who has talked for four years of what he was going to do with the lower end of the yard Not only could he raise enough vegetables for the family table he argued but he could have a1 nice mess of peas or beans or corn to send to friends occasionally Also gardening was healthy Why it opened the pores and made the blood circulate instilling vigor Into the muscles and bringing the ruddy glow of health to the erstwhile anaemic cheek So he has been spading that piece of ground this past week He went to a department store and reposed his confidence in a hollow chested youth with his hair slicked right straight back from his forehead and a knitted tie and college trousers a young man who was born and raised four stories up in a flat and who thinks green vegetables are manufactured in gro ceries As a result he paid 3999 for a splendid assortment of gardening tools Since spading the garden he has also purchased a gallon of liniment and thinks he has spinal trouble so his wife has engaged a man to come and plant the patch in flowers The beans and such other things as he bought for seed will be served In a stew tonight Modest Folk I know a little country lass Who blushes very red When passing through the garden whera Sweet William is in bed Her brother is about the same A very modest lad Ho wont go near a pond for fear Hell see the lily pad Exchange Her uncle Is a jealous man And sometimes loses hope He wont go hunting hes afraid Hell see the antelope Her cousin is a shrinking girl Who has the queerest whims She wont go strolling through the wood Where bold trees wave their limbs Her Creed To put it bluntly the lady Is skin ny but to be polite about It we will describe her as svelte Well to get on with the story She is telling about how hard she Is working to acquire perfect knowl edge of different dance steps But argues her friend dont you think you would be wiser not to work so hard but to take some health culture treatment that will make you plumper Ah the svelte lady responds I believe in grace before meat Where He Got Out What You lost money In that Concentrated Gold Mining combina tion I thought you said they were going to let you in on the ground floor So they did So they did But they let me out through the cellar 3350 BE03PE FREE RELIEVES URINARY AND KIDNEY TROUBLES BACKACHE STRAINING SWELLING ETC Stops Pain in the Bladder Kidneys and Back Wouldnt it be nice within a week or so to begin to say good bye forever to the scalding dribbling straining or too fre quent passage of the urine the forehead and the aches the stitches and pains in the back the grow ing muscle weakness spots before the eyes yellow skin sluggish bowels swoll en eyelids or ankles leg cramps unnat ural short breath sleeplessness and the despondency I have a rocinc for these troubles that jou can de pentlon and it you TrantlomaLea quick recovery youongntto irriteandgetacopyof it Manyadoc lor would cbargo Ton S3 50 Jutt for writing this pre scription butl haToltand wlllboclad tosond it to entirely free Justdropmoallnellkothls Dr A E Robinson K269 LnckBulIdlngDetroitMlcft and I Trill BondiLby return null In a plain envelope As you wlUseewhenyoucetittbIsrecipecontafns only pure harmless remedies but it has great heal ing and paln conquerlng power ItwlllqulcJclyshowltapoweronceyouuse It sol think you had better see what it Is without delay I will send you a copy free you can use It and euro yourself at home So Familiar Yes said Nagget a woman us ually treats her husband as the aver age servant treats Go ahead said the wise Mrs Nag get Whats the answer Why the more hes worth the more she tries to break him With a smooth Iron and Defiance Starch you can launder your shirt waist just as well at home as the steam laundry can it will have the proper stiffness and finish there will be less wear and tear of the goods and it will be a positive pleasure to use a Starch that does not stick to the iron And They Adjourned The Mutual Admiration society met and was called to order What of all the things in this world do you like best asked the girl angling for a compliment Beefsteak cried he taking un awares and a moment later the so ciety adjourned The Night Shift Positive Wife John why do you talk in your sleep Have you any idea Negative Husband So as not to forget how I suppose Its the only chance I get Puck Beautiful Post Cards Free Send 2c stamp for five samples of our very best Gold Embossed Birthday Flow er and Motto Post Cards beautiful colors and loveliest designs Art Pout Card Club J31 Jackson St Topeka Kan The happiness of our lives depends much less on the actual value of the work done than on the spirit In which we do it Prince Leopold SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allens Foot Ease the Antiseptic powder for Tlrpd nchinj swollen nervous feet Gives rest and comfort MaieswalkinKadellght Sold everywhere 25c Dont accept any substitute For FREE sample address Allen S Olmsted I Roy K V To save a man give him good friends or bitter enemies these by love and those by their hate to keep him from evil doing Antisthenes Eye Salve In Aseptic Tnbcn Prevents Infection Murine Eye Salve In Tube3 for all Eye Ills No Morphine Ask Druggists for New Size 25c Val uable Eye Book in Each Package But few novels are written for think ing people most of them are written for the entertainment of women Woman s Power feijffvi IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMER TIME Many a time this summer youre go ing to be just about done out by the heat hot and so thirsty it just seems nothing could quench It When such moments arrive or when you just want a delicious palate tickling drink step into the first place you can find where they sell COCA COLA Its de licious refreshing and completely thirst quenching At soda fountains or carbonated in bottles 5c everywhere Send to the COCA COLA CO Atlanta Ga for their free booklet The Truth About COCA COLA Tells what COCA COLA is and why it is so deli cious cooling and wholesome An Astonisncd Boy In February of this year a Wiscon sin farmer took his twelve-year-old boy to a village for the first time and there the lad saw a train of cars He was so astonished at the sight that he lost the power of speech for three weeks If that youngster Is ever taken to a circus or a zoological garden hell surely be struck dumb for the rest of his life His fathers farm must be hidden away in a hole in the ground And lots of people who think they have nothing but trouble dont know what trouble really is Mr Wlnslows Soothing Syrnp for Children teething softens the gums reduces inflamma tion allays pain cures wind colic 25c a bottle Isnt it about time to bury the dead languages Garfield Tea regulate a lazy liver Whither a man cannot go his imag ination the more fondly travels iEALTIME Bis No Appetite YOU SHOULD TRY Hosfeffers Stomach Bitters There is no question but that the Bitters will quickly restore the appetite aid diges tion and prevent Liver Troubles Malaria Fever and Ague Start today Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS never faiL Purely vegeta ble act surely but gently on the liver Stop after dinner dis tresscure indigestion 9ln0k JaKli3B a ISVKl - JBsmmkjmtito mmmm suittle Jmmw ffilVER ySalvW mi i e improve the complexion brighten the eyes SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE Genuine must bear Signature 2 DERINGE STIRG1S 4j for starching finest linens W N U LINCOLN NO 23 1911 Over Man Womans most glorious endowment is the power to awaken and hold the pure and honest love of a worthy man When she loses it and still loves on ao one in the wide world can know the heart agony she endures The woman who suffers from weak ness and derangement of her special womanly or ganism soon loses the power to sway the heart of a man Her general health suffers and she loses ier ttnnrl Ionics her ntrrjirtivenMS fier ominKIihr 9 j and her power and prestige as a woman Dr RV Pierce of Buffalo NY with the assistance of his staff of able physicians has prescribed for and cured many thousands of women He has devised a successful remedy for womans ail ments It is known as Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription It is a positive i specific for the weaknesses and disorders peculiar to women It purifies latcs strengthens and heals Medicine dealers 6ell it No honest dealer will advise you to accept a substitute in order to make a little larger profit IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STROHG SICK CTOMEXT WEIL Dr Marcos Pleasant Pellets regulate sad strengthen Stomach Liver and Bowels Mmk Af of Gm Wsth Thie Twenty acres of corn that will produce 50 bust 1s per acre is worth 500 in the crib The same 20 acres of corn will produce 3oo tons of ensilage and is worth S1800 in the silo HAVE YOU A SILO THE HBMGE DOOR SSLO is the highest quality silo ever placed on the market It is built of triple a Washington Fir the best material known for silo construction It has hince doors the greatest imnrnvpmpnr ever placed on a silo The doors are always in place easily swinging into and out of position on their hinges and are not scattered about the farm as barrel covers box covers or step ping stones across muddy places Send for free catalog We want to tell you all about this KING OF SILOS Nebraska Silo Company oePLwu Lincoln Nebraska